View Full Version : Top Twitter Tips

18-09-2012, 06:04 PM
Hey, I thought I'd drop by and give a few top tips that I tend to follow when I'm on Twitter to build up my following.

Being Seen
Usually I find that posting your Username (@skegnesslad (http://www.twitter.com/skegnesslad)) on all articles and websites you post on is a great way to get started. That shows the readers that they're able to connect to you and also adds a little personal touch to your articles or pages.

When you're using Twitter people tend to love when a user interacts with them, be it a mention, a retweet or a favorite. So if you see something you think is worth a retweet, retweet it. If you see something you like and you think you will want to come back to later, favorite it. If someone is asking a question and you think you could answer it, try and answer it by mentioning the user.

Following Back
When following back users you will notice very quickly your timeline becomes crowded if you follow too many users. However, if you "vet" the users before you follow them you'll only face this issue from good sources.
So when you get a new follower, take a few minutes to read their Bio and a few of their tweets and decide if you'll find value from this users tweets.

Making lists are a great way to overcome the issues you'll face by having to many followers. If you create lists and put users into appropriate lists you can filter to the tweets you want to see depending on your mood etc.

Anyway's that's just some quick tips that I use quite often, however if you want to read a full article on our website Teen Business here's the link: Twitter Marketing Tips - Top Tips (http://www.teenbusiness.co.uk/twitter-marketing-tips-top-tips)

18-09-2012, 06:08 PM
You only have 100 or so followers. I don't follow any of these tips and have just over 1000, I'm not one to brag though! ;) @TaylorJohnathan

18-09-2012, 06:13 PM
Never could actually comprehend how so many people (who aren't ""celebrities"") get 1000s of followers tbh. It's like people who I've seen on fb (when I had it) who had over 1000 friends...

Anyway ye urm nice tips for some i spose? dont use twitter so yeah xD.

18-09-2012, 06:14 PM
advertise everywhere

@dpGFX (http://twitter.com/dpgfx)

18-09-2012, 06:15 PM
or you could just use twitter because you want another way to connect with friends and find out information without worrying about a meaningless number?

18-09-2012, 06:17 PM
Okay so if this doesn't work explain http://twitter.com/mrviaticus... The account SkegnessLad is to test these theories.

18-09-2012, 06:27 PM
here is a good tip

1) always look for a full body shot before deciding to follow someone because you think they're ~fit~. dem overweight people know their angles v. well, deceit tbh

and at above prob cause he follows most of them and prob unfollows some of them after they follow him
lovin my whole 88 followers cause i use it for my thoughts and to stalk to people

18-09-2012, 06:30 PM
You could follow people who follow back then unfollow them when they follow you. Hope they don't unfollow you after though. Don't really care about Twitter.

18-09-2012, 06:33 PM
still your bluffing with 3500 followers, not really impressed. Be yourself, normally gets followers, saying that some dude who trolled my friend got a good 150 followers so what ever floats your boat

18-09-2012, 08:09 PM
shouldn't care about followers etc. i just follow people back and tweet what i want. no point turning it into a popularity contest caring about followers and following/unfollowing people to gain.

@Shazeh if u wanna follow tho ;l

18-09-2012, 08:54 PM
I don't understand the obsession with followers to be honest. Just say something offensive to a celebrity if you really want them.


@itsfordey (http://twitter.com/itsfordey)

18-09-2012, 09:24 PM
Followers aren't everything, although I've seen people with loads and do wonder what the hell they have done to be able to get so many. But either way its not that big of a deal! Feel free to follow @mattgarner (http://twitter.com/mattgarner) - I've tweeted far too much for sure.

18-09-2012, 09:59 PM
here's an idea

stop using a website overloaded with obnoxious and irritating people. the kind of people who complained about people who updated their facebook status every hour. the kind of hypocrites who do exactly the same just on a different platform. do u really thing i give two ***** that u are at starbucks and have instagrammed a picture of ur mug?

honestly though, i don't understand why anyone would want to use twitter when people like that riley n0b who insulted tom daley amassed hundreds of thousands of followers. same for that ugly boy, forgot his name starts with an o though. essentially a load of annoying loud mouthed on the internet fools who girls seem to stupor over when they're just a load of misogynistic mongs who have no worth in society outside of twitter

18-09-2012, 10:01 PM
here's an idea

stop using a website overloaded with obnoxious and irritating people. the kind of people who complained about people who updated their facebook status every hour. the kind of hypocrites who do exactly the same just on a different platform

honestly though, i don't understand why anyone would want to use twitter when people like that riley n0b who insulted tom daley amassed hundreds of thousands of followers. same for that ugly boy, forgot his name starts with an o though. essentially a load of annoying loud mouthed on the internet fools who girls seem to stupor over when they're just a load of misogynistic mongs who have no worth in society outside of twitter

So you are saying people shouldn't use twitter because a very small minority of users are on there to cause trouble? Twitter is a great social media platform. I mainly use twitter more because my family members don't actually follow me or know about it as much but they have me on facebook. Both are great social networks at the end of the day.

18-09-2012, 10:03 PM
don't know why u'd want to associate urself such a website Matt Garner.

18-09-2012, 10:04 PM
don't know why u'd want to associate urself such a website Matt Garner.

Are you one of the trolls who gives twitter a bad name then? ;)

18-09-2012, 10:06 PM
no i don't have a twitter account, i'm not really into social media, i only use facebook to chat since no one uses msn anymore RIP

18-09-2012, 10:46 PM
Mines @RossJenkins1 :-)

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

19-09-2012, 12:09 AM
Or you could pretend to be me and get 5,000.

19-09-2012, 12:11 AM
Or you could pretend to be me and get 5,000.

Are you saying your famous

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

19-09-2012, 12:14 AM
Nah, just being a ****.

19-09-2012, 04:24 AM
Doing things like the whole follow then unfollow trick and things like that just for a number is kinda silly.
I don't care about my follower number (although immature giggle at my 69 ;)) I use Twitter as not many people from my real life use it so I can say whatever I want. I don't follow a whole lot of people either just my friends, some people off here and a few celeb type people.
I use it as another form of communication to my besties rather than facebook seen as I want to delete my fb anyway...
@notapelican (https://twitter.com/notapelican) if ya want to wreck my number ;)

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