View Full Version : Things that could be updated

25-10-2012, 06:32 PM
Wasn't sure where to put this, not really a bug haha, and rather than PM the relevant people it seems easier to just plop them in a thread.

Firstly, I'm sure I heard somewhere that content on habbox.com was kind of taking a backseat, since v7 would contain updated versions of everything? (idk if thats right), but if so, how long will it actually be until v7? and if it is going to be a couple of months or more, then I really think that the content on the current site should be maintained where possible too, since it contains innaccurate information and can lead to people being confused. Anyway here are a few small things which I've just come accross which could do with editing:

Habbox Lottery Thread: (http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=738124) The "who you can buy tickets off" list is very out of date and quite a few of the managers have changed. This should probably be up to date so people know who they can buy tickets off etc.

Habbox Lottery Site Page: (http://habbox.com/#!/Lottery) Same as the thread, needs updating, moreso than the thread though, says the next draw is april, says the max no of tickets is 10 etc. Maybe it would be best to change this link into a redirect to the thread to save having to update two things? :)

HxSS Page on main site: (http://habbox.com/#!/HxSS) could probably be removed now

Department Pages: (http://habbox.com/#!/DepartmentsLanding)Some of these havent been updated in months and months (says the latest forum manager was scott for example), I agree to an extent that this is a big project, and so may be better waiting for v7, unless the wiki is taking over this information? I guess if pages were up to date it would make migration to v7 easier though. :P

Charity Page: (http://habbox.com/#!/CharityWork) Is there any information from 2011 that can be added to this?

Official Rooms (http://habbox.com/#!/OfficialRooms): I think a decision needs to be made on where these are going, whether they are staying and being updated or modified into another useful thing. Not too sure all of the rooms even exist any more, I know the beach one doesnt for example.

Official Rooms Threads: (http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=713193) Same as above

Question of the week widget on habbox.com/thread (http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=698161) I still refer to it as the question of the week, since thats what it used to be :P Was actually quite good in a way, and I do remember getting 60 entries per week easily, which I guess did provide something a bit more interactive on the site. I know its been turned into a question about rare values, and its been like that for months and months. Just wondering if something could be done with this perhaps to freshen things up a bit on the site? Im sure most people will have had chance to enter by now. :P The thread itself hasnt been used since may, so I guess it needs to be removed/changed if its not actually going to be a question of the week or people may get confused since its a stuck thread.

Weekly Events: (http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=687184) This isnt something which can really be changed straight away, and I know this will improve soon, but it seems the only weekly event at the moment is the HxHD Quiz. I am going to ask Alex if I can have a weekly bingo night, so thats another one, but hopefully events organisers can get this thread looking much fuller, since it does create a good impression as a lot of guests read these kind of threads.

Competitions widget on habbox.com: (http://www.habbox.com) Not sure if its just me, but the competitions widget hasnt been working for ages, and im sure I had this problem a few months ago too, not sure what is causing it, but to a guest it looks like we have no competitions on offer :P

Thats all I can think of for now. I know they are really trivial things, and you may say "wait for v7" etc, but I do think its quite nice when everything is up to date. You never know when guests are viewing this stuff, when potential new members look at it etc, and I don't know, but to me it just gives a bad impression if basic stuff isnt kept up to date, and things are stale and being left etc. If I think of anything else I'll let you know, cheers guys! :D

25-10-2012, 06:36 PM
cant see them updating the main site, not with v7 coming out in a few years

25-10-2012, 06:39 PM
cant see them updating the main site, not with v7 coming out in a few years

See I think thats a shame :P I think you should work just as hard on what you currently have, not neglect it because something else is being worked on. People can't see v7 at the moment, but they can see the main site, and having lots of stuff out of date looks bad, looks like we don't care really to new members/guests. I don't know how progress for V7 is coming along, but if it's not coming out in a couple of months then I don't see why the site couldnt still be updated. If anything it will make it easier to copy pages over/gather information etc. People look at the department pages, and they are like half a year old, quite a bit changed since then haha.

25-10-2012, 06:41 PM
If nothing has changed since the last time a version update was set up, where they kept saying it will be out within weeks, I wouldn't hold your breath. It's alarming how long site updates take with Habbox :/ Isn't it common sense to have content up to date all the time, or am I missing something?

25-10-2012, 06:41 PM
was v7 not suppose to come out in september....... why is every time habbox decideds to release a new site it gets delayed for years

25-10-2012, 06:43 PM
I'll deal with the majority of them. Although updates to specific pages about a specific topic like content wise will be down to others. Chippiewill; Skynus; Inseriousity.;

was v7 not suppose to come out in september....... why is every time habbox decideds to release a new site it gets delayed for years

Because none of us gets paid to work on stuff full time at Habbox. If we did, it would be a different story. V7 will be out when V7 is done.

25-10-2012, 06:44 PM
If nothing has changed since the last time a version update was set up, where they kept saying it will be out within weeks, I wouldn't hold your breath. It's alarming how long site updates take with Habbox :/ Isn't it common sense to have content up to date all the time, or am I missing something?

Personally if I'm viewing a site for the first time, I like to see up to date information relating to it, it would encourage me to sign up more, since it would appear people are working on it, wheras some of the stuff on there hasnt been touched in ages. It does take quite a while in general which is a shame, I wouldn't be surprised if those pages had quite a few hits too. I will of course retract all this if V7 is literally days away :P Still would have been nice to keep things like the charity page up to date though

25-10-2012, 06:46 PM
was v7 not suppose to come out in september....... why is every time habbox decideds to release a new site it gets delayed for years

close. august lol.


25-10-2012, 06:46 PM
Because none of us gets paid to work on stuff full time at Habbox. If we did, it would be a different story.
That's a poor excuse. People work on Wiki based sites without pay and manage to keep pages up to date, and even creating layouts. If you need to be paid to do a decent job voluntarily you should probably reconsider your position :/

Personally if I'm viewing a site for the first time, I like to see up to date information relating to it, it would encourage me to sign up more, since it would appear people are working on it, wheras some of the stuff on there hasnt been touched in ages. It does take quite a while in general which is a shame, I wouldn't be surprised if those pages had quite a few hits too. I will of course retract all this if V7 is literally days away :P Still would have been nice to keep things like the charity page up to date though
I would think anyone visiting the site would want up to date information to be honest :P Even if V7 is days away, pages should be kept up to date until the day of transition to the new website. That's usually what happens, but Habbox does it's best to be different.

25-10-2012, 06:48 PM
Bolt660; or @martin; idek.

Department pages are still on V7. The wiki hasn't swallowed up everything and I hope it won't :P

Then the massive rant over v7 continues....

25-10-2012, 06:49 PM
That's a poor excuse. People work on Wiki based sites without pay and manage to keep pages up to date, and even creating layouts. If you need to be paid to do a decent job voluntarily you should probably reconsider your position :/

I would think anyone visiting the site would want up to date information to be honest :P Even if V7 is days away, pages should be kept up to date until the day of transition to the new website. That's usually what happens, but Habbox does it's best to be different.

I think you are getting confused, I said that in regards of V7. I am talking about the development of V7, nothing to do with the content of V6 which isn't what Graham was talking about. I didn't actually post a reason for why the content on the current site wasn't updated.

25-10-2012, 06:53 PM
@Bolt660 (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=55726); or @martin; idek.

Department pages are still on V7. The wiki hasn't swallowed up everything and I hope it won't :P

Then the massive rant over v7 continues....

Then surely it would have been far easier to update these more frequently so that its much easier when it does come to the transition? :P Most of them are out of date, leading people to believe different people are managers of departments :P

"The acting Graphics Manager (xxMattGxx) tries his hardest to make sure that the graphics are created to the exact specification and ensures that the department is ran in a unique, laid back fashion." for example

I think to an extent (people will probably kill me for saying this) the main site is more important than the wiki and so should be up to date first as habbox's main site. It really does baffle me why its been left so long :P Same with some of the community related things such as the question widget on habbox.com, the official rooms thing etc, I just think more could be being done to keep things fresh and interesting and ensuring that up to date information is provided.

25-10-2012, 06:56 PM
I agree, main site is far more priority than Wiki, not only more hits, it carries HxL and connects all sites together.
Personally, I'd make Habbox just a vBulletin, with all the new stuff they are adding (as much as I hate it) i bet you could whip a nice layout to it, Make it as much functionality as possible really

25-10-2012, 06:58 PM
Then surely it would have been far easier to update these more frequently so that its much easier when it does come to the transition? :P Most of them are out of date, leading people to believe different people are managers of departments :P

for example

I think to an extent (people will probably kill me for saying this) the main site is more important than the wiki and so should be up to date first as habbox's main site. It really does baffle me why its been left so long :P Same with some of the community related things such as the question widget on habbox.com, the official rooms thing etc, I just think more could be being done to keep things fresh and interesting and ensuring that up to date information is provided.

The main site IS far more important that the wiki. I don't know how much fellow content designers would agree with me.

I don't even think we're allowed to request to update a Habbox V6 page at the moment aha. The focus was shoved on v7 and it is rather annoying looking around the site and seeing how much needs updated. The content designers were told very very quickly to 'hurry up' at one point (with v7)... so god knows why if it's still not out.

25-10-2012, 07:00 PM
The main site IS far more important that the wiki. I don't know how much fellow content designers would agree with me.

I don't even think we're allowed to request to update a Habbox V6 page at the moment aha. The focus was shoved on v7 and it is rather annoying looking around the site and seeing how much needs updated. The content designers were told very very quickly to 'hurry up' at one point (with v7)... so god knows why if it's still not out.

I don't know, I've just seen so much emphasis on the wiki lately that its kind of made it seem like its being prioritised more than habbox.com content which isnt so good. Things should never have been allowed to get so out of date regardless of whether v7 was being worked on, it just looks really really bad.

25-10-2012, 07:01 PM
xxMATTGxx; how far in terms of progress would you say V7 is out of interest? 10%... 50%... More?

25-10-2012, 07:01 PM
I don't know, I've just seen so much emphasis on the wiki lately that its kind of made it seem like its being prioritised more than habbox.com content which isnt so good. Things should never have been allowed to get so out of date regardless of whether v7 was being worked on, it just looks really really bad.

It does :P

I just checked and we don't have the ability (the thread) to request perms for v6 pages (it's been gone for ages but double check ok), so no content designer can do anything :L

25-10-2012, 07:04 PM
xxMATTGxx; how far in terms of progress would you say V7 is out of interest? 10%... 50%... More?

A lot of V7 is pretty much functional. One of our problems is bringing over a specific system from V6 and making it work with V7 and putting any changes into it. It's there but needs work being done to it. Staff panels and putting in all the features the departments wanted that weren't in V6 is what is being worked on at the moment I would say.

25-10-2012, 07:07 PM
was v7 not suppose to come out in september....... why is every time habbox decideds to release a new site it gets delayed for years
V7 was scheduled for August and as a content department our deadline for all pages to be complete for V7 was brought ahead to an earlier than anticipated date so we dropped everything to get all the pages done, following that we've bided our time expecting imminent release of V7, obviously this didn't happen and now V6 pages are getting outdated. I'll look into getting some of the time sensitive pages done up.

As far as how complete is V7? Around 60%

25-10-2012, 07:09 PM
I don't even think we're allowed to request to update a Habbox V6 page at the moment aha. The focus was shoved on v7 and it is rather annoying looking around the site and seeing how much needs updated. The content designers were told very very quickly to 'hurry up' at one point (with v7)... so god knows why if it's still not out.
They could just ignore whoever is giving the commands because old pages are more important than a new site version. The current version is what your target audience is viewing, they couldn't give a crap about some new version which should never of been talked about as you'll only get a re-occurrence of when V6 came out.

I think you are getting confused, I said that in regards of V7. I am talking about the development of V7, nothing to do with the content of V6 which isn't what Graham was talking about. I didn't actually post a reason for why the content on the current site wasn't updated.
That's exactly what I was referring to. If you need to be paid to develop V7 then something is incredibly wrong. People can work voluntary to develop website versions, as long as they enjoy it. It shouldn't take too long either. And you didn't post a reason for outdated content because there is no reason to let your current content become outdated, it's a really bad idea :P

As far as how complete is V7? Around 60%
You were anticipating an August release with (what would be less than) a 60% complete site? What :S

25-10-2012, 07:12 PM
They could just ignore whoever is giving the commands because old pages are more important than a new site version. The current version is what your target audience is viewing, they couldn't give a crap about some new version which should never of been talked about as you'll only get a re-occurrence of when V6 came out.

That's exactly what I was referring to. If you need to be paid to develop V7 then something is incredibly wrong. People can work voluntary to develop website versions, as long as they enjoy it. It shouldn't take too long either. And you didn't post a reason for outdated content because there is no reason to let your current content become outdated, it's a really bad idea :P

You were anticipating an August release with a (what would be less than) 60% complete site? What :S

Are you crazy? What I am saying is the people who are working on V7 and doing the coding don't do it full time. They have jobs, one works for an airline and well the other works for an ISP and then they get help from a few others about some stuff. I am saying if they were doing it full time coding wise and was being paid for it - Because that is when they would be working full time as they wouldn't need the other jobs then the whole V7 status would be a different story.

You were anticipating an August release with a (what would be less than) 60% complete site?

Complications made it so it didn't happen.

25-10-2012, 07:12 PM
V7 was scheduled for August and as a content department our deadline for all pages to be complete for V7 was brought ahead to an earlier than anticipated date so we dropped everything to get all the pages done, following that we've bided our time expecting imminent release of V7, obviously this didn't happen and now V6 pages are getting outdated. I'll look into getting some of the time sensitive pages done up.

As far as how complete is V7? Around 60%

Why couldn't current pages continue to be updated whilst new ones were being made? Surely there will be department pages on v7 which I presume are complete if your deadline was so early on? If not then surely they are part of the v7 stuff too since they will feature on it. Perhaps a staff member should have been assigned the role of keeping the current site in fresh condition whilst other pages were being worked on?

25-10-2012, 07:15 PM
They could just ignore whoever is giving the commands because old pages are more important than a new site version. The current version is what your target audience is viewing, they couldn't give a crap about some new version which should never of been talked about as you'll only get a re-occurrence of when V6 came out.

We could quite easily ignore it and resign/be fired, but that wouldn't solve the issue of the outdated pages. An (Assistant) Manager has to give out the perms and if they refuse then we can't do anything. As Will said above, it looks like we might be able to improve some of them soon.

25-10-2012, 07:18 PM
Are you crazy? What I am saying is the people who are working on V7 and doing the coding don't do it full time. They have jobs, one works for an airline and well the other works for an ISP and then they get help from a few others about some stuff. I am saying if they were doing it full time coding wise and was being paid for it - Because that is when they would be working full time as they wouldn't need the other jobs then the whole V7 status would be a different story.

Complications made it so it didn't happen.
It doesn't really answer the problem. V6 took ages to come out and that wasn't technically superior or visually amazing, not worth the wait at least. V7 must be worth waiting for if people need to be working full-time and be paid to do it. Otherwise, you've lined yourself up for what would be a really mediocre release like the last version. A welcome change, but no-one really understanding why it took so long.

And to save your hide you could of just not mentioned V7 or given a release date. Only give one when the development is finished, and the remaining work is simply basic content stuff.

We could quite easily ignore it and resign/be fired, but that wouldn't solve the issue of the outdated pages. An (Assistant) Manager has to give out the perms and if they refuse then we can't do anything. As Will said above, it looks like we might be able to improve some of them soon.
Not a very good AGM then :/ Why do you need to make new pages for V7 anyway? You could just alter V6 pages so they work immediately off the bat for V7. Most sites do this :/

25-10-2012, 07:22 PM
It doesn't really answer the problem. V6 took ages to come out and that wasn't technically superior or visually amazing, not worth the wait at least. V7 must be worth waiting for if people need to be working full-time and be paid to do it. Otherwise, you've lined yourself up for what would be a really mediocre release like the last version. A welcome change, but no-one really understanding why it took so long.

And to save your hide you could of just not mentioned V7 or given a release date. Only give one when the development is finished, and the remaining work is simply basic content stuff.

What problem? That content isn't being updated? Okay V7 shouldn't be used as that reason now but fair enough if it was being used as a reason back in August. It answers the problem in terms of why it hasn't been released now. Working on it full time = More gets done and on a quicker basis.

V6 was worked on by David alone which is also why it took a while to come out.

V7 is worth it because it will make it a hell of a lot easier to maintain and manage as the current system is confusing, outdated and complicated. No that isn't a dig at David as I know that was his first CMS and he was still learning etc etc but it is time to move on which is why we started with the V7 project.

It takes time because it can't be worked on full time and it's hard to get developers working on free projects like this.

25-10-2012, 07:23 PM
It doesn't really answer the problem. V6 took ages to come out and that wasn't technically superior or visually amazing, not worth the wait at least. V7 must be worth waiting for if people need to be working full-time and be paid to do it. Otherwise, you've lined yourself up for what would be a really mediocre release like the last version. A welcome change, but no-one really understanding why it took so long.

And to save your hide you could of just not mentioned V7 or given a release date. Only give one when the development is finished, and the remaining work is simply basic content stuff.

Not a very good AGM then :/ Why do you need to make new pages for V7 anyway? You could just alter V6 pages so they work immediately off the bat for V7. Most sites do this :/

That is essentially what happened to quite a few (quite a lot of C + P of some pages with a sentence or 2 altered). There were a "handful" of new pages created though.

I have found it quite bizarre that we continue to update v7 pages but not v6 thinking about it...

25-10-2012, 07:31 PM
It takes time because it can't be worked on full time and it's hard to get developers working on free projects like this.
It's a fair enough reason, but you should of looked back at V6 and not mentioned V7 until it was ready and only minor tweaks were needed.

That said, shouldn't content staff be continuing to edit V6 until V7 is structurally ready?

That is essentially what happened to quite a few (quite a lot of C + P of some pages with a sentence or 2 altered). There were a "handful" of new pages created though.

I have found it quite bizarre that we continue to update v7 pages but not v6 thinking about it...
It's strange you've not been given the permissions to use the new V7 pages on V6. There seems to be a lack of communication somewhere.

25-10-2012, 07:33 PM
It's a fair enough reason, but you should of looked back at V6 and not mentioned V7 until it was ready and only minor tweaks were needed.

That said, shouldn't content staff be continuing to edit V6 until V7 is structurally ready?

It's strange you've not been given the permissions to use the new V7 pages on V6. There seems to be a lack of communication somewhere.

I never said they couldn't edit V6. They were stopped during August to make sure we could focus on getting content onto V7 as at the time we thought it was all systems go for release. It made sense at the time to mention V7 as we was having problems with V6 which we some what still have today and decided to inform people that we was working on a new site which would solve a lot of the issues that was occurring.

Plus, it would have been mentioned to the public anyway when we asked department managers for feature ideas in what they wanted changed at the back end to make it easier for them and for their staff.

25-10-2012, 07:45 PM
I never said they couldn't edit V6. They were stopped during August to make sure we could focus on getting content onto V7 as at the time we thought it was all systems go for release. It made sense at the time to mention V7 as we was having problems with V6 which we some what still have today and decided to inform people that we was working on a new site which would solve a lot of the issues that was occurring.

Plus, it would have been mentioned to the public anyway when we asked department managers for feature ideas in what they wanted changed at the back end to make it easier for them and for their staff.
So why give a really specific time and date when it wasn't ready? :P https://twitter.com/MattC48/status/234553891486851072

Yeah the public could know of a V7, but when they do not know, especially that specific.

25-10-2012, 07:47 PM
So why give a really specific time and date when it wasn't ready? :P https://twitter.com/MattC48/status/234553891486851072

Yeah the public could know of a V7, but when they do not know, especially that specific.

That was a mistake made by us and we realised that when a complication occurred in a very short period before that date/time. I won't go into detail as I'm not a fan of blaming people.

25-10-2012, 08:08 PM
Why couldn't current pages continue to be updated whilst new ones were being made? Surely there will be department pages on v7 which I presume are complete if your deadline was so early on? If not then surely they are part of the v7 stuff too since they will feature on it. Perhaps a staff member should have been assigned the role of keeping the current site in fresh condition whilst other pages were being worked on?

From what I believed, when Zuth worked here (that was the first time I knew about not working on v6) there were 2 seniors, one for v7, one for Wiki (no v6 one) and now in the department there are no seniors but 3/4 staff in the department (I believe, not including managers) are working on the v7/Habbox side yet v6 isn't being updated. I believe the Wiki is more important whilst v6 isn't being updated (if it was being updated it would need a lot of work now due to it being outdated). I agree that it is more important for those coming onto the site but the Wiki has more upto date information than it! However, I usually need the site for information but then can't find it.

25-10-2012, 08:21 PM
Matt's kindly edited lottery thread for me although Lee did try to edit it so thanks to him too. As for the link on main site I was pretty certain it had been changed to the link but maybe I just dreamt it. I just have to prioritise atm due to being busy at uni and with Halloween coming up. I agree about official rooms, I've been dithering over what to do with them for a while, they need some working on to benefit both parties so in the meantime, I'll move the thread to the AGM forum until an idea pops in my head randomly (lol they actually do this). :)

25-10-2012, 08:59 PM
Right, OK. I see where you're coming from dudes.

There's no point me sitting here, typing out "Hi, yeah, you can all wait for the next X days/months/years for V7, then we will have updated content", 'cause that to be put bluntly would be rubbish. Instead, I'm going to say I will stop people working towards V7 content and get them working on V6. Would y'all like that? ;)

25-10-2012, 09:05 PM
Right, OK. I see where you're coming from dudes.

There's no point me sitting here, typing out "Hi, yeah, you can all wait for the next X days/months/years for V7, then we will have updated content", 'cause that to be put bluntly would be rubbish. Instead, I'm going to say I will stop people working towards V7 content and get them working on V6. Would y'all like that? ;)

I think you need to prioritise what type of content needs to be updated for version 6, and then if there is the time/resources available then v7 stuff could still be worked on if there is much of it left. I'm guessing quite a few of the pages will be similar on both v6/v7 anyway in terms of the actual content (manager lists in department pages for example) and so by updating v6 pages you are actually making it easier to transfer the information onto the v7 pages if that makes any sense (idk if it does). but yeah, until v7 is critically near completion, then I think the current site should take priority in terms of actual page updates to ensure information is correct and as up to date as possible.

25-10-2012, 09:09 PM
I think you need to prioritise what type of content needs to be updated for version 6, and then if there is the time/resources available then v7 stuff could still be worked on if there is much of it left. I'm guessing quite a few of the pages will be similar on both v6/v7 anyway in terms of the actual content (manager lists in department pages for example) and so by updating v6 pages you are actually making it easier to transfer the information onto the v7 pages if that makes any sense (idk if it does). but yeah, until v7 is critically near completion, then I think the current site should take priority in terms of actual page updates to ensure information is correct and as up to date as possible.

You're right, we do need to prioritise what type of content needs to be updated for V6. However, pretty much all the pages for V7 have been created so it's currently a matter of moving updated content from the V7 to the V6 to then be moved back later. Not really hard and shouldn't take, hopefully, more than a couple of days. It'll be a nice way to get the content designers doing something that's not the Wiki for once. :)

25-10-2012, 09:11 PM
You're right, we do need to prioritise what type of content needs to be updated for V6. However, pretty much all the pages for V7 have been created so it's currently a matter of moving updated content from the V7 to the V6 to then be moved back later. Not really hard and shouldn't take, hopefully, more than a couple of days. It'll be a nice way to get the content designers doing something that's not the Wiki for once. :)

Oh that shouldnt take long at all then if all of it is already updated, including manager changes etc on department pages. :P If people were adding it to pages for V7, doing the research etc, it seems silly that they werent able to quickly copy it onto the v6 page too at the time, would have saved everything going so out of date. and yeah, I bet they will love a change haha :P

25-10-2012, 09:15 PM
Oh that shouldnt take long at all then if all of it is already updated, including manager changes etc on department pages. :P If people were adding it to pages for V7, doing the research etc, it seems silly that they werent able to quickly copy it onto the v6 page too at the time, would have saved everything going so out of date. and yeah, I bet they will love a change haha :P

Well, put yourself into our shoes. Originally, we were like most other departments: this is your deadline, do this stuff by it. We managed to get that and it wasn't released (due to reasons stated in the thread already); since then we've not really got into the 'swing' of updating V6 again so quickly copying it over wasn't on our minds, we just continued to updated V7.

We can only send our apologies and hope you accept this nice pumpkin as a gift:

25-10-2012, 09:23 PM
Well, put yourself into our shoes. Originally, we were like most other departments: this is your deadline, do this stuff by it. We managed to get that and it wasn't released (due to reasons stated in the thread already); since then we've not really got into the 'swing' of updating V6 again so quickly copying it over wasn't on our minds, we just continued to updated V7.

We can only send our apologies and hope you accept this nice pumpkin as a gift:


I guess I understand, and I'm just glad all the important stuff is gonna be transfered over! :D Should freshen the site up a bit and avoid any more confusion regarding department managers etc, and be good to read woo! :D Cheers Thomas and the Content team!

26-10-2012, 01:48 PM
Imo, it looks poor when you just neglect the whole site. No matter is v7 was next week or next year, the main site should be up to date as that's what most new members see when they come on Habbox.

Can I start the v7, coming to your door in 2020 jokes yet? It can feel this being a prolonged repeat of the v6 release.

26-10-2012, 05:13 PM
I agree tbh I asked the same once and they were like wait for v7 but I've been waiting for agess on this friggn v7 an it's not coming for ages yet probs :/

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