View Full Version : Cineworld shows children Paranormal instead of Madagascar

23-10-2012, 02:19 PM
CHILDREN preparing to watch Madagascar 3 at a cinema fled in terror after bungling staff put on hair-raising horror film Paranormal Activity by mistake.

Parents were shocked when the opening scenes from the thriller started playing instead of the family cartoon flick.
Kids started crying as the opening scene showed a woman's bloodied corpse being hurled at the camera.
Around 25 families at Nottingham's Cineworld were forced to scramble for the exits with their children – some as young as five.
Angry mum Natasha Lewis, 32, accompanied her eight-year-old son Dylan to the screening which took place at 10.30am on Saturday.
She said: "We sat down and it was meant to start at 10am, but it took until 10.30am for the lights to go down and for the trailers to start.

http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01606/Cineworld-Notts_62_1606612a.jpgBlunder ... the horror film was put on at Cineworld in Nottingham

"They started playing the movie and I thought - this doesn't look right. And then I recognised the opening sequence as a flashback to the first movie, which I saw a couple of years ago.
"It opens on the most terrifying scene in the first film – where a body shoots full pelt towards the camera.
“It's enough to make grown men jump, so you can imagine the terror in these young faces.
"Everybody just scrambled for the exits, all you could hear were children crying and screaming. Everyone was very upset.
“It was only about two minutes worth of the film but it was enough to scar them for life.”
Natasha was fully refunded by staff who also offered customers the chance to see Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted on another screen.
Cineworld apologised and said measures are being taken to ensure it does not happen again.

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/4604763/paranormal-activity-4-madagascar-3-cineworld-nottingham.html#ixzz2A8EZfdGa

Epic mistake on their behalf!

23-10-2012, 02:20 PM
LMFAO! I would have loved to be in on that.

23-10-2012, 02:25 PM
LOL. Ah I would've loved that.

'scar them for life' yeah, sure. A small clip of film will REALLY scar someone.

23-10-2012, 02:28 PM
LOL. Ah I would've loved that.

'scar them for life' yeah, sure. A small clip of film will REALLY scar someone.

Entirely possible. People can gain phobias from one "tiny" incident as a child.

I feel sorry the children and the fact they had to see that, lord knows how one can make such a mistake.

23-10-2012, 02:30 PM
o. i apologise. i didnt realise you could have a phobia of dead bodies flying towards you.

23-10-2012, 02:33 PM
o. i apologise. i didnt realise you could have a phobia of dead bodies flying towards you.

Is there a need to be such a **** towards it Cerys? I used phobias as an example... not that they're directly going to get a phobia from seeing that dead body :rolleyes:

They're kids, kids are incredibly easy to scare and film age ratings are there for a reason. Stuff people experience as a child can have a lasting effect on them throughout life.

Do you think it's acceptable we go around showing kids stuff like the Human Centipede, Final Destination and The Exorcist then?...

23-10-2012, 02:35 PM
I believe that it is not real. And the majority of kids these days view movies like that from a young age, so it clearly can not have that much of an effect on them.
And I'm not being a **** to it, I'm giving my views '_'


I respect your opinions, no matter if we differ in them. Let's agree to disagree :3

23-10-2012, 02:42 PM
I believe that it is not real. And the majority of kids these days view movies like that from a young age, so it clearly can not have that much of an effect on them.
And I'm not being a **** to it, I'm giving my views '_'

You are being satirical to my comparison of the phobias...

As for the bold = John Veneables and Robert Thompson both watched horror movies (and a fair amount) - e.g. Child's Play 3 - as a child (before they were 11 this is) and some believe their inspiration to kill James Bulger (a very young child - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_James_Bulger) was acquired from such films - please still tell me they have no effect.

* Yes I'm aware these children were younger
** Yes there's a small chance inspiration wasn't from those films, but it still had an impact
*** Yes I'm aware that's an extreme.
- The point still stands, it affects children, just as violent video games have an effect slightly (not murder-wise necessarily..)

23-10-2012, 02:43 PM
A refund is fine and good (and the chance to see the proper movie) but like Warren said they could easily be scarred, maybe not for life as some may grow out of it but even I don't watch scary movies so I know it would even frighten me too (especially as no one was expecting it). Surely then, when the message came up which film it was it said Madagascar 3 instead of Paranormal Activity 4? That's the first mistake and then goes on to the wrong film.

23-10-2012, 02:45 PM
You are being satirical to my comparison of the phobias...

As for the bold = John Veneables and Robert Thompson both watched horror movies (and a fair amount) - e.g. Child's Play 3 - as a child (before they were 11 this is) and some believe their inspiration to kill James Bulger (a very young child - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_James_Bulger) was acquired from such films - please still tell me they have no effect.

* Yes I'm aware these children were younger
** Yes there's a small chance inspiration wasn't from those films, but it still had an impact
*** Yes I'm aware that's an extreme.
- The point still stands, it affects children, just as violent video games have an effect slightly (not murder-wise necessarily..)

Like I said, I respect your views, no matter if we differ in them.

I feel that it's just a movie, get over it. Whereas you feel opposite.

*and the bit about James Bulger... I feel the movie doesn't have any impact on how they acted. I mean, I have watched dozens of 'scary' films, but I don't run around being agressive or acting any differently to someone who has never watched a scary movie.*

23-10-2012, 02:45 PM
You are being satirical to my comparison of the phobias...

As for the bold = John Veneables and Robert Thompson both watched horror movies (and a fair amount) - e.g. Child's Play 3 - as a child (before they were 11 this is) and some believe their inspiration to kill James Bulger (a very young child - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_James_Bulger) was acquired from such films - please still tell me they have no effect.

* Yes I'm aware these children were younger
** Yes there's a small chance inspiration wasn't from those films, but it still had an impact
*** Yes I'm aware that's an extreme.
- The point still stands, it affects children, just as violent video games have an effect slightly (not murder-wise necessarily..)

Sometimes though violent video games can have a positive effect. Last year in Media we spoke of the James Bulger case as you mentioned. We also spoke about how a girl was in a car crash, the car was upside down and knew it would set on fire due to GTA hence she knew to get her parents out.

I agree with you though.

23-10-2012, 02:48 PM
Like I said, I respect your views, no matter if we differ in them.

I feel that it's just a movie, get over it. Whereas you feel opposite.

*and the bit about James Bulger... I feel the movie doesn't have any impact on how they acted. I mean, I have watched dozens of 'scary' films, but I don't run around being agressive or acting any differently to someone who has never watched a scary movie.*

B = Would probably be because I loathe those types of movies.
* = I guess different people just react different ways, you're 'mature enough' to have a strong sense of morality - whether you are at 10, questionable. But then I suppose the Courts thought full-on they did have a sense of morality.

Sometimes though violent video games can have a positive effect. Last year in Media we spoke of the James Bulger case as you mentioned. We also spoke about how a girl was in a car crash, the car was upside down and knew it would set on fire due to GTA hence she knew to get her parents out.

I agree with you though.

That is a fair point, some can be beneficial in certain situations :P

23-10-2012, 02:51 PM
Poor kids. Ive never watched the film but I can imagine how creeped out they must have been.

23-10-2012, 03:07 PM
Bless 'em, their faces probably had pure terror on it.
At least they got a refund.

23-10-2012, 03:37 PM
Are the projector rooms not monitored any more? They used to have someone who watched the film from the room and change the film accordingly... It's strange no-one picked it up, hopefully the children aren't too scarred by it. Some children can get a phobia from scary films like this if it scared the crap out of them at a young age, while others will probably laugh at how scared they were when they're older. It seems like the scene could of been worse. Apparently it happened in America with Saw 3D or another Saw film, and that was far worse than this :P

23-10-2012, 06:06 PM
Not sure if a refund would cover my child seeing blood and gore (to that extent) at the age of 5...

23-10-2012, 06:37 PM
Sometimes though violent video games can have a positive effect. Last year in Media we spoke of the James Bulger case as you mentioned. We also spoke about how a girl was in a car crash, the car was upside down and knew it would set on fire due to GTA hence she knew to get her parents out.

I agree with you though.
lmao that's absolutely ridiculous. Surely any reasonable person would come to the conclusion that an upside down car is clearly not a very good thing and attempt to rescue those trapped inside?

Not sure if a refund would cover my child seeing blood and gore (to that extent) at the age of 5...
Same! If I was a parent in this situation I'd be taking them to court...

23-10-2012, 07:45 PM

23-10-2012, 08:16 PM
LOL. Ah I would've loved that.

'scar them for life' yeah, sure. A small clip of film will REALLY scar someone.

well that's dumb, i remember watching the trailer for paranormal activity 3 and having nightmares and sleepless nights for around a week. people get scared for different things, just because you're death obsessed and basically a vampire doesn't mean everyone else is.

O/T i find it quite funny really, it's such a huge change in genre haha

23-10-2012, 09:11 PM
Trust it to be Nottingham.. I've been their loads of time and I'm not surprised to be honest. Every makes mistakes so its not really a biggie.

23-10-2012, 09:15 PM
To be honest I think this is terrible, never mind Illegal. I mean PA is a 12/15 (?) and Madagascar would be a U or PG so surely Cineworld have both possibly scarred children for quite a long time as well as breaking the law.

I'd love to see action being taken against the cinema, I mean they are all too soon to ask for bundles of ID before going in (I mean what 15 year-old carries their passport around?) and then they show a film that is far too old for the audience.


23-10-2012, 09:26 PM
To be honest I think this is terrible, never mind Illegal. I mean PA is a 12/15 (?) and Madagascar would be a U or PG so surely Cineworld have both possibly scarred children for quite a long time as well as breaking the law.

I'd love to see action being taken against the cinema, I mean they are all too soon to ask for bundles of ID before going in (I mean what 15 year-old carries their passport around?) and then they show a film that is far too old for the audience.

It's not like they did it on purpose, it was a simple mistake and I'm fairly certain it's not against the law as it usually works consumer > business. However, it is negligence of sorts on the part of the cinema so parents can claims damages, but why anyone would pursue that route when there was no actual harm nor loss is beyond me. They could refund tickets, offer free tickets to the cinema etc.

23-10-2012, 09:47 PM
To be honest I think this is terrible, never mind Illegal. I mean PA is a 12/15 (?) and Madagascar would be a U or PG so surely Cineworld have both possibly scarred children for quite a long time as well as breaking the law.

I'd love to see action being taken against the cinema, I mean they are all too soon to ask for bundles of ID before going in (I mean what 15 year-old carries their passport around?) and then they show a film that is far too old for the audience.

accidents happen. one time i was in the cinema and they put the wrong film on. was changed within 1 or 2 minutes and a staff member came in to apologise.

24-10-2012, 03:15 AM
I think it's funny, does that make me twisted?

24-10-2012, 03:48 AM

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