View Full Version : [Bobba] banned ugh

14-07-2012, 06:29 AM
i wonder when banning people unfairly will stop.

i didn't once mention cam 2 cam lol i was talking to @Diistrict (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=90418);


14-07-2012, 06:34 AM
Lol sure you were richie ;I I have the proof.

Jokes, but just wow. Ugh Habbo needs to sort out.

14-07-2012, 06:44 AM
wow, you got a 1 month for that? luckily i only got banned for a day when i was "sexually role-playing" (lol wut). you should start a support ticket

14-07-2012, 07:23 AM
hahahahaha gutted

i haven't been banned yet since this filter thing luckily but i think one month is harsh

14-07-2012, 07:43 AM


2 id bans and not once have i even referred to webcam.. lol wtf

---------- Post added 14-07-2012 at 08:51 AM ----------

Does anyone have any idea what i might be saying that's getting me banned?

14-07-2012, 07:53 AM
could be anything thats close to camera, webcam, cybering, etc.

I know I most likely got banned for sexual role-playing because I said "hot male" in reference to hotmail/windows live messenger. think there was a filter on the word mail.

14-07-2012, 07:56 AM
could be anything thats close to camera, webcam, cybering, etc.

I know I most likely got banned for sexual role-playing because I said "hot male" in reference to hotmail/windows live messenger. think there was a filter on the word mail.

The thing is I didn't say anything like that, someone actually said 'Requesting online fun' messing and didn't get banned but I get banned for having normal conversations lol I'm confused.

14-07-2012, 08:00 AM
The thing is I didn't say anything like that, someone actually said 'Requesting online fun' messing and didn't get banned but I get banned for having normal conversations lol I'm confused.

honestly the whole thing is stupid atm. once we get rid of the locks hopefully it'll be better. only thing I can really say is get a support ticket going, which i'm sure you've already started. can't really do much besides that :(

you'll probably get unbanned if you're reasonable with them.

14-07-2012, 08:01 AM
I just got a warning in game for role-playing I HAVEN'T EVEN SPOKE

---------- Post added 14-07-2012 at 09:02 AM ----------

honestly the whole thing is stupid atm. once we get rid of the locks hopefully it'll be better. only thing I can really say is get a support ticket going, which i'm sure you've already started. can't really do much besides that :(

you'll probably get unbanned if you're reasonable with them.

Have done but last time I was banned I got a reply from a member of staff like 3 months later saying 'sorry for the inconvenience, you're now unbanned' I KNOW I AM BLOODY UNBANNED

14-07-2012, 08:16 AM
wow i just tested it on a few people and if you report someone and say

'role-playing with other habbos' 90% of the time people get banned. Someone was obviously reporting me :P

sorry @1umbrella1 (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=56799); @Diistrict (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=90418); wanted to just test it :( didn't think it'd actually work

14-07-2012, 08:19 AM
Its fine aha, 24 hours. Lost my bets DAMN Red; you win

Ok but thats a piss take

14-07-2012, 08:32 AM
Lmao that shouldn't count to ya bans Maria ;)
and yeah it's only 24 hours doesn't matter

14-07-2012, 08:43 AM
patrolling the hotel atm


14-07-2012, 08:48 AM
any ban is a ban Sophie ;(

Lmao richie, really into it aren't you ;)

14-07-2012, 08:50 AM
This seems to be working


14-07-2012, 08:53 AM
This seems to be working


LOL watch out, Kyle from C4 is on patrol

14-07-2012, 08:58 AM
want to dance with me? want a ban?


14-07-2012, 09:02 AM
LMAO richie, channel 4 bribes ;)
Seems to work in your case.

14-07-2012, 09:08 AM
SAw Diistrict;s name and thought "What now Maria :rolleyes" then realised it's about Richie.

This whole thing is pathetic aha, think we'll literally have to write on Paul LaFo's head "Stop.Outsourcing.Mods" before he gets the idea :P

14-07-2012, 11:57 AM
this happend to a girl i was in a room with last night, she got two month ID bans, whatever MOD was on last night must have been extra harsh. Appeal it

14-07-2012, 12:51 PM
I got banned for a day for requesting webcam (I actually requested for somebody to shut up). How did you get a month?

14-07-2012, 01:48 PM

i just got banned for this too? althought i said nothing lmao

14-07-2012, 02:17 PM
Lol this is so unfair. I shouldn't have been banned but even if I was why the hell do I get a month on TWO ids but you guys just get a one day ban?

14-07-2012, 04:09 PM
hahaha Kellie; got two id ban too but only for a day

14-07-2012, 04:14 PM
Yeahh I was only looking in shops then they banned me, second time was just sitting in hxhd and then got banned again :S

14-07-2012, 06:45 PM
I would reccomend that you click here and tell them about it as they would be far more interested than Sulake:

14-07-2012, 07:16 PM
People do usally report people for the fun of it, if you havnt done anything that the ban, or even warning has warned nor banned you for just complain to habo support LOL,


30-07-2012, 03:24 PM
Finally received a reply, I said:

Hello Naomi,I understand how this could be easily read out of context. In all honesty though I wasn't requesting webcam. The user in the room which I was speaking to, knows me in real life. I was asking them to skype for a little bit. I am aware the hotel is under strict moderation but I didn't know a user couldn't refer to skype. In my defence I didn't give out or request any personal information e.x skype name or email address, which you can see from the logs. If genuinely requesting to speak to someone you know in real life on skype, through the game client is against the habbo way then I apologize sincerely, I have been using the hotel for a good seven years on and off different accounts and it wasn't a problem then so I didn't see how it could be a problem now. And for someone who hasn't had any bans prior to this occasion surely you can understand why I might be a little annoyed, a months ban for referring to a skype call is a little harsh but I'll let you use your better judgement.Kind Regards,

They replied:

Thank you for your reply and for the information you've provided.We appreciate that you were merely getting your friends to connect with you on skype.However, since videochat tools such as skype and msn are frequently used for inappropriate webcam contact, we wholly discourage and advise against even mentioning it on Habbo.Please understand that talking about skype, using variation such as sky pe, sky pie or sky pencil, however innocent the intention, may get you banned. Best not to go there in future.Best,Habbo.com Customer Support

Looks like I have to do the time :(

30-07-2012, 03:36 PM
Finally received a reply, I said:

They replied:

Looks like I have to do the time :(

just point out that you weren't aware of the rule as it had never been made apparent apart from privately on twitter and ask for a second chance...

30-07-2012, 03:53 PM
i havent been banned yet or had any warnings :) and last night i was talking about facebook and stuff, or is that allowed?

30-07-2012, 05:37 PM

Apparently nothittingkids is inappropriate, sorry I shall hit kids.

30-07-2012, 06:04 PM

Apparently nothittingkids is inappropriate, sorry I shall hit kids.

Oh my god richie, you have the hardest luck :/

31-07-2012, 12:01 PM
Hello Yet,
Thanks for your reply and the information you provided.We took a long, hard look at the facts and found that the ban was definitely legit. Nevertheless, life is full of second chances and so here´s yours. We've unbanned your account, so you should be able to access it as per usual.Fair warning, though: Play nice and keep your nose clean, as the next permanent ban for the same reason may not have such a happy ending:o)Remember, when creating a Habbo Hotel account, all habbos agree to abide by the Habbo Way so as to keep everyone on Habbo safe and sound.You'll find more information on the Habbo Way here: https://help.habbo.com/entries/274612-the-habbo-way

Habbo.com Customer Support


31-07-2012, 12:11 PM
Hello Yet,
Thanks for your reply and the information you provided.We took a long, hard look at the facts and found that the ban was definitely legit. Nevertheless, life is full of second chances and so here´s yours. We've unbanned your account, so you should be able to access it as per usual.Fair warning, though: Play nice and keep your nose clean, as the next permanent ban for the same reason may not have such a happy ending:o)Remember, when creating a Habbo Hotel account, all habbos agree to abide by the Habbo Way so as to keep everyone on Habbo safe and sound.You'll find more information on the Habbo Way here: https://help.habbo.com/entries/274612-the-habbo-way

Habbo.com Customer Support


they are going to hate you for all the name changes. was it even a perm ban? or was it the 30 day one lol

31-07-2012, 12:16 PM
they are going to hate you for all the name changes. was it even a perm ban? or was it the 30 day one lol

30day pal but fair play to them, they could of just told me to **** off. And IK, mattg is gonna go on a mad one.

31-07-2012, 02:24 PM
Hello Yet,
Thanks for your reply and the information you provided.We took a long, hard look at the facts and found that the ban was definitely legit. Nevertheless, life is full of second chances and so here´s yours. We've unbanned your account, so you should be able to access it as per usual.Fair warning, though: Play nice and keep your nose clean, as the next permanent ban for the same reason may not have such a happy ending:o)Remember, when creating a Habbo Hotel account, all habbos agree to abide by the Habbo Way so as to keep everyone on Habbo safe and sound.You'll find more information on the Habbo Way here: https://help.habbo.com/entries/274612-the-habbo-way

Habbo.com Customer Support

YESSSSSSSSSkeep your nose clean?!?!!

31-07-2012, 02:27 PM
Hello Yet,
Thanks for your reply and the information you provided.We took a long, hard look at the facts and found that the ban was definitely legit. Nevertheless, life is full of second chances and so here´s yours. We've unbanned your account, so you should be able to access it as per usual.Fair warning, though: Play nice and keep your nose clean, as the next permanent ban for the same reason may not have such a happy ending:o)Remember, when creating a Habbo Hotel account, all habbos agree to abide by the Habbo Way so as to keep everyone on Habbo safe and sound.You'll find more information on the Habbo Way here: https://help.habbo.com/entries/274612-the-habbo-way

Habbo.com Customer Support



31-07-2012, 02:51 PM
some lovely girl called Isabel

31-07-2012, 03:09 PM
some lovely girl called Isabel

I'm stuck with katharina again now, in the past Jamine and Alex were slightly helpful but still didn't unban me. I just constantly seem to get Katharina :@

31-07-2012, 03:11 PM
I'm stuck with katharina again now, in the past Jamine and Alex were slightly helpful but still didn't unban me. I just constantly seem to get Katharina :@

I had a massive argument with her in the past so maybe shes not allowed deal with me or something, she's possibly their worst staff member.

31-07-2012, 05:21 PM
I had a massive argument with her in the past so maybe shes not allowed deal with me or something, she's possibly their worst staff member.

I might have to do the same thing then, she's just gone and put my ticket as being solved without even replying to it as she has done on 3 or 4 tickets now :@ HOPE I GET YOUR PERSON ON MY NEW ONE

31-07-2012, 06:05 PM
i havent been banned yet or had any warnings :) and last night i was talking about facebook and stuff, or is that allowed?

I assume talking about facebook is allowed considering a lot of people log onto Habbo using facebook.

31-07-2012, 06:16 PM
I might have to do the same thing then, she's just gone and put my ticket as being solved without even replying to it as she has done on 3 or 4 tickets now :@ HOPE I GET YOUR PERSON ON MY NEW ONE

Say at the start of your ticket "I would like to request that another member of staff other than Katharine deal with this support ticket as i find her incredibly rude, and very difficult to understand"

you will most likely get someone else. also go onto all the ticket she has closed and at the top you have the option to rate it, click the option that you are not satisfied.

31-07-2012, 08:03 PM
Say at the start of your ticket "I would like to request that another member of staff other than Katharine deal with this support ticket as i find her incredibly rude, and very difficult to understand"

you will most likely get someone else. also go onto all the ticket she has closed and at the top you have the option to rate it, click the option that you are not satisfied.

I've done that before and asked for someone else, they just closed it and said don't make multiple appeal things :( They're constantly saying they'll ban me from the help tool yet I have 20+ appeals in there.

I'm with marlon atm but he isn't that great either is he?

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