View Full Version : Someone please tell me where this badge is from!

19-02-2013, 01:34 PM

I logged into Habbo years back and found that I had it, I have no idea how or why I received it and I've never seen it displayed anywhere else in the hotel. I've heard that it isn't rare, though.

I don't even recall entering any competitions during the Tikitoa campaign or anything like that. Anyone know?

19-02-2013, 01:43 PM


19-02-2013, 02:33 PM
Strange, I don't remember doing anything like that at all :S

It might have been different for me since I played on .au

19-02-2013, 02:44 PM
Strange, I don't remember doing anything like that at all :S

It might have been different for me since I played on .au

Possibly from this?

Mana 1 Badge[/U]! See you there.

19-02-2013, 02:55 PM
Possibly from this?

Let’s hope the butterflies don't slow you down during today's game! Search Fozzie and head to the “Tikitoa Scuttle” room from 4pm AEST.
Four tribe members will test their speed and skill. Each Habbo starts by standing on a black doormat. When Fozzie shouts “GO!” they need to run for their lives across the sand, go through the Teleports and try to be the first seated in one of the three red pods. The Habbo left standing will be kicked from the game. The remaining Habbos will play rounds until one is victorious. The final remaining Habbo will score a Mana 1 Badge! See you there.

Agh, I don't remember anything like this either! It was several years ago but I'm almost certain I've never participated in any offical staff-hosted games like this.

19-02-2013, 03:11 PM
Agh, I don't remember anything like this either! It was several years ago but I'm almost certain I've never participated in any offical staff-hosted games like this.

Did you do a competition which required you to count a number of eggs?

The first 10 Habbos to find the Eggs AND complete the comp form correctly will be crowned with Mana 2 and will secure a Moa Egg of their own. However don’t despair if you’re not fast enough as Mana 1 will be given to 40 random Habbos who also manage to find the eggs and complete the form correctly.

Have no clue otherwise xD

20-02-2013, 04:35 AM
Did you do a competition which required you to count a number of eggs?

Have no clue otherwise xD

Hmm, it's possible, I think it may have been something like people were just giving out the answers to the comp form so I never actually had to count the eggs, but I did complete the form. That might have been it, lol. Thanks!

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