View Full Version : [Bobba] Habbo bans

28-08-2012, 10:51 AM
Wow, I have only been back 2 days and I have already witnessed the most unusual bans...
A friend was banned for saying "Telephone"
I was banned for saying "jerk"

Like seriously? Is this what Habbo has come to? Unnecessary bans?? At least check the context before banning.
This is a joke. -.-

Has anyone else witnessed such stupidity?

Thread moved by runeaddict99 (Trialist Forum Moderator): From 'Habbo in General' as I feel it's more suited here.

Thread closed by Nick (Forum Moderator): Due to bump

28-08-2012, 10:58 AM
Yea had a few guardian cases were people posted bad for someone saying 'shutup'. Heard other people getting banned for saying their age or 'I'm from England'. My last ban was for misspelling Kyle as Kype and I got a ban for requesting personal info. lmao :(

28-08-2012, 03:02 PM
People are getting permed for flooding a room. Like wtf :l.

28-08-2012, 04:40 PM
;) Don't ask a Habbo if you can add them as a habbo friend. You will also get a ban (at least, a room ban + 15 minute mute). loll

I received a Guardian call and the chatlog said "can i add you as a friend", "no, i dont know you. im reporting you", "what why". I voted as GOOD but some idiotic guardians voted as bad. like WTF?

28-08-2012, 05:11 PM
the fundamental problem with guardianship, the young, unmatured players get as much power. Even with a voting system there's enough of them to ruin it.


28-08-2012, 05:15 PM
plz note that its guardians plus the mods who are at fault, thats surprising...so many people misjudge u.

28-08-2012, 05:19 PM
true, everyone knows the mod problem though, don't get me wrong though, i'm sure a large amount of guardians are perfectly capable, but it is definitely showing things getting worse.

29-08-2012, 05:21 AM
;) Don't ask a Habbo if you can add them as a habbo friend. You will also get a ban (at least, a room ban + 15 minute mute). loll

I received a Guardian call and the chatlog said "can i add you as a friend", "no, i dont know you. im reporting you", "what why". I voted as GOOD but some idiotic guardians voted as bad. like WTF?

I think that is actually the dumbest report I have ever seen. That is abuse at its finest.

06-12-2012, 03:15 AM
You have been banned! The reason for the ban is "Scamming Ban: Permanent (id: 2152818)". The ban will expire at 4/4/23 8:36 PM (GMT +0000) Eastern Time.

Not expected. I tried to report someone and forcing habbo to ban them. I spent alot of money with all my furniture. and then i go-t scammed. WTF! Habbo is failing like alooot

Edited by Nick (Forum Moderator): Please don't bump old threads

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