View Full Version : Habboween

09-10-2012, 01:18 PM
quests.habboween_2012_2.click_20_horse_poop.desc="Now Bring me some food or i'll eat you alive!"
landing.view.hween12.roomcompetition.submit.button =Submit your room now
quests.habboween_2012_2.click_20_horse_poop.comple ted="Delicious ! Those ones always make good starters but I'm still hungry..."
quests.habboween_2012_2.get_5_habbos_in_bodybag.de sc="Go to the morgue now! I need fresh corpses now"
quests.habboween_2012_1.enlight_entry.hint=The boss has returned and the Fair is back in business, now it's time for the grand opening! Enlighten the Fairground Entrance: Stand next to it with a friend.
landing.view.competition.hof.hween12.rankdesc.othe r=Top 10 Freakshow
group.edit.base=Choose a homeroom for Your Group
quests.habboween_2012_2.get_5_habbos_in_bodybag.hi nt=Enter a room with 5 Habbos in bodybags.
landing.view.hween12.masks.opencatalog=Go to Shop
quests.habboween_2012_1.enlight_entry.desc=Spread the news! The Fair is back in business!
quests.habboween_2012_1.spot_13_cat_breeds.complet ed=Lovely creatures. Did you know they're couriers for the Boss? It's true, they're so underpaid. They've been trying to unionise, but it's been tough...
quests.habboween_2012_2.wear_surgeon_mask.hint=The re is waste everywhere. How can she live in such a putrid place? Put something on your noise: that smell is awful!
quests.habboween_2012_2.click_20_horse_poop.name=B ON APPETIT
landing.view.hween12.community.button=Get your freak on!
quests.habboween_2012_2.wear_surgeon_mask.name=MEE T BUBONICA!
quests.habboween_2012_2.get_5_habbos_in_bodybag.na me=THE LAST SUPPER
quests.habboween_2012_2.spot_10_spider_breeds.comp leted=Thanks you! And actually I'm kinda hungry now... Zzzz...... No, I'm not sleeping, I'm buzzing.... Two wings good, eight legs bad..."
quests.habboween_2012_2.spot_10_spider_breeds.hint ="They are there, everywhere, hunting me... It's really buzzing me off! Please help me by getting rid of the spiders! Hit 10 different breeds out there and U'll tell you everything!"
quests.daily.SWIM2.desc=Someone lost their pants in the water. Swim around and find them!
help.emergency.main.title=Emergency Help Request
quests.habboween_2012_1.enlight_entry.completed=Th e Fairground lights up the night! Soon the customers will arrive, Get ready to welcome them - it's just like the good days of golden glory!
quests.habboween_2012_1.spot_13_cat_breeds.hint=Yo ur presence here is sacrilege. Spot 13 different cat breeds to break the curse.
quests.habboween_2012_1.pass_drink_x100.completed= Cheers! Now We're ready to have fun...Until the Fairground burns again. The truth is it wasn't an accident - But sometimes truth hurts, and the sins of the father.... My son, my son, what have ye done?
quests.habboween_2012_1.say_bobba_666_times.name=C ALL THE BOSS
quests.habboween_2012_2.wear_surgeon_mask.desc=Hal f fly, half human, She's there on a wall staring at you.
landing.view.hween12.costumes.opencatalog=Go to Shop
landing.view.hween12.masks.bodytext=The Fairground is full of all kinds of freaks and geeks, want to fit in? Get yourself a costume!
quests.habboween_2012_1.say_bobba_666_times.comple ted=Great job: I can feel the "BOSS" coming! And I don't mean Bruce Springsteen. I really don't. Seriously, what would Bruce Springsteen have to do with Habboween? You so crazy.

landing.view.hween12.quest.header=Beware of the Fairground Of Fear!
quests.habboween_2012_2.find_dinner_room.desc="I want more food! Take me to a rotten meat restaurant!"
quests.habboween_2012_2.spot_10_spider_breeds.name =HIT SPIDERS
quests.habboween_2012_1.wear_paper_bag_mask.desc=H e's there, standing. And you're not welcomed apparently...
quests.habboween_2012_1.wear_paper_bag_mask.hint="How dare you coming here? The Fairground is closed and you're not a Freak! Hide your pretty face. I can't stand this view."
quests.habboween_2012_1.1349699937998.chaininfo=St ep into the shadows, between life and death to discover what really happened ten years ago and destroyed the Fair...
landing.view.hween12.roomcompetition.submit.header =Save Habbo and revive the Fairground!
landing.view.hween12.community.bodytext=Put your costumes on and take a Fairground hopper to freak out the neigbourhood! Scare enough people and you'll receive the exclusive and elusive Freak Out badge!
quests.habboween_2012_1.spot_13_cat_breeds.name=SU PERSTITION
landing.view.hween12.roomcompetition.vote.bodytext =Vote for the best Freakshow now!
landing.view.hween12.quest.bodytext=The Fairground has come to Habbo, but not the kind you'd expect. Many years ago a great tragedy fell upon the fair and it was burned to the ground. But now, on the tenth anniversary of the fire it has returned, demanding that Habbos help it rebuild. Some say the Fair is still haunted by the ghosts of all those who perished, some say it wasn't an accident but the work of one of the carnies, driven insane... The truth lies within the darkness, dare you find it?
landing.view.hween12.community.header=Freak Out the Neighbourhood
quests.habboween_2012_2.spot_10_spider_breeds.desc ="Who are you? What do you want? Where are the spiders?"
landing.view.hween12.roomcompetition.submit.bodyte xt=The ghosts of the old Fair are upset by our presence and threaten to burn the Hotel (will they ever learn? arson is never the answer!) unless we help them revive the Fair and the old Freakshow. Run the best Freakshow in your Hotel to win and save the Hotel.
landing.view.hween12.pumpkins.bodytext=During Habboween for every Credit you purchase you receive 5 Pumpkins! Pumpkins can be used to buy Habboween Furni. Get into the Habboween spirit and get yours today!
quests.habboween_2012_2.find_dinner_room.hint=Find a room with 1 Habboween table, 4 habboween chairs, 1 brain plate, 1 head plate and 1 eye balls plate. Yummy!
landing.view.hween12.costumes.bodytext=The Fairground is full of all kinds of freaks and geeks, want to fit in? Get yourself a costume!
landing.view.hween12.roomcompetition.vote.header=S ave Habbo! Revive the old Freakshow!
quests.habboween_2012_1.spot_13_cat_breeds.desc="We, in the show business are really superstitious people...
quests.habboween_2012_1.pass_drink_x100.desc=Now serve our first hundred guests a blood drink.There ways heaps more codes for habbo ween...

quests.habboween_2012_1.wear_paper_bag_mask.name=M EET RINGMASTER DAVE
quests.habboween_2012_2.wear_surgeon_mask.complete d=Feel better now? She's coming closer and starts talking... Bzzzz....zzzzzz....zzzzzzz It sounds like a dentist drill, or dubstep...

was to lazy to copy them all here :]

looks like we are getting pumpkins as our habboween currency :rolleyes:

09-10-2012, 01:20 PM
Oh Pumpkins, let's hope there's new furni I guess. Looks like a lot is happening!

09-10-2012, 01:21 PM
I am sick to death of these quests and currency. The campaigns these days are SO boring.

09-10-2012, 01:22 PM
I hope they bring out new furni since we get a currency :O

09-10-2012, 01:23 PM
Oh Pumpkins, let's hope there's new furni I guess. Looks like a lot is happening!
Yeah if there is new furni better be good not some quickly made stuff.

09-10-2012, 01:23 PM
I am sick to death of these quests and currency. The campaigns these days are SO boring.

Beat me to it.

Quests are so repetitive and useless, currency is hardly interesting anymore because they bring one out every ******* campaign AND IT IS SO GODDAMN ANNOYING.


09-10-2012, 01:23 PM
I hope they bring out new furni since we get a currency :O
Prob a spooky throne or somthing @:

09-10-2012, 01:34 PM
Prob a spooky throne or somthing @:

Yeah, maybe haha :)

I'd say they will definitely release the old furni aswell as new? (maybe)

09-10-2012, 01:37 PM
Yeah, maybe haha :)

I'd say they will definitely release the old furni aswell as new? (maybe)
i was looking at an old friends room she has old halloween furni in it and one of the walls had a window i didnt noticed there was a person at the window i ushaly see these things i got a friend thats played habbo years aswell and shed never noticed it, update? idk

09-10-2012, 01:40 PM



ugh another passing drink quest -_-

09-10-2012, 01:42 PM
I think the problem is that Sulake are only catering to those who trade and spend money on Habbo, they're doing it for their gain and not thinking of those who do other things on the game.

09-10-2012, 01:45 PM



ugh another passing drink quest -_-

Isn't there this thing called flooding? As if people will remember to do it 666 times over a long timescale.

09-10-2012, 02:05 PM
Here'sn the badge name and desc. for completing the quests if anyone is interested

+ badge_desc_ACH_Habboween12=For completing %limit% Fairground quests
+ badge_name_ACH_Habboween12=Fairground Of Fear

Wait? Are they gonna bring out fairground stuff this year like they said 2 years ago...

09-10-2012, 02:12 PM
These pass quests dont show anything other than time wasting :/

09-10-2012, 02:33 PM
Beat me to it.

Quests are so repetitive and useless, currency is hardly interesting anymore because they bring one out every ******* campaign AND IT IS SO GODDAMN ANNOYING.


IKR. Every campaign has the same structure and so predictable. Automatic Room comps. Automatic games. What about puffin holding like an original halloween game in her room. A good story writing comp or something like a real life artwork comp. Tbh when we all thought that facebook comp to upload a video of yourself doing the pogo mogo in high heels was stupid. I take it back, because at least it was more interesting than these campaigns.

09-10-2012, 03:32 PM
Tried getting the Habboween Hotel View to appear, but it wouldn't.. so instead I just added a few boxes to the current hotel view.


Look like they'll finally be bringing that promised fairground furniture.

09-10-2012, 03:38 PM
omg I kneww they would do that pumpkin thing with the credits. so predictable.

09-10-2012, 08:34 PM
I am sick to death of these quests and currency. The campaigns these days are SO boring.

Agreed, they seem to resort to the exact same structure of event every single time. There's a lot going on which is good but it doesn't really interest me :/


09-10-2012, 08:43 PM
In all fairness, the limited currency is the only good idea that they have had. It increases demand for the actual purchase of credits generating revenue whilst "rewarding" those who do with the ability to purchase exclusive items. It's a shame these items are usually a rip off or had been in the catalogue before and if I'm honest, I was wondering how long it will take for Sulake to just milk it and use it for the exclusive purchases of entire ranges which it appears to have become.

However, the quests are poorly made, lazy and very uninteresting and they wonder why people don't bother to log on. Passing an electronic drink 100 times is not fun.

09-10-2012, 08:51 PM
I will not be doing the quest but I love it when they is new currency's. hehe.

10-10-2012, 02:22 AM
i was looking at an old friends room she has old halloween furni in it and one of the walls had a window i didnt noticed there was a person at the window i ushaly see these things i got a friend thats played habbo years aswell and shed never noticed it, update? idk

I have this piece of furni too, itīs from last year. :)

10-10-2012, 10:25 AM
Same excact thing as every quest :P. Stupid quests and stupid currency and another room building. Ugh.

10-10-2012, 03:35 PM
Quests?! Great...

I wish they'd just make tonnes of the same rooms (so everyone can have a go at it) and make a maze or just a new game for Halloween, ones that were kinda hard to complete so getting the badge was some sort of achievement. :rolleyes:

10-10-2012, 05:45 PM
Let me guess.. a habboween background thing lol

10-10-2012, 05:48 PM
Id rather not get banned for 'Disrupting the game is not permitted. October 31st 2023' from saying bobba 666 times.

---------- Post added 10-10-2012 at 06:49 PM ----------

Quests?! Great...

I wish they'd just make tonnes of the same rooms (so everyone can have a go at it) and make a maze or just a new game for Halloween, ones that were kinda hard to complete so getting the badge was some sort of achievement. :rolleyes:

Totally agree, quests which made the community come together and to solve it.

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