View Full Version : Limited rares are increasing the purchasing power of credits

25-02-2013, 06:25 PM
... or in other words, limited rares are decreasing the value of your furniture.

It's time for a lesson in economics.

When people hear the word "limited" they think of it as synonymous with "rare". Not true at all. Instead of purchasing rares on a whim like so many did with the Bronze Pillow, users should assess how many of each item is being released, for what it is being sold, and most importantly, how appealing the item is. This may seem like common sense, but if it were, these rares would not have sold out within seconds. As a consequence, users are ending up with ridiculous quantities of LTDs that they can't seem to sell.

As you should all know, spending credits through the catalog is different than spending them through the marketplace or simply trading them with users for other furniture. This is because when you spend credits in the catalog, they are DISAPPEARING from the Habbo economy and into the pockets of Sulake itself.

If we glance at the 5 easels sold recently, we can get a good idea of just HOW MANY credits are disappearing:

Victor Vangoof Easel: 120 sold at 500c each = 60,000 credits.
Lennard David Cheep Easel: 240 sold at 250c each = 60,000 credits.
Yohand Comeere Easel: 80 sold at 750c each = 60,000 credits
Carl Waddlesworth III Easel: 240 sold at 175c each = 42,000 credits
A.P Plumage Easel: 240 sold at 250c each = 60,000 credits.

The combined sales of the easels totals 282,000 credits. If 50 credits costs 10 dollars (prepaid card price), then the equivalent of 5640 prepaid cards were just sold. At 10 dollars each, that would be $56,400 dollars US. Over the last weekend, this is real money value of how many credits were spent on these easels.

Does this scare you? No? Well it should. The only reason people have this many credits to spend is because there have been few worthwhile purchases between 2008-2012. Users have had a good 4 years to save up their credits, but they are spending their credits much quicker than they had saved up. At this rate, few people will have over 100c.

Overall, I advise you to hold on to your credits unless you want to spend them on rares that have lasting appeal like Thrones, Pink Dragons or Cherry Trees.

Habbo has just screwed you out of credits... again.

Moved by Lee (Forum Super Moderator): From 'Habbo In General'.

25-02-2013, 07:07 PM
love this. and i agree. i remember the 25c rares. big jump in pricing now!

25-02-2013, 07:13 PM
Umm... Habbo haven't screwed you out of credits, they want to try and remove credits from the game. And 282,000 credits isn't a lot, considering there are so many more credits on the hotel saved up from over the years spread across the 5 hotels that were merged. The Habbo Exchange probably got rid of a lot of Habbo's money they were making from credits...

25-02-2013, 07:19 PM
How are Habbo screwing you out of credits? Seems pretty smart to me, introduce a limited item of furni that will remove a large amount of credits from the game is a short period, therefore eventually meaning that people will have to buy more.... not everyone buys credits illegally, most buy them legit and that means more money coming into the hands of people at sulake..

25-02-2013, 07:23 PM
and people will continue buying credits to purchase these ltds (if they increase in price) which is a win win situation and a long term profit for sulake

25-02-2013, 11:41 PM
There is one fundamental flaw in what you're both saying. The rate at which credits are disappearing is MUCH, MUCH higher than that at which they are entering the game. Many users haven't bought credits for several years, and the overall hotel population has decreased by thousands upon thousands meaning that there are less people to buy credits and less credits in circulation.

Many have said it themselves: Habbo just isn't what it used to be. People just don't see the point in buying credits.

26-02-2013, 12:15 AM
... or in other words, limited rares are decreasing the value of your furniture.

It's time for a lesson in economics.

When people hear the word "limited" they think of it as synonymous with "rare". Not true at all. Instead of purchasing rares on a whim like so many did with the Bronze Pillow, users should assess how many of each item is being released, for what it is being sold, and most importantly, how appealing the item is. This may seem like common sense, but if it were, these rares would not have sold out within seconds. As a consequence, users are ending up with ridiculous quantities of LTDs that they can't seem to sell.

As you should all know, spending credits through the catalog is different than spending them through the marketplace or simply trading them with users for other furniture. This is because when you spend credits in the catalog, they are DISAPPEARING from the Habbo economy and into the pockets of Sulake itself.

If we glance at the 5 easels sold recently, we can get a good idea of just HOW MANY credits are disappearing:

Victor Vangoof Easel: 120 sold at 500c each = 60,000 credits.
Lennard David Cheep Easel: 240 sold at 250c each = 60,000 credits.
Yohand Comeere Easel: 80 sold at 750c each = 60,000 credits
Carl Waddlesworth III Easel: 240 sold at 175c each = 42,000 credits
A.P Plumage Easel: 240 sold at 250c each = 60,000 credits.

The combined sales of the easels totals 282,000 credits. If 50 credits costs 10 dollars (prepaid card price), then the equivalent of 5640 prepaid cards were just sold. At 10 dollars each, that would be $56,400 dollars US. Over the last weekend, this is real money value of how many credits were spent on these easels.

Does this scare you? No? Well it should. The only reason people have this many credits to spend is because there have been few worthwhile purchases between 2008-2012. Users have had a good 4 years to save up their credits, but they are spending their credits much quicker than they had saved up. At this rate, few people will have over 100c.

Overall, I advise you to hold on to your credits unless you want to spend them on rares that have lasting appeal like Thrones, Pink Dragons or Cherry Trees.

Habbo has just screwed you out of credits... again.

Moved by Lee (Forum Super Moderator): From 'Habbo In General'.

1) if people are buying prepaid cards and buying rares directly from the catalog, the credits (gold bars) never entered the habbo economy anyway

2 )you've been saying the whole time that habbo are 'screwing you out of credits' and there you are contradicting yourself by saying actually yes buy some of these limited's because they're worth something

There is one fundamental flaw in what you're both saying. The rate at which credits are disappearing is MUCH, MUCH higher than that at which they are entering the game. Many users haven't bought credits for several years, and the overall hotel population has decreased by thousands upon thousands meaning that there are less people to buy credits and less credits in circulation.

Many have said it themselves: Habbo just isn't what it used to be. People just don't see the point in buying credits.

1) where is your source for this information? how do you know this?
2) of course they see the point in buying credits, habbo wouldn't be open today if they didn't, when sulake comes up with limited rares ideas it makes people buy credits because they see the richer players on habbo sell them for 5x more than what they bought them from the catalog for (albeit only a few but the principle is still there)

26-02-2013, 02:21 AM
I really don't like dissecting posts but I suppose I will humor you just this once.

1) if people are buying prepaid cards and buying rares directly from the catalog, the credits (gold bars) never entered the habbo economy anyway

I brought real money into this simply to show the magnitude of the situation. It gives people a better perspective of how much the credits are worth. Obviously not everyone bought prepaid cards in order to buy the rares.

2 )you've been saying the whole time that habbo are 'screwing you out of credits' and there you are contradicting yourself by saying actually yes buy some of these limited's because they're worth something

Some of the rares are worthy investments, but many of them aren't. Habbo uses buzzwords such as "rare" and "limited" to entice its customers into making purchases. I find this deceptive. The main purpose of this thread is to expose some of the information that isn't easily available to the casual player.

1) where is your source for this information? how do you know this?

Seven years on this site. I've seens Habbo at its best and worst. It doesn't take a genius to see that people aren't buying credits like they used to.

2) of course they see the point in buying credits, habbo wouldn't be open today if they didn't, when sulake comes up with limited rares ideas it makes people buy credits because they see the richer players on habbo sell them for 5x more than what they bought them from the catalog for (albeit only a few but the principle is still there)

I was using the word "people" in general terms. There are many people who do buy credits but there are quite a few more who don't.

26-02-2013, 02:30 AM
what do you expect? obviously it doesn't help habbo to have a hotel filled with credits so everyone can buy furniture off each other without it going through them.

i imagine sulake in the office cackling "mwahahaha how do we screw our customers out this time?!", with the rich population cowering in fear from the dreaded limited rare which they'll probably still buy anyway.

26-02-2013, 02:43 AM
Its smart move for Sulake. I made a good profit from the earlier rates, but after the pillows flopping and loosing out. I won't be buying anything more.

26-02-2013, 12:08 PM
Soon there will be so many LTDs that they will be just like rares, most of them useless. Some very high in price still.

Sulake set prices so high because they know idiots are willing to spend so much $$$ on just one item.

It's not really smart business, anyone could think up this idea.

26-02-2013, 12:21 PM
Soon there will be so many LTDs that they will be just like rares, most of them useless. Some very high in price still.

Sulake set prices so high because they know idiots are willing to spend so much $$$ on just one item.

It's not really smart business, anyone could think up this idea.
They didn't even have to think it up, people have been suggesting limited quantities of rares for as long as I can remember :P.

26-02-2013, 01:05 PM
Think you're just being picky here.

1) if people are buying prepaid cards and buying rares directly from the catalog, the credits (gold bars) never entered the habbo economy anyway

2 )you've been saying the whole time that habbo are 'screwing you out of credits' and there you are contradicting yourself by saying actually yes buy some of these limited's because they're worth something

1) where is your source for this information? how do you know this?
2) of course they see the point in buying credits, habbo wouldn't be open today if they didn't, when sulake comes up with limited rares ideas it makes people buy credits because they see the richer players on habbo sell them for 5x more than what they bought them from the catalog for (albeit only a few but the principle is still there)

26-02-2013, 01:16 PM
They didn't even have to think it up, people have been suggesting limited quantities of rares for as long as I can remember :P.

I miss super rares :( back when the DJ Deck and the gold amber were sort after :(

26-02-2013, 02:59 PM
There's one point I want to pick up and disagree on. The use of the words rare, limited etc are advertising. It's not being deceptive it's just a tool to draw people in and vaguely true because they're only in the catalogue for a limited time and there aren't ever many of them in the hotel compared to the normal furni. Most people will realise that.

26-02-2013, 03:03 PM

---------- Post added 26-02-2013 at 03:06 PM ----------


Edited by Lee (Forum Super Moderator): Please don't post pointlessly.

26-02-2013, 03:44 PM
There's one point I want to pick up and disagree on. The use of the words rare, limited etc are advertising. It's not being deceptive it's just a tool to draw people in and vaguely true because they're only in the catalogue for a limited time and there aren't ever many of them in the hotel compared to the normal furni. Most people will realise that.

it is limited as there is a limit on the amount.


Restricted in size, amount, or extent; few, small, or short: "a limited number of Furni are available"

26-02-2013, 05:16 PM
it is limited as there is a limit on the amount.

I'm aware of that, but they are also limiting the time it's available for, which they did with the rares. Just didn't think I actually need to explain the full meaning, hoping y'all would know...

26-02-2013, 07:34 PM
I just had a quick glimpse and I agree with your statement tbh. It is crazy when you actually calculate the amount of credits leaving the consumers.


26-02-2013, 11:31 PM
There's one point I want to pick up and disagree on. The use of the words rare, limited etc are advertising. It's not being deceptive it's just a tool to draw people in and vaguely true because they're only in the catalogue for a limited time and there aren't ever many of them in the hotel compared to the normal furni. Most people will realise that.

It is deceptive in many cases. Take the limited Red Theater Curtain for example. It's basically a recoloured norm. They released 2000 units of it and only sold about 700 of them. They probably wouldn't have sold half as much if they didn't use the labels "rare" and "limited" while selling them. It is advertising, no doubt about it, but I prefer to take it one step ahead and call it deceptive advertising.

26-02-2013, 11:39 PM
It is deceptive in many cases. Take the limited Red Theater Curtain for example. It's basically a recoloured norm. They released 2000 units of it and only sold about 700 of them. They probably wouldn't have sold half as much if they didn't use the labels "rare" and "limited" while selling them. It is advertising, no doubt about it, but I prefer to take it one step ahead and call it deceptive advertising.

How is it deceptive? It is rare, and was limited.

27-02-2013, 12:28 AM
How is it deceptive? It is rare, and was limited.

It's not a rare, it's a norm. Technically it was limited, but what's the point in calling it so when half the units weren't even sold?

27-02-2013, 12:30 AM
It's not a rare, it's a norm. Technically it was limited, but what's the point in calling it so when half the units weren't even sold?

So, you are saying that the furni isn't limited because it donly sold 700. But it would be limited if it sold all 2,000.
And why is it a norm and not a rare?

27-02-2013, 01:31 PM
So, you are saying that the furni isn't limited because it donly sold 700. But it would be limited if it sold all 2,000.
And why is it a norm and not a rare?It's a recoloured norm. It's limited either way, but whether they sold 700 or 2000 units, it's still more common than half the rares on the hotel.

27-02-2013, 01:57 PM
It's a recoloured norm. It's limited either way, but whether they sold 700 or 2000 units, it's still more common than half the rares on the hotel.

It is still a rare. It does not matter if it resembles a recoloured norm, it was sold in the catalogue as a 'Catalogue Rare'. Quite a lot of the current rares have been released in large quantities - e.g. Blue Fan, Blue Pillow, Beanstalk, Orange Sleeping bag - yet they are still rares.

The ones that were sold in units of 500 are less, are not that common in relation to the entire hotel. Quite a lot of the dragons, Fans and Ice Cream Machines are in quantities larger than that at this current time.

"A few people will have over 100c" is such an absolute god awful claim. Unless you go and ask Sulake how many credits are currently in circulation and they manage to (bizarrely) give you a firm figure, you cannot say anything like that. If you go through many of the rooms in the hotel you can see full well that these people are worth over 100c and have much more than 100c. You are underestimating how many users actually use the hotel/used to... e.g. as of August 2012, 5 million per. month - if all those purchase the 25c credit package at least once = 125 million credits. Now obviously, I'm not going to be naive and say all of those people actually buy credits without any true fact, but it's safe to say a fair portion probably do - and that's not even including users over the past 12 years... nor the small amount of people who buy their credits via "bad sites".

Assuming that there aren't a couple of million credits on the hotel would be silly. £280k+ is a mediocre sized dent in the total amount.

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