View Full Version : [HELP] Blue Screen Of Death

16-07-2012, 09:33 PM
I recently discovered that my computer wasn't working at all, When I turned it on It came up with two options, Start windows normally and something to do with fixing issues on my computer. I didn't mind as my computer usually does checks when I turn it on and works perfectly so I went ahead with the check up. A few moments later a Blue error screen (I discovered to be the windows blue screen of death) popped up with a lot of white text with an error code. I new it had something to do with the software on my computer as I have came past this problem before. I tried to access safe mode through the F8 option on start up. When I select Safe Mode the screen is covered with text with 'Loaded:' In (this is normal when accessing safe mode.) It then stopped and the computer restarted automatically. I was surprised as this has never happened to me before. I tried all the F8 (advanced options) that I could use but all failed. I can not access my login nor windows. I have tried a complete restore / Format but my prompt for it seems not to work (ALT+F10) I really need help with this situation as I am a Events organiser and I need to do my events! (Posted this through my Blackberry.) Its an Acer Aspire one Series netbook If you need any more information just ask.
P.S if I have posted in the wrong thread sorry as I didn't know which to post in!

16-07-2012, 09:37 PM
I would download Blue Screen View so you can see exactly why the BSoD occurred. I usually do a system restore but most times it works fine after (I'm not sure if I do the correct thing either lmao)!

16-07-2012, 09:38 PM
Is there any way for you to copy the error code? The problem can usually be diagnosed if you can give that. Try turning off automatic restart so you can get the code.

Also, can you get onto your computer at all or does it shut down before you can even see your desktop?

16-07-2012, 09:38 PM
Hey Luke,
You can post away for up to three weeks by putting a note in our Notifications Thread. Sadly I don't quite know how to fix your problem, but I'm sure there are some others who will be able to get you back up and running!

Thanks and good luck! :)

16-07-2012, 09:38 PM
Ok massive wall of text so;

Can you get into windows and actually log in, and have so long until a BSOD, if so upload c:\windows\MEMORY.DMP and c:\window\minidump folder (zip them and upload)

If not, can you run the recovery from windows startup

16-07-2012, 10:04 PM
I cannot access my login page at all! Nether will it let me reformat my computer. I'll get you those error Codes tomorrow :)
Thanks for all your comments so far.

16-07-2012, 10:07 PM
STOP error codes won't do much as theres a ton of causes for every one :P

Use the recovery tool.

You will be able to reformat, assuming you mean system restore?

16-07-2012, 10:10 PM
It not let me login to my windows so I'm afraid I can't upload them, my computer is useless. I can't access safe mode either. When I select start windows normally it restarts my computer and the same with safe mode. And if I select fix my computer it comes up the BSOD. When I go on last known configuration the BSOD pops up and when I try to reformat it restarts my computer. Its impossible for me to fix it. I hope I can, I don't want to buy a new hard drive as I had to already buy a new one and I also need to buy a screen as I am using my other computer monitor (my other computers hard drive has burned out btw)

17-07-2012, 12:58 AM
Acer.. hmm.

When you turn on the netbook, where you pressed F8 for safe mode before - try pressing F10 or F11(maybe hold the ALT key at the same time). It should bring up a factory restore settings option. You will lose any data on the PC though.

I would say use this as a last resort, though.

17-07-2012, 07:20 AM
Error Codes:


Technical information:

*** STOP: 0x00000050 (0x87E40000, 0x00000000, 0x90445B13, 0x00000000)

And I have tried ALT+F10 and ALT+F11 and it just turns my computer off then on again!

17-07-2012, 08:54 AM
Do you happen to have a copy of Windows on a disk handy?

17-07-2012, 10:30 AM
No I haven't and my laptop dosn't have a disk drive. So even if I did it wouldn't help, lol.

17-07-2012, 11:36 AM
its screwed, you need to find a way of reinstalling windows.

17-07-2012, 01:34 PM
Fairly sure thats common with hardware failure pointing to RAM. Could also be HDD.

If you can get access to another computer, download memtest86+ (http://www.memtest.org/) install it to a USB stick and sort boot order in BIOS to run from it, let it do a good couple passes to see if it finds any errors with RAM.

If you can log onto the computer for a few seconds get the MEMORY.dmp and /minidump contents from c:\windows gives a lot more information

Really need to do a chkdsk /f /r (from elevated command prompt (Start > right click cmd > run as admin))

But yeah if memtest doesn't show any errors, and theres no way of you getting to log on windows theres not really a lot to do.

17-07-2012, 03:13 PM
Netbooks usually have a recovery partition. OEMs are required under Microsoft licensing to give you some form of install media. Go find the manual and look at recovery options before going through the hassle of installing Windows from a USB stick.

17-07-2012, 03:36 PM
Alt+f10 when you boot should take you to the factory restore area.

18-07-2012, 08:16 AM
Alt+f10 when you boot should take you to the factory restore area.

Not necessarily, it depends on the BIOS the vendor uses.

18-07-2012, 05:14 PM
Alt+f10 when you boot should take you to the factory restore area.

I have tried ALT+F10 and it has sadly failed to come up. Recursion is right. But even I don't know what it is :S

18-07-2012, 05:31 PM
Get the manual for your netbook and it'll tell you.

19-07-2012, 11:43 AM
Get the manual for your netbook and it'll tell you.

Lost my manual and box. Although I have two of these laptops and there both broken yet I have a box for one of them and a manual :D but ive checked and it dosent say as the harddrive in my laptop is suppost to be for a different laptop :S

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