View Full Version : Item Prices

18-06-2012, 05:59 PM
So the price of items like godswords, claws and bandos armour etc is changing a lot at the moment.

For anyone who understands the combat rework more than me:

Do you think bandos will rise/fall? Obviously it's too early to tell for sure, but why is bandos rising at the moment? I thought they were gonna remove its offensive stats?

And if they release new armour as they said, surely bandos will crash further?

Anyone share some knowledge? :)

18-06-2012, 06:39 PM
I definately plan to sell my bandos soon which i bought, treating it as short term investment that i can also use :P probably go back to torags, not usre of the rising price reason of them though

the 3 glacor boots rising too probably just because they are expected to be even more useful perhaps, and bgs rising and ags , sgs falling because of special attacks being removed so ya they gonna become more even. Claws i have no idea why they rising since their spec is going, perhaps because of the crucible maybe.

18-06-2012, 09:04 PM
I think I'll sell my bandos maybe tomorrow and then buy it back after it drops (which I'm pretty sure it will..)

I've invested well so far buying 10 bgs for 2.8m each and then selling for 5m each and buying claws before they rose again :D!

If new armour comes out then bandos will surely crash so its a tricky one. I might just get barrows and invest in a santa hat or something instead.

18-06-2012, 09:09 PM
well yea for my melee well i'm using bandos till i resell atm but normal melee i'd just use torags , then maging i'd just use ahrims (with an akrisae skirt), and ranging full arma.

Not sure if full arma will drop after the update since it's already crashed tons and just recovering anyway so not sure

18-06-2012, 10:10 PM
claws have had a massive drap.

20-06-2012, 04:41 PM
Sold my bandos and bought a santa

I'll keep the santa probably till nearer christmas when they usually go up by a quite a bit, and until then just lending it out will make me a decent amount per day! :D

21-06-2012, 03:40 PM
pointless investing in a rare if you don't use items to use for normal stuff

unless new items are coming out I don't see why it wold effect price too much (not read or really interested in the combat rework as i'll no doubt re-quit before that depending when it is :P)

22-06-2012, 03:54 PM
i've sold my bank just incase something does drop like hell, then gonna rebuy when all the prices are sorted out. plua i need the money for skilling etc.

22-06-2012, 03:59 PM
Ye i am tempted to sell everything but i've got used to not black dhide spamming everything atm tbh so would feel weird switching from high level gear to that again

22-06-2012, 03:59 PM
it probably won't be released for a bit lol

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