View Full Version : [Request] HCFM Hiring!

16-04-2013, 05:53 PM
HabboConsoleFM (http://www.habboconsolefm.com/forum) are hiring

We are currently hiring users for staff and management positions (including assistant management positions)

Jobs (http://www.habboconsolefm.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=48) currently open: (Will be updated in new posts)

Radio Management
Assistant News Manager
Assistant Graphics Manager
Assistant Events Manager
Forum Moderators
News Reporters
Graphic Artists
Events Organisers
Radio DJ's

To apply visit our Job Openings forum (http://www.habboconsolefm.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=48) at HabboConsoleFM Forum (http://www.habboconsolefm.com/forum)!

Feel free to leave comments, or questions below.

All the Best,
HabboConsoleFM Management!

16-04-2013, 08:40 PM
Thanks, but no thanks! Someone will probs take management but finding staff in general will be hard. Good Luck.

16-04-2013, 09:15 PM
Not saying that your post was about the forum or skin. But if it was, we have our V2 coming which should hopefully attract everyone!

16-04-2013, 09:28 PM
HabboConsoleFM; good luck with the site, but personally I only apply for sites in which I find appealing and yours isn't that good yet. I'm sure it will grow and become prettier in the future!

16-04-2013, 10:26 PM
Best of luck with this site.. they are just so many things you really need to look into - if im truely honest - not to be harsh, but things you may need to sort!

The layout on the forum/main site
The name (why not just HabboConsole - HCFM seems like a rip of HFFM.
The forum userbars
the banner

These are things i think you need to sort, and i think you have a adequate chance of doing well!
best of luck!

16-04-2013, 10:38 PM

the ****?

16-04-2013, 10:55 PM
It needs a bit of work but it will eventually become better in months and years to come. You will get people applying for management quickly as its the most interested jobs at the higher level but others good luck. I haven`t seen it active since I have left sadly but I did enjoy working at HabboConsole :)

I wish best of luck though for the fansite as today it is hard to have lots of people signing up to a new forum or work like before. If you put your mind into it it will become a very nice forum to be in but can`t expect to be 100% good. You need to accept negative comments also from other forum users that is how you progress by using their negativity to positive. Take a step at a time Logan, don`t rush or it won`t work.

16-04-2013, 11:31 PM
Apparently iLogan owns it, is it the same iLogan;?

Good Luck anyway.

17-04-2013, 02:43 PM
Thanks for all those comments.

The pop up log in box is due to a v2 image on the current layout, which is blocked. Just click cancel when it pops up. We will be removing the pop up box tonight, as the forum will be launched!

Update on the jobs:
Assistant News Management positions are temporarily closed, due to having a trialist.
Forum Management position is now open, please PM Ben for more details on HabboConsoleFM's forum!

All the best for those who apply. Hope to see you ready for our launch later tonight.

17-04-2013, 11:12 PM
Apparently iLogan owns it, is it the same iLogan;?

Good Luck anyway.

no i own the habbo account iLogan and the guy that runs this new fansite is Logandyer45; on hxf

18-04-2013, 04:12 AM
Hey guys, Samanfa & iLogan You are right. I own it. Maatt It was an old Fansite called HabboConsoleFM owned by some of the great Habbo's. We tried to contact the owner of the domain but they did not get back to us. So, in the time, I thought of HabboConsoleFM. It is a whole way of bringing back the old HabboConsole just a new name. I am sorry for the confussion Logan, I like the name iLogan hinse why I am using it. Thanks for all the replies. Our v2 will be out as soon as it's done, it will look more habboey. This one was just to get things started. This was made by an old Habbo named Razzage. He made it for me & I am using it as a v1. v2 will work A LOT better. Trust me.

xxMATTGxx Just so you know Matt, this is Logan, and I am not trying to steal any of your loyal members. We are just putting the word out there. Just incase you were thinking it. :D

Thanks guys,

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