View Full Version : The Habbo Merge

21-05-2012, 04:43 PM
I'm just wondering what everyone thinks of the Habbo merge now that we've all pretty much settled in and everyone is working on the same page with rare values and competitions, etc. Do you think it's good that we now play with Habbos all over the world?

When the merge occurred, most people got the impression that Sulake were having financial difficulties - they were cutting dozens of jobs and closing hotels left, right and centre. Now they're reopening more hotels, introducing new staff and publishing some promising figures. Why did they merge? What were they doing wrong? What are they doing right now?

21-05-2012, 04:49 PM
To be honest, I think the merge was a good thing, you have to take good with the bad. I probably wouldn't know where to begin with trading without the merge, I doubt I would have as many things since the merge and I have met lovely people over the course of it so I think it was a good thing.

Yes some things suffered such as fansites, furniture in general etc but I think everything happens for a reason.

21-05-2012, 05:30 PM
Lost most of my furniture during the merge which was a shame.

21-05-2012, 05:41 PM
When it was first announced I was really excited, one of the main reasons I went on habbo was to take part in the online events hosted by staff, it gave me something to look forward to, so obviously with so many timezones you thought there'd be more events, but they've completely halted since the merge.

The navigator used to be full of games, instead now it is filled with the same old wired mazes, boosts and banzai/freeze rooms. Sure there are games in the trading section, but the double letters of ff and cc are so tiresome.

Nothing positive has come out of the merge for me, only meeting a couple of new people, all the good things since then would have been added to our hotel regardless, but I guess the same can be said if we were still a small hotel, ludus said they were removing in game events anyway prior to the merge.

UGH I just want ways of getting free furni bundles and rare badges without much trouble

21-05-2012, 05:49 PM
I think if we were still only a UK hotel, our numbers would be severely depleted...

I really don't care about the merge really, in a good way, I had nothing against it, and still don't :)

21-05-2012, 06:00 PM
Hmm, I was quite excited about the merge, like Alex! I thought it would be great and would bring all new, good things to Habbo, but that really wasn't the case. It's not like the merge meant there would be all this new stuff, it would have happened anyway, so I guess it's not that great.

I've become so used to it now though, so I don't really complain about it so much and go on about how I'd like the 'old Habbo' back as I just forget about it. The only good thing about the merge is I've met some really great people who I probably wouldn't have met if Habbo didn't merge.

21-05-2012, 06:11 PM
Annoying that I lost my old account with furni and old badges, and some people don't speak english, but I think it's good that there are so many more people online at once, meaning more trading and games etc.

21-05-2012, 06:12 PM
I'm still not sure of the merge. I was against it when Habbo announced it. The real Habbo seems to have gone because of the merge. TC had gone... Fansites have suffered etc.. Also as the biggest of the hotels I think we should get the new stuff before other Hotels! E.g. the Bots... still haven't come. Garden Furni.... still hasn't come. Habbo Club has gone! Credit prices have gone up.......

23-05-2012, 08:37 PM
Annoying that I lost my old account with furni and old badges, and some people don't speak english, but I think it's good that there are so many more people online at once, meaning more trading and games etc.

Disagreed. On the UK we used to have up to 60,000 users online at a time, now all I ever see now is up to 15,000! I have nothing against the merge, but they have lost thousands of UK members, not sure about the rest of the hotels.

23-05-2012, 08:41 PM
The Habbo Merge is one of the reasons this place is a hell of a lot quieter than it was three or four years ago. That's my thoughts on the Habbo merge.

23-05-2012, 08:44 PM
Disagreed. On the UK we used to have up to 60,000 users online at a time, now all I ever see now is up to 15,000! I have nothing against the merge, but they have lost thousands of UK members, not sure about the rest of the hotels.

But like, there were tons online in the day, now it's round the clock. I remember never being able to host events/do a proper shop from like 10pm onwards because everyone had gone to bed.

23-05-2012, 09:06 PM
I was always really set against it. Just hate how impersonal the hotel has become? Like you would of always had something done for st patricks and then this year nothing. The timezones cause problems and events just came to a halt. I don't particuarlly want to read my ban times in est or have the forum timestamp in est either. I hate how all the uk staff left and then we got a team of awful moderation and customer support. Only good thing for me was I got a new name but I also think its sad how so many memories and old peoples accounts are just gone :(

23-05-2012, 09:33 PM
(Ignore all my vv s xL)

I vvas alvvays really against the merge and I never found out until quite a vvhile after it vvas announced because I didn't check nevvs that often lol. VVhen I did find out, I vvas so peeved off about the vvhole idea and it still sucks even today - the only benefit that has happened for me is that I met a fevv good friends (but most of them through Habbox...)

All the UK staff vanished (0rca vvas the last one vvho vvas here before the merge), all good moderation vvent and the same applied for customer support. Staff don't visit the hotel, vve vvere stuck vvith absolutely appalling hotel managers to start vvith (fozzie, puffin and SmoothCriminal) because they did **** all for us. I dislike the fact there are so many people on in early morning novv due to timezones - it vvas 10 x better being avvake at like 5:30am vvith only a hundred or so online.

All forum times and ban times are in bloody American, yet there's 5 diff. countries that merged... Some countries miss out on certain events (e.g. Aussies).

If Sulake can go open all these nevv hotels, vvhy the heck have vve merged. It vvas only meant to be Canada and US merging to start vvith but no, they decided to include 3 other countries :rolleyes:

-rage over-

23-05-2012, 10:17 PM
I hate it for how it has messed up links to Habbos or group pages and I dislike how what was meant to be a gift to Xs (the sleeping bag) was made pretty much pointless.

I'm going off on a tangent now, but the greed of Sulake has really killed it to be honest. Too frequent furni releases, the not bothering to copy over the photo data, making Snowstorm free (offering little or piss poor compensation for tickets of which I had ~600 for), then removing it, then adding it and making it somewhat free which ultimately cheated me now as I am not VIP. The lowering of credit:pound (or whatever) ratio, selling plasto for extortionate amounts of which whoever bought it is ******ed in my opinion even if it was limited. The changing of moderators to one country (can't remember which) to make it cheaper to run though they had no common sense and had the IT skills of disabled fish. I could list more but I'm tired.

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