View Full Version : What should the Royal baby be named and why?

18-06-2013, 12:14 AM
From left, Prince Charles, the Queen Mother, Princess Margaret, Prince Philip, King George VI and the then Princess Elizabeth (the Queen).

What should the Royal baby be named and why?

The Duchess of Cambridge is expected to give birth to the new heir to the throne after the Duke of Cambridge (Prince William) in mid-July of this summer. Although the sex of the baby is not yet known, bets on the name of the future Monarch of Britain and Commonwealth realms have been lodged and the leading girls names are Alexandra, Charlotte, Elizabeth and Victoria whilst the leading boys names are Charles, George and James.

Royal names are usually picked for historical signifigance so bare this in mind when making a choice. It'd be interesting if anybody would pick a name based on their admiration for a former Monarch and what they admire about that monarch - makes the debate a bit more interesting. That said, you can simply post that you like a certain name for whatever reason - provided it's reasonable.

I'm not usually a killjoy, but any moronic posts suggesting the baby should be named after Kim Karashian or Justin Bieber - i'll request that the moderators come down heavily on any pointless posts in this thread. So please be sensible. :P

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18-06-2013, 12:55 AM
I'd like to see a name that isn't considered 'Royal' (Like Elizabeth/Victoria/Charles/James/Henry), but I wouldn't like to see a modern name either. Although I fully expect that the child will probably get royal middle names and what not :P

Charlotte is nice... I do wonder whether Diana will feature in the name at all, if it's a girl of course.

Personally, I'd go for Charlotte Diana Elizabeth :)

18-06-2013, 02:19 AM
Although my favourite monarchs are Queen Elizabeth I and Queen-Empress Victoria, i'd have to say that I quite fancy they go for a new name - especially as now it's certain the first born will become monarch. For the girl name i'd quite like Alexandra and for the boy mmm.... no more George's certainly (we've had too many!), same for Edward I think ..... i'd probably like to see James - King James I after all was a mighty fine monarch and certainly ranks as one of my top monarchs.

So Alexandra or James i'd quite like to see. Anything please but a George or an Edward though. :P

18-06-2013, 03:53 AM
Alice or Mary
as long as Diana is in the middle name any name will sound lovely

18-06-2013, 10:11 AM
First of all, I like the fact that ''Catherine'' is also a pretty fancy name even more than ''Diana'' was. I'm not sure if it is a girl it should be named after William's mother because that would be a weight too big for her to live up to..

I decided to have a little bit of fun in google and look for Queen Elizabeth II's maternal heritage and this is what I found out.
Mother: Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon
Grandmother: Cecília Bowes-Lyon
Great grandmother: Caroline Louisa Cavendish-Bentinck

And as for her paternal ancestors:
Grandmother: Maria de Teck
Great grandmother: Augusta of Hesse-Kassel
Great great grandmother: Caroline of Nassau-Usingen
Great great great grandmother: Caroline Felizitas of Leiningen Dagsburg

(And Prince Philip also has ancestors called Louise Caroline of Hesse-Kassel and Caroline Ernestine of Erbach-Schönberg).

Therefore I believe a really beautiful and still royal name for the baby to get, if it's a girl would be Caroline.

P.S.: Omg with all this I found out that Prince Philip's father is a direct cousin of Nicholas II of Russia.. wow mind blowing..

18-06-2013, 10:31 AM
Although my favourite monarchs are Queen Elizabeth I and Queen-Empress Victoria, i'd have to say that I quite fancy they go for a new name - especially as now it's certain the first born will become monarch. For the girl name i'd quite like Alexandra and for the boy mmm.... no more George's certainly (we've had too many!), same for Edward I think ..... i'd probably like to see James - King James I after all was a mighty fine monarch and certainly ranks as one of my top monarchs.

So Alexandra or James i'd quite like to see. Anything please but a George or an Edward though. :P

James I a fine monarch? With his massive spending, orgys and allegedly homosexuality crippling the crown into bigger debt?

18-06-2013, 10:33 AM
I think Phoebe offered a fab name


18-06-2013, 10:36 AM

18-06-2013, 11:01 AM
James I a fine monarch? With his massive spending, orgys and allegedly homosexuality crippling the crown into bigger debt?

I admire him for his work towards creating the Union, he was an early staunch unionist. :)

18-06-2013, 03:11 PM
I think I'd like to see something different that isn't really known as monarchs, but again not that popular. Perhaps going back say 15/20 years seeing what names were popular then (admittedly Elizabeth was then), and choosing one like that to keep an older feel to the name, but one that isn't overused or too popular.

Kimberly has a nice ring to it, Princess Kimberly would sound interesting, although I'm unsure for a boys name.

18-06-2013, 03:16 PM
Boy: Günther
Girl: Gertraud

18-06-2013, 03:45 PM
Princess Dave

18-06-2013, 03:50 PM
Most definitely should be called Cerys.

Though it's likely to be some posh name, like usual.

18-06-2013, 06:06 PM
Something to respect Diana, almost definitely, a middle name for a girl or convert it into something for a boy.

As for first name, they'll probably choose something modern yet traditional, Alexandra or Victoria or something; Edward or something for a boy (but everyone wants a girl!!)

18-06-2013, 06:15 PM
I'd like to see it named something that just sounds nice to them rather than named after a relative or an ancestor etc. but of course, that's probably what's going to happen

18-06-2013, 11:57 PM
I think it should be one of those stereotypical royal names but one which we haven't seen for a while. The middle name will probably have some sort of tribute to Diana which I think it a nice thing to do. I don't really like the idea of them calling it some modern name like Alfie or something, it'll just look like they're trying too hard to make the royal family seem more appealing to the younger generations.

But, at the end of the day, it's their child so they should be able to call it what they want.

19-06-2013, 02:25 AM
Maria Teresa García Ramírez de Arroyo sounds like a wonderful name :D

They need something catchy to the names :p

19-06-2013, 02:36 AM
I think Phoebe offered a fab name

03-07-2013, 11:35 AM
I'd like to see a name that isn't considered 'Royal' (Like Elizabeth/Victoria/Charles/James/Henry), but I wouldn't like to see a modern name either. Although I fully expect that the child will probably get royal middle names and what not :P

Charlotte is nice... I do wonder whether Diana will feature in the name at all, if it's a girl of course.

Personally, I'd go for Charlotte Diana Elizabeth :)

Did you say 'Charlotte is nice...' Meh, never really thought so.

If it's a boy, I think Henry after Prince Harry, and then he'll be the first King Henry since Henry VIII!

For a girl Diana Victoria. I don't particularly like Victoria, but It would be nice for it to come back to the royals.

03-07-2013, 12:04 PM
Call it Nicholas (M) or Anzhelina (F)

03-07-2013, 06:10 PM

03-07-2013, 08:25 PM
Snape. Because after all, if it is a boy, it WILL be the half blood prince.

04-07-2013, 01:56 PM
If it were a boy I'd like Alexander. The main reason for this? I don't think its ever been a royal name before (please correct me if I'm wrong) and after history's greatest general Alexander the Great.

04-07-2013, 03:50 PM
id like to see it called tony or paula because these names arent mentioned enough in royal history

09-07-2013, 11:16 PM
If they intend to use old and traditional names, then any of the following are possibilities:
John, Arthur, Helena or maybe Louise.

I personally like the name Alexander/Alexandra.

10-07-2013, 04:21 AM

The top ten choices for the baby’s name and the current odds:

Alexandra – 7/2- It has been a favourite throughout the pregnancy and is one of the Queen’s middle names.

Charlotte – 11/2 - The middle name of the Duchesses’ younger sister Pippa Middleton and the name of King George III’s Queen.

Diana – 7/1 – Many believe that the child will be named after Prince William’s late mother, with one man in Austria betting 550 Euros that this is what the baby will be christened.

Elizabeth – 7/1 – The Queen’s name is also the middle name of the Duchess of Cambridge and is seen as a likely choice for the third in line to the throne.

Victoria – 7/1 – The name of Britain’s longest reigning monarch Queen Victoria, she also chose the name for her eldest daughter, the Princess Royal.

George – 10/1 – The first boy’s name on the list, it has been used by no less than six Kings.

Eleanor – 12/1 – Although a very traditional name, it has not been used by an English Queen for more than 700 years, since Eleanor of Castile, the first wife of Edward I.

James – 12/1 – The name has strong ties both to Royalty – being the name of two English and six Scottish Kings – and to the Middleton family as the name of the Duchesses’ younger brother.

Alice – 14/1 – Queen Victoria’s daughter was named Alice, but it has never before been the name of an English Queen.

Mary – 14/1 – The name used by one of Britain’s first Queens, it is popular in Royal circles.

Hope it's a girl and that they opt for Alexandra which is something new for a monarch here.

The baby is expected on the 13th July I read, so it's only three days away - although of course nature will call when it's ready. :P

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