View Full Version : New quiz codes! +moderation codes!

17-06-2012, 12:36 PM
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.0 = Someone asks about the service MSN / Skype address, so that you could continue the conversation for the period. What are you doing?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.1 = Someone asks if I would like to chat via webcam. What are you doing?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.2 = Someone asks the internet that you would see live. What are you doing?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.3 = Someone Online asks him to send the pictures of me swimming costume. It is uncomfortable, but he promised not to show images to anyone other. How do you do?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.4 = Someone says that he has the pictures from yesterday's gig in which you would have wanted to be also involved. He says that you get the pictures if you tell him your email. What are you doing?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.5 = One type with whom you've talked for a while, has acknowledged that he likes you a lot and would like to have sex and be in close contact. What are you doing?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.6 = One girl comes to talk to you in Habbo, and says that she goes to the same school as your sister. And now he asks if you could be friends on Facebook. What are you doing?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.7 = You have all day blazed new branded jeans that are really good-looking site, but no one believes that you have them for real. What are you doing?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.8 = Your friend with your relationship with your Habbo last week, sending expensive gifts all the time and ask you do not tell anyone of them that no other hur their minds. What are you doing?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.9 = Habbo friend has just won tickets to Lady Gaga's concert, but did not reach the area. He says that may send them to you if you give your home address first. He can not even prove that he has the tickets by sending a picture of the tickets to your email. What are you doing?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.10 = Your new friend bothers you constantly Habbo messenger through the strange and aggressive messages and makes you feel uncomfortable. What are you doing?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.11 = Someone you follow you to each room and will not stop, because it can follow you anywhere. What are you doing?
quiz.SafetyQuiz1.question.12 = Habbo Your best friend told you that another user has a asked all sorts of information about you. What are you doing?
panic.button.caption=Emergency Exit

Emergency exit, and a quiz you have to complete before you speak!

17-06-2012, 12:38 PM
Seems very reasonable to have this, glad we can get un muted soon.

17-06-2012, 12:38 PM
Emergency exit, and a quiz you have to complete before you speak!

Must be a new quiz that we'll have to answer when unmated.

and when a new habbo joins habbo they have to have all correct answers.

17-06-2012, 12:40 PM
If you get a question wrong, how long do you have to wait before retaking?
Anyway seems good. Can't wait to be unmuted now!

17-06-2012, 12:45 PM
I like the idea and maybe you will get a badge also. Can't wait for the mute to be gone!

17-06-2012, 12:49 PM
Looks ok but tbh habbo questions are weird and aren't what you really should do.

17-06-2012, 12:53 PM
Will these be implemented today?

17-06-2012, 12:59 PM
Codes look good :) Wonder what the 'emergency exit' is all about?

Will these be implemented today?

It be from Monday, no doubt.

17-06-2012, 01:00 PM
Will these be implemented today?

If staff feel like working on fathers day:P

17-06-2012, 01:18 PM
Paul La Fontaine's twitter says that the unmute will occur this week but not today.

He also says: "Habbos, The Great Unmute starts a series of steps to reintroduce safe social interactions to the community. Safety is the priority. Thanks!" - he later goes on to confirm that different parts of communication will come back at different times, so maybe the homepages, then friend console and finally the chat bubbles. Perhaps everybody has to do this quiz to talk again.

And I think the panic button is just a way to leave a room fast.

17-06-2012, 01:18 PM
If you get a question wrong, how long do you have to wait before retaking?
Anyway seems good. Can't wait to be unmuted now!

How could you possibly get any of them questions wrong, they are all common sense

17-06-2012, 01:27 PM
Looks alright, pretty easy as it's just common sense really. Hope the mute will be gone soon.

17-06-2012, 01:28 PM
How could you possibly get any of them questions wrong, they are all common sense
you might misclick or something or some people may just not be v bright!!

17-06-2012, 01:35 PM
that's pretty good. some of the questions are weird like the habbo way quiz but oh well.

i hope there's a badge for this

17-06-2012, 01:38 PM
How could you possibly get any of them questions wrong, they are all common sense

actually on the old one they werent, when you've been scammed a lot would report it as opposed to taking it on the chin.

17-06-2012, 01:39 PM
Seems a pretty good idea if it is what I think it is.

17-06-2012, 01:39 PM
oh my god i will probably fail somehow. i see why they're doing it though, guess i'll have to be doing this quiz on loads of accounts too. hopefully we'll be unmuted tomorrow. :p

17-06-2012, 01:51 PM
Aaah I love this. Hopefully it means will be unmuted soon!!! But just ebcause people enter the right questions it doesn't mean that they'll actualyl abide by the rules :sigh:

17-06-2012, 02:12 PM
It has been so annoying, first the chat bubble, then console, then not even events were working.. I can't wait to get un mute..

17-06-2012, 02:43 PM
Bear in mind that the unmute will come in steps ... it doesn't come back all in one according to the CEO.

And, in case anybody were confused at how poorly those moderation questions are written, they were originally written in Finnish but someone translated them to English - that's not how it will appear on .com (well, I sure hope not!).

17-06-2012, 10:12 PM
actually on the old one they werent, when you've been scammed a lot would report it as opposed to taking it on the chin.

The questions are in the code and they are all most definitely common sense. Everyone knows you shouldn't send pictures of yourself in a bikini to another habbo. Everyone knows you shouldn't meet someone in real life you don't know. If anyone doesn't know this then I'm sure their parents are doing something wrong not lecturing their kids on stuff like this?
The ones your referencing are safety questions which are not exactly common knowledge and more something you learn through time.

18-06-2012, 09:50 AM
Answers to this quiz will be up in a matter of 10 minutes !

18-06-2012, 10:10 AM
Answers to this quiz will be up in a matter of 10 minutes !

What were being unmuted now? :O

18-06-2012, 02:18 PM
Noo I mean from the release of the quiz, the answers will be posted :P

What were being unmuted now? :O

18-06-2012, 07:15 PM
Good to see they are taking measures after the child sex scandal :P


19-06-2012, 12:14 AM
The idea doesn't seem too bad. I guess I'd jump through whatever hoops they put up at this point... :P

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