View Full Version : Disgusting child abuse

10-05-2012, 07:39 PM
This woman should be shot.

WARNING: Distressing footage

10-05-2012, 07:44 PM
That's disgusting. Who in their right mind would give a child a chinese burn. I hope she gets sent to prison for life or recieves some sort of mental help.

10-05-2012, 07:59 PM
Eurgh, got half way through and started crying. That was horrific! That girl disgusts me and deserves to be locked away.. like what the ****?! Oh my god, I just can't get over that. To think that was only 4 minutes of that poor childs life, I can expect much more and it scares me to think someone would be so cruel.

10-05-2012, 08:07 PM
Not only is this horrifying but how thick can the person be to think that hitting a baby will stop them crying.

10-05-2012, 08:09 PM
confuses me to how serious but calm they're being, the girl doing it and the one recording. like generally you'd hear someone laughing about it but i dunno. and wondering why there was another child standing watching. whole thing is pretty mind bogging and completely ****** up.

10-05-2012, 08:15 PM
wtf :S that's just plain evil. i really hope the child was taken away from her :(

10-05-2012, 08:24 PM
I don't even understand why she was doing it. She didn't seem angry, she didn't seem to do it for fun, she just seemed bored. I also question the persons motive for filming it, but I guess if he's the one who put it on youtube his intentions are good.

Felt a bit sick when I watched this.

10-05-2012, 08:26 PM
this is disgusting. How could someone do that to a child, an innocent child, who has done nothing wrong. I hope deep down that this woman goes to prison and has that child taken away (and others if she has them) as she does not deserve them

10-05-2012, 08:46 PM
just to clarify im pretty sure the child was a result of rape, im not trying to justify it in any way and obviously i feel she's completely wrong but that's her reasoning behind it

10-05-2012, 08:49 PM
it's pretty sad that she only got 18 months for it

11-05-2012, 06:46 AM
they're from my country. shame on them. it went viral on facebook a few days ago and i felt sick after watching this video. the woman holding the camera should be jailed too

11-05-2012, 01:46 PM
That is absolutely vile.

11-05-2012, 02:39 PM
Both of those women should be put to death in the most painful way possible, absolutely disgusting.

11-05-2012, 06:02 PM
ugh, that is absolutely sick. i watched it last night and had to put it off halfway through, the woman abusing the child + the woman filming it both disgust me.

11-05-2012, 06:47 PM
that is ******* horrid. how could someone do that to a small child?! it makes me feel sick.

11-05-2012, 09:28 PM
as soon as she first hit the baby my heart started pounding i just.... i'm disgusted. i'm so angry and upset at the same time. how the **** could someone film that and let her do it and how could those children just stand around watching? to be fair though they were probably too scared to do anything as they were probably abused by her as well. how the hell could she just sit there and do that? seriously i just don't know what to say, i feel sick. why do they let people like this live, seriously? especially when they know they are capable of doing this. i have a lump in my throat just thinking of the worse things people do to children. i feel like crying.

Glen Coco
12-05-2012, 08:51 AM
This is vile. How anyone Thinks that this is ok is absolutely disguising. And to film it!?! She must have known that it was going to happen if she's filming it! This woman deserves capital punishment or her kids any to someone else and tone banned from being near children at any time.
What gets to me though is how the baby keeps trying to go back to her !!

14-05-2012, 10:18 AM
i had to turn this off. i mean what the actual ****. why would anyone do this? and secondly why the hell would you record it?!

14-05-2012, 10:46 AM
I wasn't going to watch it but I decided to anyway and I wish I didn't, from the first few times she hit the baby, I just felt sick. How can anyone do that to a baby and just not seem to give a crap about what they're doing? How can anyone just stand there filming it as if it's just something that isn't a big deal? I hope the both of them got big time for that, regardless of what the baby was a result of, you shouldn't treat it any differently.

14-05-2012, 01:27 PM
I'd like to do that kind of abuse to her to make her realise what the **** is wrong with her.. its just over a year old for gods sake

14-05-2012, 02:29 PM
What the heck, this is really horrid. This woman should deserve more then what she has got. How the **** can they record this aswell? Cruel buggers.

14-05-2012, 02:31 PM
I've seen this around Facebook, I'm not even going to watch it and from people's reactions I think it should be removed from the internet

14-05-2012, 02:39 PM
Child abuse makes me feel sick. My mums just told me that on her ward (the same ward I work once a week lol) there's a case of child abuse obviously not gonna go into details 'cause of confidentiality and stuff but yeah it's bad, apparently my mum couldn't even read the notes because they were making her cry. Funny thing is makes me laugh 'cause we're expected to treat her the same as any other patient eurgg.

14-05-2012, 04:05 PM
I feel really sorry for both of them. That woman is obviously out of her mind because nobody really has the heart to do that while they're still sane.. Poor child :(

14-05-2012, 05:04 PM
That's awful...

What is in the mind of these people. Did she think that hitting the baby would stop it crying, or did she just hit it for enjoyment?

Either way something is seriously messed up..

14-05-2012, 07:20 PM
The video is hideous, sick people on this planet.

14-05-2012, 07:52 PM
WOW ! this is shocking ! the baby crying and her, hitting him... horrible...

14-05-2012, 09:57 PM
What a sick ******* *******. This person deserves to be bloody shot, abuse towards kids is a disgrace never mind a baby!!

14-05-2012, 10:04 PM
it's pretty sad that she only got 18 months for it

are you friggn serious :O :O :O that is an outrage that woman doesnt even deserve to be walking around after 10years she should be locked up for life. This video litterly had me in tears because if anyone did anything to our baby they would so regret it . . don't even know what else to say its so frigged up

18-05-2012, 04:16 PM
Wow. I'm astonished. This goes on everyday, only in small amounts of people but it still happens & it's so wrong

18-05-2012, 05:20 PM
Was she banned from caring for children? Probably not...

18-05-2012, 05:23 PM
Only 18 months? She should have got life for that, it's just sick.

18-05-2012, 05:26 PM
This makes me so angry, especially knowing she only got 18 months for it.

20-05-2012, 05:07 AM
I hate to be the bringer of reality but the reaction to this video is really overblown and incredibly predictable. I do not condone what this woman is doing and think she was not punished enough. It is very twisted and it is sad that someone videotaped it but you have to sheltered and innocent for this to make you think the death penalty is warranted here.

There are crazy cases that make this look like a video of a kitten mewing all over the world. I understand that this is was videotaped so it is easier to relate to because you see it happening. Look around the internet, though. There is an eastern european video of teens stabbing and kicking another teen (literally) to death in a forest — also on camera. They were never caught, actually. I didn't see the internet uproar like this about that video and it has been around plenty long enough for people to notice.

If we're talking about recent, there was a recent video leaked depicting a man being held as he struggles while another man uses a rusty knife to cut open his throat all the way across as his blood spurts everywhere and he eventually slumps dead. Is that all over Facebook? Not as far as I can tell.

People are jumping on this because it is a baby. They feel like the baby can't protect itself so they should get angrier. That's true, the baby can't protect itself and did nothing to warrant anything close to this vicious abuse. Does that make the baby any more valuable than someone older? That Russian teen videotaped being gangbeaten to death couldn't protect himself either. He was injured to incapacity very quickly and was against many more teens than he could handle. No one deserves to be beaten like this on video. On the same note, no one deserves to be killed with a knife and violent, blunt kicks and punches on video either.

What confuses me is we find the video of the baby getting hurt on Facebook, Twitter and sharing sites. The only place you can find the outrageous and angering videos of people getting slaughtered while men and women alike look on and laugh are places where people glorify it and share it as entertainment. Be real here.

Is it that you care more about babies? What about whose abuse wasn't on video? What about the babies who weren't abused but rather killed outright in painful ways? More than two baby girls a day are killed in Pakistan on purpose simply because they are girls and not boys. Do you think that is bad? In modern China, the estimates for female infanticide (not abortion — they kill the babies after they are born and healthy in barbaric ways) range anywhere from 25 000 000 to 40 000 000. I think I may have seen one or two posts about that in my entire adult life on the internet. A baby getting smacked around and slapped on video, though, seems to get all the support in the world.

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