View Full Version : List

14-05-2012, 05:18 PM
As updating the list on the other thread would seem confusing I've decided to make a list that way I can easily remove anything sold.

New list:

1 x Cobbled Stone
3 x Green Pod
1 x Love Reanimator
1 x Linking Set of Imps
2 x Linking Set of Dragon Teleports
6 x (Nest)led Trees
1 x Vines of Love
10 x Black Holes
24 x Lodge Doors
15 x Grass Patch
7 x Black Lobby Bench
9 x Treasure Patch
1 x Red Pod
1 x Color Wheel
1 x Green Lobby Bench
1 x Green Plastic Occasional Table (small)
1 x Red Sink
2 x Red Pura Block
6 x Red Rose
1 x Blue Coco Resort Pod
4 x Pink Pod (not trans)
1 x Icy Chair
1 x Shark Fin
22 x Basket Of Eggs
15 x pop Up Chicken
1 Red Square Dining Table
1 Orange Square Dining Table
1 Purple Occasional Table (large)
1 x Freeze Timer
1 x Stage Monitor
1 x Holodice
2 x Picnic Basket
3 x Blue (area) Gate
2 x Pink Pura Blocks
2 x Desktop PC
1 x Green Teddy Bear
2 x Black and Yellow USVA Floor Rug
1 x Green Iced Corner
3 x Beige Iced Corner
1 x Orchid
5 x Bunny Run Patches
13 x Tiki Corner
1 x Magic Crystal Ball
1 x Camera
1 x White Safe Minibar
1 x Crab
2 x Purple Rose
2 x Chestnut Roaster
8 x Beige Pura Blocks
3 x Yellow Pura Blocks
4 x Blue Pura Blocks
6 x Black Pura Blocks
4 x HC Roller
4 x Duck Lights
5 x Green (area) Gate
3 x Habbowood Spotlight
1 x Country Stage
1 x Pineapple Plant
1 x Green Blossom Chair
1 x Car Sofa
18 x Bonsai Tree
11 x Aquamarine (mode) Gates
3 x Blue (iced) Gates
6 x Red (iced) Bars
3 x Blue (iced) Bars
1 x Resort Ornament
1 x Purple Anna Sofa
4 x Asteroid
1 x Icy Divider Corner
4 x Gift Basket
4 x Clothes Rack
1 x Icy Table
6 x Victorian Street Lamp
2 x Purple Rose
4 x Executive Bar Corner
2 x Blue Anna Bar
1 x Maze Shrubbery
2 x Pink Raft
30 x Tiki Gate
1 x (exec) Sofa Chair
5 x Gray (area) Gate
2 x Executive Bar
2 x Green Pura Blocks
3 x Beech Stool
5 x Bubble Lamp
3 x Blue Beanbag
2 x Pink Beanbag
3 x Dicso Ball
2 x Purple (cubie) Bed
1 x Blue (cubie) bed
2 x Space Table
2 x Flatscreen TV
2 x Navigation Console
3 x Red Panel
2 x Executive Globes
1 x Dungeon Brick
1 x Pink Anna Bar
2 x Kitchen Inspector
2 x White Panel
2 x White Heart Chair
2 x Holiday Bench
1 x HC Corner
1 x Urban Basketball Hoop
1 x White Smoke Machine
1 x Runway Sewing Table
1 x Hospital Curtain
1 x Red Paddling Pool
1 x Hotel View Memorial
2 x Tiger Statue
4 x Red Heart Chair
5 x Black Rose
10 x (cubie) Glass Table
1 x Tiki Toucan
6 x Yellow Inflatable Lounge
2 x Pink Inflatable Louge
3 x Ice Tag Pole
5 x Lava Ditch
5 x Yellow Rose
1 x VIP Sign
1 x Dragon Screen
1 x Prom Night Table
1 x Green Safe Minibar
3 x Area Bookcase
1 x Bunkbed
5 x Grunge Barrel
1 x Golden Toilet
7 x Large Stage
1 x Wood Chair
2 x Football Bench
1 x (yellow) Teamaker
1 x Area Desk
2 x Hump Massaging Chair
1 x Ornamental Floor Tile
8 x Urban Fence
2 x Urban Fence Corner
2 x Clean Bench
1 x Chinese Lantern
1 x (white) Limo Middle Part 1
2 x Triple Balloons
2 x Small Aurora Borealis
2 x Aurora Borealis
1 x Runway Brown Fashion Chair
1 x Red Katana
5 x American Idol Microphone
1 x Exit Tile
4 x Blue Heart Chair
1 x Snowy Tree
3 x Basketball Trophy
1 x The Switch
1 x Rope Divider
9 x Snowy Sidewalk
1 COCOnut Table
1 x Linking Set of Icy Teleports
1 x Black Waasa Rug
3 x Green Deckchair
1 x Roller Rink
3 x (star) Pillow
2 x Glass Door
2 x Room Divider (lodge)
1 x Blue Anna Sofa
1 x Yellow Srfboard
1 x Persian Rug
10 x Petals (hearts)
1 x Green Shutter (iced)
1 x Pink divan
2 x Campfire
2 x Blue Ice Star
1 x Green Divan
1 x Gold Lupine
1 x Transparent Floor (Sci Fi)
4 x Heart Sofa
2 x Red Iced Star
3 x HC Shelf
2 x Bar Desk (wooden/bensalem)
2 x Romantique Lamp
1 x Snowboard Patch
2 x Orange Sleeping Bag
1 x Double Balloon
10 x Rabbit Statue
1 x Game Ball
4 x Lava Lamp
10 x Red Wooden Cabin Bench
1 x Caterpillar Head
1 x Auditorium Platform
1 x Voting Chair
4 x Leather Sofa (bling)
1 x Green USVA Shelf
1 x Garden Leaves
2 x Spray Can Crate
2 x Snow Storm
2 x Tiny Snowy Tree
1 x Pink Deck Chair
1 x Vote Counter
1 x Big Snowy Tree
1 x Blue Deck Chair
2 x White Rose
1 x Reindeer Antlers
1 x Warp Reactor
1 x Brown Teddy Bear
3 x Sand Castle Tower
2 x Snowy Maze Shrubbery
3 x Maze Shrubbery Gate
1 x Snow Castle Wall
1 x Sand Castle Gate
1 x Romantic DSinner Table
2 x Evil Genius Desk
4 x Teal Habbo Roller
3 x Laptop Desk
1 x Red Road Barrier
1 x Banzai Sphere
1 x Mega Shroom
7 x Black Gumball Machine
2 x News Reporter Desk
1 x Wonderlamp
1 x Purple Glass Table
1 x Scarecrow
3 x Blue Habbo Roller
1 x Chocolate Wicker Throne
3 x Gate (country)
1 x Ice Box
1 x Crazy Cat Chair
1 x Suave Chair
2 x Aqua Habbo Roller
1 x Blue Panel
1 x Cryogenic Bed
1 x Crime Divider
1 x Large Square Table
1 x Tiki Waterfall
1 x Bear Head
2 x Bear Hand

Items Sold:
4 Duck Lights
1 x COCOnut Table
1 x Garden Leaves
1 x Aquamarine Deckchair
1 x Gold Lupine
2 x Blue Ice Star
2 x Red Ice Star

Got prices really but open to offers.

14-05-2012, 08:21 PM
More for sale:

1 x Mannequin
1 x Pink Heart Chair (extra to those that's for sale)
1 x Blue Heart Chair (extre to those that's for sale)

Norms/Less than 1c per:
1 x Cherry Tree
1 x Party Spotlight
2 x VIP Bar Desk
4 x Cactus
2 x VIP Stereo
1 x Pink Quarter-Round
1 x Aquamarine Quarter-Round
1 x (area) Screen

15-05-2012, 04:17 AM
omg Samanfa; 5 years later just finished reading. pics would be a lot better and quicker LOL! <3

ok umm-

american idol mics hm for all & pink pods hm

15-05-2012, 07:20 AM
omg Samanfa; 5 years later just finished reading. pics would be a lot better and quicker LOL! <3

ok umm-

american idol mics hm for all & pink pods hm

No it wouldn't as people would look at the OP and ask for items that are gone, the list is clearer.

Got 2 Pink Pods left 2 for 3c.
Microphones 2 for 5c.

More for sale:

2 x Gray Area Gate (extra to them)
11 x Exec Bar

2 x Tiger Statue
14 x Grass Patch
2 x Lodge Door
2 x HC Roller
3 x Exec Bar

15-05-2012, 08:19 AM
How much per for the grass patches?

15-05-2012, 08:30 AM
habbowood spotlights Samanfa;

15-05-2012, 11:12 AM
Knew there was something else that had sold Blonks; sold spotlights last night.
Mark; there's one grass patch left for 2c!

15-05-2012, 12:06 PM
Knew there was something else that had sold Blonks; sold spotlights last night.
Mark; there's one grass patch left for 2c!

No thanks, I need more lol

15-05-2012, 12:26 PM
No thanks, I need more lol

Found out I didn't have them anyway haha!

Sold, tiki toucan.

17-05-2012, 08:11 AM

8 Green Romantique Chairs
1 Stump Chair
3 More Space Tables
2 Black (area) Gates
200+ Banzai tiles (approx 300)
1 x Weird Science Machine

17-05-2012, 10:41 AM
I had something in my mind to ask an after scrolling down have forgotten! haha Vip Bar desk? :)

17-05-2012, 12:11 PM
2 for 1c. Depending on what I have left :P.

17-05-2012, 01:43 PM
Weird Science Machine

17-05-2012, 03:48 PM
stump chair 1c plz

17-05-2012, 03:57 PM
Science machine and stump chair 2c per.

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