View Full Version : Cheapest way to get mage up.?

31-08-2005, 01:18 PM
Any ideas. I only have 200k to spend and i am level 46 atm

Ashley 12344
31-08-2005, 01:21 PM
Teleport. Go World 66, Entrana and trade 27 unnoted ess for 27 laws and 27 noted ess wiv sum1 in red. Then just keep telein to camelot

31-08-2005, 03:11 PM
Best Way To Gain Magic For Free To Play Is...

Buy Air And Mind And Do Fire Strikes On Lesser Demons.

31-08-2005, 03:55 PM
i Use a free way

Do law running when you have say 1000

weild a air staff and keep teleportinbg to camalot when your lvl is high enough :)

31-08-2005, 03:58 PM
Lol theres no cheap way, i train by buying 2k law ruens and keep teleying to camelot

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