View Full Version : GTA V Release date? & SimCity information

11-07-2012, 09:37 PM
Hi all

I'm really sorry if this has been posted but the GTA V release date is apparently November 23rd 2012, according to zavvi.co.uk (http://www.zavvi.com/games/platforms/xbox-360/gta-grand-theft-auto-v-5/10569985.html), although a few websites have reported that the release date is actually a month earlier (October 23rd).

Whatever date it is, it's approaching quickly. Is anyone really excited for this release? Though we haven't seen much gameplay, I know I am!

Finally, for those who loved SimCity 4 (like myself), the new SimCity has been confirmed and it's release date is sometime in February next year. The trailers have certainly got me excited for this game and I'm even tempted to pre-order this early on.

Link: http://www.simcity.com/en_US/media/video/SimCity-E3-Gameplay-Trailer

Thoughts? :P

11-07-2012, 09:41 PM
-Still has SimCity 2000 and needs to catch up 12 years on- :(

I didn't even know they made more than 1 on PC lmfao, may look into getting it in the future though. Bday present for me maybe depending on the day it's released aha.

11-07-2012, 10:11 PM
I didn't expect GTA to be coming out this year, but if it is then I'll most likely get it around Christmas time. As for SimCity, I've seen a bit of gameplay from it which looked quite good.

11-07-2012, 10:16 PM
I'd seen things saying it wouldn't be out until about June 2013,
So I'm very happy it's a lot earlier than that if it's official :P

Proper excited for GTA, can't wait.

11-07-2012, 10:31 PM
I'd seen things saying it wouldn't be out until about June 2013,
So I'm very happy it's a lot earlier than that if it's official :P

Proper excited for GTA, can't wait.

y0 tom!

You gonna be playing it on the 360 or PS3?????

11-07-2012, 10:32 PM
y0 tom!

You gonna be playing it on the 360 or PS3?????

Most likely the Ps3,
I have GTA IV 360, but the rest of mine on the Ps3,
Not 100% sure yet though :P

Nice to see you Aled :)

11-07-2012, 10:44 PM
Most likely the Ps3,
I have GTA IV 360, but the rest of mine on the Ps3,
Not 100% sure yet though :P

Nice to see you Aled :)

I take it you don't have xbox live?

12-07-2012, 10:34 AM
Seriously doubt that's the release date. Matter fact rockstar hasnt posted anything about GTA V since they released their trailer back in November. They are still doing Max Payne 3 marketing right now.

12-07-2012, 11:23 AM
Seriously doubt that's the release date. Matter fact rockstar hasnt posted anything about GTA V since they released their trailer back in November. They are still doing Max Payne 3 marketing right now.

Hm thats true. If it was coming this November then there would have been more advertisements and trailers promoting it. :(

12-07-2012, 11:31 AM
I can't wait till GTA comes out. It doesn't surprise me its around November time, just in time for Christmas where they can sell it at full price.

Also SimCity looks good I remember playing it years back. It'll be interesting to see some more gameplay.

12-07-2012, 12:17 PM
That simcity trailer looks great! :D

12-07-2012, 02:28 PM



12-07-2012, 03:02 PM
The graphics for GTA look amazing! :o I can't wait for it to come out! :D




12-07-2012, 03:07 PM
If that can stay at a steady 30fps at 720p, I'll be more than happy.

12-07-2012, 03:13 PM
Let's hope they don't make a **** up of the PC version like they did with GTA IV.

12-07-2012, 04:41 PM



wow those graphics looks brilliant. i really can't wait for it now, i'll just have to start saving up. haha!

13-07-2012, 01:48 AM
That helicopter says POLICE in the back. Spell that backwards and it says, ECILOP, if you take away the first and last letters you have CILO which sounds like CEE LO - Ceelo green is 200 pounds. If you convert that to dollars at the current rate you have 308.0800. Now remove all the 0s and you get 38.8, so on August 19 they will release the new trailer for the game at 8am!

13-07-2012, 07:59 AM
That helicopter says POLICE in the back. Spell that backwards and it says, ECILOP, if you take away the first and last letters you have CILO which sounds like CEE LO - Ceelo green is 200 pounds. If you convert that to dollars at the current rate you have 308.0800. Now remove all the 0s and you get 38.8, so on August 19 they will release the new trailer for the game at 8am!

LOL who even came up with that? Sounds like one of those random number conspiracy theories :P

13-07-2012, 09:53 AM
GTA V does look tempting so far, but there's not been that much info as far as I can tell.

As for SimCity. It looks good but unfortunately EA are the developers, which instantly makes it crap. Expect errors that will never be fixed, falsified advertisements and a lack of support on the majority of computers.

13-07-2012, 10:19 AM
Let's hope they don't make a **** up of the PC version like they did with GTA IV. Agreed. They totally *Removed* up that port, most of the time my copy didn't even work properly.

Edited by Jordan (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not avoid the forum filter

13-07-2012, 12:25 PM
i wish theyd delay GTA V for the next generation of consoles, it would be so much better

13-07-2012, 03:03 PM
GTA V does look tempting so far, but there's not been that much info as far as I can tell.

As for SimCity. It looks good but unfortunately EA are the developers, which instantly makes it crap. Expect errors that will never be fixed, falsified advertisements and a lack of support on the majority of computers.

Publishers* Maxis are developing it like every other major SC game. The only way EA could **** it up they have by having the online requirement DRM. It's only really needed for start up, but it's still a piss take if say my internet is down.

13-07-2012, 03:11 PM
i wish theyd delay GTA V for the next generation of consoles, it would be so much better

San Andreas was released in 04, IV was released in 08. Releasing V in late 2012 early 2013 is a good idea, as we have no solid idea when the next gen of consoles will be released (with the exception of the Wii U) and with Microsoft thinking about a 10 year life span of the 360, it'd leave enough time for another 4 year cycle for VI or whatever name is appropriate.

13-07-2012, 04:50 PM
Publishers* Maxis are developing it like every other major SC game. The only way EA could **** it up they have by having the online requirement DRM. It's only really needed for start up, but it's still a piss take if say my internet is down.
Since Maxis became a sub. of EA they're both one in the same. If most of the EA games are anything to go by, it could be a huge let down and unbearable to play. Hopefully you're right though, and it does actually work well. EA seem undecided about online DRM requirements - one moment they're stating it will the next it won't :/

13-07-2012, 04:52 PM
Since Maxis became a sub. of EA they're both one in the same. If most of the EA games are anything to go by, it could be a huge let down and unbearable to play. Hopefully you're right though, and it does actually work well. EA seem undecided about online DRM requirements - one moment they're stating it will the next it won't :/

Battlefield 3 isn't unbearable to play.

13-07-2012, 05:11 PM
cant wait for GTA hope i dont complete it that quick.

14-07-2012, 09:31 AM
Battlefield 3 isn't unbearable to play.
One of their few exceptions. If memory recalls, their football and first person shooter divisions are good. Strategy and simulation are a huge let down (C&C, Sims etc.)

14-07-2012, 10:30 AM
These images really do look impressive, cant wait to play it!

Judge Judy
15-07-2012, 12:42 PM
Since Maxis became a sub. of EA they're both one in the same. If most of the EA games are anything to go by, it could be a huge let down and unbearable to play. Hopefully you're right though, and it does actually work well. EA seem undecided about online DRM requirements - one moment they're stating it will the next it won't :/
It seems EA will have always-on DRM on Sim City. There was a news article on Destructoid where the spokesgirl speaking for Maxis said EA was 'investing quite a bit'.

http://bit.ly/LSvtQY (Destructoid)

18-07-2012, 05:31 PM
Most of the websites I've seen all advertise GTAV by showing a release date of late 2012, so I don't think they're all wrong xD

18-07-2012, 05:59 PM
One of their few exceptions. If memory recalls, their football and first person shooter divisions are good. Strategy and simulation are a huge let down (C&C, Sims etc.)

How so? C&C and The Sims are the best in their genres...

18-07-2012, 07:59 PM
How so? C&C and The Sims are the best in their genres...
Used to be. C&C 4 was dreadful, they practically killed off the Command & Conquer series with that. As for The Sims, The Sims 3 is absolutely dreadful and lacks any long-time play value. They still haven't fixed the Adventures errors or the Late Night errors, with a few in between. If they had any brains in The Sims department, they would just fix the problems and not have modders do their dirty work. The Sims 3 is a huge let down compared to The Sims 2, and the reviews and the comments in their forums are testament to that (obviously you get the deluded brown nosers saying nothing is wrong, despite the fact EA made the entire game unplayble for 2 weeks).

The Sims 2 was also playable on most computers. The Sims 3 takes up way too many resources for what it does, and EA seem to think that everyone should buy the same computer (same specs, hardware etc) even though most game companies - indie ones included - can produce a game that can play on most computers as long as the specs are fine. They seem drawn to a specific graphics card.

I could go on. I just find EA the destroyer of simulators and strategy games. :P Obviously we all have different opinions.

18-07-2012, 08:37 PM
I swear to God if GTA V is as monotonous as GTA IV then I'll be so annoyed!

I got really excited over GTA IV and then when I got it I just thought "it's the same as all the others". According to what I've heard GTA V is going to be very different and new.

19-07-2012, 12:20 AM
GTA IV was pretty crap, it was a step backwards imo. If GTA V has a bigger setting and all the features GTA San Andreas had (maybe even more) I'll be very impressed, though. GTA V is still in development, I think it'll probably come out in the summer or autumn 2013.

I'm excited for GTA V but I'm more excited for Metal Gear Rising Revengence and especially Metal Gear Solid 5, which still needs to be formally announced, hopefully next month on the 30th. Never could really get into Sim City.. my ex from years ago had an obsession with Sim City 4, though.

19-07-2012, 10:24 AM
GTA IV was pretty crap, it was a step backwards imo. If GTA V has a bigger setting and all the features GTA San Andreas had (maybe even more) I'll be very impressed, though. GTA V is still in development, I think it'll probably come out in the summer or autumn 2013.

I'm excited for GTA V but I'm more excited for Metal Gear Rising Revengence and especially Metal Gear Solid 5, which still needs to be formally announced, hopefully next month on the 30th. Never could really get into Sim City.. my ex from years ago had an obsession with Sim City 4, though.

I must be the only one on here then to think that GTA IV was actually quite enjoyable and the graphics were, if anything, an improvement on previous games.

19-07-2012, 11:08 AM
I must be the only one on here then to think that GTA IV was actually quite enjoyable and the graphics were, if anything, an improvement on previous games.

I had no problems with GTA IV apart from it being a crappy port for the PC version which caused issues.

19-07-2012, 11:10 AM
I must be the only one on here then to think that GTA IV was actually quite enjoyable and the graphics were, if anything, an improvement on previous games.

It's just that in comparison to GTA:SA, many features were lacking, which in my opinion is to be expected. The only thing I missed really was the ability to move a car by running into it.

19-07-2012, 12:03 PM
I had no problems with GTA IV apart from it being a crappy port for the PC version which caused issues.

Ahhh well I only had it on console, so no problems there ;)

It's just that in comparison to GTA:SA, many features were lacking, which in my opinion is to be expected. The only thing I missed really was the ability to move a car by running into it.

Yeah I suppose so. Reminds me slightly of Simpsons Hit & Run that...

19-07-2012, 12:06 PM
Ahhh well I only had it on console, so no problems there ;)

Yeah I suppose so. Reminds me slightly of Simpsons Hit & Run that...

I rather have more performance ;)

19-07-2012, 12:17 PM
Woop can't wait for this, I will either try and grab it before it's gone or wait until after Christmas and get it then.

24-07-2012, 02:31 PM
I must be the only one on here then to think that GTA IV was actually quite enjoyable and the graphics were, if anything, an improvement on previous games.

I just don't like how GTA has gone down the route of trying to be realistic. Fair enough about improved graphics and physics, but I prefer the GTA III era (that's GTA III -> Vice City Stories) games where you don't go flying out of your car if you crash. I suppose IV was just hard to get into for me.

30-07-2012, 04:14 PM
I'm pumped for GTA V. Who wouldn't be excited about a remake of San Andreas? Heard the game quality is so detailed.

From the footage of gameplay I can't tell whether the game has multiplayer, but here's me hoping it does. Anyone else seconding that emotion?? :D


30-07-2012, 04:17 PM
The images and videos for the new sim city look pretty good, they aren't quite as realistic as they could have been but atleast they're finally doing a PROPER sim city again, not all the childish cartoon ones, been waiting ages for them to bring it back!

The news about GTA V is pretty good too, shame my playstation is broken :(

30-07-2012, 05:13 PM
i might get GTA V but im interested in the Sims city game looking good so far im going to keep my eye on it.

31-07-2012, 01:23 PM
For those of you who haven't yet seen this video, here are afew rumors about what might be included in the final product of GTA V once released: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgV4waOsPoY

Having the main city be 4x bigger than the map in Vice City Stories only is just ridiculous. I'm so excited for it!! :D

31-07-2012, 09:06 PM
It seems a bit of a long shot that they will include child NPCs camping in the woods... I'm sure they won't allow children to be harmed in the game, as with the rumours dogs, cattles and other animals. As he said he the video, they got away with it in Red Dead Redemption because it was a true picture of the times back when the game was set.

EDIT: Nevermind, he said young NPCsas in young adults, not young as in children.

31-07-2012, 09:12 PM
It seems a bit of a long shot that they will include child NPCs camping in the woods... I'm sure they won't allow children to be harmed in the game, as with the rumours dogs, cattles and other animals. As he said he the video, they got away with it in Red Dead Redemption because it was a true picture of the times back when the game was set.

I read somewhere (I think it was a leak) saying child NCPs were a big no, so I agree with you, I very much doubt they will include child NCPs.

31-07-2012, 09:13 PM
I read somewhere (I think it was a leak) saying child NCPs were a big no, so I agree with you, I very much doubt they will include child NCPs.
Just rewatched that YouTube video :P The person reading out the rumours mentioned young NPCs which I thought meant children. He meant young adults. Phew :P

31-07-2012, 09:18 PM
Just rewatched that YouTube video :P The person reading out the rumours mentioned young NPCs which I thought meant children. He meant young adults. Phew :P

Ah right, haha, I found the Article anyway:


No children NPC at all. Ever.

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