View Full Version : What was your most Frightning Nightmare?

30-08-2005, 02:24 AM
Well........Im trying to cut down on chocolate so last night i had a dream that a HUGE chocolate bar was chasing me down the street saying "Eat me!". What was yours?

DJ Reaper
30-08-2005, 02:30 AM
a freaky girl from my school climbed through my window i stabed her and she died YEY!! but then she cmae back to life AAAAHHHH!!!!!!!

30-08-2005, 02:58 AM
Nuclear war and stuff.
Bombs going off - end of the world type scenerio. :(

30-08-2005, 03:31 AM
lol ivehad all kind of nightmares, sometimes stupid stuff scares u in nightmares and u wake up and ur like. " wth :S thats not scary" lol once i remember i was dreaming that i was sleeping :P and i woke up because a cat was near my bed :S and i was like OMG OMG!! and couldnt move cause i was so scared :o and i woke up like! :o:o!!!!!
haha and then im like... wth? :S a cat? hahaha and sleep again :P

30-08-2005, 04:23 AM
I've forgot all mine, and I don't have then anymore :/ even though I want them.

30-08-2005, 04:50 AM
My mom and I were walking down the street near by, all of a sudden I heard moaning and groaning my house was attacked by zombies (the effects of playing resident evil =/), we looked to the side and this building was full of them I can see the hands stretching out... we ran and all of a sudden I found myself in a building (it broken off into not reality....) And my mom turned into Claire Redfield and I was Hughes from Fma... and then I found myself in a back alley with samus aran and gahh it got bad... but the first part scared the hell out of me.

30-08-2005, 04:52 AM
I was stalking Moose (like I always do), and all of a sudden he turned into Sesshormaru. He killed me :(

30-08-2005, 04:53 AM
I remember! Then I turned into Gluttony and my acidic salyva... :(

Heart Break Kid
30-08-2005, 04:55 AM
er mine has to be the one were i was on top of a building and i walked al the way down the side then people started attacking me with curved knives but then i fell and hit my head i then realised id fell asleep while hangin upside down while bunghee jumping in the forest

30-08-2005, 04:56 AM
I remember! Then I turned into Gluttony and my acidic salyva... :(
It included a rusty coathanger, right?

30-08-2005, 04:57 AM
And the clothing of the late Pamela Anderson that stupid **bleep**.

30-08-2005, 05:03 AM
And the clothing of the late Pamela Anderson that stupid **bleep**.
No no no, that was the one where you grabbed life by the erec...


30-08-2005, 05:06 AM
No! the one with the ranch dressing.

30-08-2005, 11:29 AM
I destroyed the universe. ;D

30-08-2005, 11:39 AM
Kinda funny but it scared me aliens were taking over the world and asked me 2 b their leader and then suddenly all my friends and every1 else turned in2 an alien and then i woke up and couldn't open them up mayb i was still in the dream who nos?

30-08-2005, 11:47 AM
mine was probly when my sister died the worst dream ive ever had :'(:'(

30-08-2005, 12:59 PM
I turned round and saw a massive plane about to fly through my window.

this was shortley after the Sept 11th attacks.

30-08-2005, 02:01 PM
errrr, well my worst was when I found a car crash in a tunnel, and the car was a like tank full of blood and my mum was floating around in it, that was very disturbing.
Another time this monster squeezed itself out of the lightbulb in the hallway, I dont remember the rest though.
I know about 5 years ago I had a dream about a post, its kind of harmless, but i was really sick at the time and quite delusional, so it creeped me out.

30-08-2005, 02:02 PM
that i joined the army and got shot in a plain :(

30-08-2005, 07:46 PM
I haven't had nightmares for years o.O

Punk Rock Star
31-08-2005, 01:59 AM
When I dreamed:

My dad was in his hospital bed, and he was hooked up to an I.V. and they were going to take him away from the family, I can't remember why, bu he died....:'(

31-08-2005, 02:21 AM
I've thought of another bad dream i had .I was in a tunnel and i was like in my 20s i don't even think it was me coz i had blonde hair it was the mother of the daughter in the ring1 thats who i was but i was in the tunnel with noah(the guy from the ring)and a lot of children and we were travelling this small train track which is undergrund and sothen i got out of the tunnel and i was in an apartment and i couldn't get out so i banged on the window coz there was a lady outside it and sh couldn't understand wat i was saying and i was ognna break the glass but then the dream ended

31-08-2005, 02:43 AM
Okay, this will be long but here it goes . .

Okay, I find myself standing in the middle of a bridge, 6 cars had just collided and fire was everywhere but I wasn't being burned. I approached one car and saw a dead lady, her skin was pale, one of her eyes were missing, and her bottom lip was hanging off her mouth. I kept looking at her and all of a sudden, her head looked at me in a split second. She jumped out of the car and started chasing me.

I kept running and running until I found myself at a barn which turned out to be some sort of daycare/adoption. So, I slept over there at night. While I was on my bed, sleeping soundly, I heard a noise under my bed, so I peered under but nothing was there, so I went back on my bed and looked at the ceiling. The dead woman was there again and she looked at me, and her head did a 360° spin and she kept laughing and laughing like a clown, except it sounded more evil. So I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. She kept banging and banging until the door gave in and dropped to the floor.

Once more, I gazed at her sinister face and then she screamed and lunged toward me. Then I woke up. o.O Weird huh? xD Just imagine it before you go to sleep ;)

31-08-2005, 02:45 AM
the dude from Jeepers Creepers just picked me up from the ground and then I woke up to a gun shot. I have had scarier ones but I dont remember them lol

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