View Full Version : Final Fantasy Collection

23-09-2012, 10:21 PM
Ohi there
I've had FFX-2 for yonks now, and I dearly love the game, even if I have never completed more than a third of the story.
I got XIII and XIII-2 recently, and they're great too, which made me think that the older games must have set down some solid framework

So I've decided to buy all of the games from eBay, as Amazon seems more expensive for the older ones
So far I've bought III (twice, not realising I won a bid, but it's sorted now), XII and XIV
I have highest bids on VI, VII and VIII right now I think

For my real request now xD:
If you see anybody wanting rid of any of the following games, please do tell me so I can buy them from them:
6 - ideally for Gameboy Advance but PS1 is also okay
10 - probably will be on PS1-2
11 - PC as it's an mmo one, but I think I've seen a lot of 360 ones

I'll update if I lose some games, but I have bids on 1&2 together, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 right now xD
All help will earn a +rep ;Mwah

I'm currently on my iPhone if you are seeing this message! I cannot participate in spam wars xx

23-09-2012, 10:32 PM
you can get ffvii on pc you know, but i can understand the want for a console version. better experience.
ffvii is the best of all tbh

23-09-2012, 10:59 PM
Yeah, I heard 7 is far superior
It's fun to see the evolution of gaming: GBA to S/NES to Playstations
Ideally once I get a ps1 game, all possible games will be PS systems.
Like 1&2 come on a gba cartridge, 3 is on ds but 4 and 5 have gba cartridges too
After that, full consoles dominate
I tried getting 7 for £10 but it the end it sold for like £25
Somebody wanted £255 for a limited edition collector's box for 3 or something; it was shocking

I'm currently on my iPhone if you are seeing this message! I cannot participate in spam wars xx

23-09-2012, 11:09 PM
The general rule for Final Fantasy seems to be that your first will be your favourite, seen that stated many many times :P for me that means VIII although as a tactical gamer that makes sense anyway since the junction system is perfect for someone like me (as well as really enjoying X), whereas people who just want to play through will prefer the less intricate customisation you get in VII

as Dave says you will want them on the consoles - the 3D rendering on PCs is obv better but having that put against the flat pixel backgrounds makes the whole thing just look totally wrong, especially with VII to X. For earlier ones though I'd personally get a decent emulator and play them through that on the PC as (being old) they're pretty slow and most emulators have accelerators so you can speed it up through boring bits and training :P

24-09-2012, 06:05 AM
If we're being honest, I wasn't buying them in order to play.
For the ones on DS, I can play them, but few are on the DS xD
I want them just to have the pride of having collected them, you know?
Of course, I can always buy a cheap GBA or PS1/2 (I got the newer ps3 that doesnt play any games from previous consoles :() to play them on, but it's not about that for me

I'm currently on my iPhone if you are seeing this message! I cannot participate in spam wars xx

24-09-2012, 06:14 AM
I lost the bid on 1&2 but got it for buyitnow for £10.
I lost a bid on 6 but got a bid on another now
I'm already having 4 different games from 4 different sellers arriving for me in the next week. I feel so spesh LOL!

I'm currently on my iPhone if you are seeing this message! I cannot participate in spam wars xx

24-09-2012, 11:24 AM
The general rule for Final Fantasy seems to be that your first will be your favourite, seen that stated many many times :P for me that means VIII although as a tactical gamer that makes sense anyway since the junction system is perfect for someone like me (as well as really enjoying X), whereas people who just want to play through will prefer the less intricate customisation you get in VII

as Dave says you will want them on the consoles - the 3D rendering on PCs is obv better but having that put against the flat pixel backgrounds makes the whole thing just look totally wrong, especially with VII to X. For earlier ones though I'd personally get a decent emulator and play them through that on the PC as (being old) they're pretty slow and most emulators have accelerators so you can speed it up through boring bits and training :P

Tom knows what's up, FFVIII was clearly the best FF, FFVII is far too overrated, it was good but no where near as engaging as others in the series.

For the SNES ones getting an emulator would be the best experience. You get the beautiful chiptune music and all the original 2D graphics.

24-09-2012, 04:26 PM
I think I've actually been able to avoid all SNES editions
The first 5 are on portable devices, and then it swoops into PS1, 2 and 3. Although if necessary, getting SNES versions isnt entirely detestable
And I can always buy a SNES console.
I saw a PS1 sell for £1 + £7 postage today xD

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