View Full Version : Iframe help

28-08-2005, 09:23 PM
I need help with Iframe any advice or any1 know how 2 wrk it?

29-08-2005, 04:43 AM
<IFRAME name="inlineframe" src="yoururl.html" width=200 height=200 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=auto></IFRAME>

29-08-2005, 09:22 AM
<IFRAME name="inlineframe" src="yoururl.html" width="200" height=200" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0">Sorry your browser dosent display Iframes</IFRAME>
Ok then <Iframe Starts the tag. name="bob" - That identify's it for targetting etc. Src="url.htm" tells it the page to display. Width and height set the size of it. Mwidth and Mheight set the margin height and width. and frameborder ="0" removes the frame.

the wombats
29-08-2005, 09:25 AM
oh god, mark, you are not doing the habpulse site layout are you?

29-08-2005, 11:05 AM
Nope :) i canny make em

30-08-2005, 03:42 PM
Sometimes iFrames aren't the best option when it comes to web design, but if you have a simple site; then they're okay. (I guess). There are many attributes to an iframe. Here I've listed them below with their explanation:

NAME = A given name to an iframe to help link targets identify it.
SRC = The URL the iFrame will be showing.
WIDTH = (The obvious) Width of the iFrame
HEIGHT = (..) Height of the iFrame
ALIGN = Top/Middle/Bottom/Left/Right
FRAMEBORDER = *Larger the number, bigger the border* 0 = no border
MARGINWIDTH = Defines the number of pixels to use as the left/right margins with an inline frame.
MARGINHEIGHT = Defines the number of pixels to use as the top/bottom margins with an inline frame.
SCROLLING = (yes/no/auto) Gives the ability so the iFrame can scroll.
TRANSPARENCY = (yes/no) Allowing the iframe to contain an invisible background (Good for backgrounds with images)
ALLOWTRANSPARENCY = (yes/no) Allowing the iframe to contain an invisible background (Good for backgrounds with images)Sometimes iFrames aren't the best option when it comes to web design, but if you have a simple site; then they're okay. (I guess). There are many attributes to an iframe. Here I've listed them below with their explanation:

30-08-2005, 03:47 PM
i dont like to use iframes it makes the site look worse in firefox becuase the scrollbar is the default colors, PHP includes all the way!!

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