View Full Version : hxhd snq questions

24-11-2012, 07:24 PM
can the questions in future please be fair

having 4-5 questions based completely on twilight it's fairly obvious that females are going to have a lot higher chance of knowing the answers (well sometimes gays like @RyRy (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=81175); have a chance).

That'd be like @SackRace (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=92374); hosting an event and picking 4-5 questions on football


either way i'm happy

Edited by Jordan (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not be rude to other members

24-11-2012, 07:25 PM
we all know you are secretly gay and watch these in your spare time so why are you complaining
but o/t yeah 4/5 questions on one movie is a bit much lol

24-11-2012, 07:26 PM
sorry to get your hopes up sex; but i'm not :(

24-11-2012, 07:33 PM
since when did i do 5 questions on football

24-11-2012, 07:38 PM
It was 4 questions and they were easy. At least we gave a chance for other people to win, and not always the same.
If the questions were about other things, it'd have been either Kyle, Scott or Alex, who have won many times..

24-11-2012, 07:40 PM
since when did i do 5 questions on football

He was using you as an example.

I felt the questions weren't the best seen previously, I didn't like how we were told 'the next two will be on art/geography etc.' as it just means people will pretype thus giving them more chance to get the answer first.

I like General Knowledge or surprises at least; at the introduction of the quiz it was said that the questions would be about a recent film, suggesting that all 20 would be - this wasn't the case.
LiquidLuck.; that's an OPINION that is so biased it's unreal; no they weren't easy, they were easy to someone who likes Twilight or gives a damn about the books and films. Not everyone likes it so you can't say that it's set in stone that they were easy.

24-11-2012, 07:40 PM
oh thats why i wouldnt do these things, the questions are always biased to 12-15 year olds, topics i couldnt give a **** about

24-11-2012, 07:42 PM
oh thats why i wouldnt do these things, the questions are always biased to 12-15 year olds, topics i couldnt give a **** about

Actually two questions were based on alcoholic drinks :rolleyes:.

24-11-2012, 07:43 PM
It was 4 questions and they were easy. At least we gave a chance for other people to win, and not always the same.
If the questions were about other things, it'd have been either Kyle, Scott or Alex, who have won many times..

Lol didn't @Ms.Aquamarine (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=79773); @Red (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=81989); Myself and you have a mini debate on this in HxHD. And I did say this would happen. But he is right, it's far too many and it's unfair. Bit in bold = Well it's GK, you either know it or you don't, you can't blame them for knowing stuff in which others don't. There has been other winners as well.

Oh and who cares if they were 'easy' - It's still biased.

24-11-2012, 07:44 PM
Actually two questions were based on alcoholic drinks :rolleyes:.

prob chav drinks

24-11-2012, 07:44 PM
He was using you as an example.

I felt the questions weren't the best seen previously, I didn't like how we were told 'the next two will be on art/geography etc.' as it just means people will pretype thus giving them more chance to get the answer first.

I like General Knowledge or surprises at least; at the introduction of the quiz it was said that the questions would be about a recent film, suggesting that all 20 would be - this wasn't the case.
LiquidLuck.; that's an OPINION that is so biased it's unreal; no they weren't easy, they were easy to someone who likes Twilight or gives a damn about the books and films. Not everyone likes it so you can't say that it's set in stone that they were easy.

The fun thing about this was that I can do tricky questions, and I know most pretyped names of artists, but I didn't ask that. xD
And Monet no one had it.
At the introduction I NEVER said all the questions would be about the movie, I stated it was 4 about it, and if people were paying attention, they knew it.
Also they were pretty easy, yes. Everyone has seen the name of the writer, actors around.

24-11-2012, 07:45 PM
The fun thing about this was that I can do tricky questions, and I know most pretyped names of artists, but I didn't ask that. xD
And Monet no one had it.
At the introduction I NEVER said all the questions would be about the movie, I stated it was 4 about it, and if people were paying attention, they knew it.
Also they were pretty easy, yes. Everyone has seen the name of the writer, actors around.

couldnt tell you who wrote it, or the actors names ngl

24-11-2012, 07:46 PM
oh thats why i wouldnt do these things, the questions are always biased to 12-15 year olds, topics i couldnt give a **** about

The questions were interesting.. Drinks, tv (Buffy is mostly known by older people..), music (summer of '69 is for older people as well), etc. So I don't agree.

24-11-2012, 07:47 PM
i always thought the questions should be general knowledge unless stated otherwise. having 4/5 questions on the same topic is hardly fair, just makes it boring imo.

24-11-2012, 07:48 PM
Lol didn't @Ms.Aquamarine (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=79773); @Red (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=81989); Myself and you have a mini debate on this in HxHD. And I did say this would happen. But he is right, it's far too many and it's unfair. Bit in bold = Well it's GK, you either know it or you don't, you can't blame them for knowing stuff in which others don't. There has been other winners as well.

Oh and who cares if they were 'easy' - It's still biased.

Far too many? Only 4. Knowledge of movies can be seen as GK as well. At least in this SNQ, it was tight and everyone could have won. I had like 4 people on the lead, and 4 others right behind. It made it exciting.

24-11-2012, 07:48 PM
Lol didn't @Ms.Aquamarine (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=79773); @Red (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=81989); Myself and you have a mini debate on this in HxHD. And I did say this would happen. But he is right, it's far too many and it's unfair. Bit in bold = Well it's GK, you either know it or you don't, you can't blame them for knowing stuff in which others don't. There has been other winners as well.

Oh and who cares if they were 'easy' - It's still biased.

pmsl you 'you practically asking for a feedback thread' here we are...
SNQ should be a mix of habbo/gk. I don't think there should be that many questions on twilight, which she was told not to do, but clearly went ahead and did anyway. How on earth does it make it exciting? Making it exciting means you ask questions that they would all know. If only one person has watched twilight.. its clear who is going to win.

24-11-2012, 07:49 PM
The fun thing about this was that I can do tricky questions, and I know most pretyped names of artists, but I didn't ask that. xD
And Monet no one had it.
At the introduction I NEVER said all the questions would be about the movie, I stated it was 4 about it, and if people were paying attention, they knew it.
Also they were pretty easy, yes. Everyone has seen the name of the writer, actors around.

I really believe you need to step back and learn what facts and opinions are. You're just giving us all opinions when you can't prove it.

Firstly, tricky questions? They could fit under General Knowledge which the quiz should mainly be about in most cases.
People got Monet pretty quickly though, they did pretype and it doesn't matter whether they pretyped correctly or not they could still do it.
Actually, a few people did think all the questions were Twilight based, if you were paying attention you'd have seen RyRy; say I thought this was a film quiz and me agreeing with him.
No, they weren't pretty easy, I can't tell you who wrote it, I can't tell you who imprinted something on a daughter; they were pretty easy to YOU and a couple of others.

24-11-2012, 07:49 PM
The way you're explaining yourself is like you were trying to plan it so they didn't win. If they win then they are clearly good at quiz's or the questions are repetitive. If people spent more time when it was their time doing the quiz thinking of unusual questions then it would be much better instead of quickly doing it on the day of the quiz.

24-11-2012, 07:49 PM
i always thought the questions should be general knowledge unless stated otherwise. having 4/5 questions on the same topic is hardly fair, just makes it boring imo.

So themed SNQ will just be boring? You'll all have to get used to it.

24-11-2012, 07:51 PM
Far too many? Only 4. Knowledge of movies can be seen as GK as well. At least in this SNQ, it was tight and everyone could have won. I had like 4 people on the lead, and 4 others right behind. It made it exciting.

No it made it exciting to near enough 0 people (this is opinion not fact before you attempt to jump on that bandwagon) - it was one of the most boring SNQs I've been to and I've been to Oli's. Not everyone could win, the winner got what 5 points? Yet those on 0 couldn't have caught upto him with Twilight questions. Knowledge of MOVIES IN GENERAL can be seen as GK not Twilight.

24-11-2012, 07:52 PM
Far too many? Only 4. Knowledge of movies can be seen as GK as well. At least in this SNQ, it was tight and everyone could have won. I had like 4 people on the lead, and 4 others right behind. It made it exciting.

4/20 leaving you with 16, you done two on another same topic, leaving you with 14. Wasted questions.
Exciting? Lol because answering 4 questions about twilight is really entertaining. Why not make another 4 on something else!!!

pmsl you 'you practically asking for a feedback thread' here we are...
SNQ should be a mix of habbo/gk. I don't think there should be that many questions on twilight, which she was told not to do, but clearly went ahead and did anyway. How on earth does it make it exciting? Making it exciting means you ask questions that they would all know. If only one person has watched twilight.. its clear who is going to win.

Lmao I did tell her!!!

24-11-2012, 07:52 PM
pmsl you 'you practically asking for a feedback thread' here we are...
SNQ should be a mix of habbo/gk. I don't think there should be that many questions on twilight, which she was told not to do, but clearly went ahead and did anyway. How on earth does it make it exciting? Making it exciting means you ask questions that they would all know. If only one person has watched twilight.. its clear who is going to win.

As always, questions were sent to the managers and they didn't disagree with it. If you want to create a thread in HxHD for discussion of SNQ questions so Staff can actually give their opinions and be heard about it, then do so if they allow it.

24-11-2012, 07:55 PM
As always, questions were sent to the managers and they didn't disagree with it. If you want to create a thread in HxHD for discussion of SNQ questions so Staff can actually give their opinions and be heard about it, then do so if they allow it.

Cant lay the blame all on the managers though, you were the one who created the questions - therefore you should give a better variety of questions to your audience. They may of allowed them but you were the one who could of controlled the way the quiz went, you don't always need to be like "Oh ok managers accepted my questions, I'll leave it like that" because improvements can be made.

24-11-2012, 07:55 PM
2 max on the same thing, 4 is a bit over the top and should never have been approved. Bit disappointing.

24-11-2012, 07:55 PM
I really believe you need to step back and learn what facts and opinions are. You're just giving us all opinions when you can't prove it.

Firstly, tricky questions? They could fit under General Knowledge which the quiz should mainly be about in most cases.
People got Monet pretty quickly though, they did pretype and it doesn't matter whether they pretyped correctly or not they could still do it.
Actually, a few people did think all the questions were Twilight based, if you were paying attention you'd have seen RyRy; say I thought this was a film quiz and me agreeing with him.
No, they weren't pretty easy, I can't tell you who wrote it, I can't tell you who imprinted something on a daughter; they were pretty easy to YOU and a couple of others.

They didn't got Monet pretty quickly. Sophie got it because she likes his work. Other people took ages to guess it and only 2 others got it right.
I can't see 20 people's chat at the same time, obviously, so I didn't see him say that. But I said, like you just said, what questions were about during the quiz, and we had multiple topics.
The answer to the questions were talked on multiple parts of the forum, talked about in the HxHD, and in idk people's lives because it's the big topic of the moment.
Like I said, at least anyone could have won. Different people guessed the Twilight questions, guys included.

24-11-2012, 07:55 PM
So themed SNQ will just be boring? You'll all have to get used to it.

depends on what the theme was but i'm pretty sure normal snq's should just be general knowledge without questions on one theme lol

24-11-2012, 07:58 PM
The way you're explaining yourself is like you were trying to plan it so they didn't win. If they win then they are clearly good at quiz's or the questions are repetitive. If people spent more time when it was their time doing the quiz thinking of unusual questions then it would be much better instead of quickly doing it on the day of the quiz.

Plan so they didn't win? How can I even do that? I tried to make it a way so everyone could have a chance to win. Themed SNQs will bring those chances up as well. Also yes, I've seen in SNQ's people just saying ''oh it's always this question'', so I tried to do something different with the Drinks topic for example. I took time to get those questions, different sites, not only quiz-themes sites, looking for different drinks I could ask about etc. It wasn't done today.

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 07:59 PM ----------

No it made it exciting to near enough 0 people (this is opinion not fact before you attempt to jump on that bandwagon) - it was one of the most boring SNQs I've been to and I've been to Oli's. Not everyone could win, the winner got what 5 points? Yet those on 0 couldn't have caught upto him with Twilight questions. Knowledge of MOVIES IN GENERAL can be seen as GK not Twilight.

At the end of the non twilight based questions, the person with most correct answers had 3. Everyone could still have won. That's what I said before the 4 last questions started when I told everyone the leaderboard.

24-11-2012, 08:00 PM
Plan so they didn't win? How can I even do that? I tried to make it a way so everyone could have a chance to win. Themed SNQs will bring those chances up as well. Also yes, I've seen in SNQ's people just saying ''oh it's always this question'', so I tried to do something different with the Drinks topic for example. I took time to get those questions, different sites, not only quiz-themes sites, looking for different drinks I could ask about etc. It wasn't done today.

You didn't plan well enough if you had to check the answer?

The topics were media based a lot of the time and then geography/history etc. where was the Habbo, Habbox questions? Stuff like that.

24-11-2012, 08:02 PM
4/20 leaving you with 16, you done two on another same topic, leaving you with 14. Wasted questions.
Exciting? Lol because answering 4 questions about twilight is really entertaining. Why not make another 4 on something else!!!

2 on another same topic? The quotes one? Not really ''the same topic''.. Plus they weren't ''wasted'' either.

I honestly want to see you all in themed SNQ. Let's see what you say about it. I guess you'll find it ''boring'' since it's all about the same. Oh so biased.. Seriously?

24-11-2012, 08:03 PM
Plan so they didn't win? How can I even do that? I tried to make it a way so everyone could have a chance to win. Themed SNQs will bring those chances up as well. Also yes, I've seen in SNQ's people just saying ''oh it's always this question'', so I tried to do something different with the Drinks topic for example. I took time to get those questions, different sites, not only quiz-themes sites, looking for different drinks I could ask about etc. It wasn't done today.

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 07:59 PM ----------

At the end of the non twilight based questions, the person with most correct answers had 3. Everyone could still have won. That's what I said before the 4 last questions started when I told everyone the leaderboard.

If the questions were about other things, it'd have been either Kyle, Scott or Alex, who have won many times..

You said that and it makes you sound like you swayed the quiz.

24-11-2012, 08:03 PM
2 max on the same thing, 4 is a bit over the top and should never have been approved. Bit disappointing.

Make a rule about this then? Or ask the SNQ host to send the questions to GM as well to see if everyone agrees with them? Idk.

24-11-2012, 08:05 PM
2 on another same topic? The quotes one? Not really ''the same topic''.. Plus they weren't ''wasted'' either.

I honestly want to see you all in themed SNQ. Let's see what you say about it. I guess you'll find it ''boring'' since it's all about the same. Oh so biased.. Seriously?

4 questions on the same topic, which is the same topic because it's "twilight", is unfair. You know that you should spread them out.
A themed SNQ. Lol you'd do a better job creeping out papoy....

24-11-2012, 08:05 PM
You didn't plan well enough if you had to check the answer?

The topics were media based a lot of the time and then geography/history etc. where was the Habbo, Habbox questions? Stuff like that.

Check the answer?
Also SNQ's don't always have questions about Habbo(x)..

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:05 PM ----------

Also how were they media based?

24-11-2012, 08:06 PM
Check the answer?
Also SNQ's don't always have questions about Habbo(x)..

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:05 PM ----------

Also how were they media based?

They also don't have questions based on Twilight each week and now we see why.

You had to check a spelling, although it's minor it still showed lack of planning; I can see the HxHD Staff Forums I know how long you took.

24-11-2012, 08:07 PM
You were told the other day by management not to do it... I am not sure why Rosy approved them but you should have enough common sense to know that 4 questions just on twilight is not going to go down well.

24-11-2012, 08:07 PM
You said that and it makes you sound like you swayed the quiz.

I obviously am not checking the exact questions they are good about, so it'd be impossible or really difficult to make a quiz for them NOT to win, on purpose.. If I sounded like that, it wasn't my plan then.

24-11-2012, 08:07 PM
Check the answer?
Also SNQ's don't always have questions about Habbo(x)..

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:05 PM ----------

Also how were they media based?

Would be better to have questions about habbo(x) as well, would of made up for them 4 twilight q's.
A better way to host SnQ would be to have in the SnQ thread themes you could add into the quiz, seeing as the quiz is now getting boring. And make the max at least two.

24-11-2012, 08:09 PM
4 questions on the same topic, which is the same topic because it's "twilight", is unfair. You know that you should spread them out.
A themed SNQ. Lol you'd do a better job creeping out papoy....

So now you're talking about stuff that has nothing to do with the feedback thread? Alright..
And you said ''you done two on another same topic'', which was the part I didn't get. I did spread them out. I had TV; music, art, drinks, history, geography, etc. It was spread.

24-11-2012, 08:11 PM
LiquidLuck.; media based: TV (2), Twilight (4), there could have been more - that's 6 out of 20 questions so for over 1/4 of the quiz you'd have to know some stuff. Also the questions didn't really relate to the theme; what does MTV stand for? That's not TV, that's acronyms.

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:11 PM ----------

So now you're talking about stuff that has nothing to do with the feedback thread? Alright..
And you said ''you done two on another same topic'', which was the part I didn't get. I did spread them out. I had TV; music, art, drinks, history, geography, etc. It was spread.

It wasn't spread you did them together; I believe Maria; means have a TV question for #3 then one for #14 or something.

24-11-2012, 08:11 PM
They also don't have questions based on Twilight each week and now we see why.

You had to check a spelling, although it's minor it still showed lack of planning; I can see the HxHD Staff Forums I know how long you took.

As if I'm the first SNQ host to do that.. -.- It doesn't show lack of planning, I just misread it. How long I took? Uh.. good? Then you'll see I didn't plan them today or too quickly, because I actually took time into planning it.

24-11-2012, 08:13 PM
As if I'm the first SNQ host to do that.. -.- It doesn't show lack of planning, I just misread it. How long I took? Uh.. good? Then you'll see I didn't plan them today or too quickly, because I actually took time into planning it.

Next time, if there is one I suggest being more open to suggestions and admitting when you're wrong.

24-11-2012, 08:13 PM
So now you're talking about stuff that has nothing to do with the feedback thread? Alright..
And you said ''you done two on another same topic'', which was the part I didn't get. I did spread them out. I had TV; music, art, drinks, history, geography, etc. It was spread.

Cool so you had variety in genre. But no one wants 4 questions on the same bloody topic which you so much enjoy, it's like me doing 4 questions on Resident evil or something - I Wouldn't do it because it's bound to cause something like it has already. UGH.

24-11-2012, 08:13 PM
You were told the other day by management not to do it... I am not sure why Rosy approved them but you should have enough common sense to know that 4 questions just on twilight is not going to go down well.

I was not told it, no. You and Maria were talking about it, and we came to the conclusion a SNQ all about twilight wouldn't do it, because then only a true fan would win it. So when I PM'ed my questions to Rosy I told her I had 4 about Twilight, and nothing having anything against it, I hosted it. Also 4 questions about Twilight is nothing and they were just bothered because they didn't win, like it happens in every single SNQ. -.-

24-11-2012, 08:15 PM
I was not told it, no. You and Maria were talking about it, and we came to the conclusion a SNQ all about twilight wouldn't do it, because then only a true fan would win it. So when I PM'ed my questions to Rosy I told her I had 4 about Twilight, and nothing having anything against it, I hosted it. Also 4 questions about Twilight is nothing and they were just bothered because they didn't win, like it happens in every single SNQ. -.-

Four questions about one specific thing such as "Twilight" where not everyone would have seen the movies or read the books would be silly to do. 1 or 2 questions about it is fine but no more.

24-11-2012, 08:17 PM
I was not told it, no. You and Maria were talking about it, and we came to the conclusion a SNQ all about twilight wouldn't do it, because then only a true fan would win it. So when I PM'ed my questions to Rosy I told her I had 4 about Twilight, and nothing having anything against it, I hosted it. Also 4 questions about Twilight is nothing and they were just bothered because they didn't win, like it happens in every single SNQ. -.-

Right, can you actually go back to most of your replies and learn what a ******* opinion is compared to a fact? For God sake, 4 Twilight questions isn't nothing it's definitely something as it's what we and many called BIASED. Only true fans would know about Twilight in general too really as it proved tonight, 4 questions were too much; if you're going to plan do it on different films from different genres and split it down further. I seriously can't see how you think everything you say is set in stone. So Rosy didn't say anything, could be various reasons surrounding that but use common sense, 4 out of 20 is 1/5, far too much unless you were doing 5 set themes.

24-11-2012, 08:19 PM
I was not told it, no. You and Maria were talking about it, and we came to the conclusion a SNQ all about twilight wouldn't do it, because then only a true fan would win it. So when I PM'ed my questions to Rosy I told her I had 4 about Twilight, and nothing having anything against it, I hosted it. Also 4 questions about Twilight is nothing and they were just bothered because they didn't win, like it happens in every single SNQ. -.-

But you wouldn't of had a single thought that it would end up like this? Hmm... And yes, it is something. 4 is too many, blah blah I've said it all before. We are just going around in circles, sigh. And actually no, for once I actually agree with people moaning about SnQ with these questions, because 4 on twilight is not fair. even with google.

24-11-2012, 08:20 PM
Next time, if there is one I suggest being more open to suggestions and admitting when you're wrong.

First, I don't think I'm wrong as even Kyle quoted what I said in the beginning of the quiz. And I was open to suggestions and made only 4 questions about it, which Managers didn't find too much.

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:21 PM ----------

Four questions about one specific thing such as "Twilight" where not everyone would have seen the movies or read the books would be silly to do. 1 or 2 questions about it is fine but no more.

Like I said before, why not make it a rule then? Or ask the SNQ host to send the questions to GM as well? That way like 5 people could have an opinion about it.

24-11-2012, 08:21 PM
First, I don't think I'm wrong as even Kyle quoted what I said in the beginning of the quiz. And I was open to suggestions and made only 4 questions about it, which Managers didn't find too much.

Managers may of not found it too much, but players did. Managers aren't always right.

24-11-2012, 08:23 PM
First, I don't think I'm wrong as even Kyle quoted what I said in the beginning of the quiz. And I was open to suggestions and made only 4 questions about it, which Managers didn't find too much.

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:21 PM ----------

Like I said before, why not make it a rule then? Or ask the SNQ host to send the questions to GM as well? That way like 5 people could have an opinion about it.

5 people shouldn't have to have an opinion about it, you should ensure it's fair and if you need to get someone to do that for you then why host? The quiz isn't ever going to be completely fair and go without a hitch but you should really know 4 questions on a film YOU enjoy isn't going to do it for those who don't I'd have rather had seen 4 about recent films or something than just one [film].

24-11-2012, 08:26 PM
Right, can you actually go back to most of your replies and learn what a ******* opinion is compared to a fact? For God sake, 4 Twilight questions isn't nothing it's definitely something as it's what we and many called BIASED. Only true fans would know about Twilight in general too really as it proved tonight, 4 questions were too much; if you're going to plan do it on different films from different genres and split it down further. I seriously can't see how you think everything you say is set in stone. So Rosy didn't say anything, could be various reasons surrounding that but use common sense, 4 out of 20 is 1/5, far too much unless you were doing 5 set themes.

As it was proved tonight? At least one guy answered a question about Twilight, and he wasn't a fan. Oh now using the ethos technique, nice, show a lot. I don't think what I say is set in stone, as I didn't do an all themed SNQ about twilight. I got it down to 2 questions, and like I said, it gave everyone the opportunity to win. You know the way you say that spelling shouldn't count because we could just ''understand'' what someone meant? Well, in my point of view, this way, you don't had to be extremely knowledged about other facts (even if they pretty much were), and you could still have a chance to win. That's why I think themed SNQs will be fun and good to do, so other people can win, even if they aren't brilliant enough to know everything about GK.

24-11-2012, 08:27 PM
First, I don't think I'm wrong as even Kyle quoted what I said in the beginning of the quiz. And I was open to suggestions and made only 4 questions about it, which Managers didn't find too much.

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:21 PM ----------

Like I said before, why not make it a rule then? Or ask the SNQ host to send the questions to GM as well? That way like 5 people could have an opinion about it.

If we really have to make it a rule because people can't get their head around on how to do a quiz then I give up.

24-11-2012, 08:30 PM
5 people shouldn't have to have an opinion about it, you should ensure it's fair and if you need to get someone to do that for you then why host? The quiz isn't ever going to be completely fair and go without a hitch but you should really know 4 questions on a film YOU enjoy isn't going to do it for those who don't I'd have rather had seen 4 about recent films or something than just one [film].

Like I said before, many people could have won and that's my definition in this case of fair. I believe Pyroka got one of them right, and others could even have used google, and they type fast. I believe it was fine, and like I also said before and I agree with Maria about this starting going into circles, is the fact that I agree with themed SNQs being made because people shouldn't need to have a high IQ or whatever to win SNQ.

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:32 PM ----------

LiquidLuck.; media based: TV (2), Twilight (4), there could have been more - that's 6 out of 20 questions so for over 1/4 of the quiz you'd have to know some stuff. Also the questions didn't really relate to the theme; what does MTV stand for? That's not TV, that's acronyms.

Music Television is not Television? Oh, that's new. But whatever.

24-11-2012, 08:34 PM
As it was proved tonight? At least one guy answered a question about Twilight, and he wasn't a fan. Oh now using the ethos technique, nice, show a lot. I don't think what I say is set in stone, as I didn't do an all themed SNQ about twilight. I got it down to 2 questions, and like I said, it gave everyone the opportunity to win. You know the way you say that spelling shouldn't count because we could just ''understand'' what someone meant? Well, in my point of view, this way, you don't had to be extremely knowledged about other facts (even if they pretty much were), and you could still have a chance to win. That's why I think themed SNQs will be fun and good to do, so other people can win, even if they aren't brilliant enough to know everything about GK.

Why are you being sexist? I love football, I'd probably get a lot of questions right about that and it doesn't matter if I'm a girl. I'm not saying it was biased against boys, it's biased to those who haven't seen it, or read the books; maybe some don't even know what Twilight is. I think it's a pointless saga but that's my opinion and it isn't wrong. Ethos technique? Do I look like I really care if I'm doing that on an ONLINE FANSITE?

You didn't do a whole SNQ themed on Twilight, the fact you wanted to shows how unfair a host you could have been; it would have been much, much worse then. You got it down to 4 questions, don't change your actions half way through. It didn't give people the opportunity to win, if someone had say 3 points and were currently leaders in the SNQ and they were an avid Twilight fan it would seem biased they won would it not? They knew other things but it wouldn't give everyone the opportunity to win as it didn't tonight. By the 16th question, those who didn't really care about Twilight and didn't have any points; there was no point them playing unless they're really good guessers. Also, why bring up the past, can't back up your arguement anymore? I asked a question about the quote, the quote was run Forrest run yet it's called Forest Gump I was asking why it wouldn't be allowed. Like I said, if you didn't have any points by time the Twilight part came up and nor were you a fan you were doomed.

24-11-2012, 08:34 PM
ill reply to each reply as i see it as idk how much i can be bothered reading

The fun thing about this was that I can do tricky questions, and I know most pretyped names of artists, but I didn't ask that. xD
And Monet no one had it.
At the introduction I NEVER said all the questions would be about the movie, I stated it was 4 about it, and if people were paying attention, they knew it.
Also they were pretty easy, yes. Everyone has seen the name of the writer, actors around.

lol? are you stupid

if i've never took an interest in the book or the films, how the hell am i going to look up the author or each characters name IN the books or films...

24-11-2012, 08:35 PM
Like I said before, many people could have won and that's my definition in this case of fair. I believe Pyroka got one of them right, and others could even have used google, and they type fast. I believe it was fine, and like I also said before and I agree with Maria about this starting going into circles, is the fact that I agree with themed SNQs being made because people shouldn't need to have a high IQ or whatever to win SNQ.

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:32 PM ----------

Music Television is not Television? Oh, that's new. But whatever.

No what I'm saying, a question saying what does MTV mean, that is not TV, yes it has TV in its name but it's acronyms not TV. If it was TV you could have said which media does MTV specialise in or something.

24-11-2012, 08:35 PM
Far too many? Only 4. Knowledge of movies can be seen as GK as well. At least in this SNQ, it was tight and everyone could have won. I had like 4 people on the lead, and 4 others right behind. It made it exciting.

again, the top 3 people from GK etc based questions were male, none of them won because of your 4 questions at the end lol...

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:37 PM ----------

So themed SNQ will just be boring? You'll all have to get used to it.


---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:41 PM ----------

Plan so they didn't win? How can I even do that? I tried to make it a way so everyone could have a chance to win. Themed SNQs will bring those chances up as well. Also yes, I've seen in SNQ's people just saying ''oh it's always this question'', so I tried to do something different with the Drinks topic for example. I took time to get those questions, different sites, not only quiz-themes sites, looking for different drinks I could ask about etc. It wasn't done today.

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 07:59 PM ----------

At the end of the non twilight based questions, the person with most correct answers had 3. Everyone could still have won. That's what I said before the 4 last questions started when I told everyone the leaderboard.

No it won't, it'll ensure the few other people who have the same obsession or whatever as you have a chance of winning, and those who done well in the 16 GK questions don't.

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:42 PM ----------

Make a rule about this then? Or ask the SNQ host to send the questions to GM as well to see if everyone agrees with them? Idk.

or just use common sense in future when making questions

Edited by Jordan (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not be rude to other members

24-11-2012, 08:44 PM
Why are you being sexist? I love football, I'd probably get a lot of questions right about that and it doesn't matter if I'm a girl. I'm not saying it was biased against boys, it's biased to those who haven't seen it, or read the books; maybe some don't even know what Twilight is. I think it's a pointless saga but that's my opinion and it isn't wrong. Ethos technique? Do I look like I really care if I'm doing that on an ONLINE FANSITE?

You didn't do a whole SNQ themed on Twilight, the fact you wanted to shows how unfair a host you could have been; it would have been much, much worse then. You got it down to 4 questions, don't change your actions half way through. It didn't give people the opportunity to win, if someone had say 3 points and were currently leaders in the SNQ and they were an avid Twilight fan it would seem biased they won would it not? They knew other things but it wouldn't give everyone the opportunity to win as it didn't tonight. By the 16th question, those who didn't really care about Twilight and didn't have any points; there was no point them playing unless they're really good guessers. Also, why bring up the past, can't back up your arguement anymore? I asked a question about the quote, the quote was run Forrest run yet it's called Forest Gump I was asking why it wouldn't be allowed. Like I said, if you didn't have any points by time the Twilight part came up and nor were you a fan you were doomed.

LOL! I'm the one being sexiest?! Look at the first posts and you'll see what being sexist is. I also like football and I know guys (not gays) that enjoy Twilight. I'm not the one stereotyping. And you're the one continuing this debate that goes round and round, so I guess you do. Google ethos by the way, it's philosophy. And if you think this, then people could complain that questions about the US, are biased against people who aren't from the US, etc.

So according to you, all themed SNQs will have an unfair host? I asked if we could do a themed one tonight, and the answer I got was no, I took it. Also tell me when I changed my actions half way through, please? At the beginning of the quiz I said they were 4 about Twilight (check with Kyle if you want because he quoted it), so don't make up stuff now, please. Also funny thing how could I have changed 16 questions halfway through when I need to first get them checked by managers? And di I create them in what 5 seconds? I'd love to understand how you think I did that. Also it's my fault that many different people knew different questions so they didn't get more than 3 right each? Interesting.

About the bringing up the past thing, I didn't get it. And his name is Forrest, not Forest. That was why. And since in SNQ spelling counts, ''Run, Forrest, run'' is the correct answer.

Also let me know when you see someone with no points winning SNQ within the last 4 questions, even if everyone else has max 3.

24-11-2012, 08:45 PM
I was not told it, no. You and Maria were talking about it, and we came to the conclusion a SNQ all about twilight wouldn't do it, because then only a true fan would win it. So when I PM'ed my questions to Rosy I told her I had 4 about Twilight, and nothing having anything against it, I hosted it. Also 4 questions about Twilight is nothing and they were just bothered because they didn't win, like it happens in every single SNQ. -.-

actually i don't attend almost every SNQ, so your logic is flawed.

24-11-2012, 08:46 PM
ill reply to each reply as i see it as idk how much i can be bothered reading

lol? are you stupid

if i've never took an interest in the book or the films, how the hell am i going to look up the author or each characters name IN the books or films...

Oh, so in themed SNQs if it's about idk chocolate bars (first thought in my head, don't take it literally) and you're allergic to chocolate, never ate one, you'll complain about that and make a feedback thread about it?

24-11-2012, 08:46 PM
I think one of those Twilights could have passed for general knowledge. Anyway it was just too much on one topic which could ultimately mean someone on 0 points could have won which isn't really fair and many other topics could have been covered: video games, politics/current affairs, habbo(x), music etc. The whole point in this being a general knowledge quiz is that it means there is a chance for everyone to get points.

I'd also like to say that question about alcohol was a bit silly considering the target age group.

24-11-2012, 08:47 PM
No what I'm saying, a question saying what does MTV mean, that is not TV, yes it has TV in its name but it's acronyms not TV. If it was TV you could have said which media does MTV specialise in or something.

Then I'd have a feedback thread for not having clear/easy to understand questions.
It's a TV channel, so it's about TV. ''What does BBC stand for?'' would also be TV..

24-11-2012, 08:47 PM
First, I don't think I'm wrong as even Kyle quoted what I said in the beginning of the quiz. And I was open to suggestions and made only 4 questions about it, which Managers didn't find too much.

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:21 PM ----------

Like I said before, why not make it a rule then? Or ask the SNQ host to send the questions to GM as well? That way like 5 people could have an opinion about it.

probably because GMs dont want to follow staff to make sure they don't lack common sense and actually want them to do work instead of baby feeding them everything

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:49 PM ----------

As it was proved tonight? At least one guy answered a question about Twilight, and he wasn't a fan. Oh now using the ethos technique, nice, show a lot. I don't think what I say is set in stone, as I didn't do an all themed SNQ about twilight. I got it down to 2 questions, and like I said, it gave everyone the opportunity to win. You know the way you say that spelling shouldn't count because we could just ''understand'' what someone meant? Well, in my point of view, this way, you don't had to be extremely knowledged about other facts (even if they pretty much were), and you could still have a chance to win. That's why I think themed SNQs will be fun and good to do, so other people can win, even if they aren't brilliant enough to know everything about GK.

well evidently your idea of fun is not shared amongst any other member

Edited by Jordan (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not be rude to other members

24-11-2012, 08:50 PM
again, the top 3 people from GK etc based questions were male, none of them won because of your 4 questions at the end lol...

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:37 PM ----------

or we can plead someone with common sense to fire you or tell you that you're crap and do it properly

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:41 PM ----------

No it won't, it'll ensure the few other people who have the same obsession or whatever as you have a chance of winning, and those who done well in the 16 GK questions don't.

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:42 PM ----------

or just use common sense in future when making questions

First: I had two winners, one male, one female. So not sure how I'll do that.
Second: Insulting me makes you happy? Go ahead, whatever makes you sleep better, as I just don't care what someone who doesn't even know me thinks about me. It's the way I sleep better as well. Win-win.
Third:As I said before, I have a winner that did well in the 16 other questions so.. there you go.
Fourth: Everyone who doesn't win always complains so what for?

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:51 PM ----------

actually i don't attend almost every SNQ, so your logic is flawed.

Yes, because what, you're the only person in the world? Yeah, no, I wasn't talking about yourself only. My world luckily doesn't turn around your person.

24-11-2012, 08:51 PM
Like I said before, many people could have won and that's my definition in this case of fair. I believe Pyroka got one of them right, and others could even have used google, and they type fast. I believe it was fine, and like I also said before and I agree with Maria about this starting going into circles, is the fact that I agree with themed SNQs being made because people shouldn't need to have a high IQ or whatever to win SNQ.

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:32 PM ----------

Music Television is not Television? Oh, that's new. But whatever.


you fail to acknowledge that you're completely wrong and every other person posting in the thread is still trying to tell you that you are.

Yeah because googling and then entering the answer is just as fast as someone who watched every film and read the book and knows the stuff off by heart... oh wait?

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:53 PM ----------

Oh, so in themed SNQs if it's about idk chocolate bars (first thought in my head, don't take it literally) and you're allergic to chocolate, never ate one, you'll complain about that and make a feedback thread about it?

evidently not as you asked 2 questions regarding alcohol, I don't drink and know very little on the subject yet I never chose to complain about that did I?


Edited by Jordan (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not be rude to other members

24-11-2012, 08:56 PM
I think one of those Twilights could have passed for general knowledge. Anyway it was just too much on one topic which could ultimately mean someone on 0 points could have won which isn't really fair and many other topics could have been covered: video games, politics/current affairs, habbo(x), music etc. The whole point in this being a general knowledge quiz is that it means there is a chance for everyone to get points.

I'd also like to say that question about alcohol was a bit silly considering the target age group.

First I'd like to say that the target age group is 13+ so I don't see how it was silly since you can start drinking around that age and at least most people I know have. I actually thought about making it about daquiri, but didn't know if you knew it. Here we drink a lot of cuba libre, so I thought you would too.

Second, that's exactly my point. Like I said before why do you need to know so much about GK to win SNQ? This way always the same people will win, which I don't think it's fair. But for example the Robert Pattinson question, most people knew it and answered quickly. Also I had no idea the leaderboard would get so tight and no one would have more than 3 questions right before the last topic. Hasn't happened to me before.

24-11-2012, 08:56 PM
LOL! I'm the one being sexiest?! Look at the first posts and you'll see what being sexist is. I also like football and I know guys (not gays) that enjoy Twilight. I'm not the one stereotyping. And you're the one continuing this debate that goes round and round, so I guess you do. Google ethos by the way, it's philosophy. And if you think this, then people could complain that questions about the US, are biased against people who aren't from the US, etc.

So according to you, all themed SNQs will have an unfair host? I asked if we could do a themed one tonight, and the answer I got was no, I took it. Also tell me when I changed my actions half way through, please? At the beginning of the quiz I said they were 4 about Twilight (check with Kyle if you want because he quoted it), so don't make up stuff now, please. Also funny thing how could I have changed 16 questions halfway through when I need to first get them checked by managers? And di I create them in what 5 seconds? I'd love to understand how you think I did that. Also it's my fault that many different people knew different questions so they didn't get more than 3 right each? Interesting.

About the bringing up the past thing, I didn't get it. And his name is Forrest, not Forest. That was why. And since in SNQ spelling counts, ''Run, Forrest, run'' is the correct answer.

Also let me know when you see someone with no points winning SNQ within the last 4 questions, even if everyone else has max 3.

In that post you were sexist. Yes others have but I was quoting you at the time that's why I noticed yours.
I'd complain if there were a lot of US based questions as we are mainly a UK based site afterall.
No, if it was themed in general, regardless who hosts it, it will appear unfair; say the next 4 weeks were themes such as Disney, Twilight, Habbo, etc. that's not considering everyone hence a balance is needed.
No earlier you mentioned something about narrowing the themed questions down to 2, if you meant something else then sorry about that.
I didn't say you changed 16 questions did you? I meant by the 16th question it was down to 1 theme, you said yourself that ANYONE could win? Then you contradict yourself by saying tell me when someone has won in the last 4 questions, what?
You said about spelling when someone understands it, which I said weeks ago and not in this thread thus bringing up the past.
Also no, 'Run, Forrest, Run' wasn't the correct answer, it could have been run forrest run etc as you did say punctuation didn't matter.

24-11-2012, 08:57 PM
First: I had two winners, one male, one female. So not sure how I'll do that.
Second: Insulting me makes you happy? Go ahead, whatever makes you sleep better, as I just don't care what someone who doesn't even know me thinks about me. It's the way I sleep better as well. Win-win.
Third:As I said before, I have a winner that did well in the 16 other questions so.. there you go.
Fourth: Everyone who doesn't win always complains so what for?

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:51 PM ----------

Yes, because what, you're the only person in the world? Yeah, no, I wasn't talking about yourself only. My world luckily doesn't turn around your person.

Insulting idiots sometimes makes me happy, although that's more of a point than insult

Apparently not I rarely see SNQ complaint threads anymore? so..

You stated 'they were only bothered because they didn't win like every other week' or something along those lines, and as I made the complaint it's obvious i'm going to assume it's directed at me.

24-11-2012, 09:00 PM
probably because GMs dont want to follow staff to make sure they don't lack common sense and actually want them to do work instead of baby feeding them everything

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:49 PM ----------

well evidently your idea of fun is not shared amongst any other member

in future stick to papoy and leave SNQ up to members of staff with some common sense.

Ethos again, so lovely. Even makes me want to comment on it more.
I am not even sure why I even bother since if you enter the HxHD after the SNQ, people will complain. It's Habbox..

24-11-2012, 09:01 PM
Ethos again, so lovely. Even makes me want to comment on it more.
I am not even sure why I even bother since if you enter the HxHD after the SNQ, people will complain. It's Habbox..

people will complain more with a crap host

e.g. everyone in this thread

24-11-2012, 09:01 PM
First I'd like to say that the target age group is 13+ so I don't see how it was silly since you can start drinking around that age and at least most people I know have. I actually thought about making it about daquiri, but didn't know if you knew it. Here we drink a lot of cuba libre, so I thought you would too.

Second, that's exactly my point. Like I said before why do you need to know so much about GK to win SNQ? This way always the same people will win, which I don't think it's fair. But for example the Robert Pattinson question, most people knew it and answered quickly. Also I had no idea the leaderboard would get so tight and no one would have more than 3 questions right before the last topic. Hasn't happened to me before.

The legal drinking age in England is 18, I believe it's also 21 or 25 in the US and most times people have left by then; if you want to discuss alcohol why not go on the Spanish Hotel as their legal age is 14 if I remember correctly. The drink one could have been better; it didn't have to be alcoholic really, nor did 4 questions have to be about Twilight and such.

24-11-2012, 09:02 PM
it's going in circles because you're an idiot tbh.

you fail to acknowledge that you're completely wrong and every other person posting in the thread is still trying to tell you that you are.

Yeah because googling and then entering the answer is just as fast as someone who watched every film and read the book and knows the stuff off by heart... oh wait?

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 08:53 PM ----------

evidently not as you asked 2 questions regarding alcohol, I don't drink and know very little on the subject yet I never chose to complain about that did I?

don't be stupid, I know it's hard, but try.

Is Ethos the only way for you to get your opinion out? Insulting the person you don't agree with instead of the actions you don't agree with? Doesn't do it to be honest.
You have your opinion, I have mine. You think I'm wrong, I think you're just bothered you didn't win. Alex and Pyroka gave the Robert Pattinson answer faster than who had seen the movie, so there goes your theorie.

24-11-2012, 09:02 PM
Ethos again, so lovely. Even makes me want to comment on it more.
I am not even sure why I even bother since if you enter the HxHD after the SNQ, people will complain. It's Habbox..

You blame others but not yourself, you cannot admit that you could be wrong thus I have no time for you. If you can't take feedback don't reply? Maybe if you listened to some of the stuff said you'd understand what we were getting at.

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 09:04 PM ----------

Is Ethos the only way for you to get your opinion out? Insulting the person you don't agree with instead of the actions you don't agree with? Doesn't do it to be honest.
You have your opinion, I have mine. You think I'm wrong, I think you're just bothered you didn't win. Alex and Pyroka gave the Robert Pattinson answer faster than who had seen the movie, so there goes your theorie.

They probably gave it quick as Alex3213; can type about 160 wpm? RyRy; well it's Ryan so God knows how he got that quick though.
In all fairness I'd have thought the answer was Taylor Lautner or whatever it is.

24-11-2012, 09:04 PM
Is Ethos the only way for you to get your opinion out? Insulting the person you don't agree with instead of the actions you don't agree with? Doesn't do it to be honest.
You have your opinion, I have mine. You think I'm wrong, I think you're just bothered you didn't win. Alex and Pyroka gave the Robert Pattinson answer faster than who had seen the movie, so there goes your theorie.

No, just seems you don't understand anything based on the fact you've done nothing but gone in circles throughout this thread, so instead of repeating those facts, *Removed*

Yes, they got one question of 4... lol?

Theory* just saying.

---------- Post added 24-11-2012 at 09:05 PM ----------
@Chris (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=55895); can you enable my rep so i can -rep @liquidluck; then disable it again?

Edited by Jordan (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not be rude to other members

24-11-2012, 09:05 PM
First I'd like to say that the target age group is 13+ so I don't see how it was silly since you can start drinking around that age and at least most people I know have. I actually thought about making it about daquiri, but didn't know if you knew it. Here we drink a lot of cuba libre, so I thought you would too.

Second, that's exactly my point. Like I said before why do you need to know so much about GK to win SNQ? This way always the same people will win, which I don't think it's fair. But for example the Robert Pattinson question, most people knew it and answered quickly. Also I had no idea the leaderboard would get so tight and no one would have more than 3 questions right before the last topic. Hasn't happened to me before.

Yes they might start drinking around 13+ but they're unlikely to know how to mix a cocktail or what colour that drink was.

Also general knowledge is what it says on the tin, general knowledge. It allows for questions to be provided which a variety of people may know, essentially creating a level playing field. The reason the same people win for the most part is probably to do with the fact no one actually knows the answer so they google it essentially turning SNQ into "who's got the fastest internet" with that cocktail question of yours being an example.

24-11-2012, 09:07 PM
no matter the host or the questions you guys will always find something to moan about it's so annoying
fact is none of you complain during the quiz until the end when u haven't won
if u really want her to improve tell her why instead of just telling her SHE'S **** or a crap host, stop acting like 10 years olds

24-11-2012, 09:09 PM
no matter the host or the questions you guys will always find something to moan about it's so annoying
fact is none of you complain during the quiz until the end when u haven't won
if u really want her to improve tell her why instead of just telling her SHE'S **** or a crap host, stop acting like 10 years olds

not really, if the quiz is based on GK i don't recall seeing a thread regarding it lately?

it's when people go with stupid crap like this people complain, i don't really care if i win or lose as I have vip until like end of next year but i'd prefer to see fair questions rather than some crap like this again.

because thats what the thread attempted to do for 6 pages and she failed to accept it, so the only solution is to say it how it is.

24-11-2012, 10:45 PM
It was established that there would be a few questions surrounding the release of the new twilight movie at the start of the quiz and the majority seemed content with that. There was a little confusion on a question about casablanca with people asking why a question was asked on such an archaic movie when it was supposedly established that the questions would be to do with a recent movie but people got over that and got on with the quiz.

Since this is a feedback thread I'll be constructive. Nobody really deserves to have an event they've taken time to organise and host picked apart quite so ruthlessly.

Personally, I didn't understand the question on forrest gump as we were told "pronunciation doesnt matter" which I took to mean spelling/grammar, so was a little confused when told that 'run forest run' wasn't sufficient but meh, English isn't her first language so I'll just assume that she meant something else by pronunciation.

The cuba libre question was one that clearly nobody knew and, considering past questions on cocktails haven't gone down well either, should be something that you should avoid in future. The absinthe question was fair though... most people guess colour questions before reading anyway.

General layout wasn't great :(. As previously stated, telling people the theme of the next question isn't something that works well in SNQ because it just causes a flood of pretyped answers that, if wrong, mean that the user has to scroll up and actually read the question before they can answer again and, if correct, means some people that may not deserve the point would get it over those that should have.

Having topics is good, just don't tell people about their specifics, simply allow them to fall under the 'general knowledge' umbrella, then nobody can complain. Typically there have been a mixture of GK and habbo(x) questions in the SNQ so I was quite shocked to find that you'd ditched the habbo(x) category completely too. Four questions on one topic isn't too many and, if spread out, you could have gotten away with them being unrelated. One about an actor that virtually everyone has heard of, one about an author that very many will at least know of and two specifically about the specific characters - which, IMO, is acceptable.

In future spread the topics out, include more habbo and steer clear of the drink.

If anybody feels they have been wronged or thinks that they should have won then you're more than welcome to a month of VIP from my account.

24-11-2012, 10:50 PM
It was established that there would be a few questions surrounding the release of the new twilight movie at the start of the quiz and the majority seemed content with that. There was a little confusion on a question about casablanca with people asking why a question was asked on such an archaic movie when it was supposedly established that the questions would be to do with a recent movie but people got over that and got on with the quiz.

Since this is a feedback thread I'll be constructive. Nobody really deserves to have an event they've taken time to organise and host picked apart quite so ruthlessly.

Personally, I didn't understand the question on forrest gump as we were told "pronunciation doesnt matter" which I took to mean spelling/grammar, so was a little confused when told that 'run forest run' wasn't sufficient but meh, English isn't her first language so I'll just assume that she meant something else by pronunciation.

The cuba libre question was one that clearly nobody knew and, considering past questions on cocktails haven't gone down well either, should be something that you should avoid in future. The absinthe question was fair though... most people guess colour questions before reading anyway.

General layout wasn't great :(. As previously stated, telling people the theme of the next question isn't something that works well in SNQ because it just causes a flood of pretyped answers that, if wrong, mean that the user has to scroll up and actually read the question before they can answer again and, if correct, means some people that may not deserve the point would get it over those that should have.

Having topics is good, just don't tell people about their specifics, simply allow them to fall under the 'general knowledge' umbrella, then nobody can complain. Typically there have been a mixture of GK and habbo(x) questions in the SNQ so I was quite shocked to find that you'd ditched the habbo(x) category completely too. Four questions on one topic isn't too many and, if spread out, you could have gotten away with them being unrelated. One about an actor that virtually everyone has heard of, one about an author that very many will at least know of and two specifically about the specific characters - which, IMO, is acceptable.

In future spread the topics out, include more habbo and steer clear of the drink.

If anybody feels they have been wronged or thinks that they should have won then you're more than welcome to a month of VIP from my account.

Ah that explains it I thought she meant punctuation, due to the spelling be something like 'poncuation' so yeah. I agree there should be Habbo(x) questions as if not why do it on Habbo for Habbox?

24-11-2012, 11:39 PM
Do you people trying to complain actually know what the words you're using mean? It's not "biased" or "unfair" to have questions on a certain theme just because not everyone will know the answers - the entire point of quizzes is that not everyone knows all the answers. You're essentially complaining that you didn't have a response for some of the questions, which is just as stupid in this case as it would be if there were 4 totally random questions that weren't topics you know about.

It might be bad planning to have 1/5 questions based on one very small theme but it is not biased or unfair. Suck it up.

25-11-2012, 12:27 AM
Making it exciting means you ask questions that they would all know. If only one person has watched twilight.. its clear who is going to win.
weirdest definition of 'exciting' i've ever heard.

Firstly, tricky questions? They could fit under General Knowledge which the quiz should mainly be about in most cases.
People got Monet pretty quickly though, they did pretype and it doesn't matter whether they pretyped correctly or not they could still do it.
Actually, a few people did think all the questions were Twilight based, if you were paying attention you'd have seen @RyRy (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=81175); say I thought this was a film quiz and me agreeing with him.
No, they weren't pretty easy, I can't tell you who wrote it, I can't tell you who imprinted something on a daughter; they were pretty easy to YOU and a couple of others.
firstly you complain the other questions are too easy, then you complain the twilight ones are too hard? shouldn't it be that way? a mix easy, a mix hard. so what if people THOUGHT the questions were going to be all twilight based. it was clear from the quiz it wasn't and i did see her say it would only be 4, not seeing the problem here?

No it made it exciting to near enough 0 people (this is opinion not fact before you attempt to jump on that bandwagon) - it was one of the most boring SNQs I've been to and I've been to Oli's. Not everyone could win, the winner got what 5 points? Yet those on 0 couldn't have caught upto him with Twilight questions. Knowledge of MOVIES IN GENERAL can be seen as GK not Twilight.
you're telling her she doesn't know the difference between fact and opinion yet say it was exciting for no-one then say that in YOUR opinion it's exciting for no-one? think you're the one who doesn't understand fact and opinion. if not everyone could win, doesn't that make it more exciting? a quiz isn't supposed to be a quiz where only 2 or 3 same people are in the running to win...

4/20 leaving you with 16, you done two on another same topic, leaving you with 14. Wasted questions.
Exciting? Lol because answering 4 questions about twilight is really entertaining. Why not make another 4 on something else!!!
4 QUESTIONS. CRIME OF THE CENTURY. i'd understand if it was half, all this over 4/20 questions? you guys are ridiculous. no need to be so patronizing, if it was harry potter (something everyone knows), would there be complaints? nope. so why is there? im always seeing complains about liquidluck but the fact of the matter is she does this for you guys, she doesn't think "hey i'll do twilight cause everyone hates twilight" but nah, can't do right for wrong.

Cant lay the blame all on the managers though, you were the one who created the questions - therefore you should give a better variety of questions to your audience. They may of allowed them but you were the one who could of controlled the way the quiz went, you don't always need to be like "Oh ok managers accepted my questions, I'll leave it like that" because improvements can be made.

LOLOL could you grasp at straws anymore?! completely ridiculous, she made the questions and there apparently wasn't any problem with FOUR. QUESTIONS. on twilight. no matter what she did her questions on, it wouldn't be good enough for you guys. if she went and did the questions without being approved you'd complain at that but even though they were approved it's still not good enough? your argument is weak.

Plan so they didn't win? How can I even do that? I tried to make it a way so everyone could have a chance to win. Themed SNQs will bring those chances up as well. Also yes, I've seen in SNQ's people just saying ''oh it's always this question'', so I tried to do something different with the Drinks topic for example. I took time to get those questions, different sites, not only quiz-themes sites, looking for different drinks I could ask about etc. It wasn't done today.
everyone had a chance to win. the twilight people had a 4/20 chance of winning everyone else had the 16 other questions too. you did fine, don't let them bring you down.

You didn't plan well enough if you had to check the answer?

The topics were media based a lot of the time and then geography/history etc. where was the Habbo, Habbox questions? Stuff like that.
the one she checked was the spelling right? the stephenie meyer one? it's because no-one got the correct spelling so she rechecked just incase. if she didn't check, again, you guys would complain. complain themed is boring then complain she didn't stick to mostly habbo(x) questions, wouldn't that be boring too? there are only so much habbox questions you can ask..

A themed SNQ. Lol you'd do a better job creeping out papoy....
ha ha ha if all else fails result to personal insults you stole from someone else!!

They also don't have questions based on Twilight each week and now we see why.

It wasn't spread you did them together; I believe @Maria (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=90418); means have a TV question for #3 then one for #14 or something.
how would that make a difference

Next time, if there is one I suggest being more open to suggestions and admitting when you're wrong.
why should she, this is all to make her apologize? apologize for having 4 questions on twilight? good one.

Cool so you had variety in genre. But no one wants 4 questions on the same bloody topic which you so much enjoy, it's like me doing 4 questions on Resident evil or something - I Wouldn't do it because it's bound to cause something like it has already. UGH.
why are u so rude? like i say if it was harry potter no-one would have an issue....

But you wouldn't of had a single thought that it would end up like this? Hmm... And yes, it is something. 4 is too many, blah blah I've said it all before. We are just going around in circles, sigh. And actually no, for once I actually agree with people moaning about SnQ with these questions, because 4 on twilight is not fair. even with google.

err but other snqs ive had to use google for pretty much 18/20 questions or so so what's the big deal using google for 4?

Like I said before, why not make it a rule then? Or ask the SNQ host to send the questions to GM as well? That way like 5 people could have an opinion about it.
^^^ see. this is the way you guys should be debating. not throwing around personal insults. she's offering advice on how to improve it while you guys just insult her.

Managers may of not found it too much, but players did. Managers aren't always right.
er the people who make the rules (managers or w/e) are generally right....

5 people shouldn't have to have an opinion about it, you should ensure it's fair and if you need to get someone to do that for you then why host? The quiz isn't ever going to be completely fair and go without a hitch but you should really know 4 questions on a film YOU enjoy isn't going to do it for those who don't I'd have rather had seen 4 about recent films or something than just one [film].
she made sure it was fair by only having 4 questions and not anymore. again, if i did it on harry potter - something i enjoy, then there would most likely be no problems.

Ethos technique? Do I look like I really care if I'm doing that on an ONLINE FANSITE?
then why do u care so much about 4 questions on twilight on an ONLINE FANSITE (where many people will have watched/read the saga?)

if i've never took an interest in the book or the films, how the hell am i going to look up the author or each characters name IN the books or films...
use google like you did to win the other answers you got?

Second: Insulting me makes you happy? Go ahead, whatever makes you sleep better, as I just don't care what someone who doesn't even know me thinks about me. It's the way I sleep better as well. Win-win.
i like this :) the sooner people better realize, the happier they'll be. aint no better feeling knowing you don't give someone a second thought yet they're getting mad at you ahahah

Also I had no idea the leaderboard would get so tight and no one would have more than 3 questions right before the last topic. Hasn't happened to me before.
isn't that a good thing anyway?

You blame others but not yourself, you cannot admit that you could be wrong thus I have no time for you. If you can't take feedback don't reply? Maybe if you listened to some of the stuff said you'd understand what we were getting at.
she is taking feedback, she gave an idea such as showing to 5 people to see if she's doing it right. she's listening, she's answering in a good manner. same can't be said for the rest of you.

Since this is a feedback thread I'll be constructive. Nobody really deserves to have an event they've taken time to organise and host picked apart quite so ruthlessly.
agree. you should all boycott snq then see how they feel. agreed with all your post actually.

you guys are so ungrateful. go on about spam being the unfriendly bunch when it's always you habbo lot ganging up on each other, never grateful for what you're given. not everyone is going to know every topic so get the **** over it.

25-11-2012, 12:30 AM
I get the impression that questions were made up on the spot to guide the focus of the quiz and to keep it tight. This is completely irresponsible and implements a clear bias in the quiz. For integrity the questions really ALL ought to be decided ahead of time and not spend more than two questions on a single topic as this biases anyone with a good knowledge in that topic. It doesn't matter if one person is getting all the questions, odds should be stacked equally. You should be rewarding knowledge, not luck on the final question.

25-11-2012, 12:36 AM
I get the impression that questions were made up on the spot to guide the focus of the quiz and to keep it tight. This is completely irresponsible and implements a clear bias in the quiz. For integrity the questions really ALL ought to be decided ahead of time

Your impression is wrong:

As always, questions were sent to the managers and they didn't disagree with it. If you want to create a thread in HxHD for discussion of SNQ questions so Staff can actually give their opinions and be heard about it, then do so if they allow it.

and not spend more than two questions on a single topic as this biases anyone with a good knowledge in that topic. It doesn't matter if one person is getting all the questions, odds should be stacked equally. You should be rewarding knowledge, not luck on the final question.

Again, it's bad quizmaster etiquette but not bias. That's like saying you can't have a general knowledge quiz because someone might only know one small topic and it's unfair on them. Someone not knowing the answer to a question is not unfair bias.

25-11-2012, 12:40 AM
It's unfair bias to focus towards one topic which focuses towards one demographic. Your example to refute mine is a straw man as an equivalent example would be everyone except one person only knowing one small topic and only knowing that one small topic being the global norm.

25-11-2012, 12:44 AM
weirdest definition of 'exciting' i've ever heard.
Well it was neck and neck between a few of them. Surely it would of ben better to have questions that they would all know to make the winning close. If the last 4 questions are all going to be on twilight and only one of them have watched it then..

25-11-2012, 12:45 AM
I've been in plenty of quizzes where only I or only a small number of people have known the answers to questions, to the point where people have even been like OMF WHAT EVEN IS THAT - is that unfair bias because it only catered to people with knowledge in a field that I'm interested in? The example works fine since the entire point is exclusion of knowledge, and I'm not sure if you're aware but that's kinda what quizzes are about

25-11-2012, 12:52 AM
I've been in plenty of quizzes where only I or only a small number of people have known the answers to questions, to the point where people have even been like OMF WHAT EVEN IS THAT - is that unfair bias because it only catered to people with knowledge in a field that I'm interested in?
Yes but the quiz won't continue to pander to the same group, otherwise I guess it would be biased.

25-11-2012, 01:01 AM
Well it was neck and neck between a few of them. Surely it would of ben better to have questions that they would all know to make the winning close. If the last 4 questions are all going to be on twilight and only one of them have watched it then..

How was she supposed to know it would've been neck and neck by that point? She had the questions planned so couldn't have just changed them on the spot with 4 questions to go.

25-11-2012, 01:01 AM
And also I disagree with the comment about people only complaining because its twilight. eg. I would still have the same opinion and told Andi no if he wanted to do it for the hunger games. I don't think 4 twilight questions should have been written in the first place. There is guidelines to keep it habbo(x)/gk and not too many on the same theme.

25-11-2012, 07:13 AM
Is it me, or are some people here trying to argue against basic common sense :S?

25-11-2012, 07:15 AM
i see that some of you are being overally harsh on something that is a habbo game, yeah she had 4 questions on twilight, yeah thats a little bias but you dont need to rip her apart, make personal jokes and call her everything under the sun to get your point across. i couldnt really care less about snq, but i was in there yesterday and from what i saw it was a select number of people, as per usual in the hxhd giving staff crap, and nobody else from hxhd were asking them to stop? (isnt one of the rules of hxhd not to be rude to staff or other users, or something along those lines?

at the end of the day, she made a small error of judgement on her behalf.. does she really need 7/8 pages of grief? this is a feeedback thread, not a - oh yes lets pick on staff thread.

25-11-2012, 09:25 AM
I think we all need to calm down and eat cake here guys.
The quiz was not the best it could have been. It had some topics that were used too frequently (twilight) some topics that should not have been there (alcohol) and some topics that could have been with being included (Habbo(x)). But really it is not a hanging offence to do a bit of a dodgy quiz and I am sure poor Lucky is feeling rather upset when she at least tried to do something good by volunteering to do the quiz in the first place.
Running a quiz is a pain in the butt (speaking from previous experience) and at least she tried.
She has now gained useful feedback in case she ever wants to run the snq again. (Which she probably will not now).

In conclusion, I think she gets the point by now.

The Don
25-11-2012, 12:42 PM
Four questions about one topic (which is a bias topic in the first place) is obviously not fair, it doesn't take a genius to work out, I also don't know why you're talking about themed SNQs when they're completely irrelevant...

LOL! I'm the one being sexiest?! Look at the first posts and you'll see what being sexist is. I also like football and I know guys (not gays) that enjoy Twilight. I'm not the one stereotyping. And you're the one continuing this debate that goes round and round, so I guess you do. Google ethos by the way, it's philosophy. And if you think this, then people could complain that questions about the US, are biased against people who aren't from the US, etc.

So according to you, all themed SNQs will have an unfair host? I asked if we could do a themed one tonight, and the answer I got was no, I took it. Also tell me when I changed my actions half way through, please? At the beginning of the quiz I said they were 4 about Twilight (check with Kyle if you want because he quoted it), so don't make up stuff now, please. Also funny thing how could I have changed 16 questions halfway through when I need to first get them checked by managers? And di I create them in what 5 seconds? I'd love to understand how you think I did that. Also it's my fault that many different people knew different questions so they didn't get more than 3 right each? Interesting.

About the bringing up the past thing, I didn't get it. And his name is Forrest, not Forest. That was why. And since in SNQ spelling counts, ''Run, Forrest, run'' is the correct answer.

Also let me know when you see someone with no points winning SNQ within the last 4 questions, even if everyone else has max 3.

25-11-2012, 03:44 PM
not bein funny or nothing but some of you are quite old and should prob get a grip and stop getting mad over a younger person having four virtual questions for a virtual item.
it's embarrassin.

25-11-2012, 03:45 PM
not bein funny or nothing but some of you are quite old and should prob get a grip and stop getting mad over a younger person having four virtual questions for a virtual item.
it's embarrassin.

If you don't give feedback you cannot expect improvement.

25-11-2012, 03:46 PM
If you don't give feedback you cannot expect improvement.

i am soz but this ain't constructive feedback the majority of it is people having a meltdown over twilight.

25-11-2012, 03:58 PM
tbh i think everybody should just take a moment to chill out, i've only skimmed the thread because there's too much to read. 4 questions based on the same topic (twilight i believe?) is obv unfair like someone said so yh end of. It doesn't take a genius to work out that the questions need to be varied for it to be considered fair.

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