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29-08-2005, 12:03 AM
this was in the se habbo newsie

Changes on the buddy list

The has been done a change so that one as from now, can have 50 buddies on its list. This can be both good and poor. The can last easy to say no, about man do not want to have some on its lista - man blames only on that the list is full. The perhaps also laggar smaller and becomes simpler to send messages. The can of course become bothersome about man wants to have more buddies than 50.

If you have 50 buddies on your list and sheep a buddy invitation comes a square to be opened where the is simpler to do changes on their list. Chooses “closes” about you do not want to change on the.

29-08-2005, 01:44 AM
i have no clue what ur trying to say.....was all that made by a translator? it makes little to no sense other than u can only have 50 FRs

29-08-2005, 04:55 PM
yup i used a translator

29-08-2005, 04:59 PM
Sweden is quite like French.

They swap the words round.

crayon bleu = Blue pencil

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