View Full Version : Have ideas for Habboween? Read!

11-09-2012, 11:05 AM
If you think you have some fantastic ideas that we can send to Habbo for this years Habboween campaign then post them below!

We are in the planning stages of this years Habboween and we would like to see what you guys think we should do! What sort of campaigns would you like to see? Think about storylines & themes, Furni ideas, competitions, community challenges, quests (you know…the usual). What could be developed to make this Habboween the goriest and best Habboween ever? Note: Please remember our campaigns need to cater for boys and girls ;)

1. My big Habboween Idea:

2. Whilst on the subject of campaigns…. What ideas do you have for future Habbo campaigns?

11-09-2012, 01:28 PM
i don't get the boys and girls bit of their post... what

think they should do something cluedoesque
cba to type anymore or think of how

11-09-2012, 02:42 PM
one of those huge mazes where you have to find the last room in order to get a badge, and you have to get to like 5 rooms to get 5 badges. not one of the horrid ones which means you need all of them. :(

11-09-2012, 03:10 PM
1. My big Habboween Idea:

I think you should allocate something for everyone, such as players who like trading, building rooms, playing games and just generally chatting. You could use various items on the hotel already to think off a big quest like event whereby everyone can join in!

Firstly, the quest currency should be Pumpkins which can only be obtained by doing various objectives that are situated to the theme of Habboween, offer the effects such as Pumpkin Heads, Knife in the Back and so on and these will be required in said objectives. Once those types of quests are completed you should also offer an incentive of spending the Pumpkins they have earned by having them go through a maze of some sort, and reiterating my point of offering something to everyone you could include rooms such as:

The trading room, for the ones who like gaining items on Habbo, the Pumpkins may be needed for a player to buy a list of items the bot needs to complete his room - these could include those items which are only obtained via Pumpkins so people would have to ultimately earn the Pumpkins first and not get an head start. You would trade the bot, put the items in which he can then see if they're correct, once they are you may go onto the next room.

Now, with this room, this could be for the room designers whereby the furni that you showed in the trading room is used in there, this could be a wired game like the ones whereby you need to get the Pumpkin out of the entangled mess of furni - like a Habbo version of Unblock Me. This could be for room designers a bit or you can edit this so they must place various items in the correct place in the room. This can be hinted via Stickies and once done they can be teleported to the next room.

For those who enjoy conversing on Habbo you could then have a Telephrase-styled room whereby the player must guess the key words to gain the entry to the next room, this can be however big or small as you want but remember this should be similar in difficulty to the other rooms. Once finished in that room they move on.

Now, you can recreate a game such as Battle Banzai or something that can be automatic, like you did a Death Run type game situated in a maze for the previous campagins. This can be timed whereby one player or many at a time have to race through the game, finishing in time and not getting killed along the way. If they lose, they must keep trying until they succeed, once done then they move on.

There are various other things you can do on Habbo, it could be parties, just searching through rooms or putting on concerts and they could all be put in the quest to ensure that this includes them all. Both boys and girls will be included and those who come on Habbo for different things. Not only that but you could also include something for old school Habbos - give them another Telephrase Maze - ask them retro questions or get them to design a room with only classic furni. They may enjoy it too as it's bringing back a part of the Habbo they once knew and played.

Now, with the furni ideas I believe the traditional Pumpkins and such should be released, maybe accompanied by the Gothic and Voodoo ranges to ensure maximum scariness, these could also include deals and such and you could call this something like 'Monster Deals' as Monsters, Vampires, Zombies, all suited to the Habboween genre. If not then you could also include other items such as those you'd find in a playground perhaps, or a graveyard. Have more tombstone items, have hands coming out of the ground, have real ghosts and perhaps haunted swings and slides - they could be broken too to ensure a ghostly presence has been there!

You could also release some classic items in a Voodoo-esque way, no recolours though but you can modify some items and make them bigger, better and scarier.

For competitions I believe you need to suit everyone yet again but change how voting occurs, use your social media as a big promotional stunt and make people vote on Facebook, Twitter anything to ensure fairness in voting.

2. Whilst on the subject of campaigns…. What ideas do you have for future Habbo campaigns?

We need a Funfair campaign, have items that were spoken about before, give competition ideas to win real life prizes such as a free ticket to theme parks like Alton Towers, Magic Mountain, DisneyLand whatever it is make sure it suits all countries that are in the hotels you're doing the campaigns for.

I also think maybe a anti campaign, instead of Christmas do anti-christmas bring backwards Christmas Trees stripped bare, bring Santas with no beards. If not you could also do something for bonfire night, Fireworks that are broken and things like that.

Reiterating the backwards campaigns, make it so at New Year the countdown breaks - make it be 2012 forever and a community challenge is the only way that Habbo can move forward, only then can we celebreate 2013.

Apocolypse campaign too, it's happened at fansites and worked well, have a vote of those who think it will happen and those who don't. Have furni in black and white ranges whereby if you think it will happen you can purchase this shade of furni but if you don't think it will happen then you pick the opposite. Maybe bring back the Ecotron/Furni-Matic for this, recycle the old furni and make way for the new - a new start and if it doesn't occur then you can celebrate and rejoice and as I said, make way for 2013.

11-09-2012, 03:54 PM

Habbooween virus outbreak V2! - those pesky lab workers have done it again, today in Habbo Hotel there is this new bug that is going around transforming them into hungry zombie pets! - Are you one of the lucky ones that haven't been effected by this bug? Well we NEED you to save Habbo! - BEWARE If you get bitten you will be transformed in a Zombie Pet!

Along with this idea, you can have epic quests, room comps, youtube comps, writing comps, spooky picture comp. - Halloween and Christmas is one of the most awesome times at habbo - lets keep it like that! :)

Other ideas:

Get more company based ones for example; Habbo, NL get alot of Fanta etc ones, get some of that over here in the UK - This could be a good way forward for habbo hotel.

11-09-2012, 03:55 PM
i don't get the boys and girls bit of their post... what

think they should do something cluedoesque
cba to type anymore or think of how

Aww yea! I love cluedo. It would be good for them to come up with identity profiles for their own suspects and us try and work out who it was haha

12-09-2012, 03:16 PM
Cluedo, a good idea. There could be like a room where we have to search for clues, clicking the TV will give us clues, saying 'bed' on the bed will give us clues etc and at the end theres a poll we have to fill in with the answer we think who it is.

I also think the pets on Habbo should have ghost clothe over it again and say strange things, to get even the newbies of Habbo spooked!! (Maybe also cobwebs on the black area around the room & make the userbar - bar on the side all Halloween-y!)

12-09-2012, 03:21 PM
I remember a couple of years ago, Coolmandan6 (habbo council member) turned his theme park into a habboween park for 1 night (and evidently callie was there and did a huge announcement too) and each room had a different game like a quiz in one room and eat the pumpkin in the other room, each winner was given a laser door so something like that would be fun :D

12-09-2012, 06:02 PM
mhmm my big idea would be a homepage designing competition..we haven't had one in years and they were really fun! and they could perhaps, for a change, ONCE FOR GODS SAKE...do a room competition not based on voting and non-automated quests just like the one McDonalds; mentioned (multiple rooms, real mazes)? Habboween was fun last year (The dungeon crawlers, serpents etc.) I actualy had fun! I don't see how we can repeat that much with stupid automatic quests and automatic room competitions.

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