View Full Version : [Notice] Habbox Donations Thread [Last Updated: 23/06/2020]

25-06-2012, 12:31 PM

We thank everyone who has donated furniture or credits to Habbox throughout the years. This thread is the new donations thread and this thread will have a slight difference to the old one. From now one we shall include the date of when the donation occurred as well as your name and how much you have donated to Habbox. For example:

Date - Name - Donation

25/06/12 - xxMATTGxx - 50 Credits (Image)

It was also decided that it would be best to create a new thread instead of updating the previous thread. This is because it was getting old and we can't add the new information such as the dates to any of the previous ones. By doing this we hope the donations thread will look a lot cleaner and better with this additional information. This will also then let users know when certain donations took place. Looking for the old donations thread? Just click here. (http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=692965)

Want to donate to Habbox?

If you would like to donate to Habbox then you can donate furniture and credits to any Habbox manager or General Manager (click here (https://www.habboxforum.com/showgroups.php) to see who they are!) You can contact either of them via Private Message (PM) on HabboxForum or by finding them on Habbo.

All donations are appreciated and they really do help us in the funding for prizes for competitions and events in various departments.

Note: Please bear in mind this is the new donations thread and anyone who donates to Habbox from this day forward will be added onto the list.

Once you have donated - We cannot refund any donations if you have changed your mind.



Donations to Habbox will be used primarily for large scale events & promotions, to giveaways run by Habbox and to the making of official Habbox rooms. Please contact General Manager, if you are interested in helping out, as we rely entirely on donations to create rooms, hold giveaways and run events.

13/07/12 - Plageius - 191 Credits - (Image 1 (http://mattgarner.net/upload/images/2012/07/13/9DpQb.png) & Image 2 (http://mattgarner.net/upload/images/2012/07/13/70tX5.png))

03/08/12 - efq - 500 Credits & Various furni items - (Image 1 (http://mattgarner.net/upload/images/2012/08/03/VyPX7.png), Image 2 (http://mattgarner.net/upload/images/2012/08/03/lnFye.png))
Note: No image of the 1 credit he gave afterwards, he wanted to make it 500 :P

07/08/12 - Ms.Aquamarine - Various furni items (Image 1 (http://www.mattgarner.net/upload/images/2012/08/07/SXLvY.png))

17/08/12 - Intersocial - 165 credits (Image 1 (http://www.mattgarner.net/upload/image/AWs))

18/09/12 - Intersocial - 100 credits (no image, sorry!)

26/09/12 - Mr-Trainor - 250 credits (Image (http://mattgarner.net/upload/images/2012/09/26/dDUch.png))

03/10/12 - Mr-Trainor - 50 credits

11/10/12 - Samanfa - Purple Pillow

20/01/13 - Jellyfish - 500 credits (Image) (http://i49.tinypic.com/2romemp.png)

18/02/13 - TooClose Donated 400 items of Furni.

02/03/13 - oxLuke Donated 200 credits and other items

11/04/13 - AussieGambler Donated 500 credits.

12/04/13 - adECW (Nalfar) Donated 2350 credits (Image) (http://i48.tinypic.com/2nuua8k.png)

13/04/13 - AussieGambler Donated 500 credits.

11/05/13 - N0TSackRace Donated an assortment of furni (Image) (http://i42.tinypic.com/2rprxqf.png)

19/11/13 - MissAlice Donated 300 credits.

19/01/14 - HE-Joshua Donated 55 Credits.

05/04/14 - !EOD! - Donated various amount of furni. (Image 1 (http://mattgarner.net/uploads/2014-04-05_22-41-39.png), Image 2 (http://mattgarner.net/uploads/2014-04-05_22-42-21.png), Image 3 (http://mattgarner.net/uploads/2014-04-05_22-43-20.png), Image 4 (http://mattgarner.net/uploads/2014-04-05_22-44-53.png), Image 5 (http://mattgarner.net/uploads/2014-04-05_22-46-14.png))

11/04/14 - Inseriousity. 350 Credits.

11/05/14 - Evenn. - 50 Credits (Image 1 (http://mattgarner.net/uploads/2014-05-11_21-13-22.png))

18/05/14 - sadepaiva - 4x Golden Dragons

20/05/14 - lRhyss - 1 Throne

19/10/14 - UndeadDevilHD - Various furni items (Image (http://i.imgur.com/Lb1rMkI.png))

19/10/14 - KrazyBethw - Various furni items (Images (http://imgur.com/a/muKf8#0))

23/11/14 - UndeadDevilHD - 6 credits & HC light (Image 1 (http://mattgarner.net/uploads/2014-11-23_20-45-26.png))

30/12/14 - Sinsinaty - 5 credits & Christmas furni (Image 1 (http://i.imgur.com/Rea7Ffx.png))

20/02/15 - Bikini - Various furni items (Image 1 (http://i.imgur.com/gMvYfT5.png))

20/02/15 - Plebings - Various furni items (Image 1 (http://i.imgur.com/YOBkk4I.png))

27/03/15 - Despect - 330 Credits & Various furni items (Image 1 (http://i.imgur.com/jNv9QrN.png.png))

15/10/15 - Zatley - 1,310 Credits (Image 1 (http://i.imgur.com/lxtiNDj.png))

26/10/15 - Alkaz (1,100 items of furni - Image 1 (http://i.imgur.com/kFuCxYu.png), Image 2 (http://i.imgur.com/soyVIeJ.png), Image 3 (http://i.imgur.com/wKvqfqX.png), Image 4 (http://i.imgur.com/kqajIQp.png), Image 5 (http://i.imgur.com/QBRIYjS.png), Image 6 (http://i.imgur.com/ud7NW3K.png), Image 7 (http://i.prntscr.com/e192933596634f9eb6e0322037308f96.png), Image 8 (http://i.imgur.com/juuIOny.png), Image 9 (http://i.imgur.com/beAcdRK.png), Image 10 (http://prntscr.com/8vpx1j))

23/01/15 - JaiHo (Various bits of furni - Image 1 (http://i.imgur.com/oJ4wLTO.png), Image 2 (http://i.imgur.com/ZYofqoJ.png), Image 3 (http://i.imgur.com/YTcAqwg.png))


Competitions Department

Donations to the Competitions Department will be used as prizes in Habbox competitions, and in events run by the Competitions department.

06/10/13 - Jesse,123 - Donated 300 Credits

19/01/2014 - HE-Joshua - Donated 50 Credits. Image (http://prntscr.com/2ksooh).

17/06/2014 - MissAlice - Donated 50 Credits, a Throne and various rares. Image 1 (http://www.tashload.com/Uploader/uploads//6DkKiWb.png), Image 2 (http://www.tashload.com/Uploader/uploads//OgIr83a.png) & Image 3 (http://www.tashload.com/Uploader/uploads//ih0JDie.png)

06/09/2014 - lesbon - Donated 50 credits. Image (http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img633/9071/bSjQkw.png)

18/12/2014 - davemateee - Donated 100 credits.

18/12/2014 - !:Random!:! - Donated 15 credits.

10/02/2015 - Samanfa - Donated 100 credits.

20/02/2015 - Stealth - Donated 750 credits. Image (http://i.imgur.com/fzdJzoY.png)

05/04/2015 - Yuxin - Donated 50 credits.

30/05/2015 - 2hd. - Donated a variety of norms.

Events Department

Donations made to the Events Department will be used as prizes in large scale events ran by the department, and into the making of games rooms etc.

13/04/13 - pozei2 Donated 50 credits (Image (http://prntscr.com/10gclm))

06/05/13 - Yuxin Donated various furni items (Image) (http://prntscr.com/13npto)

17/05/13 - Rayxol Donated various furni items (Image 1, (http://prntscr.com/15asy6) Image 2, (http://prntscr.com/15at2v) Image 3, (http://prntscr.com/15atb5) Image 4, (http://prntscr.com/15atk0) & Image 5 (http://prntscr.com/15atmy))

17/05/13 - Bkps Donated various furni items (Image) (http://prntscr.com/15avuw)

19/01/14 - HE-Joshua Donated 50 credits

02/03/14 - Crouched / Immorality Donated 35 credits and various furni items

15/03/14 - Crouched / Immorality Donated 160 credits and three Pot o' Golds

04/09/14 - BFarnsey Donated a Throne, Typewriter, Dragon Egg and 100 credits

29/10/14 - Ms.Aquamarine Donated 5 credits and various furni items (Image (http://prntscr.com/511g1a))

26/12/14 - Izzyuhh, Ms.Aquamarine, !:random!:!, Despect, Tothebintmobile, :.Awd.:, Cavies, Maze?, Skykh1, lawrawrrr, Lesbon, Ozzinator, Toxicmint, Yuxin and Cassiieee All donated a range of furni items to fund Christmas & New Year Giveaways

09/02/15 - Lewis Donated 20 credits

22/03/15 - Fliss! donated 450 credits and a selection of furniture

25/03/15 - !!Undead!! donated a variety of furniture

25/03/15 - ?.craig.? dontated 15 credits

31/03/15 - !:random!:! donated 15 credits

03/04/15 - Samanfa donated 100 credits

05/04/15 - Kizzy_ donated 1,020 credits

25/04/15 - !:random!:! donated 21 credits

04/05/15 - Dolphins donated 50 credits

09/05/15 - Ripieno donated 70 credits

07/11/15 - Dilusionate donated 100 credits

27/02/16 - IonCow donated 380 credits plus furniture including a Fire Dragon!


Forum Department

Donations to the Forum Department will be used in events and competitions run by the Forum department. This includes quick quizzes and larger-scale promotions of the forum. Contact Forum Manager if you'd like to donate.

20/05/14 - Despect donated 70 Credits (Image 1 (http://prntscr.com/3kwjzy))

14/07/14 - Jjinks1 donated 50 Credits (Image 1 (http://i.imgur.com/WAoMeDa.png))


Help Desk Department

Donations to the Helpdesk Department will be used as prizes in HxHD events, and in other promotions ran by this department.

17/10/12 - 650c - 20 Credits

19/01/14 - HE-Joshua Donated 50 Credits.

25/03/17 - Despect Donated 10 gold bars

HabboxLive Department

Donations to the HabboxLive Department will be used as prizes in HxL events, and in other promotions run by the radio department.

A full list of HabboxLive donations can be found here: http://habboxlive.com/#/donations

25-08-2012, 07:41 PM
We thank Intersocial for donating 165 credits to Habbox!

18-09-2012, 07:20 PM
Thank you to Intersocial for donating 100 credits to Habbox. This will be used on the Back to School tournament as requested.

26-09-2012, 02:40 PM
Thank you to Mr-Trainor for donating 250 credits to Habbox.

03-10-2012, 02:04 PM
Thank you to Mr-Trainor for donating 50 credits to Habbox.

17-10-2012, 09:01 PM
Thank you to 650c for donating 20 credits to HxHD!

20-01-2013, 09:33 PM
Thank you to Jellyfish for donating 500 credits to Habbox!

18-02-2013, 09:41 PM
Thank you to TooClose for donating 400 pieces of Furni.

11-04-2013, 06:20 PM
Thank you to AussieGambler for donating 500 credits.

12-04-2013, 03:10 PM
A massive thank you to adECW (Nalfar) who has donated a massive 2350 credits to Habbox.

13-04-2013, 03:32 PM
Thank you to AussieGambler for donating 500 credits to Habbox.

13-04-2013, 08:46 PM
Thanks to pozei12 for donating 50 credits to events.

17-05-2013, 12:55 PM
A huge thank you to Rayxol & Bkps who have both donated various furni items to the Events Department.

06-10-2013, 09:56 PM
A big thank you to Jesse,123 for donating 300 credits to the Competitions Department!

19-11-2013, 09:41 PM
A huge thanks goes to MissAlice for donating 300 credits towards Habbox.

19-01-2014, 09:00 PM
Thank you to HE-Joshua; for donating 55 Credits to Habbox!

19-01-2014, 09:04 PM
Thanks very much to HE-Joshua; as he just donated 50 Coins to Habbox Events!

19-01-2014, 09:07 PM
Another thank you to HE-Joshua; for donating 50 Credits to the Competitions Department!

19-01-2014, 09:45 PM
Thank you to HE-Joshua; for donating 50 Credits to the Help Desk :).

10-04-2014, 10:07 PM
Big thank you to !EOD! for donating various items of furniture to Habbox!

10-04-2014, 10:56 PM
A big thank you to Drew; for donating 100c to the Events Department. :)

11-04-2014, 04:10 PM
A thank you to Inseriousity.; for donating 350 Credits to Habbox :).

13-04-2014, 10:55 PM
A massive thank you to Smurfed-; for donating 85c & a bunch of seasonal Easter furniture to the Events Department. :)

11-05-2014, 08:16 PM
Thanks to Evenn. for donating 50 credits to Habbox!

18-05-2014, 09:42 PM
A massive thank you to sadepaiva who has donated 4x Golden Dragons to Habbox

20-05-2014, 05:28 PM
A big thank you to lRhyss for donating a throne to Habbox

23-05-2014, 06:23 PM
A big thank you to Despect; who has donated 70 Credits to the Forum Department :)

31-05-2014, 03:07 PM
A big thank you to the following people who have donated to HabboxLive:

Calum0812 ~ Image (http://www.habbox.com/assets/images//2014/05/31/4151fcf2b7.png)
Chug! ~ 50 Credits
Kyle ~ Image 1 (http://habbox.com/assets/images//2014/05/31/ed41422d9.png) & Image 2 (http://habbox.com/assets/images//2014/05/31/def8822.png)
Despect ~ Image (http://habbox.com/assets/images//2014/05/31/0a61e4.png)

17-06-2014, 10:05 AM
A big thank you to MissAlice; for donating 50 Credits, a Throne and various rares to the Competitions department!

14-07-2014, 05:56 AM
Thanks to Jjinks1; for donating 50 credits towards the forum department!

20-07-2014, 08:57 AM
Thank you to Smurfed- , themcbirnie , and MikeyFusion for donating coins and furniture to HxHD to assist in funding our comps and events in the past month :)

Smurfed- (http://puu.sh/9ZtNQ.png)
themcbirnie (http://puu.sh/a5sTe.png)
MikeyFusion (http://puu.sh/aiNIf.png)

04-09-2014, 04:35 PM
A massive thank you to BFarnsey; for donating a Throne, Typewriter, Dragon Egg and 100 credits as prizes for the Events Department Habbo History 101 quest!

06-09-2014, 05:12 PM
A huge thank you to lesbon for donating 50 credits to the Competitions Department! :)

25-10-2014, 09:08 PM
A big thank you to UndeadDevilHD and KrazyBethw for donating various items to Habbox. :)

29-10-2014, 08:39 PM
I'd like to thank the lovely Ms.Aquamarine; for donating 5 credits and various furni items to the Events Department!

23-11-2014, 09:48 PM
Thanks to UndeadDevilHD for donating 6 Habbo credits and 1 HC light.

18-12-2014, 11:28 PM
Thank you to David for donating 100 credits and !:random!:! for donating 15 credits to the Competitions Department.

26-12-2014, 01:32 PM
A big thank you to the following people for donating a range of Habbo furniture & credits to the Events Department for Christmas & New Year Giveaways.


30-12-2014, 10:00 PM
Thanks to Sinsinaty; for donating 5 credits and a bunch of Christmas furni!

17-01-2015, 03:03 PM
Thanks to despect for donating 300c and various furniture items to HabboxLive!

08-02-2015, 06:12 PM
A HUGE thank you to Stealth; for donating 450c towards the Help Desk Department!

09-02-2015, 08:41 PM
A huge thank you to @Lewis (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=70869); for donating 20 Credits towards the Events Department! :)

This will be hugely beneficial to the department. Since Events Organisers mostly supply their own prizes and rooms for their events so we currently run a rewards system which aims to help contribute to this based on their hard work and commitment within the department. We also aim to run bigger events in the future which we will be able to host on a more permanent basis, so contributions like this are very much appreciated in allowing us to offer greater prizes and create better events for the community. I aim to help members of the team who are struggling as well as working on some new unique and exciting wired events and events which are 'different' to what is currently being offered too.

Thanks again Lewis! :D

11-02-2015, 12:18 AM
A major thank you to Samanfa; for generously donating 100c to the Help Desk Department! :D

11-02-2015, 12:22 AM
Thank you to Samanfa for donating 100 credits to the Competitions Department, these credits will be used as prizes for Competitions and larger scale events.

21-02-2015, 02:48 PM
A big thanks to Brad; who has donated various furni items to Habbox!


21-02-2015, 02:50 PM
A big thanks to Plebings; who has donated various furni items to Habbox!


22-02-2015, 10:13 PM
Such a massive thank you to Stealth who has very kindly donated 750 credits to the Competitions Department! These credits will be used for an upcoming event as well as for general prizes.

01-03-2015, 10:00 PM
A huge thanks to !:random!:!; who just donated some lovely bits of furniture to the Help Desk Department :D!

05-03-2015, 08:05 PM
A HUGE thanks to Bazzer for donating lots of furniture (55) towards the Help Desk department. Also a big thanks to Stealth; for donating another 15gbs towards the Help Desk Department too! I'm very thankful to both of you and this will be a huge help towards upcoming events!

19-03-2015, 10:32 PM
I'd like to say a big thank you to !:random!:!; for donating 10c to the Help Desk! Thank you so much Becky :D

22-03-2015, 09:54 PM
A very big thank you goes out to the Habbo user Fliss! for donating 450 credits and a selection of furniture to the Events Department. These funds will be put towards future events we are in the process of planning!

25-03-2015, 12:59 AM
The Events Department would like to thank @!!Undead!!; for their donation of a variety of furniture towards funding future events. Please see screenshot below of the items donated!


25-03-2015, 07:56 PM
Thank you to ?.Craig.?; for donating 20 credits to the events department! The credits will be going towards some Easter events coming to you soon!

27-03-2015, 04:48 PM
A big thanks to despect; who has donated 330 credits and various furni items to Habbox!


31-03-2015, 09:15 PM
Thank you to @!:random!:! who has donated 15 credits to the Events Department!


05-04-2015, 01:41 PM
Hey guys, we have two very exciting donations to announce today.

First of all, the Habbo user Kizzy_ has donated a whopping 1,020 credits to the Events Department which will go a long way in helping fund the events we host. With the Easter Eggstravaganza starting next week and the Habbox Summer Spectacular not too far over the horizon, they will be put to great use in offering prizes! Thank you very much Kizzy_!


We have also had another donation from Samanfa of 100 credits to the department which is fabulous. These will be put towards the same events mentioned above and keeping all you Habboxers entertained!


05-04-2015, 01:55 PM
Yuxin has donated 50 credits to the Competitions Department. :)

25-04-2015, 07:33 PM
A nice big thankyou goes out to !:random!:! who has donated 21 credits to the events department. Thank you very much Becky!


04-05-2015, 10:45 PM
Many thanks to Dolphins Jamez; who has just donated a gold bar to the events department! It is very much appreciated and will be put towards future events we have the pipelines!


09-05-2015, 09:40 PM
A nice big thank you goes out to @Ripieno (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=121601); who has just donated 70 credits to the Events Department. Many thanks for the donation and it will be added to the fund for some new events we have coming up and towards the annual HxSS!


30-05-2015, 05:06 PM
Thanks to 2hd. who has donated a collection of norms to the Competitions Department, which will be used to build some rooms for a future event the department is hosting. The department relies on public donations to fund its big events so if you would like to donate, don't hesitate to get in touch.

23-07-2015, 07:34 AM
Thank you to @Yuxin (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=63975); for donating rares, bulk norms and 75 credits to HabboxLive! These funds will be used to fund giveaways and on-air competitions, some will also be saved for events during HxSS!

17-08-2015, 11:55 PM
I would like to say a big thank you to sexpot for donating a big handful or furni to Habbox :D

29-09-2015, 04:55 PM
A huge thank you to LewSafety for donating various items of furniture!

15-10-2015, 08:02 PM
Thanks to Zatley for donating a huge amount of credits to Habbox!

26-10-2015, 11:11 PM
Huge thanks to chanel; for donating 105c to Competitions!


26-10-2015, 11:48 PM
A HUGE, HUGE thank you to Prince; for donating 1,100 items of furni to Habbox, including credits and norms! They'll definitely come in so useful and thanks for your hugely generous donation :)

See the first post if you're interested what he donated!

07-11-2015, 10:48 AM
Thankyou to phil for this lovely little donation to events!

23-01-2016, 08:01 PM
Thank you to JaiHo for donating a bunch of furni!!




27-02-2016, 11:20 PM
A big thank you goes out to IonCow tonight for his generous donation to the Events Department! The credit value amounts to 380 credits along with various furniture including a rare Fire Dragon, many thanks for your donation!

(Missed screenies for the first 150 credits!)

25-03-2017, 12:35 AM
A huge, huge, hugeee thank you goes to despect; for donating 500 Credits to the Help Desk Department! Words can't express how grateful we are for this <3 :)

06-09-2017, 09:16 PM
Been a while :P a big big thank you to slaq; for her donation of 62c to the events department tonight! Smashing stuff xxx

06-10-2017, 08:40 PM
Thank you to GetAClue; for his fantastic donation of almost 200 pieces of furni! Not pictured is a Habblympix trophy and 2 Gothic Fountains.






20-11-2017, 10:29 PM
Thanks to Sonnynixon; for donating 270c to Habbox!

22-09-2018, 08:50 PM
A massive thank you to Mark; for donating 75c to Habbox, much appreciated!


10-12-2019, 12:32 PM
A massive thanks to despect; for donating 511 credits towards Habboxmas!

10-12-2019, 12:32 PM
A huge thank you to sexpot; for donating 250 credits!

18-12-2019, 12:27 AM
Intersocial; has just donated LITERALLY over 4000 items... it's taken just over an hour to trade it all. I originally started making a list of everything but wow glad I didn't carry on with THAT

Will note though that it's included a dragon egg and oversized sunglasses which are fabulous plus a few other rares so a huge thank you, very much appreciated! Now I can finally sleep before having to transfer it all over to needy accounts cries

26-04-2020, 02:21 PM
A huge thank you to sexpot; for donating 300 credits towards HxSS!!


26-04-2020, 02:24 PM
A massive thank you to Becky / !:random!:!; for donating a large amount of furniture to the HxLGiveaway account!

- missing a few items which I forgot to screenshot, apologies.


16-05-2020, 10:33 AM
A HUGGGEEEE thank you to @despect (https://habboxforum.com/member.php?u=59633); for donating a whooping 230 credits to the forum department!!!


23-06-2020, 08:01 PM

A casual 2000c donation from sexpot; to help fund HxSS - thank you so much!

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