View Full Version : [Notice] Radio Plays

23-09-2012, 04:30 PM

Are you a fan of The Archers? Do you like to listen to Radio 4 with your tweed suit, pipe and crumpets. Mmm crumpets. Nope, me neither. Whether you are a posh snob or you think Shakesphere is a town, HabboxLive is pleased to announce the arrival of the brand new Radio Plays!

If you are a wannabe writer who thinks your words deserve a chance to shine in the spotlight, we want to hear from you! Do not be fooled by the title, we will accept anything, including but not limited to:

Short Stories

You may be wondering how this thing could possibly work. Here is what you have to do:

Send a PM to HabboxLive with the following template:

Name of piece:
What format is your writing (short story etc):
What is it about?:
Any additional information you feel will help:
Include your writing at the end of the PM.

After that, your writing will be assessed to see if they fit the standards that Habbox is looking for. If that is you, your writing will go to the next stage: recording. Your writing will be recorded by the HabboxLive DJs, assembled by our techie wizards then played on air during the Radio Plays show. Please note that the HabboxLive DJs are not professional actors/actresses so do not be expecting any Oscar-winning performances! If you want to record your own writing or if it's got multiple characters, your own character, feel free to do so and you can get your friends involved.

Here are a list of questions that we hope will clear everything up. If you still have a question, feel free to send me a PM!

Do I have to complete the writing beforehand or can I just give a brief summary and hand it in later?
We ask that the full writing is handed in with the application. We don't really fancy chasing people up for writing they haven't submitted and it makes the process much smoother if we can just go from A to B without having to reverse back to square 1. There are, however, exceptions. If you are doing a continuous series or a longer story that has been cut into parts rather than a one-off piece we'd only require the first part/episode. If this is the case, some sort of arrangement will be arranged with radio management and the writer to reach a working agreement for both sides.

How long should my writing be?
For the longer things then something 5-10 minutes would be ideal while shorter things (poems) should be 2-5 minutes. If it appears to be longer than that, we will happily work around it and instead cut the writing into parts and perhaps if necessary work together to re-edit the work so each part flows better. We can't just stop in the middle of a sentence, can we?!

My writing didn't get accepted. What's the big deal, I make Shakesphere's works look as bad as Stephanie Meyer?
No-one's that bad! There are a number of reasons why a piece of writing isn't accepted. If it breaks the forum or radio rules then it won't be accepted. Other reasons can include not being practical for a radio play or too many characters.

Will you edit my work?
No, that would be unfair. If work needs editing for whatever reason, we will consult with the writer to talk about the changes needed. Ultimately, the writer has artistic control of their own writing but a balance needs to be struck between being suitable/practical for HabboxLive and what the writer needs. If an agreement can't be reached then we will sadly have no choice but to reject said work.

Will you provide feedback for the work even if you don't use it for the radio play show?
If there's time and we're in a good mood, maybe, but there will be no guarantee of this.

The DJs aren't actors/actresses. What if they mess up my work by making it sound comical or sounding bored?
While we will try our best, this is merely an extra not usually associated with DJ work and so we can't always be spot on, just the way it is expected. When your writing has been recorded, you will be sent a PM containing the piece where you can provide some feedback and if the request is reasonable, we will try our best to accomodate them but no promises will be made. The easiest solution is that if you want it to sound a certain way, you can record it yourself and send it in. It'd make my life a lot easier but naturally, we know this can't be done by everyone! It would be most helpful if you provided detailed direction of how you want dialogue/the writing to sound if there is a particular vibe/atmosphere you are going for.

Will you be hiring voice actors? There could be a whole new department.
This is not on the agenda. We will be using HabboxLive DJs and just adding it as a voluntary extra. If demand is high and some people outside of the department would like to help out with other people's work, we may have a group of non-staff voice actors but this won't include any staff permissions or a new department and will be considered as helping out (although VIP or a forum award is a possibility).

When's the first show?
This is currently unknown. We would like to get it up and running as soon as possible but first we need to establish whether there's an interest to be able to keep it going.

Have you got any shows already?
We have a play written by myself that we hope will be a regular occurance. It will be based around the BBC show, Waterloo Road, called (very imaginatively) Habbox Road where management will be the teachers and members will be the students. Feel free to suggest storylines for the teachers and/or the students! Here is the synopsis for the first episode:

It's a new term at Habbox Road. Mr Hecktix, the previous headmaster, has shockingly run off with the former IT teacher, Nicola, and Mr Garner is drafted in as his replacement. He wants to make the school the best it can be but with inept teachers, badly behaved students (no reflection on the real Habbox of course!) and the Local Education Authority, led by Mr Jin, breathing down his neck for the best results, it is going to be easier said than done...

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