View Full Version : What causes price inflations?

29-08-2012, 10:03 AM
I've noticed quite a few different furnis that used to be at lower prices shooting up quite a bit, a couple of cccoins from before and I want to know, just generally, what causes price inflations?

Like, executive carpets for example, they were 1c per before and sold very slowly, if at all. Now they're selling like hot cakes like seriously ;/

Is it demand, usage, introduction of other furni?

29-08-2012, 10:05 AM
Demand and usage. As you will know christmas stuff rises at christmas, halloween stuff rises at halloween - generally before halloween & christmas not after.

Executive carpets could be to do with anything - think about it, if 1 person wants to make a maze that say has 20 rooms - need on average 40 carpets per room [example] then they are going to need a lot of carpets. Also a lot of armies/RPG rooms use executive carpets. :)

29-08-2012, 10:48 AM
I would suggest reading market watch #7, should be page 2/3 of news on homepage, as this would explain seasonal inflation and deflation.

For things like norms, a few things effect it, such as market place price rises, and removal/entry to the catalogue. For exec carpets this would have been caused by execs removal from the cat. This was also seen with exec bars primarily (and corners) which rose from 1/1.5 to 2c, however can still be bought at 1c per tbh as they could before, just they now sell better at hgher price.

So in general, removal from catalogue - price rise. Returning - price drop, for norms. I won't explain seasonals as its already in market watch.

29-08-2012, 12:06 PM
Competitions where you have to use a certain type of furni makes it go up.

29-08-2012, 12:52 PM
supply and demand

you starve the market you control the demand

room comps

29-08-2012, 02:42 PM
Like mentioned and like in the real world it is down to supply and demand, to be specific, high demand or low supply.

Seasonal furni have a very fluctuating value for their obvious seasons but furni such as executive rugs become demanded for special rooms as they work well as a flooring and haven't got many substitutes. There is also less of a supply when they are removed from the catalogue because naturally furni becomes unused when people leave or recycle it, or if it's just hard to find with the people online.

So yeh, supply and demand x


29-08-2012, 02:46 PM
A number of things as people have mentioned above, but not solely supply and demand.

For example, currency can cause inflation or reduce it. An example of this would be when we had the Club Sofa as a currency and the Throne - when the Throne or Club Sofa went up in value, this would then cause other items to often drop or rise - depending on the circumstances.

For example with coins, when a popular furniture line comes out or a rare, the amount of coins in circulation will drop which causes deflation. In the same way, around Christmas or the Summer holidays you'll often have inflation as more credits are being bought thus debasing the currency.

I was most heavily involved in Rare Values during the two 'boom' periods of the Rare Values market - the 2006 summer boom (which was caused solely by supply and demand) and then the 2009 (I think) rise which was caused by both inflation (as the Club Sofa collapsed) and demand and supply.

...I still have the graph I made tracking the market by value (I think), so i'll post it later if I find it. :)

29-08-2012, 03:44 PM
I think a lot of inflation is purely caused my greed.
People find that there is a need, it only take a small group of people to increase the price slightly,
And for people to buy them at this price,
And then everyone else will follow.

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