View Full Version : Habbo Avatars Broken?

18-07-2012, 06:23 PM
Is it me or if you try to embed habbo images they wont load unless you visit them directly first to create a cookie?


I have been playing with stuff and trying to get a habbo image based on a database field but it shows up with the red X until i go to the image url.

Did i miss something? Have they changed something? I noticed this with a few habbo imagers too.

Edit: Basically you cannot load habbo images unless you have first visited habbo.com* in any way. Kind of hard to create Habbo image generators like this.

I put this in design and dev because im trying to get it to work it is not news or a rumour

18-07-2012, 06:29 PM
Is it me or if you try to embed habbo images they wont load unless you visit them directly first to create a cookie?


I have been playing with stuff and trying to get a habbo image based on a database field but it shows up with the red X until i go to the image url.

Did i miss something? Have they changed something? I noticed this with a few habbo imagers too.

Edit: Basically you cannot load habbo images unless you have first visited habbo.com* in any way. Kind of hard to create Habbo image generators like this.

I put this in design and dev because im trying to get it to work it is not news or a rumour

Could be because homepages don't work, they probably need the avatar off that.

18-07-2012, 06:42 PM
I noticed this the other day when I visited the Habbox Staff List and none of the images were working. Seems to be working fine when I visit it now but it's broken on the generators. If it requires Habbo.com to be visited then maybe include an iFrame before generating the image on the page for a temorary fix. Hopefully it isn't permanent though.

Could be because homepages don't work, they probably need the avatar off that.Nah, I'm sure the homepages base the image off that URL.

18-07-2012, 07:12 PM
edit; the URL below seems to be working fine when I grab it with GD.


http://habbo.com/habbo-imaging/avatarimage?user=" . $habbo . "&action=wav&direction=3&head_direction=3&gesture=sml&size=l&img_format=gif

18-07-2012, 10:23 PM

GD will work if the user has visited habbo.com* and has the temp cookie. But will show broken image if they don't.

Basically what i was trying to do:

User registers:
-habbo name

Then when they login pull the habbo name from the database and insert it:

<img src="http://habbo.com/habbo-imaging/avatarimage?user=' . $habboname . '&action=wav&direction=3&head_direction=3&gesture= sml&size=l&img_format=gif />

So it will show their habbo on the site. However if they haven't visited Habbo.com and have cleared their cookies or the cookie has expired it will show a broken image.

So then i was thinking i'll grab the image first store it on my host and update it every time they login or X.

<?php copy('http://habbo.com/habbo-imaging/avatarimage?user=" . $habboname . "&action=wav&direction=3&head_direction=3&gesture= sml&size=l&img_format=gif', 'avatars/" . $habboname . ".gif); ?>

Then instead:

<img src="avatars/' . $habboname . '.gif" />

But that still doesn't work, grr.

I am currently trying to wrap my head around using cURL using the cookiejar but haven't quite figured that part out yet.

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, dirname(FILE) . '/cookie.txt');

Calvin Try deleting your cookies and see if you can load that GD. Or even better link me to the GD file you created if you have it on a public server.

The Habbox Staff page doesn't work for me after clearing my cookies.

Samanfa; Like Calvin said its the other way around.



So further investigation it seems www.habbo.com doesn't work but habbo.com does. Can anyone confirm this?

18-07-2012, 11:25 PM
So further investigation it seems www.habbo.com (http://www.habbo.com) doesn't work but habbo.com does. Can anyone confirm this?It seems Habbo must have changed the settings so only habbo.com works.

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