View Full Version : HFFM Closing

13-05-2012, 03:28 PM
I don't think it's been posted here yet, but the HFFM Radio and main site is closing. I'm not sure how successful this will be for them as ClubHabbo haven't exactly done well since they've ditched the radio and site. Ah well, it's one of the original UK fansites, like Habbox, so it will be a shame to see the back end of it. I wonder if any of the DJs (or EOs!!) will come over here.. (h)

It is with regret today that I announce the closure of HFFM Radio. The main reason is purely down to a lack of interest from myself, I’m now 19, doing amazingly well at University (highest grades in my year in most Units!) & have now secured myself an extremely good placement year with the worlds second biggest employer.

A lot of this success I owe to HFFM, and the people who have helped to make it what its become. However due to the lack of funding, and the ever increasing demands of such a fantastic website – we have decided that closure of the Radio is the only way forward.

We will be giving HFFM a proper send off on Sunday 13th at 6pm where I will take to the airwaves for the final time (on a new radio, so no DDOS attacks!), along with some friendly faces from the present & the past!

DON’T FEAR – HFFM IS STILL (kinda) HERE! Our Events will continue to run on HFFMForum as well as some amazing competitions and fantastic news articles!

A proper goodbye will be posted after my final radio show, but until then, thank you all for being such an amazing audience, and please continue to visit HFFMForum (there’s some surprises coming on there soon!)

I'd also like to wish other fan sites the best of luck in regards to Radio Operations, unfortunately a small majority have ruined the fansite scene for others. You'll gain some ******* amazing DJs from this - treat them good!


Would you sign up to a fansite purely for the forum, or does the radio and content encourage you further? :)

13-05-2012, 03:33 PM
yeahh, i heard about this a little while ago

I'm not really sure how to react, the guys closing the radio because he isn't interested in it anymore :S great leadership there.

I guess it'll be sad for the staff working on the site

13-05-2012, 03:37 PM
Yeah, I already knew this as well but quite a few didn't so it's good you posted it :P

Urm, I suppose I could sign up to a fansite purely for a forum but idk, depends on the site. Anyway, it is a shame to see such a long running site partially come to a close, first ever giveaway I went to was ran by HFFM :P good times in my newbie days.

I reckon it won't be as successful as it was, but I don't think it'll go downhill completely tbh. We'll have to wait and see.

13-05-2012, 03:37 PM
Probably increase listeners here! Why isn't he trying to sell it on/give management to someone else though??

i doubt any new people will join but i guess a few of the older members will probably stay just for the forum.

13-05-2012, 03:38 PM
It must be pretty annoying if you've put so much effort into a site over the years, advertising it and creating an archive, only to find it's gone down the drain. I'm surprised he hasn't found someone else who'd be willing to take over it - I suppose we should be greatful here at Habbox that sierk and Jin continue to fund it, even though they lead busy personal lives.

13-05-2012, 03:41 PM
It must be pretty annoying if you've put so much effort into a site over the years, advertising it and creating an archive, only to find it's gone down the drain. I'm surprised he hasn't found someone else who'd be willing to take over it - I suppose we should be greatful here at Habbox that sierk and Jin continue to fund it, even though they lead busy personal lives.

Very true! This can only be positive for Habbox tbh hopefully we'll get some good DJs and EOs coming here in our time of need. As said it's a shame that one of the old Habbo fansites is closing but I don't think it's just that he doesn't have time for it, it must be the funding as well or else I'm sure he would have passed ownership on.

13-05-2012, 03:44 PM
It seems a little selfish to close because he has lost interest, I'm sure there are people there who he can trust to take over the radio and website. Either way RIP HFFM.

13-05-2012, 03:47 PM
I'm not being rude but does anyone really care? what alot of people have to work out is.. these kinda sites used to be "cool" and now the owners get older and have better things to do. Habbo fansites dont last forever. and I only use one habbo forum, and its Habbox wouldnt use another.

13-05-2012, 03:49 PM
Was told about this. I kinda hope some of the DJs and EOs do decide to join us although there are many other fansites they can chose from. If Habbox got rid of the radio and stuff I'd stay here for sure, the forum is great and the people are great so I wouldn't feel the need but I do wonder how things will be for HFFM.

13-05-2012, 03:54 PM
Radios in general just seem to be turning into a thing of the past. Although it's great fun to be the one presenting most people don't really tune into radios any more just to listen to a presenter. They tune in for the furni. It's a real shame, I remember listening to radios was so fun and entertaining but now it's boring. I suppose back in the day the hotel was interesting and it was actually exciting which made djing more fun for the presenter but now it's just boring for everyone so it rubs off.

Drifting away from the main topic :P although hffm was one of habboxs main rivals at one stage it's still sad to see their radio / site close. A nice bit of healthy competition.

13-05-2012, 03:59 PM
Radios in general just seem to be turning into a thing of the past. Although it's great fun to be the one presenting most people don't really tune into radios any more just to listen to a presenter. They tune in for the furni. It's a real shame, I remember listening to radios was so fun and entertaining but now it's boring. I suppose back in the day the hotel was interesting and it was actually exciting which made djing more fun for the presenter but now it's just boring for everyone so it rubs off.

Drifting away from the main topic :P although hffm was one of habboxs main rivals at one stage it's still sad to see their radio / site close. A nice bit of healthy competition.

They got boring along time ago :P It's the main reason i gave up.

Not to mention my taste is music changed and didnt want to play chart **** lol

13-05-2012, 04:00 PM
They got boring along time ago :P It's the main reason i gave up.

Not to mention my taste is music changed and didnt want to play chart **** lol

Ah man I'd say it was still somewhat popular until about 2 years ago

saying that makes me feel so old. Habbo djing since 06/07 on habblefm with yourself haha

13-05-2012, 04:07 PM
Aww that is an actual shame, I loved their archive.

Mathew; I would honestly join up just because of a forum and Mr-Trainor's site was a prime example of this, I don't think a radio or a forum makes a fansite it's mainly the members there and the added sites are a bonus :3.

13-05-2012, 04:11 PM
was such a good radio
sad to see it go x

13-05-2012, 04:18 PM
Ah man I'd say it was still somewhat popular until about 2 years ago

saying that makes me feel so old. Habbo djing since 06/07 on habblefm with yourself haha

Haha yeah good ol times, when Habbo was atleast fun, when the staff did alot around the hotel, but i guess with the merge it kinda made Habbo boring.

13-05-2012, 04:21 PM
It will increase the listeners here and Mathew; this is a good time to be opening the events applications! Also wasn't DJ Billy at HFFM and hes came back to us?

13-05-2012, 08:35 PM
Kinda sucks I guess, I don't really go on HFFM anyway but I think nowadays they are so little listeners that I understand, I think a lot of people will stop using HFFM though.


13-05-2012, 08:44 PM
Personally don't see why the removal of the radio should stop members still using the forum as especially these days radio is something very few members listen to, mainly seems to be people who want the furni now, especially since whatever radio I tune into they just play populist chart rubbish that no one wants.

On a brighter note hopefully we get some fresh new members especially some nice new eos x

13-05-2012, 10:15 PM
& have now secured myself an extremely good placement year with the worlds second biggest employer.

So he got a job at mcdonalds then

14-05-2012, 07:02 AM
Is it only closing because of one person?

14-05-2012, 08:59 AM
Aw, never really got into the HFFM community, but I know it was good. It's a shame I missed the last radio show!

14-05-2012, 11:01 AM
HFFM had a nice community, but it's no surprise this has happened. Both Skaterchu and Carnio are like bumbuddies, honestly they're that close it's unreal lol, I bet he's thought about this since ClubHabbo ditched their radio. End of the day, a lot of their users will be using the forums and just the forums, with a limited amount of people listening to the radio. Habbox is going to be one of the only radios still running at this rate, and that could either make them or break them but that's in the future, and who knows if Habbox will still exist (lol ofc it will).

In fairness to Carnio, I'm surprised he didn't do this sooner. When you go on placement though, it takes up ALL your time so I think it's a wise choice, and no doubt he'll pass on the administration reigns to someone else soon, although he'll always be there as an owner (a lot like Sierk does I guess).

14-05-2012, 02:22 PM
HabboFunFM closing the radio should not and will not deter people from using the forum. There is several reasons why the radio closed such as funding, Sam not having enough time to help run it and didn't find it fair dumping all responsibility onto the General Manager especially when pathetic ***** continued to DDOS the **** out of the radio. It got to the point that why should money keep getting put into the radio when there is several ***** who have to ruin everything for everyone. It was and still is a great fansite.

14-05-2012, 04:29 PM
I've never listened or visited HFFM so I couldn't really say I'd "care" (in the nicest way to put it), shame though. Does anyone know the name of the owner on Habbo?

Would you sign up to a fansite purely for the forum, or does the radio and content encourage you further?

I'd say yes. Apart from yesterday (because of a giveaway) I haven't listened to the radio or been on the main page of habbox.com for over a year now. I soley visit Habbox because of the forum. ^.^

14-05-2012, 05:06 PM
@Mathew (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=31230); I would honestly join up just because of a forum and Mr-Trainor's site was a prime example of this, I don't think a radio or a forum makes a fansite it's mainly the members there and the added sites are a bonus :3.
I only joined up to Mr-T's site because of the people who were there, but yeah LOOOOL it was so fun!! :P

It will increase the listeners here and @Mathew (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=31230); this is a good time to be opening the events applications! Also wasn't DJ Billy at HFFM and hes came back to us?
We opened apps and then I read about this... bonus!!

So he got a job at mcdonalds then
Haha, I went to take a look at what the world's 2nd largest employer was after I'd read it.. People's Liberation Army in China apparently. Interesting.

Does anyone know the name of the owner on Habbo?
Carnio. :D

14-05-2012, 05:23 PM
Someone at HFFM came here and just scored himself a News Trial woo :D!

Maybe this is a God send, I say everything happens for a reason!

14-05-2012, 07:18 PM
Sam (Carnio) closed the radio mainly because of real life, he is now in a sustained career. He was hardly on the fansite for a while because his university course came first which is understandable, a Habbo fansite is not going to get you grades. Fair play to him. He worked on HFFM for six hard years which is amazing. I worked their a couple of times and the community is amazing, always is going to be. The radio was getting DDOS'ed everyday for a good month so the radio slowly died out. I feel this is a good decision, their forum will stay popular, the problem with ClubHabbo, most of their users just 'troll' the forum and I see a lot of bullying to new members on there.

Plus side Habbox/HabboxLive I'm sure will gain some listeners and also staff. Habbox & ThisHabbo are the two main Habbo fansites now.

14-05-2012, 08:15 PM
Sam (Carnio) closed the radio mainly because of real life, he is now in a sustained career. He was hardly on the fansite for a while because his university course came first which is understandable, a Habbo fansite is not going to get you grades. Fair play to him. He worked on HFFM for six hard years which is amazing. I worked their a couple of times and the community is amazing, always is going to be. The radio was getting DDOS'ed everyday for a good month so the radio slowly died out. I feel this is a good decision, their forum will stay popular, the problem with ClubHabbo, most of their users just 'troll' the forum and I see a lot of bullying to new members on there.

Plus side Habbox/HabboxLive I'm sure will gain some listeners and also staff. Habbox & ThisHabbo are the two main Habbo fansites now.

Sorry to seem nooby but what is DDOS/DDOS'ED

14-05-2012, 08:23 PM
I don't see how it is selfish. The site was getting DDoS'ed and the listeners weren't that great so there wasn't any point of keeping the site open. I'm not sure if the forum will stay popular but right now it's doing good. It's a shame but whatever. pce
COLD; it's an attack on a website or server or whatever else by overloading it

20-05-2012, 09:41 PM
Just thought I'd mention, I tried getting onto hffmforum tonight, and well... it links to a completely diff site, totalgoss.com or sommet similar.

It's changed into a different forum which I never knew about nor expected to happen? Quite surprised they've shifted from a Habbo fansite forum to a teen discussion forum... will be interesting to see how it turns out.

20-05-2012, 09:45 PM
Just thought I'd mention, I tried getting onto hffmforum tonight, and well... it links to a completely diff site, totalgoss.com or sommet similar.

It's changed into a different forum which I never knew about nor expected to happen? Quite surprised they've shifted from a Habbo fansite forum to a teen discussion forum... will be interesting to see how it turns out.

That's very strange :S

I didn't think they'd stray from a Habbo fan site at all :S

20-05-2012, 09:46 PM
How strange. I highly doubt this is gonna work out for them once the regular posters grow out of it. Should be interesting to see how things pan out nonetheless.

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