View Full Version : Habbo has gone downhill massively

28-07-2012, 05:05 PM
For someone like myself who has experienced this game from it's peak when Ione use to be Hotel Manager back in 2003, I can tell how much Habbo has changed and in my opinion not for the better. Although I understand not everything stays the same, and as time goes on things do change but in my opinion the direction they have gone with it has been quite lackluster.

First off id like to state the merge was a wrong thing to do even if it was meant to try and bring more population back to the hotel. I thought the idea of having different hotels with their own dedicated staff to that country was much better and you felt like a small community from the same world. With the merge it seemed like you don't know who the Hotel Manager, Staff is. I remember on UK exactly who my Hotel manager was such as Ione, Jibbi, Callie, Lost_Witness and staff such as Impeteous, HelKat, Dionysus, Jay and many more. But now I couldnt name you one hotel staff.

The Habbo Hotel homepage back when I use to remember it use to be a orange homepage which featured necessary information and was easy to use. If you was a newcomer and clicked on the homepage it would not entice you to play the game at all. I remember in 2003 when I stumbled upon the site from my friend I looked at lots of information on the homepage as a kid and was so interested in the joining the game. From that point onwards I had loved the game. Since 2009 I found myself slowly distancing myself away from the game because the game prefers to be a client and have everything stored on one page.

This brings me to my next point that Hotel Staff need to play a much more bigger part. Back in the day Hotel Staff were much more involved. We had things such as 'Soapbox' which use to be hosted by Dionysus where we had our weekly views and debates. We also had our 'Weekly newsletters' with useful information with competitions were much more fun to take part in and articles which were by some of the Habbo's apart of the hotel. I also liked the system that they had with the 'Hobbas' and 'eXperts' which could help Habbo's. Although I admitt this guardian system could be something similiar to that.

Competitions were much more fun to take part in. Who remembers the fun days of Habboween, Christmas, Habbowood, Valentines day and Funky Friday competitions. I remember when I use to try so hard to get on the Habbo Hotel homepage by entering and winning competitions to try and earn a certain badge. These days competitions have no point in taking apart in because you receive basically nothing and if you do it's a badge which most people will have anyway.

Public Spaces were very important to the Hotel. It was a different kind of setting from guest rooms. I dont know why this was ever removed, and I know it has returned but its basically a guest room. What happened to the old games also like Battleball, Battleships, Wobble Squabble? Where is the Habbo Cinema, Habbo Cafe, Rooftops, Hallyway etc. Why was this even removed in the first place?

My main concern is the Habbo Console. If you look on the left hand side of the Habbox Forum that is what the legendary Habbo Console use to look like. Simple, effective and fun to use. This was something that did not need changing. I am all for the IM they have brought into the hotel but did not think that the console itself needed removing. The Habbo purse was also a fun feature and it was nice when your credits would fill the purse up and if you had nothing it just a bunch of 'Flys' in your wallet. And last who could forget the big hand that stored all your stuff? :') good times.

Another complaint, yes I know another one. Habbo Pictures being removed was really upsetting to me because all the memories that I had on that game were completely gone. I use to love using my Habbo Camera and taking pictures. I know that scripting was done alot with pictures but surely by some sort of coding they could of worked their way around this by now. I would of loved to have my pictures restored and being able to take pictures. This was something that should have been removed temporary and have been restored by now.

I have many more complaints, but for now I just want to see some of your opinions about Habbo and the fun that I feel has been taken out of it. Would love to hear from you guys.

28-07-2012, 05:10 PM
I agree with every single point there +1

The thing is some of the decisions on updates were business based rather than user satisfaction etc so it was always going to happen the question was when. Any company aspires to make as much profit as they can but one thing Habbo forgot was that keep their current customers happy.

I mean look at RuneScape for example, they have their first ever version only available to their veterans, how much profit (if any does that make them?) I think it costs them more to run it, but hey look they know the importance of customer satisfaction from every corner.

28-07-2012, 05:29 PM
First off id like to state the merge was a wrong thing to do even if it was meant to try and bring more population back to the hotel. I thought the idea of having different hotels with their own dedicated staff to that country was much better and you felt like a small community from the same world. With the merge it seemed like you don't know who the Hotel Manager, Staff is. I remember on UK exactly who my Hotel manager was such as Ione, Jibbi, Callie, Lost_Witness and staff such as Impeteous, HelKat, Dionysus, Jay and many more. But now I couldnt name you one hotel staff.

I personally thought the merge was a great idea. Yeah it had downsides, crashing RV and things, but the population and variety of people is massive now. If they hadn't merged it, we'd have the same amount of staff spread between the hotels - they simply can't (well don't want to) afford it, with a profit margin anyway. I knew the Hotel Managers last year, as they used to 'sign' the bottom of every news article. However, I left for a while when 2 of them quit (I think) and News articles were removed. The moderators are much less well known now - I think this is a good thing though. They're not bombarded with friend requests and people stalking them to bum lick for 5 seconds of fame. They actually have a job to do, you know?

The Habbo Hotel homepage back when I use to remember it use to be a orange homepage which featured necessary information and was easy to use. If you was a newcomer and clicked on the homepage it would not entice you to play the game at all. I remember in 2003 when I stumbled upon the site from my friend I looked at lots of information on the homepage as a kid and was so interested in the joining the game. From that point onwards I had loved the game. Since 2009 I found myself slowly distancing myself away from the game because the game prefers to be a client and have everything stored on one page.

The homepage shows you a massive ENTER HOTEL button, screenshots of the latest additions (currently Fast food, Niko and a few other things)... what else do you need? It's not a history site. It's much more based in the client now, yes, but it's so much easier to access as you don't have to click off the page.

This brings me to my next point that Hotel Staff need to play a much more bigger part. Back in the day Hotel Staff were much more involved. We had things such as 'Soapbox' which use to be hosted by Dionysus where we had our weekly views and debates. We also had our 'Weekly newsletters' with useful information with competitions were much more fun to take part in and articles which were by some of the Habbo's apart of the hotel. I also liked the system that they had with the 'Hobbas' and 'eXperts' which could help Habbo's. Although I admitt this guardian system could be something similiar to that.

Firstly, like I've said before, staff actually have a job to do and do tend to be more secluded from the community. A few staff members do go around the Hotel and still chat, just less officially. The removal of weekly newsletters still exist don't they? With a summary of what's going on. I'm pretty sure I got one a few weeks back? Hobbas and eXperts did pose a security risk to the Hotel - the Guardian system, although very similar, seems to be learning from the past mistakes.

Competitions were much more fun to take part in. Who remembers the fun days of Habboween, Christmas, Habbowood, Valentines day and Funky Friday competitions. I remember when I use to try so hard to get on the Habbo Hotel homepage by entering and winning competitions to try and earn a certain badge. These days competitions have no point in taking apart in because you receive basically nothing and if you do it's a badge which most people will have anyway.

So many people complained about pixel and/or room designing competitions as they were favoured by staff. Even the current room building comps have come under massive public scrutiny, so I can see why they don't use them. Habbo's now become much more about actually playing, rather than competing. I did love the competitions and stuff, but they were just so difficult to win - badges give everyone a chance.

Public Spaces were very important to the Hotel. It was a different kind of setting from guest rooms. I dont know why this was ever removed, and I know it has returned but its basically a guest room. What happened to the old games also like Battleball, Battleships, Wobble Squabble? Where is the Habbo Cinema, Habbo Cafe, Rooftops, Hallyway etc. Why was this even removed in the first place?

The Public rooms were removed with the update to BETA (new Habbo). As far as I'm aware, the games were removed as they clashed with the new Flash client (which is 100x better). With the addition of so many lines of furni and new players joining, there just wasn't the demand for big rooms. There are still a few public rooms, but you won't find that many people in there (well atm there are due to the whole mute protest, but in a few months it'll all go down again). They are reintroducing new games, and did replace BattleBall with Battle Banzai, a user-created game which isn't tooooo different.

My main concern is the Habbo Console. If you look on the left hand side of the Habbox Forum that is what the legendary Habbo Console use to look like. Simple, effective and fun to use. This was something that did not need changing. I am all for the IM they have brought into the hotel but did not think that the console itself needed removing. The Habbo purse was also a fun feature and it was nice when your credits would fill the purse up and if you had nothing it just a bunch of 'Flys' in your wallet. And last who could forget the big hand that stored all your stuff? :') good times.

They're just trying to update the graphical style. The old pixel-y graphics were so outdated, and they've been slowly removing it. Like everyone else, I ranted and raved when Volter was removed but I think it looks so much sleeker and more modern now. For the older players, they'll be annoyed a vital piece of nostalgia was removed, but the old designs simply won't attract new players.

Another complaint, yes I know another one. Habbo Pictures being removed was really upsetting to me because all the memories that I had on that game were completely gone. I use to love using my Habbo Camera and taking pictures. I know that scripting was done alot with pictures but surely by some sort of coding they could of worked their way around this by now. I would of loved to have my pictures restored and being able to take pictures. This was something that should have been removed temporary and have been restored by now.

Cameras were a massive security threat. They actually allowed scripting (somehow) and could be used to capture material that could harm others, a massive part of the Habbo Way. They have been looking into returning them though, and there have been screenshots found of an alternative. How official or close this is to being introduced is anyone's guess!

I have many more complaints, but for now I just want to see some of your opinions about Habbo and the fun that I feel has been taken out of it. Would love to hear from you guys.

I think that Habbo has changed drastically from what it used to be, but it's nowhere NEAR not fun any more. I think that many original players have a) grown up and b) lost their known features, which means they're not as interested any more. We can't live in a world of nostalgia though, or we'd all be strutting around in our floor-length dinner dresses and breeches asking "Would you care for a cup of tea, Mr Darcy?", instead of sitting on our computers. I do think the removal of some features is a shame, especially some of the Public rooms and BattleBall, but it's all to promote a new and exciting updated game at the end of the day.

28-07-2012, 06:02 PM
Doughnutty all your responses I completely understand. I think the underline fact is that I have grown up. I'm not that young kid of 9 years old anymore first logging into the hotel. Being 18 years old you obviously love to look back at things and think ' That was a part of my child hood ' and I look back at the memories and wish things could be like that again. I miss my the people I met, the events that took place and understand changes need to be made to entice a new fanbase.

I think ultimately Im just a guy who is stuck in the past. +Rep to you

28-07-2012, 06:10 PM
I don't think I've ever written such a long post, LOL!!! It is so different, imagine being a kid of 11 nowadays, you're looking for something which reflects the very modern world around them. It's so hard to lose friends, especially with Habbo basically forbidding you to add them on any other site you can talk on. Nostalgia is definitely a good thing though imo!!

28-07-2012, 06:14 PM
I personally thought the merge was a great idea. Yeah it had downsides, crashing RV and things, but the population and variety of people is massive now. If they hadn't merged it, we'd have the same amount of staff spread between the hotels - they simply can't (well don't want to) afford it, with a profit margin anyway. I knew the Hotel Managers last year, as they used to 'sign' the bottom of every news article. However, I left for a while when 2 of them quit (I think) and News articles were removed. The moderators are much less well known now - I think this is a good thing though. They're not bombarded with friend requests and people stalking them to bum lick for 5 seconds of fame. They actually have a job to do, you know?

The homepage shows you a massive ENTER HOTEL button, screenshots of the latest additions (currently Fast food, Niko and a few other things)... what else do you need? It's not a history site. It's much more based in the client now, yes, but it's so much easier to access as you don't have to click off the page.

Firstly, like I've said before, staff actually have a job to do and do tend to be more secluded from the community. A few staff members do go around the Hotel and still chat, just less officially. The removal of weekly newsletters still exist don't they? With a summary of what's going on. I'm pretty sure I got one a few weeks back? Hobbas and eXperts did pose a security risk to the Hotel - the Guardian system, although very similar, seems to be learning from the past mistakes.

So many people complained about pixel and/or room designing competitions as they were favoured by staff. Even the current room building comps have come under massive public scrutiny, so I can see why they don't use them. Habbo's now become much more about actually playing, rather than competing. I did love the competitions and stuff, but they were just so difficult to win - badges give everyone a chance.

The Public rooms were removed with the update to BETA (new Habbo). As far as I'm aware, the games were removed as they clashed with the new Flash client (which is 100x better). With the addition of so many lines of furni and new players joining, there just wasn't the demand for big rooms. There are still a few public rooms, but you won't find that many people in there (well atm there are due to the whole mute protest, but in a few months it'll all go down again). They are reintroducing new games, and did replace BattleBall with Battle Banzai, a user-created game which isn't tooooo different.

They're just trying to update the graphical style. The old pixel-y graphics were so outdated, and they've been slowly removing it. Like everyone else, I ranted and raved when Volter was removed but I think it looks so much sleeker and more modern now. For the older players, they'll be annoyed a vital piece of nostalgia was removed, but the old designs simply won't attract new players.

Cameras were a massive security threat. They actually allowed scripting (somehow) and could be used to capture material that could harm others, a massive part of the Habbo Way. They have been looking into returning them though, and there have been screenshots found of an alternative. How official or close this is to being introduced is anyone's guess!

I think that Habbo has changed drastically from what it used to be, but it's nowhere NEAR not fun any more. I think that many original players have a) grown up and b) lost their known features, which means they're not as interested any more. We can't live in a world of nostalgia though, or we'd all be strutting around in our floor-length dinner dresses and breeches asking "Would you care for a cup of tea, Mr Darcy?", instead of sitting on our computers. I do think the removal of some features is a shame, especially some of the Public rooms and BattleBall, but it's all to promote a new and exciting updated game at the end of the day.i agree with everything you said, but the thing is, they don't seem to be attracting any more users. when it was just the uk hotel on its own i remember you would see it at 13k a lot, but it's such a low number now with so many more hotels (obviously the mute didn't help that either)

28-07-2012, 06:18 PM
i agree with everything you said, but the thing is, they don't seem to be attracting any more users. when it was just the uk hotel on its own i remember you would see it at 13k a lot, but it's such a low number now with so many more hotels (obviously the mute didn't help that either)


Everyone makes mistakes I mean giving badges to everyone devalues it and makes it become a gimmick.

Flash client
I think the majority would agree that the shockwave client (minus the exploitations) was much cleaner and better than Flash

The console
They already bought back the sounds, they need to bring more back imo :P
As you can see now Habbo CEO has tweeted he's brining back "old habbo" because he can see thats were the most profit was and the most users, e.g. 13k online at once just on the UK hotel.

28-07-2012, 06:19 PM
i agree with everything you said, but the thing is, they don't seem to be attracting any more users. when it was just the uk hotel on its own i remember you would see it at 13k a lot, but it's such a low number now with so many more hotels (obviously the mute didn't help that either)

Yeah that's an issue, so many children these days are partying or on one of 20 billion other social networking sites; habbo is no longer unique. :/

well it is unique it's just not the only place to talk to people

28-07-2012, 06:31 PM
Considering numbers are higher now then that time, I'ld have to disagree.

28-07-2012, 06:33 PM
Considering numbers are higher now then that time, I'ld have to disagree.

How do you work that one out? :P

28-07-2012, 06:34 PM
Habbo is making more and more profit each year, yes i'd like to agree with you i can't. Habbo is progressing, better marketing has made Habbo earn more money now than it was in 05 or when ever you were saying (Shockwave time)

28-07-2012, 06:37 PM
Habbo is making more and more profit each year, yes i'd like to agree with you i can't. Habbo is progressing, better marketing has made Habbo earn more money now than it was in 05 or when ever you were saying (Shockwave time)

Check the records

28-07-2012, 06:39 PM
How do you work that one out? :P

Because habbos simply grown over the years, Not easy to work out with the amount of profit they make.

The fact they've grown over the years is clearly shown, community on a staff level with the amount of people today to run competition such as classic room ones would take ages, hence why habbo is now more automated,

The new habbos of today, or maybe the past few months even maybe a year back, will probably not know a habbo like around 2003/4/6 of a more community based level.

28-07-2012, 06:41 PM
I try to steer away from commenting on how well or badly the hotel is doing, usually because I don't agree with many people! I do agree with the lack of staff presence in the hotel though, I do agree that users much more enjoyed competitions which had staff presence.

Another complaint, yes I know another one. Habbo Pictures being removed was really upsetting to me because all the memories that I had on that game were completely gone. I use to love using my Habbo Camera and taking pictures. I know that scripting was done alot with pictures but surely by some sort of coding they could of worked their way around this by now. I would of loved to have my pictures restored and being able to take pictures. This was something that should have been removed temporary and have been restored by now.

The problem with camera is that the Shockwave client used Lingos eval() function to grab the data needed to save image data. This was all fine until scripters found out that they could inject Lingo code through the photos, which the client would then eval() and execute. This put massive risk on users, as the code for instance could make it look like you was disconnected, and ask you to log back in, which you would assume was fine; but you would have been on a phisher. This is why they were disabled.

Johno has stated that he has wrote code to merge all old photos onto the new client, which means if he got the go-ahead from say Paul, then all of the old photos would be re-instated. There would be no issues regarding the photos that attempted to inject malicious code as Lingo code would not execute under Flash (Actionscript). The only problem that exists by enabling the old photos, is the pictures of porn etc.

28-07-2012, 06:41 PM
Because habbos simply grown over the years, Not easy to work out with the amount of profit they make.

The fact they've grown over the years is clearly shown, community on a staff level with the amount of people today to run competition such as classic room ones would take ages, hence why habbo is now more automated,

The new habbos of today, or maybe the past few months even maybe a year back, will probably not know a habbo like around 2003/4/6 of a more community based level.

Nowadays theres max 4-5k online

28-07-2012, 06:41 PM
Check the records

I did

"Virtual worlds back in vogue? Habbo Hotel owner makes record profits" - 2011

28-07-2012, 06:51 PM
I did

"Virtual worlds back in vogue? Habbo Hotel owner makes record profits" - 2011

They claim this.

28-07-2012, 06:52 PM
They claim this.


28-07-2012, 06:54 PM

I'm not saying you are wrong, in fact its a good piece of evidence but there was another document (I think its somewhere on the Habbox site where it showed the past figures from the very start which showed a very different outlook)

I'll try and find it

28-07-2012, 06:56 PM


Asking for evidence, then once its provided totally ignoring it.

28-07-2012, 08:26 PM

Asking for evidence, then once its provided totally ignoring it.

You should know him by now prior to the other day, is it Jordan btw? I forgot your name :P


Although Habbo has lower users than the older days this is because users spend less time on Habbo due to the world developing and things like facebook, bbm, skype have taken over online-chatting. Sulake still earn a lot because even though users spend less time on Habbo, they still buy more credits and furniture etc

28-07-2012, 10:14 PM
are you oidz as in tom? or are you another account - just wondering!

obviously everyone has their different views and there are certains points i would agree with you. i found my favourite time to be a habbo was around 2008, the community was thriving and games rooms were a plenty, when i look back i do wonder if i look back on them with rose tinted glasses though. i'd love to see a return of comps and events, players need to know that sulake do care about them, making everything automated does not carry this message, it simply says "we don't have time to waste interacting with you" and i don't know if they've noticed but having stuff automated usually leads to plenty of mishaps. imagine if at a restaurant there wasn't a waiter and you had to order using a machine.

the hotel feels empty and out of control, which was one of the main criticisms during the c4 reports. i don't miss many of the features you've said, especially good riddance to the old console and the bloody hand, but the community felt closer and i believe people were generally nicer.

but maybe habbo hasn't changed that much and i'm simply growing tired of habbo and missing the old players who i used to see daily, i don't think i could go back to old habbo without some key features they've brought, most importantly for me wired, minimail, instant messages and the market place.

i don't think i'd still be here if it was the same as it was 8 years ago.

28-07-2012, 10:51 PM
are you oidz as in tom? or are you another account - just wondering!

obviously everyone has their different views and there are certains points i would agree with you. i found my favourite time to be a habbo was around 2008, the community was thriving and games rooms were a plenty, when i look back i do wonder if i look back on them with rose tinted glasses though. i'd love to see a return of comps and events, players need to know that sulake do care about them, making everything automated does not carry this message, it simply says "we don't have time to waste interacting with you" and i don't know if they've noticed but having stuff automated usually leads to plenty of mishaps. imagine if at a restaurant there wasn't a waiter and you had to order using a machine.

the hotel feels empty and out of control, which was one of the main criticisms during the c4 reports. i don't miss many of the features you've said, especially good riddance to the old console and the bloody hand, but the community felt closer and i believe people were generally nicer.

but maybe habbo hasn't changed that much and i'm simply growing tired of habbo and missing the old players who i used to see daily, i don't think i could go back to old habbo without some key features they've brought, most importantly for me wired, minimail, instant messages and the market place.

i don't think i'd still be here if it was the same as it was 8 years ago.

Hey Alex, yes it is me Tom aka Oidz :), and I agree with your points there dude.

28-07-2012, 10:55 PM
this thread should've been done 2009/10, when the merge happened- everything went downhill as the dollar signs in sulake's eyes largened and since then it's all been about the money, not bothering about the users, the safety, the community.. just how much income they get and good on them for wanting some income but it's really ruined habbo now. I haven't played properly since then and this is why, adding tax to the habbo exchange, bringing in pointless rares, getting rid of funky fridays and bringing in rubbish prizes for competitions, taking away battleball and snowstorm and bringing them back with a charge, ditching HC for VIP, increasing the price to buy coins and so much more. They've totally ****** over the community and don't care about it, which is a massive dissapointment. Also the new features they've brought in have been terrible, getting rid of the classic console and habbo furni hand was pointless and didn't help at all. Maybe i'm just getting older and grumpier though, but i just can't get into habbo anymore sadly.

30-07-2012, 10:43 AM
Sorry I haven't read most of this thread, just wanted to reply to a few of the OPs points!

First off id like to state the merge was a wrong thing to do even if it was meant to try and bring more population back to the hotel. I thought the idea of having different hotels with their own dedicated staff to that country was much better and you felt like a small community from the same world. With the merge it seemed like you don't know who the Hotel Manager, Staff is. I remember on UK exactly who my Hotel manager was such as Ione, Jibbi, Callie, Lost_Witness and staff such as Impeteous, HelKat, Dionysus, Jay and many more. But now I couldnt name you one hotel staff.
The merge was a silly idea... but the reason most staff don't take part in competitions etc is because most are outsourced to countries that don't really understand English THAT well... which is also a large issue, but it helps to explain why we don't hear from staff so much now.
There are, however, a few development staff members that sit around in their rooms and love talking to people.

This brings me to my next point that Hotel Staff need to play a much more bigger part. Back in the day Hotel Staff were much more involved. We had things such as 'Soapbox' which use to be hosted by Dionysus where we had our weekly views and debates. We also had our 'Weekly newsletters' with useful information with competitions were much more fun to take part in and articles which were by some of the Habbo's apart of the hotel. I also liked the system that they had with the 'Hobbas' and 'eXperts' which could help Habbo's. Although I admitt this guardian system could be something similiar to that.
There is a new system coming out that is very similar to Hobbas... hopefully when this is launched the hotel will start to become better moderated again.

Public Spaces were very important to the Hotel. It was a different kind of setting from guest rooms. I dont know why this was ever removed, and I know it has returned but its basically a guest room. What happened to the old games also like Battleball, Battleships, Wobble Squabble? Where is the Habbo Cinema, Habbo Cafe, Rooftops, Hallyway etc. Why was this even removed in the first place?
You could still enter public rooms until very recently... however Habbo are remaking the rooms in a guestroom-format, which is probably better to be honest!
We currently have: Welcome Lounge, Lido, Picnic Area, Theaterdrome.

And last who could forget the big hand that stored all your stuff? :') good times.
I remember the hand didn't stack items, so you had to scroll through many pages to find specific items, often missing them and having to re-scroll! They also didn't seperate furniture like posters/flooritems/pets...
To be honest I think the inventory is a FAR better system.

Another complaint, yes I know another one. Habbo Pictures being removed was really upsetting to me because all the memories that I had on that game were completely gone. I use to love using my Habbo Camera and taking pictures. I know that scripting was done alot with pictures but surely by some sort of coding they could of worked their way around this by now. I would of loved to have my pictures restored and being able to take pictures. This was something that should have been removed temporary and have been restored by now.
They were removed because Matthew found a nasty exploit with them that created a LOT of potential danger to users/the client.
Also the amount of pornographic images and other scripted-photos, I doubt we'll ever get the old MUS system back...
A new camera feature is being released soon... with "effects" and a bigger photo-frame... but VERY likely to have the same exploits (In regards to any-image in the photo etc)... so I don't really know what their plan is.

Sulake are trying their best... it's a shame they've messed up a lot in the past though.
- Alex (Shenk).

30-07-2012, 11:35 AM
Agreed, don't forget the legendary Hobbas! :) Your right though, times have changed.. its a shame!

30-07-2012, 04:15 PM
I personally thought the merge was a great idea. Yeah it had downsides, crashing RV and things, but the population and variety of people is massive now. If they hadn't merged it, we'd have the same amount of staff spread between the hotels - they simply can't (well don't want to) afford it, with a profit margin anyway. I knew the Hotel Managers last year, as they used to 'sign' the bottom of every news article. However, I left for a while when 2 of them quit (I think) and News articles were removed. The moderators are much less well known now - I think this is a good thing though. They're not bombarded with friend requests and people stalking them to bum lick for 5 seconds of fame. They actually have a job to do, you know?

The homepage shows you a massive ENTER HOTEL button, screenshots of the latest additions (currently Fast food, Niko and a few other things)... what else do you need? It's not a history site. It's much more based in the client now, yes, but it's so much easier to access as you don't have to click off the page.

Firstly, like I've said before, staff actually have a job to do and do tend to be more secluded from the community. A few staff members do go around the Hotel and still chat, just less officially. The removal of weekly newsletters still exist don't they? With a summary of what's going on. I'm pretty sure I got one a few weeks back? Hobbas and eXperts did pose a security risk to the Hotel - the Guardian system, although very similar, seems to be learning from the past mistakes.

So many people complained about pixel and/or room designing competitions as they were favoured by staff. Even the current room building comps have come under massive public scrutiny, so I can see why they don't use them. Habbo's now become much more about actually playing, rather than competing. I did love the competitions and stuff, but they were just so difficult to win - badges give everyone a chance.

The Public rooms were removed with the update to BETA (new Habbo). As far as I'm aware, the games were removed as they clashed with the new Flash client (which is 100x better). With the addition of so many lines of furni and new players joining, there just wasn't the demand for big rooms. There are still a few public rooms, but you won't find that many people in there (well atm there are due to the whole mute protest, but in a few months it'll all go down again). They are reintroducing new games, and did replace BattleBall with Battle Banzai, a user-created game which isn't tooooo different.

They're just trying to update the graphical style. The old pixel-y graphics were so outdated, and they've been slowly removing it. Like everyone else, I ranted and raved when Volter was removed but I think it looks so much sleeker and more modern now. For the older players, they'll be annoyed a vital piece of nostalgia was removed, but the old designs simply won't attract new players.

Cameras were a massive security threat. They actually allowed scripting (somehow) and could be used to capture material that could harm others, a massive part of the Habbo Way. They have been looking into returning them though, and there have been screenshots found of an alternative. How official or close this is to being introduced is anyone's guess!

I think that Habbo has changed drastically from what it used to be, but it's nowhere NEAR not fun any more. I think that many original players have a) grown up and b) lost their known features, which means they're not as interested any more. We can't live in a world of nostalgia though, or we'd all be strutting around in our floor-length dinner dresses and breeches asking "Would you care for a cup of tea, Mr Darcy?", instead of sitting on our computers. I do think the removal of some features is a shame, especially some of the Public rooms and BattleBall, but it's all to promote a new and exciting updated game at the end of the day.

You can tell this broad joined in 2009 can't you.. LOL

30-07-2012, 04:17 PM
You can tell this broad joined in 2009 can't you.. LOL

What exactly is this meant to mean?

Just because I joined Habbox in 2009 doesn't mean that's when I started Habbo! I played from 03.

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