View Full Version : Habbox iPhone App

19-09-2012, 09:33 PM
I'm not sure weather this has ever been suggested or talked about before but I think that a mobile app for Apple products would be amazing. I will list why below and the extra benefits I fix it could being to Habbox. But first I will show you a image that a just created to show you an example of what the app could look like. It's very simple, I just wanted to show some features it could have.



I put the name Habbox Portable (HxP) because it would use portable devices (iPad, iPhone, iPod). Also I thought the name was good and related to the product. Also I thought that the title could link to the main nav page.


I'm not sure if you can embed the Radio onto an App (I know that it would require internet access if you could). So if you could embed the radio (ShoutCast) it could play, or it could open habboxlive.com/iphone in Safari which already works on Apple products. This should benefit Habbox because people would know about the iPhone feature to play on the HxL website (I recently discovered this). People could listen on the go.

Rare Values:

I know that this would be really hard to do but if most (if not all) rare values could be recorded onto the App then it would be easier for people to find values when trading. I find it hard to open habbox.com/rares because it makes my PC lag and I end up losing out on good deals. Or it could just keep a record of basic rares and be updated once a week or month.


I think that this would be easy to do, all that needs to be put in is a calender with event dates. If you couldn't have it update automatically to daily events you could maybe change the title to Notices and only have big events like Jade's Rares Giveaway!


I hate using the Forum on Safari and I just don't use it in till I can get access to my computer so if you could make it accessible by the app then that would be cool and easier to use. Or it could just link to habboxforum.com/forum. This would give users more option to using the forum.

Even More:

Even More could be the next nav page with minor things like Radio timetable, staff, dates, request line etc

I'm only suggesting ideas to grow Habbox community, I know it would be hard but I think that most of us would use it. I would pay up to £1.49 for this app on the App Store if it only had half these features. The problem is, is it even possibly and does Habbox have the funds.

If you don't like this idea then fair enough but I just wanted to help and I liked creating this post. Thanks for reading!


19-09-2012, 09:37 PM
are you suggesting someone designs an app FROM SCRATCH for free?

19-09-2012, 09:38 PM
I'm only suggesting ideas to grow Habbox community, I know it would be hard but I think that most of us would use it. I would pay up to £1.49 for this app on the App Store if it only had half these features. The problem is, is it even possibly and does Habbox have the funds.

Lol I think hes stating that he understands it would cost some money laura;

19-09-2012, 09:39 PM
are you suggesting someone designs an app FROM SCRATCH for free?

Nooo im just saying tht if Habbox ever wanted a new product that this is what I would suggest. TBH I just randomly made this thread and got really into it. :)

19-09-2012, 09:40 PM
Lol I think hes stating that he understands it would cost some money @laura (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=61966);

That's what I thought xD. In all fairness, everyone who works on this site volunteers to do it anyway (esp. coders/admins) and don't expect anything in return. But yeah making an app. would probably be harder and money needed etc.

19-09-2012, 09:40 PM
Objective-C is HORRIBLE.

19-09-2012, 09:40 PM
Lol I think hes stating that he understands it would cost some money @laura (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=61966);


Nooo im just saying tht if Habbox ever wanted a new product that this is what I would suggest. TBH I just randomly made this thread and got really into it. :)

oh i seeee. it just seems like a waste of money imo cos there are existing apps which support habbox :/

19-09-2012, 09:43 PM

oh i seeee. it just seems like a waste of money imo cos there are existing apps which support habbox :/

Yehh I know that they is a lot of ways of accessing Habbox but not in one place. It would be much easier and if Habbox ever did make their own app they would no what I think! :P

19-09-2012, 09:43 PM

oh i seeee. it just seems like a waste of money imo cos there are existing apps which support habbox :/

iPhone application designing is pretty simple really. Google some of the 'basic user guides' to creating an application. Not a lot too it. The hardest part might be the graphic designing.

P.s LOL "skimmed that part."

19-09-2012, 09:44 PM
Objective-C is HORRIBLE.
People will have to settle for an Android App instead :P

A web app makes more sense to be honest.

19-09-2012, 09:45 PM
iPhone application designing is pretty simple really. Google some of the 'basic user guides' to creating an application. Not a lot too it. The hardest part might be the graphic designing.

P.s LOL "skimmed that part."

I see we have a volunteer!

19-09-2012, 09:47 PM
I see we have a volunteer!

Someone still has to convince Jin to pay for a developers license for the two people that'll actually use it.

19-09-2012, 09:48 PM
Yehh I know that they is a lot of ways of accessing Habbox but not in one place. It would be much easier and if Habbox ever did make their own app they would no what I think! :P

iPhone application designing is pretty simple really. Google some of the 'basic user guides' to creating an application. Not a lot too it. The hardest part might be the graphic designing.

P.s LOL "skimmed that part."

if its so easy why dont you volunteer to do it then (no offense). it's just a waste of resources when there's already things in place and most people won't use it, either being non-iphone users or don't want habbo on phone....

19-09-2012, 09:48 PM
Someone still has to convince Jin to pay for a developers license for the two people that'll actually use it.

Well we don't because he would rather have web apps more than paying prices for the developers license to Apple, Android and so on.

19-09-2012, 09:48 PM
I see we have a volunteer!

I totally walked into that one didn't I...

>.> and Matty G just made me go off topic in a thread.

19-09-2012, 09:53 PM
if its so easy why dont you volunteer to do it then (no offense). it's just a waste of resources when there's already things in place and most people won't use it, either being non-iphone users or don't want habbo on phone....

Well I guess your right but a lot of people have iPod's and stuff. When they go on holiday I'm sure they could check it next to the pool lol? But it's most lilcky never going to happen unless Habbox gets like 5,000 active members every hour lol.

19-09-2012, 09:54 PM
To be honest basically information could be put onto a style that loaded with ease on multiple mobile devices. Obviously the bigger stuff like rare values is probably a no no and the radio can be done like that already bit can be improved for sure.

19-09-2012, 10:02 PM
Here is my opinion overall on the iPhone application for Habbox...

Apple charges $100 per year to hold onto a developer’s account (which you need to publish your app).

This honestly is a trivial amount of money. Not too expensive at all. + Side

Apple sends you cash one month at a time, up to 45 days after the month has ended. So, if your app goes live in January, you can expect your first kickback sometime in early March. Oh, and Apple only pays you if your earned amount totals at least $150, so you may have to wait before getting your first payment. Keep in mind, Apple only pays you through direct deposit.

If the app idea fails and barely turns a profit you lose out. They don't send you any income at all. The total can amount to 150 dollars over the span of many months. Yet with operating costs of the forum and such why would Jin want to wait that long for the money? - Side

This is just two strong points both good and bad. I could go on forever about this...

19-09-2012, 11:09 PM
You don't have to pay anything to develop an Android app. If you want to put it on the play store then there is a one time fee of $25.

Well we don't because he would rather have web apps more than paying prices for the developers license to Apple, Android and so on.

19-09-2012, 11:14 PM
Why should it just be for Apple products? It's like they're elite or something.

Habbox loads of my phone I'm sure it would load on an iPod, iPad etc.

19-09-2012, 11:16 PM
since they're struggling to maintain a bug free mobile skin i doubt this will happen

19-09-2012, 11:29 PM
since they're struggling to maintain a bug free mobile skin i doubt this will happen

Well that's because we didn't design it and get very annoyed at vBulletin for it.

Ps. Tapatalk is better.

20-09-2012, 12:06 AM
doubt anyone would actually use it, and surely it'd be logical to make android instead of iphone app

20-09-2012, 01:03 PM
doubt anyone would actually use it, and surely it'd be logical to make android instead of iphone app

So, its not logical to make an iPhone app, but it is for Android?

20-09-2012, 01:16 PM
So, its not logical to make an iPhone app, but it is for Android?

No it would be logical to make both an iphone and android, but if limited to one it would be android.

As mentioned before iPhone app = $100 a year, Android = $25 one off

and last I checked android has something like 4x the global market share of iOS

So if limiting the decision to one, fairly sure logic would dictate you go for the one that costs 1/4 and has 4x market share?

20-09-2012, 01:27 PM
No it would be logical to make both an iphone and android, but if limited to one it would be android.

As mentioned before iPhone app = $100 a year, Android = $25 one off

and last I checked android has something like 4x the global market share of iOS

So if limiting the decision to one, fairly sure logic would dictate you go for the one that costs 1/4 and has 4x market share?

Fair enough, I was thinking you meant the app wasn't logical but make it for Android anyway kind of thing.

And you always have Cydia for iOS.

20-09-2012, 01:56 PM
As Matt has said, the most logical route would be a web app. That way it would load correctly in bother Apple and Android products etc and wouldn't cost any developers accounts fees.

20-09-2012, 03:05 PM
As Matt has said, the most logical route would be a web app. That way it would load correctly in bother Apple and Android products etc and wouldn't cost any developers accounts fees.

Only problem with that is the radio, with a web app for iOS and Android, you would need to find a web player that works for both, or have them download the stream...hmm.

20-09-2012, 03:28 PM
Why a separate web app? Responsive web design along with progressive enhancement is the way forward in my opinion. This way you can get consistent experiences across all platforms with features that scale with the device rather than having to deal with separately created websites/web apps for different platforms that might be missing some key functionality or content.

As Matt has said, the most logical route would be a web app. That way it would load correctly in bother Apple and Android products etc and wouldn't cost any developers accounts fees.

20-09-2012, 03:57 PM
Why a separate web app? Responsive web design along with progressive enhancement is the way forward in my opinion. This way you can get consistent experiences across all platforms with features that scale with the device rather than having to deal with separately created websites/web apps for different platforms that might be missing some key functionality or content.

Having the main Habbox site scaleable wouldn't really work in terms of things such as the rare values.
Jackabee; Getting the radio on to iPhone/Android is easy.

20-09-2012, 04:08 PM
Why would it not? That's the whole point of progressive enhancement, you start with something really simple, a basic table if you have to, then add layers of functionality for those devices that can handle it. Of cause it would not work if you started with the final desktop version and attempted to scale it down, that is approaching it from the wrong angle though.

Having the main Habbox site scaleable wouldn't really work in terms of things such as the rare values.
@Jackabee (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=41680); Getting the radio on to iPhone/Android is easy.

20-09-2012, 04:21 PM
Why would it not? That's the whole point of progressive enhancement, you start with something really simple, a basic table if you have to, then add layers of functionality for those devices that can handle it. Of cause it would not work if you started with the final desktop version and attempted to scale it down, that is approaching it from the wrong angle though.

Sounds like we have a volunteer.

Only problem with that is the radio, with a web app for iOS and Android, you would need to find a web player that works for both, or have them download the stream...hmm.

I doubt that would be an issue.

20-09-2012, 04:24 PM
The worst part of Apple apps is the fee,as said somewhere above. It's quite expensive really, so the app would have to have some kind of price, so that the coder doesn't have to pay $100 per year or whatever it is for the developer centre fee.
I've made iOS apps in the past, it's a shame about the fee, otherwise I would've published apps too. It's pretty simple on Mac because of XCode tbf.

20-09-2012, 08:52 PM
Why a separate web app?
Distinction between touch interface and mouse interface.

20-09-2012, 09:06 PM
I don't think you understand the whole point of a responsive design. Here are some quick examples I found:


Resize your browser window to see it work. You'll notice how it changes from a desktop + mouse friendly site to a more touch + mobile friendly site.

Distinction between touch interface and mouse interface.

20-09-2012, 09:12 PM
Just tried this on my phone and it is not mobile friendly in the slightest considering some lines reduced to two words in width because they put a massive image in the middle.

20-09-2012, 09:28 PM
I actually made this once, well i made an app that had all fansite radios, forum posts etc utilizing the rss feeds. I just never published it because of the fee. Though you can get someone to publish it for you for a smaller fee.

I never had RV though. Just rss feeds and radio.

20-09-2012, 09:51 PM
I assume you mean the clients list. How is this a problem when most of them are two words long anyway?

Edit: Just to add, these were quick examples I could find, not suggesting that the are the best examples out there.

Just tried this on my phone and it is not mobile friendly in the slightest considering some lines reduced to two words in width because they put a massive image in the middle.

21-09-2012, 05:53 AM
Here is my opinion overall on the iPhone application for Habbox...

Apple charges $100 per year to hold onto a developer’s account (which you need to publish your app).

This honestly is a trivial amount of money. Not too expensive at all. + Side

Apple sends you cash one month at a time, up to 45 days after the month has ended. So, if your app goes live in January, you can expect your first kickback sometime in early March. Oh, and Apple only pays you if your earned amount totals at least $150, so you may have to wait before getting your first payment. Keep in mind, Apple only pays you through direct deposit.

If the app idea fails and barely turns a profit you lose out. They don't send you any income at all. The total can amount to 150 dollars over the span of many months. Yet with operating costs of the forum and such why would Jin want to wait that long for the money? - Side

This is just two strong points both good and bad. I could go on forever about this...

I think you're just confusing yourself now lol. We tried an App and it didn't do great, also it'd be much more simple to just have a mobile site that's compatible for all phones.

21-09-2012, 12:40 PM
I think you're just confusing yourself now lol. We tried an App and it didn't do great, also it'd be much more simple to just have a mobile site that's compatible for all phones.

Lol I know a lot about designing iOS applications. It's not an easy process nor is it profitable unless you have a client user base that's large enough to support it. Maybe re occurring monthly subscriptions instead of pay once you own the app...?

But yes a web based application does make more sense indeed!

21-09-2012, 02:37 PM
It'd be cool to have an Android App, personally. Just don't name it Habbox pls ty

22-09-2012, 04:26 PM
Objective-C is HORRIBLE.


I don't even know what I'm looking at.

For Reditr Dimitry and I are going to dive into it and try to come out with, well-- something, anyway.

Only your interface has to follow through with objective-c, the rest of your app can be just old fashion C (maybe even ++).

22-09-2012, 04:48 PM

I don't even know what I'm looking at.

For Reditr Dimitry and I are going to dive into it and try to come out with, well-- something, anyway.

Only your interface has to follow through with objective-c, the rest of your app can be just old fashion C (maybe even ++).

My head exploded.

22-09-2012, 08:02 PM
My head exploded.

I like the part which reads:

Avoid nested nesting more than two message calls on a single line, as it easily gets unreadable.

then gives the example:

[NSString stringWithFormat:[prefs format]];

Unreadable? Really?!

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