View Full Version : NEW PALOOZA CODES

16-07-2013, 02:12 PM
Landing.view.bonusrareguitar.body=Get a Rare Guitar Statue for every 120 Credits you buy. Deal ends July 25th at midnight.

Landing.view.pinatas.button=Bust it open!

Landing.view.talentcompvote.button=habbopalooza.co m

Landing.view.talentcompvote.body=Head over to Habbopalooza.com for all the details of this competition. Voting begins on July 20th and Ends July 25th 2013. Winners will be announced July 26 2013.

Landing.view.pinatas.header=Bust open a Piñata!

Landing.view.talentcompvote.header=Time to Vote

Landing.view.pinatas.body=We stuffed two piñatas full of 10 collectible rare items. Each piñata has its own unique set of 5 which will not be available anywhere else in our catalogue.


catalog.page.pinatas.text_0=A piñata contains one of 5 possible collectible items, some more common than others. Each piñata has its own unique set of possible items and the contents of piñatas can not be found anywhere else in the catalogue. To open the piñata, you must use the Rainbow Piñata Stick effect and walk underneath it 100 times.

ACH_pinatawhacker6_badge_name=Piñata Whacker %roman%

badge_desc_ACH_pinatawhacker10=%realname% has been whacking piñatas!

ACH_pinatawhacker5_badge_name=Piñata Whacker %roman%

badge_desc_RUN03=Beste designer van de wereld!

ACH_pinatawhacker4_badge_name=Piñata Whacker %roman%

ACH_pinatabreaker3_badge_name=Piñata Breaker %roman%

ACH_pinatawhacker2_badge_name=Piñata Whacker %roman%

ACH_pinatabreaker1_badge_name=Piñata Breaker %roman%

ACH_pinatawhacker8_badge_name=Piñata Whacker %roman%

ACH_pinatawhacker1_badge_name=Piñata Whacker %roman%

badge_desc_ACH_pinatabreaker4=%realname% struck the final blow!

badge_desc_ACH_pinatabreaker2=%realname% struck the final blow!
badge_desc_ACH_pinatabreaker3=%realname% struck the final blow!
badge_name_70S=Event Master
badge_desc_ACH_pinatabreaker1=%realname% struck the final blow!

badge_desc_ACH_pinatawhacker4=%realname% has been whacking piñatas!
badge_desc_ACH_pinatawhacker3=%realname% has been whacking piñatas!
badge_desc_ACH_pinatawhacker2=%realname% has been whacking piñatas!
badge_desc_ACH_pinatawhacker1=%realname% has been whacking piñatas!
badge_desc_ACH_pinatawhacker8=%realname% has been whacking piñatas!
badge_desc_ACH_pinatawhacker7=%realname% has been whacking piñatas!
badge_desc_ACH_pinatawhacker6=%realname% has been whacking piñatas!
badge_desc_ACH_pinatawhacker5=%realname% has been whacking piñatas!
badge_desc_ACH_pinatawhacker9=%realname% has been whacking piñatas!

ACH_pinatawhacker9_badge_name=Piñata Whacker %roman%

ACH_pinatawhacker3_badge_name=Piñata Whacker %roman%

ACH_pinatabreaker2_badge_name=Piñata Breaker %roman%

ACH_pinatawhacker10_badge_name=Piñata Whacker %roman%

ACH_pinatawhacker7_badge_name=Piñata Whacker %roman%

ACH_pinatabreaker4_badge_name=Piñata Breaker %roman%

ACH_pinatabreaker5_badge_name=Piñata Breaker %roman%

looks like the egg cracking/Crystal cracking all over

16-07-2013, 09:33 PM
Woo I was right about the piñata thing then :L.
Effect: http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=782650

---------- Post added 16-07-2013 at 10:36 PM ----------

Pictures of the achievements: http://puhekupla.com/en/news/2410

16-07-2013, 09:48 PM
that actually a cute achievement badge
i hope they both achievable unlike with the second crystal one only some people got it!

16-07-2013, 11:25 PM
Oh so that effect wasn't something dirty afterall!
Aw I love those achievement badges!

17-07-2013, 12:42 AM
Seems like a decent range of codes, looking forward to these. :)

17-07-2013, 11:36 AM

17-07-2013, 07:46 PM

random given to someone in .nl
don't know or you allready knew this

Threads merged by Samanfa (Forum Moderator): As they're about the same things.

17-07-2013, 07:47 PM
it's coming out soon on .com

17-07-2013, 07:58 PM
its for buying 120c

17-07-2013, 08:00 PM
o ok

17-07-2013, 08:00 PM
Landing.view.bonusrareguitar.body=Get a Rare Guitar Statue for every 120 Credits you buy. Deal ends July 25th at midnight.

Another Credit rare :P.

17-07-2013, 08:02 PM
why have they stopped making stuff isometric, looks ****

17-07-2013, 08:20 PM
Guitar is ugly :S

17-07-2013, 08:27 PM
That is so.. ugly? :L.

17-07-2013, 09:06 PM
I believe the Guitars are achievements and Trophies by some of their bases:


17-07-2013, 09:15 PM
Oo so they must be the prizes from the piñatas.

17-07-2013, 09:41 PM
I've just realised something, those Guitars.

There are from ranges on Habbo:

Lost Tribe.
Streets Of Bobba.

I think they might be them, give or take a couple. What is that 3rd one across though?

---------- Post added 17-07-2013 at 10:53 PM ----------

For future reference, I wonder how they will be released. I hope the Piñatas will have different difficult, but not too much that they'll get boring.


Approximately 14 new images have been found that are rumoured to be related to the Habbo Palooza campaign currently underway on Habbo. They also feature the same item of a guitar, but they all resemble different ranges, with some appearing to be trophies.

Currently, we only know of one guitar that should be coming to Habbo.com, and that is shown in the image to the right. It reflects the Neon range that is available to buy from the Catalogue. However, this won't be just a normally sold item, it'll be another Credit rare, requiring players to purchase 120 Credits to receive one! Although we don't know when this will become available, it will only be sold until the 25th July!

Onto the other guitars it seems Habbo are including older ranges alongside some newer ones, Streets Of Bobba and Alhambra, pair with Steampunk in bringing players new items to put in their rooms. Although it is still unknown how you will receive them, players believe they may be the prizes given randomly from the Piñatas that will come to hotels soon! They also appear to have Roman Numerals on their bases, which also suggests that they will be for achievements too.

What do you think of the new additions to the Habbo Palooza campaign on Habbo, and if they're available will you be trying to obtain any? Share your views by clicking 'Read More and Comment.'

17-07-2013, 09:57 PM
I believe the Guitars are achievements and Trophies by some of their bases:


Image doesn't work :'(

17-07-2013, 09:59 PM
Image doesn't work :'(

Oh what it was working for me, one sec.

---------- Post added 17-07-2013 at 11:00 PM ----------


17-07-2013, 10:07 PM
Oh what it was working for me, one sec.

---------- Post added 17-07-2013 at 11:00 PM ----------


Oh golly.. they don't look very pleasant. Seems quite a big change from the other furniture we've had in this campaign.

17-07-2013, 10:46 PM
what is the point in this furni seriously lol

they're all pretty ugly too so

17-07-2013, 10:47 PM

18-07-2013, 01:54 AM
the guitar is ugly :L

18-07-2013, 04:45 AM
3rd one across is banzai

18-07-2013, 09:39 AM
Isn't the third one across the Romantique one :S?

18-07-2013, 10:48 AM

18-07-2013, 11:19 AM
Isn't the third one across the Romantique one :S?

the one with the light blue base? it's colours and triangular shapes remind me of the banzai dragon.

18-07-2013, 03:29 PM
yeah ikr Plebings; thats what i thought, doesnt really look scifi tbh, i love the arabian 1 and who else can see that small fady figure sorta on the rock guitar that has the skull and SB on the sides

18-07-2013, 04:09 PM
Oh I wasn't thinking of the Banzai Dragon, maybe it is then.

---------- Post added 18-07-2013 at 05:12 PM ----------

These are on the furni data:

["s","5182","hblooza_guitar3","46552","0","1","1","","Diner Guitar","Shake rattle and roll.","","-1","-1","false","-1","-1","false","","1"],
["s","5183","hblooza_guitar1","46552","0","1","1","","Lost Tribe Guitar","Tribal music at its best.","","-1","-1","false","-1","-1","false","","1"],
["s","5184","hblooza_guitar11","46552","0","1","1","","80s Rare Guitar","Get ready to rock!","","-1","-1","false","-1","-1","false","","1"],
["s","5185","hblooza_guitar7","46552","0","1","1","","Gothic Guitar","Dark and Stormy","","-1","-1","false","-1","-1","false","","1"],
["s","5186","hblooza_guitar9","46552","0","1","1","","Sci Fi Guitar","Blast off into space!","","-1","-1","false","-1","-1","false","","1"],
["s","5187","hblooza_guitar8","46552","0","1","1","","Steam Punk Guitar","Steam powered riffs of glory.","","-1","-1","false","-1","-1","false","","1"],
["s","5188","hblooza_guitar6","46552","0","1","1","","Alhambra Guitar","Slice up some chords.","","-1","-1","false","-1","-1","false","","1"],
["s","5189","hblooza_guitar10","46552","0","1","1","","Streets of Bobba Guitar","Rock your Bobbas off!","","-1","-1","false","-1","-1","false","","1"],
["s","5190","hblooza_guitar5","46552","0","1","1","","Battle Banzai Guitar","Make them bounce with this.","","-1","-1","false","-1","-1","false","","1"],
["s","5191","hblooza_guitar4","46552","0","1","1","","Cubie Guitar","Groovy cubie music","","-1","-1","false","-1","-1","false","","1"],
["s","5192","hblooza_guitar2","46552","0","1","1","","Country Guitar","Perfect for a little country twang.","","-1","-1","false","-1","-1","false","","1"]

So it is Battle Banzai then :P. They colours they used still makes me think it would suit Romantique more though :P.

18-07-2013, 08:30 PM

http://www.habbox.com/k3nSh8UDrsmUj/../assets/images//2013/07/18/uYxBX.gifYesterday Habbox News reported on the codes for Habbo Palooza and the Piñatas that will soon arrive to hotels. This time, images have been uploaded regarding the items and they include the achievement badges available to earn when breaking the Piñatas.

15 new badges were found and they are for 2 different achievements, which will be made available soon. Likewise, with the Crackable Eggs for Easter 2013 it looks like the badges will be for how many hits you get from the Piñatas and also, actually breaking the Piñata - getting the last hit. This time, however, there are more to gain for some of the achievements, namely the final hit of the items.

There are 10 badges available to be gained via the number of hits on the Piñatas whereas there are only 5 for breaking them, similar to the earlier campaign for furniture like this.

It seems that Habbo saw how well the Eggs did and brought back the feature, after bringing it back a little for the Mystics campaign too.

What do you think of these achievements, will you be trying to gain them all? Share your views by clicking 'Read More and Comment.'

18-07-2013, 09:11 PM
Ah we guessed it was a pinata with the image lol, basically just clicking with a pinata in hand

18-07-2013, 09:14 PM
the palooza tv is now playing this song hmm could they be the next visitors to habbo


18-07-2013, 09:15 PM
Ah we guessed it was a pinata with the image lol, basically just clicking with a pinata in hand

You walk under it, so you don't need to click repeatedly, oh it's going to take longer isn't it as you can't spam click 'Use' probably :P.

18-07-2013, 09:30 PM
the palooza tv is now playing this song hmm could they be the next visitors to habbo


he does not even have an album out either oh my god.. have they not learned from room 94? :(

18-07-2013, 09:33 PM
Lmao, I actually told my sister 'Room94' was on Habbo... she'd heard of them, I think she must be one of the only ones :P.

They really need to get some known artists, as trying to get big on Habbo isn't happening or working for them.

18-07-2013, 09:35 PM
i think the best artist habbo got was justin bieber back in 2010

18-07-2013, 09:41 PM
i think the best artist habbo got was justin bieber back in 2010

nope it was lady gaga. all of them were good until demi lovato and carly rae jepsen came last year and ended up being FAKE

18-07-2013, 09:42 PM
nope it was lady gaga. all of them were good until demi lovato and carly rae jepsen came last year and ended up being FAKE

Omfg they was fake?? Demi wasn't.. i'm sure there was images of her in the Habbo office

18-07-2013, 09:44 PM
Omfg they was fake?? Demi wasn't.. i'm sure there was images of her in the Habbo office

the images of her in the office were from years back when she first came. They use to take pictures of every vip visit that came but surprisingly last year they weren't. And it was pretty obvious that they were fake because they answered such little questions and simply said "yes" or "no" or "i love that". If you look on youtube there's an old video of when demi visited habbo and she really answered questions.

18-07-2013, 09:50 PM
the images of her in the office were from years back when she first came. They use to take pictures of every vip visit that came but surprisingly last year they weren't. And it was pretty obvious that they were fake because they answered such little questions and simply said "yes" or "no" or "i love that". If you look on youtube there's an old video of when demi visited habbo and she really answered questions.

They wouldn't be able to get away with faking it, nor would they waste their time. So what if she answered with yes/no that doesn't make her fake :P

18-07-2013, 11:04 PM
They wouldn't be able to get away with faking it, nor would they waste their time. So what if she answered with yes/no that doesn't make her fake :P

it's hard to explain, but she was fake. and there wasn't any proof on the internet either to show that she actually came.

19-07-2013, 01:23 AM
You walk under it, so you don't need to click repeatedly, oh it's going to take longer isn't it as you can't spam click 'Use' probably :P.
Yeah, but you can just spam/auto click a tile that when you walk on will teleport you back to the square before the piñata to make it easier :P.

19-07-2013, 01:47 AM

They are in the hotel now (achievements anyway)

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