View Full Version : [Room Builders] (-Get in here!) Info & Pics

25-01-2013, 11:10 PM
Ok so, I and 74 other lucky Habbos made it into the RoomBuilders comp.

Now as usually happens when any group of Habbos in the hotel are outlined, little is known to the rest of the populace. These people have been given a duty/opportunity to shape the way future quests look and feel, which, given the system of points within the group for rooms successfully used, means that a competitive element has opened up. So far there's no information on prizes, but this leads us into a problem.

This has naturally led to groups working together in secrecy from other groups, or users going solo and submitting tightly guarded/secretive rooms themselves - (although its good to see a majority of groups over people going it alone). This kind of venture will be so much more successful if great builders are brought together, I look forward to seeing the finished myriad of rooms that comes out of it. (The prime concern outside of prizes is proper recognition/accreditation for their builds).

But for the rest of Habbo, there's no news, the meaning of Room Builders is lost on those not members and not in their friendship circles, and the only room with info (powertoo) is 'group members only' access. So it seems, given the zeitgeist that often parallels Habbo these days that the hotel is distanced from users and community is in decline, there's an opportunity here.
Right now, those in the rudimentary power structure look like this:
staff (info/task/selection)>room builders(room ideas, furni usage, game types)>populace(QUEST RELEASE: participants).
Whereas It ought to be more like this:
staff (info/task/selection)>room builders (finished rooms, final layouts) - populace (ideas on furni, types, layouts, challenges suggested, QUEST RELEASE: contributory participants).

I thus propose throwing together an info room for Habbos interested in following news or events surrounding future quizzes or ranges/events on the hotel that aren't group members. This would be a simple, small room, that has a bunch of stickies in (and pad pole) to allow people to suggest ideas or read about (1) how the Habbos were selected, (2) what they've been asked to do (no spoilers obviously) and (3) when the results of this collaboration are expected.

This way the group isn't lost in its own affairs but continues to be a mouthpiece for the community putting good ideas and requests into action, there might be a high demand for telephrase challenges, mazes, teleporter mazes etc. - Which would help improve the popularity of future quests in the hotel. In our mail, it states we're allowed to involve non-room builders in the creation process, this takes that idea to a wider level, especially allowing those who applied but have a wealth of design experience to get their opinions heard too.
FR me in-game if you want to contribute to this room idea,

I've started as we mean to go on by posting what we've seen as builders so far, (redacted some bits that might be meant to be TBA):


Here are the current group members (75):

http://s9.postimage.org/44wdcgksv/RBmembers1.png http://s9.postimage.org/5l7vulnpr/RBmembers2.png http://s9.postimage.org/t0pszy7gv/RBmembers3.png
http://s9.postimage.org/if5xny15b/RBmembers4.png http://s9.postimage.org/wzrlwilhr/RBmembers5.png http://s9.postimage.org/h2stzst3j/RBmembers6.png

Here are the two members rooms (powertoo), top is the entrance, bottom is the Winter Garden (through porter):


Hope these are of some interest :)

UPDATE: Here's the new mail message in full for clarification: [Posted in the wrong thread initially!]

Also, given our new tasks, I'm looking to get non-room builders involved in any of the room themes outlined in the second picture, if you want to help out in skills/stacking/design/ideas/furni/layout, FR me in-game or post in the Helpers room here.

Also, powertoo was lurking in members submissions earlier on today, think they'll likely be revealing the ones that made the grade later in the week, not as late as Monday I hope...

http://s8.postimage.org/swpze1b45/1ex.png http://s8.postimage.org/gw4jdb3ph/2ex.png

26-01-2013, 07:00 PM
UPDATE: I made a room, couldn't edit the original post, the link is here (http://www.habbo.com/room/57015163) Pop in to leave your ideas!

26-01-2013, 07:04 PM
Waits for someone to leak the password... heck +rep for the password leak :P

26-01-2013, 07:29 PM
one of the passwords was CNY, well that was choi's room..

26-01-2013, 07:40 PM
That is all quite interesting info. Your rooms are awesome as well. I'm actually looking a little forward to what the room builders inc. will bring along to habbo

26-01-2013, 07:49 PM
HOSKO02; So this group is for people to build big pretty rooms for quests? I'm not sure I entirely understand its premise, looks like a way for elitist room design 'experts' to circlejerk about their creative prowess that got them chosen above others to enter competitions that were previously open to all. Maybe that's just what I see, though. Thanks for helping to extend the scheme's berth a little by asking people outside the group for some help, I expect other members aren't quite as likely to do so. Willing to contribute if you need anything :)!

26-01-2013, 08:36 PM
@HOSKO02 (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=1935); So this group is for people to build big pretty rooms for quests? I'm not sure I entirely understand its premise, looks like a way for elitist room design 'experts' to circlejerk about their creative prowess that got them chosen above others to enter competitions that were previously open to all. Maybe that's just what I see, though. Thanks for helping to extend the scheme's berth a little by asking people outside the group for some help, I expect other members aren't quite as likely to do so. Willing to contribute if you need anything :)!

wut? we arent entering comps? well thats not what i understood it to be.

26-01-2013, 08:39 PM
wut? we arent entering comps? well thats not what i understood it to be.
There are 70+ members of the group but only 13 rooms are needed. Those who do have their rooms chosen get 'group points' that go towards badges (that those outside of the group do not and likely will never have access to) - Seems like a competition to me, my dear.

26-01-2013, 08:45 PM
i went through the rooms of some of the group members and they were like all telephrases and shops and stuff, like did they even visit their rooms before taking them in. good that at least jendro and shayla are in, looking forward to round 2 of this selection

26-01-2013, 10:14 PM
Nice to see that not everyone in a group like this suddenly feels like they have status above other Habbo users. You have to remember, that users of Habbo NL have been doing this type of work for a very long time.

26-01-2013, 10:26 PM
Kyle - when was competition room design open to all? All I've seen similar to this Room Builders feature is the room testers group jimi was involved in. It might have a tendency to get elitist, especially as there are seemingly prizes for the points system within the group, the point of this thread is to spread the contribution from more people and so try make it more inclusive, rather than exclusive, which it could easily become down the line.

26-01-2013, 11:53 PM
@Kyle (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=30795) - when was competition room design open to all? All I've seen similar to this Room Builders feature is the room testers group @jimi (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=19952) was involved in. It might have a tendency to get elitist, especially as there are seemingly prizes for the points system within the group, the point of this thread is to spread the contribution from more people and so try make it more inclusive, rather than exclusive, which it could easily become down the line.

Well IIRC there was a game design comp not long ago that a number of people submitted games to, including a couple of members of this group actually (@Volunteer (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=104004); etc), but what I'm referring to is the incentivised room design competitions in general -- the bare bones of what this scheme actually is. They seem to have scrapped the (admittedly flawed!) weekly/monthly room design vote-based competitions and replaced it with this, only allowing the 'best' a shot at whatever prize is on offer; be it a badge or simply having your room used for a quest or whatever. What about those that didn't get into this supercool uberleet room designer group? Are they not worthy of the aforementioned room designer points?

I'm gonna go ahead and assume that it's you who's decided to be inclusive rather than whoever's directing this thing so props to you for sharing the love. Don't assume my first post was aimed at you because it most certainly was not, you're one of the good guys!

I'm wondering whether the two pics you posted are supposed to be related because you'd think that if that was the inside it would at least be the same shape as the outside... amirite? man, I should be in this group.


27-01-2013, 01:41 AM
Lol, half of those people can't build rooms to save themselves. Shame really, Habbo should of got users who have won room building competitions in the past into the group as they know they can build rooms.

So angry I was banned when this all happened, another reason Habbo is going down-hill.

27-01-2013, 01:56 AM
Lol, half of those people can't build rooms to save themselves. Shame really, Habbo should of got users who have won room building competitions in the past into the group as they know they can build rooms.

So angry I was banned when this all happened, another reason Habbo is going down-hill.

Habbo is going downhill because you was banned? This the same for every service you get banned on? Not just you breaking the rules, maybe?

27-01-2013, 02:24 AM
Habbo is going downhill because you was banned? This the same for every service you get banned on? Not just you breaking the rules, maybe?

Obviously you haven't been reading ban threads and just try to correct people in the habbo section. I was banned for something I never did, which is just typical Habbo. Appealed it and so now the 6 months wait for a reply starts.

Please don't comment about it if you know nothing about it. Thanks!

27-01-2013, 07:16 AM
Powertoo has said that applications for this group will re-open at some point, just because you didn't get in first time doesn't mean you wont next time.

27-01-2013, 09:46 AM
I swear the second picture is Rakker's Cullen House lol?

Plus I think a system where the public can give suggestions and feedback is a good idea, but would probably end up getting abused by bored 13 year olds who have nothing better to do with their time.

27-01-2013, 03:31 PM
Kyle - True, but they are expanding the group in the future or perhaps shaking it up if people regularly fail to contribute, I'd agree that a hotel wide room task would be the best option, I bet they've been working on this model for a while though, they must know where they're taking it, or maybe not like most ventures! Only time will tell I suppose.

The rooms in the pics are the group room that members get entry into (powertoo), the lower one is the winter garden through the teleport, owned by powertoo, supposed to be the external view of the first room I guess. (I've not screencapped my entry to the comp because it makes sense to keep it hidden before the quest). these are meant to be hang-out spaces to kindle the flames of healthy competitive sociability amongst members, except it's dead most of the time.

More people should be allowed to partake I agree, Habbo'd argue that a small minority building the rooms avoid exposure to them to the majority until the quest, but one could easily argue that entries from the majority sourced from alternate points in the 'cloud' as it were, could also be just as hidden from a similar portion of Habbos in the same way, as the same amount will be chosen for the quest either way.

This is what the room attempts to distill a bit, bring Habbos that want to help into contact with the members.

29-01-2013, 03:09 PM


29-01-2013, 03:43 PM
^wow that looks fun i really wanna get in the group :(

29-01-2013, 03:56 PM
they are making a help desk? Red; willl be out of a job soon LMAO

29-01-2013, 04:03 PM
they are making a help desk? @Red (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=81989); willl be out of a job soon LMAO

i just cant see anyone actually using it, isnt the 'help tool' for that reason?

29-01-2013, 04:14 PM
:llll hope its fails. They should be supporting fan sites, not trying to dismantle them.

29-01-2013, 04:35 PM
looks like we'll be getting battle ball late feb/early march.

29-01-2013, 05:03 PM
i think it's kinda stupid that those people can win badges and trophies, like srs ok some of them are good room builders but i've been to a few rooms and they're just appalling. unfair they can win badges too, everyone should have a shot at getting a badge.

a new helpdesk would suck too but i don't see why habbox helpdesk would suffer from it as it's mostly habboxers in there or people listening to the radio :P maybe hxhd cud become a lounge FINALLY

29-01-2013, 05:06 PM
i think it's kinda stupid that those people can win badges and trophies, like srs ok some of them are good room builders but i've been to a few rooms and they're just appalling. unfair they can win badges too, everyone should have a shot at getting a badge.

a new helpdesk would suck too but i don't see why habbox helpdesk would suffer from it as it's mostly habboxers in there or people listening to the radio :P maybe hxhd cud become a lounge FINALLY

do people actually ask for help in hxhd?

29-01-2013, 05:10 PM
do people actually ask for help in hxhd?

I've never seen anyone asking for help in there for years...

29-01-2013, 05:15 PM
I've never seen anyone asking for help in there for years...

Last time you set foot in the help desk too. People come in and ask for help daily.

29-01-2013, 05:16 PM
do people actually ask for help in hxhd?

i've seen people asking for help but mostly it's jobs or how to get credits

29-01-2013, 05:18 PM
Yea Jobs, registering at habbox, credits, ban queries, how to get certain badges etc!!

29-01-2013, 05:18 PM
Last time you set foot in the help desk too. People come in and ask for help daily.

Well they must all vanish when I step in then :P

29-01-2013, 06:07 PM
so really, hxhd isn't essential for habbox. i mean people could ask anyone that and i'm sure there'd be atleast one person willing to give advice, so it woudn't matter too much if there was less demand (if there's any demand at all) for hxhd :P

29-01-2013, 06:25 PM
I've never seen anyone asking for help in there for years...

When do you even come to HxHD? Let's see.... UM NEVER.

OH AND ppl come in everyday for help lol :S i dont know why ppl are thinking they dont obv must be seeing diff things

29-01-2013, 06:25 PM
Well they must all vanish when I step in then :P

You would have to be in the help desk 24 hours and 7 days a week to have a real comment about people asking for help really.

so really, hxhd isn't essential for habbox. i mean people could ask anyone that and i'm sure there'd be atleast one person willing to give advice, so it woudn't matter too much if there was less demand (if there's any demand at all) for hxhd :P

No reason to close the department or shut the room down.

29-01-2013, 06:29 PM
When do you even come to HxHD? Let's see.... UM NEVER.

Well that's simply not true :P

You would have to be in the help desk 24 hours and 7 days a week to have a real comment about people asking for help really.

No reason to close the department or shut the room down.

Yes, you would have to be in there 24/7 to really comment on it :P I'm saying for all the times I'm in there, I never see anyone actually asking for help :P And it isn't a reason to close it down, I agree with that :)

29-01-2013, 06:34 PM
Well that's simply not true :P

Yes, you would have to be in there 24/7 to really comment on it :P I'm saying for all the times I'm in there, I never see anyone actually asking for help :P And it isn't a reason to close it down, I agree with that :)

well i haven't ever seen you in there, only the odd event? nobody probably does need help when you're there because i'm guessing when you are (once in a blue moon) there you're only there for a short period of time. believe me ppl do ask for help lol and getting rid of it would just be so upsetting

29-01-2013, 06:42 PM
well i haven't ever seen you in there, only the odd event? nobody probably does need help when you're there because i'm guessing when you are (once in a blue moon) there you're only there for a short period of time. believe me ppl do ask for help lol and getting rid of it would just be so upsetting

I've not been there in the last month or so because of Uni exams, and I haven't once suggested that it should be shut down :P

29-01-2013, 07:00 PM
i didnt get the minimail? weird

30-01-2013, 12:39 PM
i didnt get the minimail? weird

Yeah she had an early one, I've got mine today now, you should have yours by now?

On a different point, BATTLEBALL??? What the hell Habbo. Bringing back this relic? I loved BB as much as the next guy, I made my (now dismantled for the current New Years build) Battleball Banzai room in the spirit of it, the Banzai game pretty much IS battleball without the power-ups.

If they're looking to bring it back it has to be on the old format: Badges, achievements, rankings etc - having fixed the loops that allowed boosting. It has to be rebranded too, they can't just slip it back in like HC, it needs a new look and feel as well.

Only this way would it be recieved well by the Habbos, most banzai rooms are boosters, and I seldom see games playing for the fun of it, heck my room was largely intended for that, but I remodelled it to be a Battle Banzai Quest badge/boost room because of visitor feedback, I hope this doesn't mean the Banzai range is history, or defunct, or falls into glitchy dismay, all of which are probably innevitable.

30-01-2013, 07:09 PM
UPDATE: Here's the new mail message in full for clarification: [Posted in the wrong thread initially!]

Also, given our new tasks, I'm looking to get non-room builders involved in any of the room themes outlined in the second picture, if you want to help out in skills/stacking/design/ideas/furni/layout, FR me in-game or post in the Helpers room here.

Also, powertoo was lurking in members submissions earlier on today, think they'll likely be revealing the ones that made the grade later in the week, not as late as Monday I hope...

http://s8.postimage.org/swpze1b45/1ex.png http://s8.postimage.org/gw4jdb3ph/2ex.png

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