View Full Version : Do you have any phobias?

23-05-2013, 12:59 PM
Do you, what are they?

I would say I have the following:

Arachnophobia: The fear of spiders. (Not as much now)
Trypanophobia: The fear of injections. (Never had since I was born)
Didaskaleinophobia: The fear of going to school. (so fear of people lmfao)
Dentophobia: The fear of the dentist. (That scare everyone lol)
Emetophobia: The fear of vomiting. (I hate it, its horrid and stops you from breathing!)
Eurotophobia: google it
Philemaphobia: The fear of kissing. (odshagoshdgoisdhfgoihdfgouhuh WHYS IT SO SCARY?)
Thanatophobia: The fear of death. (I think we all get this one, I think? :()
Spoonsphobia: The fear of spoons. (I feel like the spoon will get stuck and it will rip all my teeth out :'()
Ephebiphobia: The fear or other teenagers. (Like if i walk shop and theres more then 1 person)

then my others without a name are

Micheal Jackson and Edward Sisscorhands... they creep me out, I think they chase me up the stairs at night time.

hbu? lmfao didnt think i had so many

Thread moved by Dilusionate (Trialist Forum Moderator): from "Discuss Anything" as I feel it is better suited here.

23-05-2013, 01:01 PM
You sound very uncomfortable with yourself! Just think **** it and go for it, who cares what people think of you!

Only thing i'd say i'm scared off is probably heights, but i'd still jump out of an aeroplane and do parachute down with a professional haha... just dont like looking over steep things and thinking omg what if i fell down here lol
Do you, what are they?

I would say I have the following:

Arachnophobia: The fear of spiders. (Not as much now)
Trypanophobia: The fear of injections. (Never had since I was born)
Didaskaleinophobia: The fear of going to school. (so fear of people lmfao)
Dentophobia: The fear of the dentist. (That scare everyone lol)
Emetophobia: The fear of vomiting. (I hate it, its horrid and stops you from breathing!)
Eurotophobia: google it
Philemaphobia: The fear of kissing. (odshagoshdgoisdhfgoihdfgouhuh WHYS IT SO SCARY?)
Thanatophobia: The fear of death. (I think we all get this one, I think? :()
Spoonsphobia: The fear of spoons. (I feel like the spoon will get stuck and it will rip all my teeth out :'()
Ephebiphobia: The fear or other teenagers. (Like if i walk shop and theres more then 1 person)

then my others without a name are

Micheal Jackson and Edward Sisscorhands... they creep me out, I think they chase me up the stairs at night time.

hbu? lmfao didnt think i had so many

23-05-2013, 01:02 PM
You sound very uncomfortable with yourself! Just think **** it and go for it, who cares what people think of you!

Only thing i'd say i'm scared off is probably heights, but i'd still jump out of an aeroplane and do parachute down with a professional haha... just dont like looking over steep things and thinking omg what if i fell down here lol

PMSL im not ;) I just find things scary lmfaoooo :S

and omg jumping out of a aeroplanes is scary :( what if you died?

23-05-2013, 01:05 PM
Why are you scared of things like going to school and kissing and other teenagers though?! and you only live once haha, if I die, atleast it was in an extreme way, I wouldn't know about it :P
PMSL im not ;) I just find things scary lmfaoooo :S

and omg jumping out of a aeroplanes is scary :( what if you died?

23-05-2013, 01:07 PM
Trypanophobia: The fear of injections. (Never had since I was born)


I'm not afraid of spiders but I'm terrified of daddy long legs

23-05-2013, 01:09 PM
Why are you scared of things like going to school and kissing and other teenagers though?! and you only live once haha, if I die, atleast it was in an extreme way, I wouldn't know about it :P

Going to school: Because I'm not popular or liked at school lol ;)
Kissing: Its just like urggg... going wrong and stuff lmfao
Teenagers: They are intimidating ;)

Death is scary :( I think when you die you have to live your after life the way you died. So your afterlife would be screaming and probs bleeding :(

---------- Post added 23-05-2013 at 01:09 PM ----------

Trypanophobia: The fear of injections. (Never had since I was born)


I'm not afraid of spiders but I'm terrified of daddy long legs

Daddy long legs arn't scary :O

23-05-2013, 01:10 PM
kissing and other teenagers though?

Tbf I'm scared of this as well, still 17 and no first kiss hah.

23-05-2013, 01:12 PM
Tbf I'm scared of this as well, still 17 and no first kiss hah.

nawhhhh ;)

have fun with your first kiss when it happens

23-05-2013, 01:14 PM
Daddy long legs arn't scary :O

Neither are spoons? Eurotophobia has three meanings. Fear of the colour red, blushing and the female anatomy. None of which are scary either xD

23-05-2013, 01:15 PM
Neither are spoons? Eurotophobia has three meanings. Fear of the colour red, blushing and the female anatomy. None of which are scary either xD

lmfaooo... its not the spoons, its the action of the spoon lol

23-05-2013, 01:18 PM
Haha, aw :( Idk, i love kissing ;).. girls
Tbf I'm scared of this as well, still 17 and no first kiss hah.

23-05-2013, 01:18 PM
lmfaooo... its not the spoons, its the action of the spoon lol

What does the spoon do? LMAO

23-05-2013, 01:19 PM
What does the spoon do? LMAO

it goes into my mouth and rips my teeth out :((

23-05-2013, 01:26 PM
it goes into my mouth and rips my teeth out :((

I'm sorry but that's not the spoon! LOL! Make more sense to be afraid of forks if you're going to be afraid of cutlery at all!

23-05-2013, 01:40 PM
i think i could class as Ephebiphobia but it's only when i think someone's going to judge me or make a rude comment. does that count?

23-05-2013, 01:58 PM
You have some odd phobias.. surely your fear of death and fear of injections get in the way of each other o.O

Err I hate injections, but I still have them (I enjoy living ;l) - I have had at least 10 in the past 18 months, maybe more.

Not a fan of open heights, but having said that I will do things as I enjoy doing new things?

23-05-2013, 02:23 PM
I'm terrified of spiders and crows

23-05-2013, 02:48 PM
i definitely think i have a phobia of heights but nothing other than that
nd just because you don't like something doesn't mean you have a phobia lol

23-05-2013, 02:51 PM
Do you, what are they?

I would say I have the following:

Arachnophobia: The fear of spiders. (Not as much now)
Trypanophobia: The fear of injections. (Never had since I was born)
Didaskaleinophobia: The fear of going to school. (so fear of people lmfao)
Dentophobia: The fear of the dentist. (That scare everyone lol)
Emetophobia: The fear of vomiting. (I hate it, its horrid and stops you from breathing!)
Eurotophobia: google it
Philemaphobia: The fear of kissing. (odshagoshdgoisdhfgoihdfgouhuh WHYS IT SO SCARY?)
Thanatophobia: The fear of death. (I think we all get this one, I think? :()
Spoonsphobia: The fear of spoons. (I feel like the spoon will get stuck and it will rip all my teeth out :'()
Ephebiphobia: The fear or other teenagers. (Like if i walk shop and theres more then 1 person)

then my others without a name are

Micheal Jackson and Edward Sisscorhands... they creep me out, I think they chase me up the stairs at night time.

hbu? lmfao didnt think i had so many

I highly doubt you have all of those phobias. People are too quick to say they have phobias when they're really not.

23-05-2013, 02:52 PM
I highly doubt you have all of those phobias. People are too quick to say they have phobias when they're really not.

Maybe not phobias but they scare me :(((

23-05-2013, 02:52 PM
I have barophobia. True story.

23-05-2013, 03:00 PM
i have fear of pretty much everything

23-05-2013, 03:03 PM
I wouldn't say I have a phobia of anything. I fear things I guess, but know I can get over it.

23-05-2013, 03:15 PM
fear of vomiting
fear of the dark lmao! not as much anymore 2bh

23-05-2013, 03:19 PM
I wouldn't say I have any phobias... I mean, I dislike spiders... and heights where I don't feel safe (E.g: Bungee jumping/Sky diving is a no/no, but flying or rollercoasters are fine).

I also doubt that some people here have 'phobias'.
Skandair; do you run out of the room crying if someone shows you a spoon? You must be pretty housebound.

And if you don't like the female anatomy, do you cry everytime you see your mum?

23-05-2013, 03:44 PM
I wouldn't say I have any phobias... I mean, I dislike spiders... and heights where I don't feel safe (E.g: Bungee jumping/Sky diving is a no/no, but flying or rollercoasters are fine).

I also doubt that some people here have 'phobias'.
Skandair; do you run out of the room crying if someone shows you a spoon? You must be pretty housebound.

And if you don't like the female anatomy, do you cry everytime you see your mum?

Well I would if i seen one part of her :'(

and spoons aree ifjsdighsdlghdfilghlkfchgjdf :L

23-05-2013, 03:55 PM
fear of flying in planes, i've always been worried about going on them etc

23-05-2013, 03:56 PM
Tbf I'm scared of this as well, still 17 and no first kiss hah.

me completely LMFAO


Not going to look up the proper names for all of this so i'll give them in laymans terms -

Fear of heights
Fear of people
Fear of sunlight
Fear of snakes
Fear of interaction with strangers
Fear of kissing
Fear of love
Fear of sexual interaction
Fear of heat

Think that is the bulk of it really. One of those people who actually isn't scared of spiders or death myself though oddly :P

23-05-2013, 03:57 PM
me completely LMFAO


Not going to look up the proper names for all of this so i'll give them in laymans terms -

Fear of heights
Fear of people
Fear of sunlight
Fear of snakes
Fear of interaction with strangers
Fear of kissing
Fear of love
Fear of sexual interaction
Fear of heat

Think that is the bulk of it really. One of those people who actually isn't scared of spiders or death myself though oddly :P

See, I have a dislike of heat and sunlight, because I'm ginger and I can't stand it... But I wouldn't say it's a fear. Why do you have a fear of them?

23-05-2013, 03:59 PM
I still constantly fail to comprehend why some people dislike/are afraid of sunlight. I have a friend irl who hates the sun with a passion and I'm confused as to why ? :P

23-05-2013, 04:00 PM
I still constantly fail to comprehend why some people dislike/are afraid of sunlight. I have a friend irl who hates the sun with a passion and I'm confused as to why ? :P

That's why they're irrational fears.

23-05-2013, 04:03 PM
i have a fear of death and a fear of vomiting, and that's about it really. i'm not sure if i'd go far as a phobia, but i'm sure that anxiety (if anyone else on here suffers from it) does not help at all :P

23-05-2013, 04:03 PM
That's why they're irrational fears.

Makes sense I suppose.

23-05-2013, 04:03 PM
See, I have a dislike of heat and sunlight, because I'm ginger and I can't stand it... But I wouldn't say it's a fear. Why do you have a fear of them?

if you google about fear of heat it's like also coming under just avoiding it completely wherever possible and doing whatever you can to make yourself always cold too. which is basically what I do cause I overheat even in cold temperatures ridiculously easily.

for fear of sunlight I think it's sorta like i'm afraid of it just literally because I don't like the feel of it, nor the fact it gives me freckles and numerous other reasons. It also does irritate my eyes massively though which again is the technical definition of photophobia anyway.

23-05-2013, 04:58 PM
main phobia is the fear of dogs. my god they could make my heart stop. I am scared of spiders but only the big hairy ones.

23-05-2013, 09:40 PM
I wouldn't say I have a phobia of anything. Yeah a few things freak me out like i'm not keep on heights but I wouldn't mind it.

24-05-2013, 12:17 PM
well this is gna be a long list :l
-daddy long legs
-most insects
-seeing my dad ;/

24-05-2013, 12:30 PM
well this is gna be a long list :l
-daddy long legs
-most insects
-seeing my dad ;/

reminds me that I forgot about worms tbh, anything long and wriggly really for me though LMFAO. always been why I never been able to eat anything like very long chips, spaghetti etc though too cause i'm so scared of them LMFAO

24-05-2013, 01:06 PM
This thread is full of so called 'phobias' when they're not, when I went to Scarborough last month I had a long conversation about phobias and irrational fears for some reason and it really made me think about them differently.

Those who have a phobia of heights - if you're on the edge of a cliff you have the rational fear you're going to fall most probably therefore it isn't really a phobia if we all react the same in the given scenario.
I used to believe I had a phobia of death, when in reality I think more people have the fear of how they're going to die, thus the phobias will have their own name.

I have no phobias, but only fears, I'm not scared of spiders, although I am a little about them crawling into my mouth through the night and cutting me off from breathing - so I do still have that fear of death that most will have, it doesn't make it a phobia as I believe I'd die that way which scares me, the same way as I fear of drowning, burning alive, being shot, stabbed or having a disease.

I swear this thread was made not too long back either, so simple searching could have just added to the previous one.
Skandair; you're the main example of this, you do not have a phobia of spoons, you are scared of what they'll do to you, not the actual spoons themselves therefore it's a fear.

Sorry for going on, but that's the reason some of your long lists aren't - those who said kissing others because they think something will go wrong is a fear too :P.

24-05-2013, 05:03 PM
This thread is full of so called 'phobias' when they're not, when I went to Scarborough last month I had a long conversation about phobias and irrational fears for some reason and it really made me think about them differently.

Those who have a phobia of heights - if you're on the edge of a cliff you have the rational fear you're going to fall most probably therefore it isn't really a phobia if we all react the same in the given scenario.
I used to believe I had a phobia of death, when in reality I think more people have the fear of how they're going to die, thus the phobias will have their own name.

I have no phobias, but only fears, I'm not scared of spiders, although I am a little about them crawling into my mouth through the night and cutting me off from breathing - so I do still have that fear of death that most will have, it doesn't make it a phobia as I believe I'd die that way which scares me, the same way as I fear of drowning, burning alive, being shot, stabbed or having a disease.

I swear this thread was made not too long back either, so simple searching could have just added to the previous one.
@Skandair (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=93224); you're the main example of this, you do not have a phobia of spoons, you are scared of what they'll do to you, not the actual spoons themselves therefore it's a fear.

Sorry for going on, but that's the reason some of your long lists aren't - those who said kissing others because they think something will go wrong is a fear too :P.

i wouldnt agree with you on the fear one, sure some may be completely normal ones, but if you are feeling utterly sick just from standing at an edge that you can't even fall off cause of barring etc and it's not even high at all I think you could pretty safely call it a fear of heights tbh.

Definitely agree though phobia of spoons is ridiculous lmao. I think most of us did claim however though that like the kissing stuff was just fears for us :P

24-05-2013, 11:29 PM
im not a fan of birds lol

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