View Full Version : 'PLANNED' Habbo uservoice ideas!

17-06-2012, 12:51 PM

Habbo cloths are getting old, so as its now easter they should add new warm cloths :')

PLANNED · heini (Product Design & Development, Sulake Habbo) responded
We will be adding new clothing soonish, exact schedule not yet known.

kiss/marry/hug buttons, new clothes/hair, changeable eye colour, changeable mouth, be able to make your avatar an animal, not just humans,

bat wings, new clothes, new hair, changeable eye colours, changeable mouths, tails, cape without fur, gloves, commands like :mimic, :push, etc and a new one that lets you fly :fly, two hair colours, able to turn your avatar into an animal(only into the animals currently on habbo)

PLANNED · Puffin (Admin, Sulake Habbo) responded
There are a lot of ideas here, some of which are also echoed by others. New clothes and hair (and maybe also actions) are ideas that are currently being planned!

More hairstyles for girls/boys

I think that for both male and females, we need more of a range of clothing. Most of the stuff looks the same in my opinion. I would love to see some different clothing, I still haven't seen a decent dress that a female can where. There are many clothes which I think could be added but haven't yet.
- Nightwear
- Dress
- (Better) Suits

Basically, better quality clothing than we have already.
also i think we need hair exsntetyions i dont like the hairstyles its boring

PLANNED · Puffin (Admin, Sulake Habbo) responded
New clothes are in the pipeline, coming in the next couple of months!

What do you think of new clothes?

17-06-2012, 12:55 PM
Yay new clothes. Hopefully they are nice. Would love to see a long down hairstyle for girls. New actions sound good. Sit feature was one of the best additions for me.

17-06-2012, 12:57 PM
New shop look!

The shop really needs a makeover, its the old style and it hasn't been updated in ages! A better style would allow more people to buy from it, as it'll be more eyecatching!

PLANNED · Yurre responded
Shop will get a makeover :)

and a new shop makeover!

17-06-2012, 12:58 PM
Woo sounds good, Action buttons? Woop, I think I'll enjoy them at the peak when they come out, and we are in need of some new clothes as well aha.

17-06-2012, 12:59 PM
Go on, add a marry action I ******** dare you Sulake. I doubt they would (wouldn't mind hug though xD) add that but I suppose new clothes will be nice...for the VIPs lol.

I like the idea of changeable eye colour I suppose? xD.

17-06-2012, 01:00 PM
Go on, add a marry action I ******** dare you Sulake. I doubt they would (wouldn't mind hug though xD) add that but I suppose new clothes will be nice...for the VIPs lol.

I like the idea of changeable eye colour I suppose? xD.

That really made me laugh warren, I doubt they would after all this C4 ;)

17-06-2012, 01:03 PM
That really made me laugh warren, I doubt they would after all this C4 ;)

xD. Tbh, if they added that then they'd need to add "divorce" and "cheat on... with..." as well :l. It's silly suggesting a marry action lol, we'll have sex positions being suggested before you know it :l.

I think norms deserve a few more clothes and facial hair yeah?

17-06-2012, 01:08 PM
xD. Tbh, if they added that then they'd need to add "divorce" and "cheat on... with..." as well :l. It's silly suggesting a marry action lol, we'll have sex positions being suggested before you know it :l.

I think norms deserve a few more clothes and facial hair yeah?

Reports to C4 *+*+

Knowing Habbo though most might be VIP features. I really think we need more norm stuff.

Cheat on, That would be great for the players.

17-06-2012, 01:12 PM
Top two already been posted on habbox, think it should be non vips more.

17-06-2012, 01:15 PM
hopefully there's a punch action

17-06-2012, 01:15 PM
Reports to C4 *+*+

Knowing Habbo though most might be VIP features. I really think we need more norm stuff.

Cheat on, That would be great for the players.

LOL. Sure cheat on will be great. Let's campaign for a gay marriage button in Habbo as well :O.

I would genuinely pay for Sulake to add the marry button though and just wait for the drama to start.

17-06-2012, 01:21 PM
how would a marry button work? :L
don't really like the idea of being able to change your habbo into an animal.. what's the point
yay new clothes

17-06-2012, 01:23 PM
hopefully there's a punch action

hahaahaa YES this is needed!

17-06-2012, 01:43 PM
I really want a hoodie, like the one for boys, that has short sleeves omg. I really hope the new clothes are nice though. :) A hug button would be cool too, I'm sure they won't add the others though.

17-06-2012, 01:57 PM
not too fussed about any of them tbh. New hairstyles would be nice as I want a decent hair-down style but yknow. Marrying is terrible, it's like branding -.-

17-06-2012, 02:31 PM
Yes, please, punch action would be perfect. I like the idea of eye colours as well, and most of the ideas given here were great.

17-06-2012, 02:38 PM
http://habbox.com/#!/News/article/1294 - Saw the news report a while back.

Not very excited for new clothes but new actions is quite intriguing. I imagine them to be simple such as 'rage' which will puff out your cheeks and turn you an angry red as you frown in disgust.

17-06-2012, 02:40 PM
xD. Tbh, if they added that then they'd need to add "divorce" and "cheat on... with..." as well :l. It's silly suggesting a marry action lol, we'll have sex positions being suggested before you know it :l.

I think norms deserve a few more clothes and facial hair yeah?

Soo want that divorce button ;)

17-06-2012, 05:28 PM
Don't think these ones will be getting planned;

we can actually give birth to babies and take care of them and if we dont take care of them and you can have sex with your partner so you could actualy have a baby and you can actualy adopt them

i think that habbos should be able to get pregnant and give birth you should be able to pick up your babies and have sex with your partner.
I think that your avatars should be able to have a realationship button that has a variety of options like hug,kiss,make out,have sex,and have a baby. please vote if you agree with me

marry button,pregnant, etc
u guys can put marry button when u click people.like a guy wants to get married the marry button will only show on girls not boys. but if girls will show only boys. and when they get married for 20 days, the woman will get married and have a cute baby. and make more games other than cc,ff,telephrase, and others.. cuz it gets boring playing the same game everytime we play habbo. you should also create a new furniture like a gold sofa. and if u do make it ishould have a free gold sofa. and u should make it 12c.

we need a sex button
habbo should have a Sex button. They would have a baby and it would go to a daycare everyday, so parents could go to work.

I would love some more clothes i personally want some more camoflage stuff to match the trousers lol and I want some long hair for girls, down not up
But if you really want to be cool just read this persons idea ;)

habbo needs to put in fingerless gloves and arm tattoos. facepaint to make us look cool
if you make these ideas come true you'll make all of us on habbo happy. because that;ll make me and my friends happy to. i'm not trying to steer ya wrong just need this kind of stuff so we can improve habbo for the better. make it more better then ever ya know? if you accept this idea i'll be very happy. thanks habbo :D

17-06-2012, 05:50 PM
I'd prefer if they made changes to other areas of the game before they added more clothes. The selection is fine now..

17-06-2012, 06:39 PM
Ooo seems like a lot fun. Hopefully this will be out soon!

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