View Full Version : GTA 4 Help

20-06-2012, 06:27 AM

I got GTA IV just after Christmas and i planned to play it on the computer that i am using now, but i installed it around Christmas time and it is so laggy, most likely because of the RAM and the Graphics Card. Anyway my parents brought a new desktop for themselves, so they put the old laptop in the spare room so after about 6 months i pulled out gta 4 out to play it on that laptop which runs vista. I installed it but when i finish the installation, i will click on the icon and it tells me to launch the rockstar social club, so i click launch and it doesn't launch.. but it works fine on my Windows 7 computer.. any ideas?

20-06-2012, 06:50 AM
Eugh I had/have this exact problem. Even if I try signing up it won't let me get past the rosckstar social pages and I have to play san andreas instead :'(

If anyone could help that'd be great ;)

26-06-2012, 07:44 AM
Happened to me too. If you google this you'll notice loads of people having this problem. It was ported over to the pc badly. So unless you have a high end computer or don't mind playing on the lowest settings (even with the lowest settings, frames skip for me) you're ******.

26-06-2012, 09:02 AM
ahah, i was playing it on my mum and dads desktop with 8 gb n still skipped :l

26-06-2012, 09:42 AM
See man, I actually contacted rockstar and was complaining. On the box it says the requirements and my computer are higher than those requirements yet it still ***** up. Pretty sure they can get in trouble for telling you 'you need these specs' then you buy the game and it doesn't work.. not even playable

26-06-2012, 09:50 AM
8GB Ram means nothing im on 16gb but i could still skip if i had a ****** GFX Card.
Best option is to get a better GFX Card.

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