View Full Version : New Habbo safety lock!

12-06-2012, 07:30 PM
We've added a new feature called Account Safety Lock to make your account even safer. Here´s how it works:

So what does the Account Safety Lock exactly do?

The Safety Lock protects your account from unauthorized access. Once you've enabled it, access to your account is blocked for anyone trying to log on from a location other than your normal IP address. So e.g if you normally live in Brooklyn and have enabled your Safety Lock there, then spend a week with relatives in the Philippines, or even just across the river in New Jersey, you will not be able to log on until you have gone through the verification process.

Where can I find this feature on my home page?

Logging on to your account, on the very first page before actually entering the hotel, go to Account Settings. Scroll all the way down to Safety Lock where you will see a box that you can click to enable this feature. Leaving the box unchecked means that the Safety Lock is disabled.

What's the verification process?

If your account is blocked, the message "Send verification email" will pop up on your screen. You will want to click that. Once you've done so, an email containing a verification link will be sent to the email address that is linked to your habbo account. Clicking the verification link brings up a notification telling you that your account is now unblocked and you can access it from there.

So when you say my account is blocked, does that mean no one can access anything on there?

Correct. Changing passwords and email addresses, trading, linking to IDs, deleting rooms - all this vital stuff will be disabled until you or whoever is trying to gain access to the account has gone through verification.

Do I have a choice or is it mandatory to put the Safety Lock on?

Of course you have a choice. You can chose whether you would like this feature enabled or disabled on your account. We obviously recommend that you do take advantage of this and enable it as it will add greatly to the security of your account.

Does the Safety Lock also work when my brother in his room next to mine uses his laptop to log on to my account?

No. The Safety Lock only blocks access from IP locations different from yours. As the IP location of everyone in your house is the same, this feature will not work and so you'll have to find other ways of keeping your brother off your account :o) Never, ever sharing your password with anybody is a good start!!


12-06-2012, 07:32 PM
About time is all I can say. Sure it won't fully stop hacking or w.e but this is a great move by Su-larkee (;)) IMO.

12-06-2012, 07:35 PM
I just did this and now it just reloads the login page whenever I try to login :|

12-06-2012, 07:40 PM
Pretty good idea. Enabled! :D

12-06-2012, 09:36 PM
Quite a nice idea but the problem is that most hacking is targeted at the emails and if they have the emails, it doesn't really help :S I might be interpreting it wrong though. I'll have a look :P


12-06-2012, 10:33 PM

12-06-2012, 10:38 PM
Nice but of course a pin would be better? Could be a tedious process for me due to not using real emails for some too.

12-06-2012, 10:56 PM
A great idea that has been implemented imo, will be very useful.

12-06-2012, 11:06 PM
The Safety Lock only blocks access from IP locations different from yours. As the IP location of everyone in your house is the same, this feature will not work and so you'll have to find other ways of keeping your brother off your account :o)

can't tell if whoever wrote that is really stupid enough to think varied computers in one home can't have multiple ip addresses or if they are just dumbing the explanation down for the kids. either way, very cool feature and i am impressed. it will definitely help a lot. this should have been put in to place ages ago (i'm sure it was suggested) and i am very happy they have introduced this. cheers, sulake!

13-06-2012, 12:01 AM
It doesn't help if the hacker has access to your email.

13-06-2012, 03:05 PM
Totally agree, this doesn't help if the hacker has access to your email for example if you've been tricked into downloading a keylogger they'll probably have everything already so :L
Nice idea though.. kind of

13-06-2012, 03:06 PM
About time something like this was implemented IMO. I've enabled mine, just in case, not that I'd click on suspicious links or give out info anyway!!

13-06-2012, 03:49 PM
Just enabled mine, think it's a great idea and it's nice to see they've finally finished it lol

13-06-2012, 03:54 PM
gonna enable mine soon, quite a good idea but the way i got hacked they used my email to change my pass etc so if they have the email and stuff it wont work i guess lol

13-06-2012, 03:56 PM
Good feature and yeah I agree about the e-mail but it is definitely a step in the right direction!! :)

13-06-2012, 04:15 PM
Gonna enable mine later, but it doesn't help if they have you email :-S

13-06-2012, 04:17 PM
If you have a Gmail account - how to protect your e-mail account. http://support.google.com/accounts/bin/topic.py?hl=en&topic=28786

13-06-2012, 05:35 PM
I like the idea. Hopefully it will protect more.

13-06-2012, 05:56 PM
The safety lock is a positive move.

When creating a new Habbo account or even for those exisiting, you should be allowed to create your own question, and input the answer. Ideally the question you create would be a difficult one for others but an easy one for you to answer, one that hopefully only YOU are likely to know the answer, and not one that could be guessed easily. This would prevent a new pass being sent to your email, in the event of your email being compromised.

13-06-2012, 07:06 PM
Seems a pretty good idea :)

13-06-2012, 07:45 PM
Very nice idea. Hopefully it will prevent from people getting their accounts compromised via password leaks and other such things. :)

13-06-2012, 09:53 PM
The safety lock is a positive move.

When creating a new Habbo account or even for those exisiting, you should be allowed to create your own question, and input the answer. Ideally the question you create would be a difficult one for others but an easy one for you to answer, one that hopefully only YOU are likely to know the answer, and not one that could be guessed easily. This would prevent a new pass being sent to your email, in the event of your email being compromised.

Absolutely. I think I remember reading something on twitter about a "unique code", like a PIN code, being developed.

14-06-2012, 06:43 AM
good idea. why wasn't it implemented sooner...

15-06-2012, 09:41 AM
Whilst this feature may prove to be ineffective if the hacker has access to your email, if you secure your email with two step verification such as googles it is extremely difficult for a hacker to gain access to your email account and thus your habbo one also if its linked to it


Once enabled every time you log into a location that has not been used before you have to enter a personalised code, which can be generated on iPhone or Android with the Authenticator app. If you would rather you can have the code texted to you on request also instead

15-06-2012, 12:19 PM
Quick question, is it possible to alter your e-mail on Habbo? I'm sure you can add a secondary e-mail but I don't know if you can make that your primary e-mail. I'd like to replace my AOL email loging with my Gmail account considering that seems to be the most secure at the moment :P.

15-06-2012, 12:27 PM
Good idea but I access mine from 2 diff places so will wait till I move back home to enable it.

15-06-2012, 12:35 PM
Quick question, is it possible to alter your e-mail on Habbo? I'm sure you can add a secondary e-mail but I don't know if you can make that your primary e-mail. I'd like to replace my AOL email loging with my Gmail account considering that seems to be the most secure at the moment :P.

Nvm about this, I worked it out :) x

15-06-2012, 12:44 PM
It doesn't help if the hacker has access to your email.

Totally agree, this doesn't help if the hacker has access to your email for example if you've been tricked into downloading a keylogger they'll probably have everything already so :L
Nice idea though.. kind of

I think for both of these there isn't anything Habbo can do and it isn't there problem. People have mentioned two step verification for email. One of the best things to do to is making sure your email account has a unique password compared to everything else - the problem is if someone gets one password for an account on a site, the first thing the person will do as a hacker is usually attempt to use that password with the email address supplied and then in most cases they then can reset all the passwords associated with the email address - using a separate password usually will stop this.

15-06-2012, 11:25 PM
Okay guys.......... I can confirm this works.
Last night I tried signing into Habbo on my iPad (I don't know why ok ;l) but it turns out it's a different IP (obviously ;l) and it's locked me out. I can still get on Habbo and stuff but I can't trade with anyone.... which is the whole point.

Someone gave me some coins to play in my grabber 10 mins ago... I owe him 8c as he won, but I can't trade - you can receive furni but not give it! Soooo, now he probably thinks I've scammed him because I can't say anything to explain. I've sent the unlock email... but it's not come through... so I can get on Habbo but I can't trade or anything!!!!

Do you think Habbo blocked emails with the mute thing? SOMEONE HELP!! :P


15-06-2012, 11:28 PM
Okay guys.......... I can confirm this works.
Last night I tried signing into Habbo on my iPad (I don't know why ok ;l) but it turns out it's a different IP (obviously ;l) and it's locked me out. I can still get on Habbo and stuff but I can't trade with anyone.... which is the whole point.

Someone gave me some coins to play in my grabber 10 mins ago... I owe him 8c as he won, but I can't trade - you can receive furni but not give it! Soooo, now he probably thinks I've scammed him because I can't say anything to explain. I've sent the unlock email... but it's not come through... so I can get on Habbo but I can't trade or anything!!!!

Do you think Habbo blocked emails with the mute thing? SOMEONE HELP!! :P

It wouldn't be a different IP on your iPad unless you weren't corrected to the same network as your computer.

15-06-2012, 11:29 PM
Okay guys.......... I can confirm this works.
Last night I tried signing into Habbo on my iPad (I don't know why ok ;l) but it turns out it's a different IP (obviously ;l) and it's locked me out. I can still get on Habbo and stuff but I can't trade with anyone.... which is the whole point.

Someone gave me some coins to play in my grabber 10 mins ago... I owe him 8c as he won, but I can't trade - you can receive furni but not give it! Soooo, now he probably thinks I've scammed him because I can't say anything to explain. I've sent the unlock email... but it's not come through... so I can get on Habbo but I can't trade or anything!!!!

Do you think Habbo blocked emails with the mute thing? SOMEONE HELP!! :P

Check your spam folder obv :ll

Habbo Emails always take FOREVER to get through to me. I've had to wait 1 hour once for a bloody password reset email, so try and wait longer? xD. which email provider do you use anyway? I always found AOL and hotmail to be slow at receiving reset emails tbh.

15-06-2012, 11:32 PM
Check your spam folder obv :ll

Habbo Emails always take FOREVER to get through to me. I've had to wait 1 hour once for a bloody password reset email, so try and wait longer? xD. which email provider do you use anyway? I always found AOL and hotmail to be slow at receiving reset emails tbh.

I HAVE CHECKED AND IT'S NOT THERE (that's not what she said lol)!! I'll keep waiting!!

15-06-2012, 11:35 PM
I HAVE CHECKED AND IT'S NOT THERE (that's not what she said lol)!! I'll keep waiting!!


YEAH YOU BETTER BE PATIENT!! Really Mathew, stooping down to the "That's not what she said" level :l. Sure you didn't accidently delete it, did you even enter the correct email ;).

15-06-2012, 11:39 PM

YEAH YOU BETTER BE PATIENT!! Really Mathew, stooping down to the "That's not what she said" level :l. Sure you didn't accidently delete it, did you even enter the correct email ;).
I REFUSE TO ANSWER DUE TO SECURITY REASONS. LMAOOOO that's what she said is not "stooping"!! I'm sure I didn't delete it cos it's an email I use for Habbo ONLY omg!!

15-06-2012, 11:42 PM
I REFUSE TO ANSWER DUE TO SECURITY REASONS. LMAOOOO that's what she said is not "stooping"!! I'm sure I didn't delete it cos it's an email I use for Habbo ONLY omg!!


Just gimme your mother's maiden name, your favourite colour, name of your first pet and your hometown :). Awww, you dedicated an E-mail to Habbo, so cute ;)

Resend the e-mail maybe? ;)

15-06-2012, 11:45 PM

Just gimme your mother's maiden name, your favourite colour, name of your first pet and your hometown :). Awww, you dedicated an E-mail to Habbo, so cute ;)

Resend the e-mail maybe? ;)
lol............ don't make me repeat some of the things I've described as "cute"......c...a.r..d................

I have done like 5 times.. LMAO!! :(

15-06-2012, 11:47 PM
lol............ don't make me repeat some of the things I've described as "cute"......c...a.r..d................

I have done like 5 times.. LMAO!! :(

Aww, it's a shame you can't see the fingers I'm pointing up to you irl ;).

Change your E-mail then? Or can't you do that via safety lock xD. Yes, I'm so clearly a hacker. I forgot one of my passwords 1 hour after making it, I'd highly doubt I'm a hacker mathew LOL.

15-06-2012, 11:48 PM
Aww, it's a shame you can't see the fingers I'm pointing up to you irl ;).

Change your E-mail then? Or can't you do that via safety lock xD. Yes, I'm so clearly a hacker. I forgot one of my passwords 1 hour after making it, I'd highly doubt I'm a hacker mathew LOL.

hahaha, that's probably a good thing! :P
nopeeeee, can't change the email either! hahaha, well done there! ;)

15-06-2012, 11:51 PM
hahaha, that's probably a good thing! :P
nopeeeee, can't change the email either! hahaha, well done there! ;)

Just remember who has the working account at the moment ;). Have you tried help.habbo.com LOL. That's all else I can suggest cry.

15-06-2012, 11:53 PM
Just remember who has the working account at the moment ;). Have you tried help.habbo.com LOL. That's all else I can suggest cry.

LOOOOL, you have a point there... :(. mmm, I'll see if the email comes through tomorrow then I might have to resort to that! I haven't used it since like.... 2005. :P THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!!

17-06-2012, 05:18 PM
Err... ok guys any idea why I'm not receiving emails from Habbo? Is it because of the mute? Annoying me now...

17-06-2012, 05:20 PM
Err... ok guys any idea why I'm not receiving emails from Habbo? Is it because of the mute? Annoying me now...

is pretty funny tbh

25-03-2013, 10:45 PM
my account is saftey locked and i cant get into it i have 22c on that account please help me!

25-03-2013, 11:12 PM
pay more tribute to the habbo gods

Edited by Lee (Forum Super Moderator): Please don't post pointlessly.

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