View Full Version : ftao; events hosts

29-08-2012, 08:05 PM
Can we please have more events like Comity; hosts, fed up with the usual bingo and pod racing. He just did defend your pod and as much as I know it isn't original and new, you don't really see any of the old games being reintroduced and hosted. I'd love to see a better range of events. Don't get me wrong there are a couple of events hosts who do come up with interesting games and ones I haven't seen before but I tend to usually find it's always the same boring games.

Thank you.

29-08-2012, 08:06 PM
That was the best event ever. loved it graham xxx

29-08-2012, 08:10 PM
i only hosted it because i played it last night and had so much fun, i hadn't seen it in games section since like 08 but last night i was like :o

but ty

29-08-2012, 08:11 PM
Surveys we've held in the past have consistently shown that Habbox users favour more traditional games over original, although I would really prefer a mix of both so we can cater for everyone. I daresay the more abstract games gain more popularity too: I hosted "Who Am I?" yesterday and it went down really well. I put together a list of events over a year ago and it can be found in the Staff Handbook.. I'll post it again for the Events Organisers to see, and hopefully we'll begin to see some variation.

Thanks Jake!! :)

29-08-2012, 08:11 PM
clearly 3 of you teaming up to try and getting him to pass his trial!?!?! ;)

anywayzzzzzzzzzz loads of 'new' events have been done, especially like volunteer r/p/s. bingo/pod racing was done a lot over past few weeks as it was requested, I remember everytime I asked what people wanted me to host they'd either reply find the tele or pod racing :P

29-08-2012, 08:14 PM
Can we please have more events like Comity; hosts, fed up with the usual bingo and pod racing. He just did defend your pod and as much as I know it isn't original and new, you don't really see any of the old games being reintroduced and hosted. I'd love to see a better range of events. Don't get me wrong there are a couple of events hosts who do come up with interesting games and ones I haven't seen before but I tend to usually find it's always the same boring games.

Thank you.

Watch out for a new original event making way onto your screens with in the next few months hosted by myself and LissaW; Enough said :)

29-08-2012, 08:15 PM
no scott! I just liked the game. Me and jake were having a ball and Mathew; i can't believe you hosted who am I? without me :(

29-08-2012, 08:16 PM
Watch out for a new original event making way onto your screens with in the next few months hosted by myself and LissaW; Enough said :)

I look forward to it, winky woo ;)

29-08-2012, 08:16 PM
anywayzzzzzzzzzz loads of 'new' events have been done, especially like volunteer r/p/s. bingo/pod racing was done a lot over past few weeks as it was requested, I remember everytime I asked what people wanted me to host they'd either reply find the tele or pod racing :P Volunteer;'s events are fantastic.
Comity; you'll have to host DYP again sometime for me... I didn't know you could still do it after Habbo had updated everything! :O

29-08-2012, 08:19 PM

Under the habbox feedback forum, can we do a poll to all habbox users as to what games they like? (ie. list all the games that the current event orgs have). This will help us determine what games we should be hosting more. -Amyy; Smurfed-; santa-my-nana; Catchy; Comity; Red;

29-08-2012, 08:20 PM

Under the habbox feedback forum, can we do a poll to all habbox users as to what games they like? (ie. list all the games that the current event orgs have). This will help us determine what games we should be hosting more. -Amyy; Smurfed-; santa-my-nana; Catchy; Comity; Red;

^^^ This!

29-08-2012, 08:21 PM
personally, i thought it was rubbish

29-08-2012, 08:23 PM
personally, i thought it was rubbish

you didn't even show up ;l

29-08-2012, 08:23 PM
I don't think it's an uncommon thing to see the rarer events being hosted on Habbox anymore, which was a problem a couple of months ago. I feel that this has been a focus of the department from my perspective and it's great to see something being done about it. Granted they may not have been as varied as they could have been during the HxSS period however I definitely think it's something which is being sorted out. Like Matt said, when surveys have been done in the past (and I'm pretty sure there was one before Matt did it with similar results), both traditional and the less common events are equally enjoyed (near enough anyway) so I do think it is important to keep the Bingo and Don't Roll A Six from time to time.

I know that there are some staff who do host some original events which is great news. I think there needs to be a balance between the two and I think this is already improving and now just needs to be maintained. I do know that sometimes hosts begin to slack so host some boring FF cos ya don't need to set up a room so if this happens again in the near future both Mathew and Alex need to address it as soon as possible.

I'd also like to say how good I think the new trialist batch have been. :)

29-08-2012, 08:23 PM
@Mathew (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=31230);

Under the habbox feedback forum, can we do a poll to all habbox users as to what games they like? (ie. list all the games that the current event orgs have). This will help us determine what games we should be hosting more. @-Amyy (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=79563); @Smurfed- (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=80910); @santa-my-nana (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=102558); @Catchy (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=59974); @Comity (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=101389); @Red (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=81989);

There are 50 events on our list but there are dozens more we could add: a poll wouldn't really be feasible. I have been considering making a feedback thread for everyone to discuss the Events Department though, just so we can get a feel for what people do and don't like in general. Perhaps that may work? :)

29-08-2012, 08:24 PM

Under the habbox feedback forum, can we do a poll to all habbox users as to what games they like? (ie. list all the games that the current event orgs have). This will help us determine what games we should be hosting more. -Amyy; Smurfed-; santa-my-nana; Catchy; Comity; Red;

I'd completely disagree with that, as then the top few events will just be hosted mainly as they're the most liked :P

Should just update the staff handbook and make sure EOs are aware of it and then pick from it.

29-08-2012, 08:24 PM
I love to host original games,
But I also like to host 'filler' events that I call them,
You can't host original after original event, so during the week, I like to host the same old boring games, while buying furniture / building rooms for an original game at the weekend,

I'll try to host more original events more often ;)
But make sure you come to bingo at 11pm ok... :rolleyes:

29-08-2012, 08:27 PM
Need to figure out a way to do this in a controlled environment though. Just a random feedback thread may lead the discussion all over the place. I'm just hoping the events tab comes back soon.
There are 50 events on our list but there are dozens more we could add: a poll wouldn't really be feasible. I have been considering making a feedback thread for everyone to discuss the Events Department though, just so we can get a feel for what people do and don't like in general. Perhaps that may work? :)

---------- Post added 29-08-2012 at 04:28 PM ----------

Love your events btw;)
I love to host original games,
But I also like to host 'filler' events that I call them,
You can't host original after original event, so during the week, I like to host the same old boring games, while buying furniture / building rooms for an original game at the weekend,

I'll try to host more original events more often ;)
But make sure you come to bingo at 11pm ok... :rolleyes:

29-08-2012, 08:31 PM
I love to host original games,
But I also like to host 'filler' events that I call them,
You can't host original after original event, so during the week, I like to host the same old boring games, while buying furniture / building rooms for an original game at the weekend,

I'll try to host more original events more often ;)
But make sure you come to bingo at 11pm ok... :rolleyes:

And this is what is what works best. It's just the best way to do it! Gives such a variety all over.

Whilst events have been brought up (aww poor Alex on his first day), what's happening about Weekly Events? Do they still exist? If so, it could be an idea to perhaps just have an hour, or maybe even 2 hour slot, a week where you KNOW you're going to get an event which is hosted not too often. Not as a Weekly Event (just came up when I was thinking about them lol) but with different hosts each week but from the public's point it would mean that if they want something different, they can have it!

Not entirely original every time of course, that's just too difficult to ask.

29-08-2012, 08:33 PM
I'd also like to say how good I think the new trialist batch have been. :)
I agree. We've kept the Events Applications open for quite a while now and there seems to be a steady stream of decent applications coming in... although I'm sure it has something to do with the time of the year too.

Should just update the staff handbook and make sure EOs are aware of it and then pick from it.
Done! :D

You can't host original after original event, so during the week, I like to host the same old boring games, while buying furniture / building rooms for an original game at the weekend,
Nice idea. Who would have thought you had such a strict system? ;)

Need to figure out a way to do this in a controlled environment though. Just a random feedback thread may lead the discussion all over the place. I'm just hoping the events tab comes back soon.
Maybe so!

29-08-2012, 08:34 PM
True too.
Mathew; Has the management ever thought about revamping the way we give prizes?

For example, having a "point system" for the PLAYERS. Say that every time a player wins a game, they win one point. They can collect throughout the year and maybe have a system that allows players to redeem these points for goodies (ie. 80 points=habboxforum vip; 50 points = events staff for a day; 30 points=1 habbox lottery ticket; 20 points=option to pick a SNQ question; etc?)

Habbic; santa-my-nana; Comity; @catchy

I'd completely disagree with that, as then the top few events will just be hosted mainly as they're the most liked :P

Should just update the staff handbook and make sure EOs are aware of it and then pick from it.

29-08-2012, 08:35 PM
True too.
@Mathew (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=31230); Has the management ever thought about revamping the way we give prizes?

For example, having a "point system" for the PLAYERS. Say that every time a player wins a game, they win one point. They can collect throughout the year and maybe have a system that allows players to redeem these points for goodies (ie. 80 points=habboxforum vip; 50 points = events staff for a day; 30 points=1 habbox lottery ticket; 20 points=option to pick a SNQ question; etc?)
I think this is a good idea :P

29-08-2012, 08:36 PM
True too.
Mathew; Has the management ever thought about revamping the way we give prizes?

For example, having a "point system" for the PLAYERS. Say that every time a player wins a game, they win one point. They can collect throughout the year and maybe have a system that allows players to redeem these points for goodies (ie. 80 points=habboxforum vip; 50 points = events staff for a day; 30 points=1 habbox lottery ticket; 20 points=option to pick a SNQ question; etc?)

I like this idea because I get a bit bored with just a choice of rep or furni... I don't collect furni and I'm not really fussed about rep. So as much as I sometimes enjoy playing events, if I win there's nothing really in it for me. Although not sure if it's just me who doesn't collect furni or care about rep power.

29-08-2012, 08:37 PM
i always made sure i hosted different events, i got bored hosting unlucky chair tbh but people wanted a bit of a difference so i didnt mind :/ i had a few other event ideas that don't require too much furni so if any events hosts would like to steal those ideas (i also have a big weekly idea) then please PM/VM me and i'll let you know!

I was going to host these events but i quit instead (a) don't see myself returning in the forseeable future so I really don't mind!

29-08-2012, 08:38 PM
Whilst events have been brought up (aww poor Alex on his first day), what's happening about Weekly Events? Do they still exist? If so, it could be an idea to perhaps just have an hour, or maybe even 2 hour slot, a week where you KNOW you're going to get an event which is hosted not too often. Not as a Weekly Event (just came up when I was thinking about them lol) but with different hosts each week but from the public's point it would mean that if they want something different, they can have it!

Not entirely original every time of course, that's just too difficult to ask.
Weekly Events still very much exist and I've been in the process of sorting them out since Monday. We have a few EOs willing to take the plunge, and I'm hoping a few other departments are willing to dedicate some time on the client. HxHD has the SNQ, so I think it would be nice if site-based departments (like Graphics and Content) came out of their shell and introduced themselves to the client. We're working on it!

Focusing a couple of hours each week on a "lesser-known event" is exactly the intention of Weekly Events and it's worked well for us so far (especially considering the fact that an award is given out... and sometimes VIP).

29-08-2012, 08:38 PM
Good idea but as the majority of users don't use habbox then not really a worthwhile system to implement.

Might seem like most do lately as it's been the tournament, but after that it's mostly randoms :P

29-08-2012, 08:38 PM
Do we still have Jungle Run every Friday since Nadia well... Got outed? Habbic; I don't think that's true... I always see Habbox people at events so I don't know where you got that idea from tbh.

29-08-2012, 08:39 PM
i always made sure i hosted different events, i got bored hosting unlucky chair tbh but people wanted a bit of a difference so i didnt mind :/ i had a few other event ideas that don't require too much furni so if any events hosts would like to steal those ideas (i also have a big weekly idea) then please PM/VM me and i'll let you know!

I was going to host these events but i quit instead (a) don't see myself returning in the forseeable future so I really don't mind!

come back i'm here now ;)

29-08-2012, 08:40 PM
a tick box multi choice poll rather than a choosing just one event poll would work.

29-08-2012, 08:41 PM
good point there.

What kind of motivation can we give non-habbox players to come back and play other games hosted by Habbox? hmm.

Good idea but as the majority of users don't use habbox then not really a worthwhile system to implement.

Might seem like most do lately as it's been the tournament, but after that it's mostly randoms :P

29-08-2012, 08:42 PM
I agree it would be nice to get a general idea of how the 'habbox population' rates events...

29-08-2012, 08:42 PM
Good idea but as the majority of users don't use habbox then not really a worthwhile system to implement.

Might seem like most do lately as it's been the tournament, but after that it's mostly randoms :P

More habbox people might play though if the point system was introduced!

29-08-2012, 08:42 PM
Weekly Events still very much exist and I've been in the process of sorting them out since Monday. We have a few EOs willing to take the plunge, and I'm hoping a few other departments are willing to dedicate some time on the client. HxHD has the SNQ, so I think it would be nice if site-based departments (like Graphics and Content) came out of their shell and introduced themselves to the client. We're working on it!

Focusing a couple of hours each week on a "lesser-known event" is exactly the intention of Weekly Events and it's worked well for us so far (especially considering the fact that an award is given out... and sometimes VIP).

That's good. I think this time round they need to be given far more publicity, I very rarely saw any of the Weekly Events signatures around on the forums.

And good. More of a reason as to why they need to be shown all around then! There have been Weekly Events in the past which performed poorly week in, week out (although I can't remember what) and that shouldn't be happening! :)

29-08-2012, 08:45 PM
True too.
@Mathew (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=31230); Has the management ever thought about revamping the way we give prizes?

For example, having a "point system" for the PLAYERS. Say that every time a player wins a game, they win one point. They can collect throughout the year and maybe have a system that allows players to redeem these points for goodies (ie. 80 points=habboxforum vip; 50 points = events staff for a day; 30 points=1 habbox lottery ticket; 20 points=option to pick a SNQ question; etc?)

@Habbic (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=53890); @santa-my-nana (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=102558); @Comity (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=101389); @catchy
Phil and I considered introducing a points system last year, although it never really took off. We actually created the thread and asked EOs to post their winners, but we found it didn't really work out after the first day. We were going to award a month of VIP to the person who won the most events each month, but we decided to go with the "Player of the Month (http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=711379)" idea that you can see today. The main problem with this idea is that we'd have to ask EOs to record every single winner, and I don't know how feasible that would be. I know it works out with the tournaments, but then I don't want the exclusivity to be taken away from tournaments either. Alex and I will discuss it with Mike, then perhaps put it to the Events Organisers. Thanks! :)

i always made sure i hosted different events, i got bored hosting unlucky chair tbh but people wanted a bit of a difference so i didnt mind :/ i had a few other event ideas that don't require too much furni so if any events hosts would like to steal those ideas (i also have a big weekly idea) then please PM/VM me and i'll let you know!

I was going to host these events but i quit instead (a) don't see myself returning in the forseeable future so I really don't mind!
Perhaps you could host the Weekly Event on behalf of the News Department?! :)

29-08-2012, 08:46 PM
More habbox people might play though if the point system was introduced!

It would depend as the motivation behind it would mainly be VIP as nothing else could really be given away?

29-08-2012, 08:49 PM

How about having a little "thing" on the habbox thing. LOL okay, that didnt explain much.

You know how Help Desk staff and News Staff has a habbox account to keep track of their tasks?

What if we have one for the events department; but to have like a tiny one-line "submit form" where hosts can just type in the username of winner and press "submit" or something and then automatically it generates a list of winners in one page for everyone to see and it auto counts how many times each of those players won?

Not sure how feasible this is but I think it could work.
Habbic; -Amyy; Red; Comity; Catchy; Smurfed-;

29-08-2012, 08:50 PM
Do we still have Jungle Run every Friday since Nadia well... Got outed? @Habbic (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=53890); I don't think that's true... I always see Habbox people at events so I don't know where you got that idea from tbh.
Nope, no more Jungle Run sadly... although that was one of my favourite Weekly Events! :(

That's good. I think this time round they need to be given far more publicity, I very rarely saw any of the Weekly Events signatures around on the forums.

And good. More of a reason as to why they need to be shown all around then! There have been Weekly Events in the past which performed poorly week in, week out (although I can't remember what) and that shouldn't be happening! :)
The signatures can be seen on the Weekly Events thread in the CNB, and on the page on Habbox.com. EOs with a Weekly Event do tend to add them to their signature (I know Alex did before he replaced it with a HxSS one, booo)! The problem at the minute is that there's only a couple of them! :P

I know there was one Weekly Event in particular that was problematic last time and there's a chance of it coming back in the near future. I've made some suggestions how it can be better run next time, though! :)

29-08-2012, 08:51 PM

How about having a little "thing" on the habbox thing. LOL okay, that didnt explain much.

You know how Help Desk staff and News Staff has a habbox account to keep track of their tasks?

What if we have one for the events department; but to have like a tiny one-line "submit form" where hosts can just type in the username of winner and press "submit" or something and then automatically it generates a list of winners in one page for everyone to see and it auto counts how many times each of those players won?

Not sure how feasible this is but I think it could work.
Habbic; -Amyy; Red; Comity; Catchy; Smurfed-;

So like a public leaderboard? Surely that could easily be done but it depends if the events managers were open to change.

29-08-2012, 08:53 PM
tbh with ideas above

I think we should have a panel for booking events so it's auto done and logs it so management can still see booking/unbooking etc. Would allow it to be added to hx.com a lot quicker and just more efficient in general, if that was done then there could be an area on it to allow EOs to post the winners for each round/event.

29-08-2012, 08:53 PM
@Mathew (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=31230);

How about having a little "thing" on the habbox thing. LOL okay, that didnt explain much.

You know how Help Desk staff and News Staff has a habbox account to keep track of their tasks?

What if we have one for the events department; but to have like a tiny one-line "submit form" where hosts can just type in the username of winner and press "submit" or something and then automatically it generates a list of winners in one page for everyone to see and it auto counts how many times each of those players won?

Not sure how feasible this is but I think it could work.
@Habbic (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=53890); @-Amyy (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=79563); @Red (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=81989); @Comity (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=101389); @Catchy (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=59974); @Smurfed- (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=80910);
I already have access to a Leaderboard system on Habbox.com so I don't think it would be too difficult from our position. The real task would be making sure every single Events Organiser is recording their winners and posting them in a thread. We'll talk it over. :)

29-08-2012, 08:54 PM
Nope, no more Jungle Run sadly... although that was one of my favourite Weekly Events! :(

The signatures can be seen on the Weekly Events thread in the CNB, and on the page on Habbox.com. EOs with a Weekly Event do tend to add them to their signature (I know Alex did before he replaced it with a HxSS one, booo)! The problem at the minute is that there's only a couple of them! :P

I know there was one Weekly Event in particular that was problematic last time and there's a chance of it coming back in the near future. I've made some suggestions how it can be better run next time, though! :)

It's great having a thread but only if it gets seen! I actually wouldn't mind having a forum notice for the first time a weekly event goes on (and only the first time, otherwise it'll just be horrible) however I am sure some people will disagree with that. Just so people do get to know about it! :)

29-08-2012, 08:54 PM
This idea was suggested by many of us in the past. Matt G said he's looking into it!
tbh with ideas above

I think we should have a panel for booking events so it's auto done and logs it so management can still see booking/unbooking etc. Would allow it to be added to hx.com a lot quicker and just more efficient in general, if that was done then there could be an area on it to allow EOs to post the winners for each round/event.

29-08-2012, 08:55 PM
So like a public leaderboard? Surely that could easily be done but it depends if the events managers were open to change.
Yeah it would be public. I remember we made use of the Leaderboard system for Easter or Valentines one year... David embedded it into a thread for us! :)

29-08-2012, 08:58 PM
Yeah it would be public. I remember we made use of the Leaderboard system for Easter or Valentines one year... David embedded it into a thread for us! :)

Couldn't we have one like the Habbo one? You know how lately when there's been a big competition on and on hotelview they have like 5 - 7 different Habbo's with their avatars and when you hover over them it displays how many points / 1st 2nd 3rd etc. That would be quite cool!!!!!!!!!!! If it could be done?

But I guess that would only fit in with the habbo skin? meh...

29-08-2012, 08:58 PM
Perhaps you could host the Weekly Event on behalf of the News Department?! :)

I don't want to host something that's not really related to News, and besides Sam's sorting that out as I don't have enough funds for a room. We don't get donations either so prizes are a bit tough too. I don't mind someone else hosting it so I thought I'd suggest it.

come back i'm here now ;)

even more reason for me not to return :/ xo

29-08-2012, 08:59 PM
tbh with ideas above

I think we should have a panel for booking events so it's auto done and logs it so management can still see booking/unbooking etc. Would allow it to be added to hx.com a lot quicker and just more efficient in general, if that was done then there could be an area on it to allow EOs to post the winners for each round/event.

This idea was suggested by many of us in the past. Matt G said he's looking into it!
I was talking about this with Mike a couple of days ago and we both agreed it would make everything a lot more efficient. During HxSS especially, it was difficult for us to keep up with the amount of bookings and it would have been a lot easier if they could be added straight away. Naturally, management would need to keep a close eye. I submitted some ideas for a new panel a while ago, and then PMed Recursion a couple of days ago to look at the feasibility of adding this feature.

29-08-2012, 09:00 PM
Laura, I really loved the Crossword Puzzle.

Is there an event you can do something similar to that throughout the year? Of course, we want to make sure there's exclusive events for News during HxSS.

I don't want to host something that's not really related to News, and besides Sam's sorting that out as I don't have enough funds for a room. We don't get donations either so prizes are a bit tough too. I don't mind someone else hosting it so I thought I'd suggest it.

even more reason for me not to return :/ xo

29-08-2012, 09:01 PM
I was talking about this with Mike a couple of days ago and we both agreed it would make everything a lot more efficient. During HxSS especially, it was difficult for us to keep up with the amount of bookings and it would have been a lot easier if they could be added straight away. Naturally, management would need to keep a close eye. I submitted some ideas for a new panel a while ago, and then PMed Recursion a couple of days ago to look at the feasibility of adding this feature.

I only think it came a problem over HxSS, because there was SO many events, & Amy was away for the majority,
And so was Alex for 2 weekends,

The problem is, you didn't have me.. ;) ;)

I don't think it's necessary to have one when it's not competition time...

29-08-2012, 09:02 PM
I was talking about this with Mike a couple of days ago and we both agreed it would make everything a lot more efficient. During HxSS especially, it was difficult for us to keep up with the amount of bookings and it would have been a lot easier if they could be added straight away. Naturally, management would need to keep a close eye. I submitted some ideas for a new panel a while ago, and then PMed Recursion a couple of days ago to look at the feasibility of adding this feature.

Yeah, would allow it to be more advertised on short notice as well, for example I book an event at 2AM chances are no-ones online to add it to hx.com (if theres still a hx today?) so if someones randomly checking hx.com for updates on event it'll be instantly updated as well :P

29-08-2012, 09:03 PM
I personally think it is a problem all year-round especially when it comes to last minute bookings (as well as events held by international EO). At 9:59PM my time, If i want to host an event at 10pm, it would not be booked 'cause its 3AM for UK. etc
I only think it came a problem over HxSS, because there was SO many events, & Amy was away for the majority,
And so was Alex for 2 weekends,

The problem is, you didn't have me.. ;) ;)

I don't think it's necessary to have one when it's not competition time...

29-08-2012, 09:04 PM
I only think it came a problem over HxSS, because there was SO many events, & Amy was away for the majority,
And so was Alex for 2 weekends,

The problem is, you didn't have me.. ;) ;)

I don't think it's necessary to have one when it's not competition time...

Me neither. Also I do think that a lazy attitude could be adopted by seniors (could be, don't worry amy/matt/alex) because when I was senior one thing I did check was the type of events and I know that was a focus for Matt and Phil too. If it was on Habbox.com, the seniors might think "ahh too much effort to unbook this just cos bingo was on an hour before, I'll leave it here". We don't want that, do we? :P

29-08-2012, 09:07 PM
I personally think seniors shouldn't be responsible for booking/unbooking events at all. This should be the role of each EOs.

Senior Orgs and Managers should be responsible for OVERSEEING the operations and ensuring things are being done according to the books. Say an EO is not booking properly or not holding events for a full hour, then it would be their responsibility to get it resolved. Senior Orgs could spend their time brainstorming new ideas for the department or even event ideas, rather than going through the boring process of booking and unbooking people's events.

EOs should be trusted and should also be capable of booking/unbooking events. Leave the Senior Orgs and Managers alone and let them do things behind the scenes. My opinion though! :D

Me neither. Also I do think that a lazy attitude could be adopted by seniors (could be, don't worry amy/matt/alex) because when I was senior one thing I did check was the type of events and I know that was a focus for Matt and Phil too. If it was on Habbox.com, the seniors might think "ahh too much effort to unbook this just cos bingo was on an hour before, I'll leave it here". We don't want that, do we? :P

29-08-2012, 09:08 PM
Couldn't we have one like the Habbo one? You know how lately when there's been a big competition on and on hotelview they have like 5 - 7 different Habbo's with their avatars and when you hover over them it displays how many points / 1st 2nd 3rd etc. That would be quite cool!!!!!!!!!!! If it could be done?

But I guess that would only fit in with the habbo skin? meh...
Hahahaha, that would actually be fantastic. Not sure what the non-Habbo users would make of it though! :P

I don't want to host something that's not really related to News, and besides Sam's sorting that out as I don't have enough funds for a room. We don't get donations either so prizes are a bit tough too. I don't mind someone else hosting it so I thought I'd suggest it.
Ooooh, alright! If you wanna PM the idea to Alex or myself, we'll put a thread up to see if anyone wants to give it a shot! :)

I only think it came a problem over HxSS, because there was SO many events, & Amy was away for the majority,
And so was Alex for 2 weekends,

The problem is, you didn't have me.. ;) ;)

I don't think it's necessary to have one when it's not competition time...
I've always liked the personal touch that comes with booking events. We've always been able to thank the EOs for booking so many and pointing out any difficulties that may arise from a game. We use our discretion when it comes down to certain events too; how long do we leave between two Bingos in the same day, for example? You can't sort out things like that with a panel. We wouldn't be able to take action, we'd only be able to react after it had happened.

Yeah, would allow it to be more advertised on short notice as well, for example I book an event at 2AM chances are no-ones online to add it to hx.com (if theres still a hx today?) so if someones randomly checking hx.com for updates on event it'll be instantly updated as well :P
...and perhaps that would encourage people to host more often too. It's growing on me. We have our own "Events Today" box on Habbox.com which displays the daily events. :)

29-08-2012, 09:10 PM
I personally think seniors shouldn't be responsible for booking/unbooking events at all. This should be the role of each EOs.

Senior Orgs and Managers should be responsible for OVERSEEING the operations and ensuring things are being done according to the books. Say an EO is not booking properly or not holding events for a full hour, then it would be their responsibility to get it resolved. Senior Orgs could spend their time brainstorming new ideas for the department or even event ideas, rather than going through the boring process of booking and unbooking people's events.

EOs should be trusted and should also be capable of booking/unbooking events. Leave the Senior Orgs and Managers alone and let them do things behind the scenes. My opinion though! :D

I think there needs to be a mix of both. I know how tedious the job is however it kills two birds in one stone, if they do add all these events they are far more likely to step in where needed to say 'no that can't be' or what not. Like I said, if it was all done on a panel which all EOs could access then the SEOs could perhaps think 'hmm maybe it's not that important afterall' which can build problems up over time.

29-08-2012, 09:19 PM
Laura, I really loved the Crossword Puzzle.

Is there an event you can do something similar to that throughout the year? Of course, we want to make sure there's exclusive events for News during HxSS.

We didn't get STUPID amount of entries so I don't know how well it would go down! Might consider a bit more of a semi-permanent event though, thanks for the suggestion :)

---------- Post added 29-08-2012 at 10:20 PM ----------

Ooooh, alright! If you wanna PM the idea to Alex or myself, we'll put a thread up to see if anyone wants to give it a shot! :)

from my application, posted in the B2S thread!

29-08-2012, 09:21 PM
More chances for Paul to win :D
Oh wait, Im in news now -cry- jk :)

We didn't get STUPID amount of entries so I don't know how well it would go down! Might consider a bit more of a semi-permanent event though, thanks for the suggestion :)

---------- Post added 29-08-2012 at 10:20 PM ----------

from my application, posted in the B2S thread!

29-08-2012, 09:22 PM
from my application, posted in the B2S thread!
Ah that one - excellent! :)

29-08-2012, 09:25 PM
More chances for Paul to win :D
Oh wait, Im in news now -cry- jk :)

muaahahahhahah. You could always set something up now!

and mathew you're welcome ;) xoxox

29-08-2012, 10:03 PM

29-08-2012, 10:45 PM
We could do something like "find a spelling mistake" competition or something.

Like, I'm not asking a news reporter to purposely spell something wrong, but what we can do is, change a spelling of a news article thats 1-2 weeks old and make the habbox readers go and search for it.

This way, people will actually read the articles to find the spelling mistake and it'll be something fun people will do for prizes.

What do you think?

This could be like an "English" subject for back to school event.

(ie. Bob forgot to spellcheck his work when he submitted his history paper some time this month. Can you go find the spelling mistake? Bob's teacher will reward you with _____ if you can spot the spelling mistake! Winner will be picked at random.)..I know it's a lame example but something like this..

What y'all think?
laura; Pipette; Baloo; Mathew; -Amyy; Comity; Catchy;

muaahahahhahah. You could always set something up now!

and mathew you're welcome ;) xoxox

29-08-2012, 10:47 PM
I like it, even more so for a back to school event. Very fitting for the time.

29-08-2012, 10:50 PM
We could do something like "find a spelling mistake" competition or something.

Like, I'm not asking a news reporter to purposely spell something wrong, but what we can do is, change a spelling of a news article thats 1-2 weeks old and make the habbox readers go and search for it.

This way, people will actually read the articles to find the spelling mistake and it'll be something fun people will do for prizes.

What do you think?

This could be like an "English" subject for back to school event.

(ie. Bob forgot to spellcheck his work when he submitted his history paper some time this month. Can you go find the spelling mistake? Bob's teacher will reward you with _____ if you can spot the spelling mistake! Winner will be picked at random.)..I know it's a lame example but something like this..

What y'all think?
@laura (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=61966); @Pipette (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=88462); @Baloo (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=104047); @Mathew (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=31230); @-Amyy (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=79563); @Comity (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=101389); @Catchy (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=59974);

I thought Mathew said B2S wasn't happening? But yeah I'm definitely interested in getting something between the two, not sure if SEARCHING for a spelling mistake is possible but I'm sure we can sort something similar out :)

29-08-2012, 10:51 PM
He posted it in the events forum to see if we want to do B2S again this year.

I thought Mathew said B2S wasn't happening? But yeah I'm definitely interested in getting something between the two, not sure if SEARCHING for a spelling mistake is possible but I'm sure we can sort something similar out :)

29-08-2012, 10:51 PM
It is nice-ish, but I'm thinking it still would look messy tbh. Maybe more of like for b2s a "news test" sort of thing, similar in respects to the crossword challengr tbh, as that might work well.

---------- Post added 29-08-2012 at 10:53 PM ----------

Maybe not so much a copy and paste a few words thing would be interesting for that too tbh

29-08-2012, 10:53 PM
He posted it in the events forum to see if we want to do B2S again this year.

oh i see, i think yesterday he said it was too close to hxss, id love to see it though!!

29-08-2012, 11:02 PM
I thought Mathew said B2S wasn't happening? But yeah I'm definitely interested in getting something between the two, not sure if SEARCHING for a spelling mistake is possible but I'm sure we can sort something similar out :)
Mike, Alex, and I have been discussing it this evening and we're thinking somewhere around mid-September if all goes to plan (we'll be speaking to management too)!! More on that later! :)

29-08-2012, 11:03 PM
Mike, Alex, and I have been discussing it this evening and we're thinking somewhere around mid-September if all goes to plan (we'll be speaking to management too)!! More on that later! :)

Well I think if I remember correctly last year you did it in January time so if all fails... :P

29-08-2012, 11:13 PM
Well I think if I remember correctly last year you did it in January time so if all fails... :P
It was hosted in January the first time when Sammeth. did it -> http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=554276
Then Phil and I did it last September -> http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=719424

Woo! :D
I remember being so happy when Sammeth. dropped a bunch of HCs in my Donation Room, haha! :P

02-09-2012, 09:14 PM
Thanks for a great event tom! Room was amazing!
Posts this for Alex since he missed it before pickall Mathew; Alex3213; :odey:;


02-09-2012, 09:15 PM
Thanks for a great event tom! Room was amazing!
Posts this for Alex since he missed it before pickall @Mathew (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=31230); @Alex3213 (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=42928); @:odey: (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=37924);


Thanks Kirst!
Glad you liked the room,

I'll host it again asap!

02-09-2012, 09:16 PM

02-09-2012, 09:30 PM
Absolutely brilliant room. I saw his pirate outfit and was like... "aww"... then I saw the islands and I was like.. "omg.. nice"... then I noticed the platforms were shaped like pirate ships and was like.. "OMG SO COOL"... then saw the flags on the boats and it was just amazing!!!

+Rep :odey:;!! :)

02-09-2012, 09:36 PM
what was the game?
can someone invent battle ship

02-09-2012, 09:39 PM
rofl I made a really small version of battleship before.

Requires a lot of wired furni though.

what was the game?
can someone invent battle ship

---------- Post added 02-09-2012 at 05:40 PM ----------

Makes me want to create a 5x5 (25 squares per player) battleship just to test it out..and Have like 3 boats:

1 square, 2 squares, and 3 squares for each player...


02-09-2012, 10:10 PM
rofl I made a really small version of battleship before.

Requires a lot of wired furni though.

---------- Post added 02-09-2012 at 05:40 PM ----------

Makes me want to create a 5x5 (25 squares per player) battleship just to test it out..and Have like 3 boats:

1 square, 2 squares, and 3 squares for each player...


yeah 25 squares with 3 ships sounds decent, if you could do it I'll be impressed
ill vm you in the morning with my thoughts cos im on my phone about to go to bed

02-09-2012, 10:22 PM
Sounds good. Let me know what you have in mind tomorrow :).

I've always thought about making a big one but I wasn't sure if it would be more of a competition than an event, considering the amount of time it would take to play each game. (also consider wired needs to be re-done every game).


03-09-2012, 01:12 PM
why not team up with radio and work on big events. It's a win-win for everyone :).

03-09-2012, 05:21 PM
Hi it has come to my attention that the events department of habbox has erm i dno become crap over the past few months. What the hell happened when i was an eo it was almost impossible to book an event but these days you're lucky if you get over 5 events a day which is a shame really because i enjoy events as i'm sure many other habboxers do aswell.

It would be nice if there were more events regularly i mean look how many people turn up for snq and used to turn up for pub quiz i miss regular events so please bring events back to what it used to be :(

Merged by Lee (Forum Super Moderator): As the topics are closely related.

03-09-2012, 05:32 PM
They turn up to events like HxSS because theres a large prize involved

Normal EOs can't do that or they'd run out of items in no time.

Can't remember who posted (or if it was same idea as I had when I told mathew) about a system where the user can request points, so at the end of the game the winner would either get like furni, rep or points

and points could add up and be exchanged for the likes of VIP, or increased rep etc so it would attract some forum members to more events.

The back to school starts soon so will be 1/2 weeks of non-stop events again.

effort to type more.

03-09-2012, 05:40 PM
They turn up to events like HxSS because theres a large prize involved

Normal EOs can't do that or they'd run out of items in no time.

Can't remember who posted (or if it was same idea as I had when I told mathew) about a system where the user can request points, so at the end of the game the winner would either get like furni, rep or points

and points could add up and be exchanged for the likes of VIP, or increased rep etc so it would attract some forum members to more events.

The back to school starts soon so will be 1/2 weeks of non-stop events again.

effort to type more.

i like this idea Mathew do it now pls

03-09-2012, 05:46 PM
They turn up to events like HxSS because theres a large prize involved

Normal EOs can't do that or they'd run out of items in no time.

Can't remember who posted (or if it was same idea as I had when I told mathew) about a system where the user can request points, so at the end of the game the winner would either get like furni, rep or points

and points could add up and be exchanged for the likes of VIP, or increased rep etc so it would attract some forum members to more events.

The back to school starts soon so will be 1/2 weeks of non-stop events again.

effort to type more.

think that was dbgtz; but aimed at comps? It's a great idea, I actually think the two departments could share a 'points prize pool' where all the points prizes would be given out from, reducing the stress on comps/events?

03-09-2012, 06:05 PM
They turn up to events like HxSS because theres a large prize involved

Normal EOs can't do that or they'd run out of items in no time.

Can't remember who posted (or if it was same idea as I had when I told mathew) about a system where the user can request points, so at the end of the game the winner would either get like furni, rep or points

and points could add up and be exchanged for the likes of VIP, or increased rep etc so it would attract some forum members to more events.

The back to school starts soon so will be 1/2 weeks of non-stop events again.

effort to type more.

i like this idea @Mathew (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=31230) do it now pls

The idea of another form of prize has been around for a while and It's certainly something that Mathew, Amy Tom, and myself are discussing at the moment.

03-09-2012, 06:36 PM
points does seem like a good idea but before putting it in place you would have to have a really good think of what you would actually want to offer as redeemable prizes. i mean, you don't really want to give too much or too little away

03-09-2012, 07:09 PM
why not team up with radio and work on big events. It's a win-win for everyone :).

Tbh, I don't know why they haven't collaborated on a massive "Name/Guess The Singer" (live) event. If that has been done, my apologies, but it would still be a great regular thing to do and it's not that hard to play :o.

03-09-2012, 07:15 PM
Tbh, I don't know why they haven't collaborated on a massive "Name/Guess The Singer" (live) event. If that has been done, my apologies, but it would still be a great regular thing to do and it's not that hard to play :o.

i think someone mentioned this idea before but unfortunately it probably wouldn't work. peoples radios lag at different times and it wouldn't be fair for someone who had a slower radio in oppose to someone with a faster radio. as well as that, you've got to look at time being an issue too. habbox events seem to last for at least an hour and for it to be a joint event habboxlive probably wont get to play as much music and what-not.

03-09-2012, 07:19 PM
i think someone mentioned this idea before but unfortunately it probably wouldn't work. peoples radios lag at different times and it wouldn't be fair for someone who had a slower radio in oppose to someone with a faster radio. as well as that, you've got to look at time being an issue too. habbox events seem to last for at least an hour and for it to be a joint event habboxlive probably wont get to play as much music and what-not.

Completely forgot about that haha :P And yeah the time needed to play music as well as host an on-air event would be rather difficult I suppose.

04-09-2012, 05:10 PM
I've not read any of the thread, so I apologise if this has been brought up before, and sorry to go off on a tangent here but event organisers really need to learn time.

It's BST in the UK, not GMT, and 05:00 means 5am, not 5pm.

Also is there a rule where event organisers have to post times for events on the hour, because I've seen many posts for example that say 'Falling Furni - 3pm', and it was posted at 3:26pm.

04-09-2012, 05:16 PM
I've not read any of the thread, so I apologise if this has been brought up before, and sorry to go off on a tangent here but event organisers really need to learn time.

It's BST in the UK, not GMT, and 05:00 means 5am, not 5pm.

Also is there a rule where event organisers have to post times for events on the hour, because I've seen many posts for example that say 'Falling Furni - 3pm', and it was posted at 3:26pm.

I do agree. Most of the EOs are generally okay after they've been informed however it does do my head in haha. The other thing is that I think it needs to be a bit more clear to new EOs that they are representing Habbox and therefore when writing CNBs they need to be to a good standard. 'falling furni in my room - 3pm" for example is not a good announcement title. I remember a few years ago things used to be very strict in regards to CNBs and I do think EOs shoudl be more aware of how important it is. Obviously not the end of the world but generally just doesn't look very appealing.

And in the Events dept. you are required to post your announcement around half an hour before your event starts and I do know that sometimes people forget which is a shame.

04-09-2012, 05:18 PM
I do agree. Most of the EOs are generally okay after they've been informed however it does do my head in haha. The other thing is that I think it needs to be a bit more clear to new EOs that they are representing Habbox and therefore when writing CNBs they need to be to a good standard. 'falling furni in my room - 3pm" for example is not a good announcement title. I remember a few years ago things used to be very strict in regards to CNBs and I do think EOs shoudl be more aware of how important it is. Obviously not the end of the world but generally just doesn't look very appealing.

And in the Events dept. you are required to post your announcement around half an hour before your event starts and I do know that sometimes people forget which is a shame.

Nearly every single event I have seen in the last few days has posted when the event was starting, let alone 30 minutes before.

04-09-2012, 05:25 PM
Nearly every single event I have seen in the last few days has posted when the event was starting, let alone 30 minutes before.

It's not compulsory to do it half an hour or so before, sorry I shouldn't have used the word required... however I do agree, those announcements being posted after the event has started is a no no for me. :P

04-09-2012, 05:27 PM
I do agree. Most of the EOs are generally okay after they've been informed however it does do my head in haha. The other thing is that I think it needs to be a bit more clear to new EOs that they are representing Habbox and therefore when writing CNBs they need to be to a good standard. 'falling furni in my room - 3pm" for example is not a good announcement title. I remember a few years ago things used to be very strict in regards to CNBs and I do think EOs shoudl be more aware of how important it is. Obviously not the end of the world but generally just doesn't look very appealing.

And in the Events dept. you are required to post your announcement around half an hour before your event starts and I do know that sometimes people forget which is a shame.

You don't 100% have to post announcement 30 mins before your events

Quite a few events are booked last minute (i.e. if i book an event it'll probs be at very earliest 30 minutes before the time is up, and at times it's been into the hour), not everyones sure what they're going to be doing all night in order to book events hours in advance :P

Same goes for CNB, not everyone is in 30 minutes before their event they might only get in with say 5 minutes to spare, or some booked into the hour so obviously can't post a CNB before they've even booked.

If people are online and waiting then generally the CNB is posted before the hour.

04-09-2012, 05:30 PM
You don't 100% have to post announcement 30 mins before your events

Quite a few events are booked last minute (i.e. if i book an event it'll probs be at very earliest 30 minutes before the time is up, and at times it's been into the hour), not everyones sure what they're going to be doing all night in order to book events hours in advance :P

Same goes for CNB, not everyone is in 30 minutes before their event they might only get in with say 5 minutes to spare, or some booked into the hour so obviously can't post a CNB before they've even booked.

If people are online and waiting then generally the CNB is posted before the hour.

Read my previous post. :P

I think the issue is when it is being posted after the event starts, I think CNB should definitely be a priority especially with not all rooms being on the navigator (or something, I didn't really understand what they were on about) and the removal of Habbo events.

04-09-2012, 05:34 PM
They are posted before the event starts, always basically

Yes sometimes they're like 10 minutes into the hour but can almost assure you that the game hasn't started yet.

Especially with EOs booking multiple slots ofc it's going to take a bit longer to finish first game, change room/stickies etc, book it then post CNB :P

04-09-2012, 05:39 PM
They are posted before the event starts, always basically

Yes sometimes they're like 10 minutes into the hour but can almost assure you that the game hasn't started yet.

Especially with EOs booking multiple slots ofc it's going to take a bit longer to finish first game, change room/stickies etc, book it then post CNB :P

I've seen many threads this week where people have posted events that have already started. These are the same people that are posting in the thread title "3pm" when they create the thread at 3.26pm.

04-09-2012, 05:52 PM
I've seen many threads this week where people have posted events that have already started. These are the same people that are posting in the thread title "3pm" when they create the thread at 3.26pm.

If people actually start the game before the CNB is posted then PM Smurfed- / -Amyy / Mathew and i'm sure they'll send a reminder to the EO.. especially if it keeps happening with the same member.

04-09-2012, 05:54 PM
If people actually start the game before the CNB is posted then PM Smurfed- / -Amyy / Mathew and i'm sure they'll send a reminder to the EO.. especially if it keeps happening with the same member.

I don't play Habbo, so I wouldn't know, but my main complaint is people posting events that say "Blah blah - 3pm" when they post it at half 3 - people won't look at these threads if the time has already past.

04-09-2012, 06:03 PM
I don't play Habbo, so I wouldn't know, but my main complaint is people posting events that say "Blah blah - 3pm" when they post it at half 3 - people won't look at these threads if the time has already past.

If it's booked its post on habbox.com

Looking at first page I don't see any posted at half past the hour it was supposed to start?

The worst I can see is 17 minutes past.

I'm sure the majority of people will either see it on new posts or glancing at announcements and see 'xxxxxx - 3PM' and figure to go to it whether its 30 minutes early or 5 minutes into the hour :P

04-09-2012, 06:13 PM
If it's booked its post on habbox.com

Looking at first page I don't see any posted at half past the hour it was supposed to start?

The worst I can see is 17 minutes past.

I'm sure the majority of people will either see it on new posts or glancing at announcements and see 'xxxxxx - 3PM' and figure to go to it whether its 30 minutes early or 5 minutes into the hour :P

Of course 30 minutes is an extreme example. Looking in the last week, I can see these times over the hour:

10, 12, 13, 5, 9, 17, 10, 3, 3, 15, 11, 11, 11, 2, 11

Of course the ones that are hosted at 3 past the hour aren't a problem, I just included them to be fair, and the ones highlighted are done by the same person.

I'm not saying it's a major issue, there just seems to be a rule somewhere that says events must be done on the hour - it'd be easier if they could put 5:15pm in the title for example, because then people won't read '5pm' and think 'That was 10 minutes ago, might as well not bother'.

Only a suggestion, nothing major :)

04-09-2012, 06:37 PM
Of course 30 minutes is an extreme example. Looking in the last week, I can see these times over the hour:

10, 12, 13, 5, 9, 17, 10, 3, 3, 15, 11, 11, 11, 2, 11

Of course the ones that are hosted at 3 past the hour aren't a problem, I just included them to be fair, and the ones highlighted are done by the same person.

I'm not saying it's a major issue, there just seems to be a rule somewhere that says events must be done on the hour - it'd be easier if they could put 5:15pm in the title for example, because then people won't read '5pm' and think 'That was 10 minutes ago, might as well not bother'.

Only a suggestion, nothing major :)

Why would you not bother with a 60 minute event because it started 10 minutes ago?

You don't say oh that 2 week sale started 2 hours ago may as well not go now?

Events start on the hour and last an hour (or as close to it as possible), having to change the event in a CNB to say 5:15 then people might assume it runs to 6:15, also just ultimately pointless when you can say the hour it was booked/supposed to start.

It would also be stupid having habbox.com stating event - 5PM then CNB - 5:15PM.

Sale was first thing that came to my head that lasts for a duration and starts at a time so don't ask :P

04-09-2012, 06:45 PM
Why would you not bother with a 60 minute event because it started 10 minutes ago?

You don't say oh that 2 week sale started 2 hours ago may as well not go now?

Events start on the hour and last an hour (or as close to it as possible), having to change the event in a CNB to say 5:15 then people might assume it runs to 6:15, also just ultimately pointless when you can say the hour it was booked/supposed to start.

It would also be stupid having habbox.com stating event - 5PM then CNB - 5:15PM.

Sale was first thing that came to my head that lasts for a duration and starts at a time so don't ask :P

Sorry, I was unaware that events had to last an hour :P

04-09-2012, 06:47 PM
They're supposed to last 55-60 minutes, but obviously sometimes cut short i.e. if it'll take 20-25 mins to complete a round and it's :45 with an event booked next hour etc.

09-09-2012, 01:46 AM
Can we please have more events like Comity; hosts, fed up with the usual bingo and pod racing. He just did defend your pod and as much as I know it isn't original and new, you don't really see any of the old games being reintroduced and hosted. I'd love to see a better range of events. Don't get me wrong there are a couple of events hosts who do come up with interesting games and ones I haven't seen before but I tend to usually find it's always the same boring games.

Thank you.

I have been away for about 3 weeks, and as an EVent Organiser and since I plan to host lots of events for Back to School, could you let me know what type of events did he host?

And also if you have any ideas for other cool events, I'd love to hear them too, so my events can be loved by everyone. xD

Thank you :D

09-09-2012, 12:52 PM
I have been away for about 3 weeks, and as an EVent Organiser and since I plan to host lots of events for Back to School, could you let me know what type of events did he host?

And also if you have any ideas for other cool events, I'd love to hear them too, so my events can be loved by everyone. xD

Thank you :D

lots of quizzes please

09-09-2012, 03:34 PM
lots of quizzes please

That's great, I love hosting SNQ and I can't wait to host more quizzes!
When school starts, I'm thinking of doing more quizzes, for example, Tuesdays and Thursdays. One history, one geography, for example. I think that would be pretty cool! :D

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