View Full Version : vBulletin 5 Connect

12-09-2012, 09:35 PM
Thought I would post a thread about this seeing as over the next coming months we will know more and more about it. vBulletin 5 Connect is basically the next major version of the software they create. This does involve the standard forum software. I have to say it does look interesting to see what they will add into vB in terms of features and what not. So if you like vBulletin or forum software then take a look:





BETA Demo:


The demo kinda sucks but it is still in beta. A lot of work still needs to be done by the looks of it.

12-09-2012, 09:56 PM
All I've been able to ascertain from the video and the features list is a whole load of marketing crap. From what I can tell it's just a UI overhaul.

12-09-2012, 10:05 PM
All I've been able to ascertain from the video and the features list is a whole load of marketing crap. From what I can tell it's just a UI overhaul.

Current default UI is crap, current admin UI is crap. A UI change isn't bad but yeah I get you.

Site Builder
One of the best new features of vBulletin 5 Connect is Site Builder. Site Builder is a new way to build and manage your sites. It features drag and drop technology to enable you to build custom pages that fit your needs quickly and easily. Site Builder also includes a Style Generator so you can quickly and easily create a new styles with custom color combinations.

Everything is Content
In vBulletin 5, we’ve developed an idea that everything is content. This is built around a new content model involving channels, nodes and the actual content. In this model everything works the same, everything is searchable and everything provides a modern input system. Adding new content should be more intuitive for your users.

New Search
The Search Engine architecture has also been reconfigured so that all content is easily searched. Rewritten from the ground up, the new search engine should provide more relevant details and accurate results.

MVC Architecture
vBulletin 5 Connect introduces a new MVC Architecture designed to separate the business logic from the presentation logic more than ever before. This will allow vBulletin 5 to be quickly and easily extended as we bring new features to the software.

Responsive Design
People are using devices of many different sizes these days. These include phones, tablets and ultra-high density monitors. We’ve included a responsive design in vBulletin 5 that scales to the device being used. No more worrying about mobile styles and trying to configure things for multiple devices. vBulletin adjusts to the screen-size of the user’s device automatically.

Expanded API
The API of vBulletin has been expanded. Not only can mobile apps take advantage of the API, the web interface of vBulletin uses it for its own purposes as well. This provides a more structured design and the ability to code everything once regardless of how it is accessed.

12-09-2012, 10:17 PM
Site builder seems a bit tacky and I think will be barely used.

Updated search is certainly needed if vBulletin wants to continue being used by large communities.

Not exactly sure how "Responsive design" is meant to work with fixed width pages.

13-09-2012, 11:59 AM
Just seems like vBulletin are attempting to be more like facebook?
They need a proper clean out, things that people never use can go etc etc

13-09-2012, 03:20 PM
I was playing around with Zach's (Qzaki) vBulletin 5 yesterday. It definitely needs a lot of work done to it, thus the better stage I guess. Look how long it took 4.X.X to be perfected... Lol

13-09-2012, 03:27 PM
I was playing around with Zach's (Qzaki) vBulletin 5 yesterday. It definitely needs a lot of work done to it, thus the better stage I guess. Look how long it took 4.X.X to be perfected... Lol

Still would say vb4 is far from perfect, vb3 > vb4

13-09-2012, 03:38 PM
Still would say vb4 is far from perfect, vb3 > vb4

Far from perfect yes. I find the improvement level of updates with vBulletin are slow as hell...

13-09-2012, 03:39 PM
Do any big forums still run 3.x?

13-09-2012, 03:41 PM
Do any big forums still run 3.x?

I think they are all 4.X.X based now... I have yet to see one operating anything under that.

13-09-2012, 03:45 PM
Was talking to xxMATTGxx; earlier about the move to vb5 in the future, if it happens that is, we spoke about IPB and i asked if there was any HxF fanboys left, which is Recursion; :P Never the less we forgot to speak about Xenforo which i've grown to love, possibly maybe even it catches up to vBulletin?

13-09-2012, 03:51 PM

Just an example off the top of my head.

I think they are all 4.X.X based now... I have yet to see one operating anything under that.

13-09-2012, 03:53 PM
is 3.x not supported now that 5 is in beta?

13-09-2012, 03:58 PM
Was talking to xxMATTGxx; earlier about the move to vb5 in the future, if it happens that is, we spoke about IPB and i asked if there was any HxF fanboys left, which is Recursion; :P Never the less we forgot to speak about Xenforo which i've grown to love, possibly maybe even it catches up to vBulletin?

I want IPB also. UI makes more sense.

13-09-2012, 04:00 PM
I've always personally preferred IPB over vBulletin. Not sure how either compares to XenForo though, not really had much chance to play around with it.

I want IPB also. UI makes more sense.

13-09-2012, 04:38 PM
is 3.x not supported now that 5 is in beta?

The latest 3.x which is 3.8 will be supported and they will keep the forums for that. But they do state that it is end of life so don't expect anything for it.

The vBulletin 3.8 forums will remain active for use for the foreseeable future for support purposes. However please note that vBulletin 3.8 is considered end of life. This means that it will not have further bug-fix release or new functionality added and may not have any future security patches. We will evaluate security issues if they are received.

I've never looked into the back end of an IPB forum - Not like Habbox will be switching to it any time soon :P

13-09-2012, 06:19 PM
All you have to do is read the thread titles and you will see people are not happy about it at all:


I don't see why they have rushed this out in terms of getting people to buy it and a demo that is awful. Unless they are wanting to get the money in before hand.

13-09-2012, 08:40 PM
Tom said

Jin FromHabbox said

13-09-2012, 08:55 PM
I vote for XenForo

13-09-2012, 08:59 PM
Tom said

Jin FromHabbox said

I've mentioned to him before that I think IPB would be the best route, but his heart is set on vBulletin I suppose :P

13-09-2012, 09:05 PM
To be fair don't see why he should make the decision when he is not the one doing the day to day running of the forum :P

Tom said

Jin FromHabbox said

13-09-2012, 09:26 PM
To be fair don't see why he should make the decision when he is not the one doing the day to day running of the forum :P

He pays :(

13-09-2012, 09:27 PM
To be fair don't see why he should make the decision when he is not the one doing the day to day running of the forum :P

He's the man with the cash!

13-09-2012, 09:31 PM
i vote yabb or phpbb for hxf


Agnostic Bear
26-09-2012, 10:04 PM
Coming from a programming point of view both IPB and vBulletin are a mess, but IPB is a better code base to begin with, so that's what should really happen.

27-09-2012, 12:08 AM

Can't wait to see how it pans out it has great potential still a LOT of work to be done though. Of course I would buy it though need to learn all the background of it etc so I can develop for it. Anyone feel free to register on that and have a play around etc and PM me if you have any questions about it. :P

11-10-2012, 06:02 PM
Updated with the latest beta version:


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