View Full Version : [.NL] Comic Sans Day (Habbo)

06-07-2012, 04:30 PM
Seriously, do they have celebrations for everything these days? Anyway on .nl they started celebrating "Comic Sans day" (T'is a font for the uneducated ones). All the font on the homepage has been changed to this:


And they get a badge by entering the Habbo Lido:


Badge looks weird but very... bright aha. I reckon the font looks quite good in Comic Sans. Ik this isn't for .com but thought it'd be a nice piece of trivia to share.

06-07-2012, 04:35 PM
LMFAO the badge, oh my god.
I remember when everyone at school used comic sans and i was different and used georgia because it was my name. :(

06-07-2012, 04:36 PM
Aww wish we got this

06-07-2012, 04:37 PM
LMFAO the badge, oh my god.
I remember when everyone at school used comic sans and i was different and used georgia because it was my name. :(

LMAO. Hi Mrs. Vanity. I actually chuckled at that irl.

Oh I fancy going to get the badge now tbh.

06-07-2012, 04:39 PM
Used to love that font at school... grown up now though and can't stand it; EVERYONE uses it, lol.

06-07-2012, 07:12 PM
Hahaha, I used to use Comic Sans to annoy my friend but I hate it now! :P

I think they have to (or just prefer to) use Comic Sans in nurseries / primary school because it's the closest to how you actually write irl. The "a" for example! :P

06-07-2012, 07:33 PM
Badge looks terrible to be honest, it's an old New Years firework badge with writing on top. Haha yay for random holidays. :P

06-07-2012, 07:37 PM
Ok then, I want a font day too, how do I apply ;).

06-07-2012, 07:42 PM
The badge is horrid!

06-07-2012, 07:46 PM
Oh my...the badge is hideous. Glad its not on our hotel :P

06-07-2012, 08:15 PM
the badge is awful hahaha omg gonna type in comic sans even though it's a horrible font

06-07-2012, 08:22 PM
the badge is awful hahaha omg gonna type in comic sans even though it's a horrible font

Lol omg, why am I the only one who doesn't think that font is dreadful? :( Certainly better than this:


06-07-2012, 08:24 PM
Lol omg, why am I the only one who doesn't think that font is dreadful? :( Certainly better than this:


okay comic sans is a little bit better than impact! lol!

06-07-2012, 08:28 PM
okay comic sans is a little bit better than impact! lol!

Thank God for that xD. I also hate stuff like this... ​Courier New.

It's just so ?? ;l

06-07-2012, 08:43 PM
i think habbox should have made everything comic sans for a day

06-07-2012, 08:46 PM
I would not log on that day omg...

I cant even DESCRIBE how much I hate comic sans... almost as much as papyrus

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