View Full Version : Want to learn programming languages

31-01-2013, 09:09 AM
Hey I'm 12 years old and I would love to learn some programming languages like html, css and javascript to help me with a job when I'm older. What are good ways to learn? Video tutorials?
Thanks in advance

01-02-2013, 08:57 PM

That'll cover all the basics! Have fun kid!

02-02-2013, 10:34 PM

Videos will prove most useful when you want to do something a bit more challenging and want to follow how it's done.

02-02-2013, 11:51 PM
I suggest http://www.codecademy.com/ as you can follow along and do projects as it gives it to you.

04-02-2013, 05:01 PM
I would recommend Code Academy too.

In my opinion the best way to learn HTML is to just have a go at coding something and picking it up as you go along, but otherwise Code Academy's the place to go :).

04-02-2013, 11:38 PM
As the above says, you need to get your hands dirty just go for it by using the websites provided and you'll pick up the basics before you know it. Start with HTML and once you feel confident in that have a go at CSS, think of the HTML as the human skeleton and the CSS the flesh to make everything look pretty.

Also a site I used to use but not so much anymore www.forrst.com (http://www.forrst.com) (I'm not sure if you still need an invite but check it out nevertheless). It's a site for designers and developers the community there is mega supportive and really helpful, so that may be of interest. Just remember you're not going to learn this over night, it'll take time dedication and effort, just like it does when learning any new language.

Good luck!

Edit: I just checked and I have 13 invites for forrst so if you'd like one BigtimeRyan; or anyone else for that matter who's interested just PM me.

05-02-2013, 02:01 AM

Videos will prove most useful when you want to do something a bit more challenging and want to follow how it's done.

I hear a lot use code academy seems to be pretty handy.

05-02-2013, 12:03 PM
Just don't use W3Schools, it's horrible.

Usually I disagree with all the "get your hands dirty" things, but that's actually how I became proficient with HTML and CSS. Knowing the two languages alone doesn't mean you'll be able to convert PSDs to HTML/CSS. You also need to know how to slice the images properly into a decent structure.

Regardless, HTML and CSS aren't programming languages. Javascript is debatable, but who actually cares? I'd suggest Ruby on Rails.


05-02-2013, 07:26 PM
Just don't use W3Schools, it's horrible.

Usually I disagree with all the "get your hands dirty" things, but that's actually how I became proficient with HTML and CSS. Knowing the two languages alone doesn't mean you'll be able to convert PSDs to HTML/CSS. You also need to know how to slice the images properly into a decent structure.

Regardless, HTML and CSS aren't programming languages. Javascript is debatable, but who actually cares? I'd suggest Ruby on Rails.


Why on earth would he learn ruby on rails when he's a beginner?

HTML and CSS are essential for web design. Whilst they're not programming languages they're widely useful and fit in nicely.

Plus, it's much more complicated for a beginner.


I used www.w3schools.com, started when I was 11. It's really good. I also used a mixture of youtube videos and posting in coding forums for help.

05-02-2013, 07:30 PM
I've just started learning C++, but that might be a bit complex at the early stages.


05-02-2013, 07:52 PM
For a beginner of actual programming (Rather than mark-up or scripting) I would recommend Python as it's a very sensibly thought out language. Whilst I only have extremely limited experience with Python it is definitely one of the more sensible programming languages and forces some good programming practices as part of it's syntax. Code academy is excellent for this: http://www.codecademy.com/tracks/python

If you are adamant on web then you may find it more sensible to get a start in html/css and probably progress towards PHP, whilst python does support web programming it's far less intuitive and PHP is arguably more applicable in the real world. If you are willing to put up with the initial pains of setting up a python web environment then you'll probably prefer it substantially over PHP though. Add some javascript to the web stuff only when you're competent with the rest, make sure you learn with jQuery, javascript itself is a mess and jQuery makes doing ANYTHING in javascript easier.

tl;dr Python, python, python. If you want to do web stuff then learn html/css and then progress to include php or python on top.

Just don't use W3Schools, it's horrible.
This. http://w3fools.com/

06-02-2013, 07:16 PM
Why on earth would he learn ruby on rails when he's a beginner?

HTML and CSS are essential for web design. Whilst they're not programming languages they're widely useful and fit in nicely.

Plus, it's much more complicated for a beginner.


I used www.w3schools.com (http://www.w3schools.com), started when I was 11. It's really good. I also used a mixture of youtube videos and posting in coding forums for help.

Because Rails has a syntax that makes sense and can get a lot done in far less lines than many other languages, whilst also being easier.

06-02-2013, 10:24 PM
Because Rails has a syntax that makes sense and can get a lot done in far less lines than many other languages, whilst also being easier.

Ruby is in no way easier.

07-02-2013, 09:01 PM
Ruby is in no way easier.

It really depends on what we're comparing it to. I find it easier than PHP(subjective (except for installation and getting used to gems etc, a real *****)), the programming itself is fine.

07-02-2013, 09:10 PM
I find it easier than PHP.

Anecdotal evidence is meaningless.

07-02-2013, 11:02 PM
Anecdotal evidence is meaningless.

Thanks for pointing out what I pointed out.

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