View Full Version : Breivik ruled sane, sent to prison.

24-08-2012, 08:26 AM

(http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10829290)Confessed Norway mass killer Anders Behring Breivik has been ruled not insane and sentenced to 21 years in prison with a minimum term of ten years for the murder of 77 people.
(http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10829290)Breivik, a 33-year-old Norwegian on a mission to expel Muslims from Europe, set off a car bomb that killed eight people outside government headquarters in Oslo and he then killed 69 others in a shooting rampage on Utoya Island, where young members of the governing Labour Party had gathered for their annual summer camp.
Reading the ruling, Judge Wenche Elisabeth Arntzen handed down a sentence of "preventive detention'' of at least 10 years and a maximum of 21 years. However, such sentences can be extended under Norwegian law as long as an inmate is considered dangerous.
Breivik flashed a clenched-fist salute as he appeared in an Oslo court to receive his judgement.
Wearing a dark suit and sporting a thin beard, Breivik smirked as he walked in to the court room and raised his fist.
Breivik says he would appeal an insanity ruling but accept a prison term.

http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10829290 (http://http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10829290)

Makes me feel sick tbh, killing 77 people is insane. Feel sorry for families of the deceased.

24-08-2012, 08:41 AM
We will look back on this day in a decade's time when he is released... 10 years for killing 77 people. Absolute rubbish in my eyes, yet still rather interesting how a country's ruling can differ so significantly.

24-08-2012, 09:03 AM
I highly doubt he will be released after 10 years but still, the fact that he could be after that short period of time surprises me.

24-08-2012, 09:24 AM
Yeah, someone last year or the year before got 14 years or something for murdering 1 person and this guy gets like nothing for 77 people. Thought Norway had a good justice system.

24-08-2012, 09:27 AM
Norway has an interesting system and don't they have one of the lowest crime rates as well? I'm not sure if it is Norway but one of the other countries in that area that has a prison that looks nothing like a prison at all and looks like a modern big house sort of speak.

This is it: http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1989083,00.html

Ignore that it mentions him might be sending him to this prison - I don't think that's been said but just look at the photos :P


I feel sorry for the friends and families and I doubt he will be released after so many years but who knows.

24-08-2012, 09:30 AM
He'll be considered dangerous forever, and therefore will never be released. I'm pretty sure of that :P

24-08-2012, 09:49 AM
Norway has an interesting system and don't they have one of the lowest crime rates as well? I'm not sure if it is Norway but one of the other countries in that area that has a prison that looks nothing like a prison at all and looks like a modern big house sort of speak.

This is it: http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1989083,00.html

Ignore that it mentions him might be sending him to this prison - I don't think that's been said but just look at the photos :P


I feel sorry for the friends and families and I doubt he will be released after so many years but who knows.

Wow if he goes there jesus. Talk about getting off lightly - may be in there for like 20 years but thats nothing compared to most prisons. Definitely feel for the families now.

Hopefully Zak; if he is released a lot of people are going to be angry.

24-08-2012, 09:54 AM
Makes me feel sick tbh, killing 77 people is insane. Feel sorry for families of the deceased.

I totally disagree - I am very happy that he was charged as a sane man; if he was charged as insane, he would be in a lovely hostel with television, internet, great food and round the clock care. He does not deserve any luxuries. 10 years is prison is not enough, either.

24-08-2012, 10:25 AM
I totally disagree - I am very happy that he was charged as a sane man; if he was charged as insane, he would be in a lovely hostel with television, internet, great food and round the clock care. He does not deserve any luxuries. 10 years is prison is not enough, either.

What happened to the death sentence? :L Thats what he deserves.

24-08-2012, 10:49 AM
Very, very glad he was declared sane. He got the maximum of 21 years, so there's not muchelse they could have done really, it was the best outcome from a horrible situation.

24-08-2012, 10:52 AM
What happened to the death sentence? :L Thats what he deserves.
that's the easy way out.

24-08-2012, 10:53 AM
Norway doesn't have the death penalty either.

24-08-2012, 11:00 AM
He'll be considered dangerous forever, and therefore will never be released. I'm pretty sure of that :P

Yeah, there is no way in hell he will ever be released unless he has a complete and utter change of who he is, and they will be so rigorous in making sure he poses no harm that I feel he will never be released.

24-08-2012, 11:12 AM
It's unlikely he will be released in 10 years into the public... For his protection more than anyone elses - his face is too easily recognisable. Norway might have him spend 10 years in whatever prison they have chosen, then transfer him to a secure location for however many years - either for rehab or for protection. It would be weird if they review him after 10 years and kick him out on the streets. They're likely to have another court hearing for his release to determine what to do (see what the public interests are etc).

Norway hasn't had a case like this before, it's all a guessing game.

It's strange, this has changed the meaning of what is considered criminally insane/sane. Loads of law professors were stating he must be insane because it doesn't conform with what the general public would consider normal, rational behaviour. I suppose the other criteria that he knew exactly what he was doing made him sane in the end. Interesting, but doesn't excuse the fact he's a disgusting human being.

Interesting facts:
- The last person to receive capital punishment in Norway was Kristoffer Nilsen Grindalen in 1875.
- Capital punishment was abolished in 1902 (in force in 1905) in peacetime Norway, and military capital punishment was abolished in 1979.

24-08-2012, 11:20 AM
A disgusting sentence even had he only killed one person, let alone 70 odd. He should have been sentenced to death, as should all those who take the lives of others. You know, often i'm more sickened by the sentences that criminals receive (here as well) rather than the actual crime.

Norway has an interesting system and don't they have one of the lowest crime rates as well?

A great deal of talk concerning the Scandinavian tax system, justice system, education system +many more is simply folklore. I haven't looked into the justice part as of yet, but take the high taxation system which is often cited by the left as being a success therefore we should implement it here; yes it's true that Norway/Denmark/Sweden do have high taxation, however they have very low levels of regulation which costs business just as much as tax - however this is never ever stated and we're led to believe that these countries are heaven on earth.

If you want to look at a soft justice system and how 'successful' it is, look at our own country where 'rehabilitation' is hailed as a roaring success yet when you look into it, you'll find that the figures are fiddled and shifted about.

24-08-2012, 01:09 PM
Wow if he goes there jesus. Talk about getting off lightly - may be in there for like 20 years but thats nothing compared to most prisons. Definitely feel for the families now.

Hopefully @Zak (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=33322); if he is released a lot of people are going to be angry.

Lets hope someone has the decency to dispose of him in prison. Well you can hardly call it prison if he's going to where Matt posted

24-08-2012, 05:26 PM

"Breivik apologises for not killing more"


24-08-2012, 05:46 PM

"Breivik apologises for not killing more"


There's no death penalty in Norway. He got the maximum possible sentence, which can, and will, probably be extended.

25-08-2012, 01:53 AM
I just worked out via Google, that if you divide 21 by 70 it's 0.3 ... so for each life he took, he's been put away for a mere three months. Absolutely disgusting.

There's no death penalty in Norway. He got the maximum possible sentence, which can, and will, probably be extended.

It has been stated time and time again Norway doesn't have the death penalty in this thread, when we say 'he should have been hung' or he deserves death that means we think he ought to be dead regardless of what soft Norwegian judges dish out. I'd also add on the extended bit which you obviously expected to please the likes of myself, that that is also an unacceptable basis for a justice system to work on - scary in fact that a sentence can just be 'extended' at will.

Thank heavens that some of us still believe in common law and reject creepy gimmicks like extended sentences or indefinite detention.

25-08-2012, 03:31 AM
It´s interesting to read your opinions on this. I´m from Norway, I was actually in Oslo that day.
As many of you have stated already, Breivik will never be a free man - even after 21 years. Imagine him walking down the streets of Oslo, he probably wouldn´t survive for more than 2 minutes. He is truly one of the most hated persons in Norwegian history..

25-08-2012, 03:53 AM
It´s interesting to read your opinions on this. I´m from Norway, I was actually in Oslo that day.
As many of you have stated already, Breivik will never be a free man - even after 21 years. Imagine him walking down the streets of Oslo, he probably wouldn´t survive for more than 2 minutes. He is truly one of the most hated persons in Norwegian history..

It's a clear failure of a justice system however that mob justice must replace the rule of law when it should be the rule of law which properly punishes criminals.

25-08-2012, 03:55 AM
Btw, this video (By Michael Moore) explains how some of the Norwegian prisons works (Though he tends to exaggerate a bit).

The maximum sentence is 21 years - so that´s why our prisons try to prepare the prisoners for a normal life again. Because their going to be back out on the street one day - so they have to make sure they aren´t a danger to the people any more :) Every prisoner is treated like an equal human being.
Look at 4:25 to see one of our prisons that prepare prisoner (even killers) for a normal civilized life. :)


25-08-2012, 04:00 AM
Btw, this video (By Michael Moore) explains how some of the Norwegian prisons works (Though he tends to exaggerate a bit).

The maximum sentence is 21 years - so that´s why our prisons try to prepare the prisoners for a normal life again. Because their going to be back out on the street one day - so they have to make sure they aren´t a danger to the people any more :) Every prisoner is treated like an equal human being.
Look at 4:25 to see one of our prisons that prepare prisoner (even killers) for a normal civilized life. :)


We have that system and it's called 'rehabilitation' and its hailed as a success, however the figures are fiddled as those chosen for 'rehabilitation' are those who are unlikely to re-commit a crime again (ie, pensioners who refuse to pay council tax/those inside for fraud etc). It's a myth that habitual criminals and killers can return to a normal civilised life and besides, justice is fundementally supposed to be about punishment.

25-08-2012, 04:06 AM
It's a clear failure of a justice system however that mob justice must replace the rule of law when it should be the rule of law which properly punishes criminals.

Well, maybe because we have such a low criminality rate that our justice system has never had to deal with anything like this before. Maybe the rule of law will change after this, who knows. But as I said, in Norway we give everyone a new chance, we´re only 5 million people. In America for example, this would never work. But Breivik will be locked up somewhere for the rest of his life, I think that´s a decent punishment.

25-08-2012, 05:39 AM
Btw, this video (By Michael Moore) explains how some of the Norwegian prisons works (Though he tends to exaggerate a bit).

The maximum sentence is 21 years - so that´s why our prisons try to prepare the prisoners for a normal life again. Because their going to be back out on the street one day - so they have to make sure they aren´t a danger to the people any more :) Every prisoner is treated like an equal human being.
Look at 4:25 to see one of our prisons that prepare prisoner (even killers) for a normal civilized life. :)


Interesting. Video is Driver takes revenge on second driver, what does that have to do with prisons? D:

I suppose thats true, if and when he is released he won't last in the community for very long.

25-08-2012, 09:03 AM
As you might have guessed I gave u the wrong link, oops!
This is the right one:

25-08-2012, 12:30 PM
Why minimum of 10 years :S I think he won't be released after 21 years anyway.

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