View Full Version : UK v. USA

28-07-2013, 01:05 AM
Which do you think is better?

World Power (compared to size):
Pre-teen TV:
Teenage TV:
Talent shows:

which would you pick for each? ;)

me -

Music: I DON'T KNOW! UK had the Beatles but USA had MJ and EP! But not USA has Lady Gaga and UK has One Direction! Both very very popular!
Movies: UK. James Bond, Harry Potter.
Actors: Well, we have all the Harry Potter cast so... UK lol
Books: Harry Potter... UK.
History: Again I'd say UK. I don't really hear American history go that far back. And British is interesting like the magic lol and Kings and stuff.
Authors: J.K. Rowling, Shakespeare... UK.
World Power (compared to size): Probs USA.
Comedy: Well, I like both. But I will give it to USA lol
Pre-teen TV: UK. American PRETEEN TV is not real life...
Teenage TV: UK... like Skins and Misfits.
Celebrities: USA.
Talent shows: UK... a few of the more popular ones started in the UK by people like Simon Cowell. ;)
Culture: UK lol ROYALLL
Landmarks: I know like 3 American landmarks so UK.

;) I'm so for the uk lolz

28-07-2013, 01:22 AM
Music: uk better for beatles etc etc
Movies: usa good films sometimes
Actors: uk actors are better seeing as so many put on a us accent and are decent at it plus usa suck
Books: Only read a few books and they were mostly uk
History: USA are ***** when its comes to hstory and for some unknown historic reason they think they control the world
Authors: I prefer uk books
World Power (compared to size): usa are *****
Comedy: american comedy is over the top try hard fake **** that gets on my nerves
Pre-teen TV: no comment
Teenage TV: no comment
Celebrities: ..
Talent shows: britains got talent + xfactor are better than their usa twins cos americans go ott about everything and look like idiot most of the time
Culture: uk beats usa hands down
Landmarks: america is ****

28-07-2013, 01:23 AM
Music: US
Movies: US
Actors: Both
Books: UK
History: Both
Authors: UK
World Power (compared to size): UK
Comedy: US
Pre-teen TV: US
Teenage TV: US
Celebrities: US
Talent shows: US
Culture: UK
Landmarks: Both

28-07-2013, 01:33 AM
Music: UK
Movies: US
Actors: Both
Books: UK
History: UK but I don't know that much about American history.
Authors: UK
World Power (compared to size): UK obv who would say usa.
Comedy: Oh erm oh er both
Pre-teen TV: not a clue.
Teenage TV: US
Celebrities: BOTH
Talent shows: lol none.
Culture: UK
Landmarks: Both

28-07-2013, 01:37 AM
Music: UK
Movies: UK
Actors: UK
Books: UK
History: UK
Authors: UK
World Power (compared to size): lol power mad exploitation to the max
Comedy: US
Pre-teen TV: UK
Teenage TV: US
Celebrities: Both
Talent shows: UK
Culture: UK
Landmarks: UK

28-07-2013, 01:40 AM
Music: UK
Movies: US
Actors: UK
Books: US
History: UK has a much more interesting history!
Authors: US
World Power (compared to size): US
Comedy: Ooooh close probably UK
Pre-teen TV: UK
Teenage TV: US
Celebrities: US
Talent shows: US
Culture: UK
Landmarks: US

28-07-2013, 01:58 AM
Music: USA
Movies: UK
Actors: UK
Books: UK
History: UK
Authors: UK
World Power (compared to size): USA
Comedy: USA
Pre-teen TV: USA
Teenage TV: USA
Celebrities: USA
Talent shows: USA
Culture: UK
Landmarks: USA

If I wasn't Harry Potter, UK would lost 4 wins

28-07-2013, 02:02 AM
Music: Both.
Movies: Both.
Actors: USA
Books: Harry Potter for UK, the rest I've read - USA.
History: Royalty side - UK.
Authors: USA
World Power (compared to size): Red, white, and blue.
Comedy: USA
Pre-teen TV: USA
Teenage TV: USA
Celebrities: Both.
Talent shows: USA
Culture: Both.
Landmarks: USA

28-07-2013, 02:06 AM
Music: UK
Movies: UK
Actors: UK
Books: UK
History: No idea with History lol. UK lala...
Authors: UK
World Power (compared to size): UK
Comedy: Both.
Pre-teen TV: UK
Teenage TV: UK
Celebrities: UK
Talent shows: uhm no idea lol
Culture: UK
Landmarks: Both I suppose :P.

28-07-2013, 02:27 AM
World Power (compared to size): Red, white, and blue.

That doesn't narrow it down :)

Music: UK
Movies: UK. I despise Hollywood.
Actors: UK. See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xh--ce0-4U
Books: Can't really say, don't read much.
History: Both interesting and unique in their own ways.
Authors: Can't really say, don't read much.
World Power (compared to size): UK has a ridiculous amount of power for the size of the country and pretty much always has.
Comedy: Well I would say UK...
Pre-teen TV: Don't know.
Teenage TV: Don't know, probably UK.
Celebrities: Do I care?
Talent shows: UK
Culture: UK as Europe in general tends to have a better culture. The USA is a disgusting melange.
Landmarks: Not sure, never looked to see what the USA really has.

28-07-2013, 02:30 AM
That doesn't narrow it down :)

Music: UK
Movies: UK. I despise Hollywood.
Actors: UK. See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xh--ce0-4U
Books: Can't really say, don't read much.
History: Both interesting and unique in their own ways.
Authors: Can't really say, don't read much.
World Power (compared to size): UK has a ridiculous amount of power for the size of the country and pretty much always has.
Comedy: Well I would say UK...
Pre-teen TV: Don't know.
Teenage TV: Don't know, probably UK.
Celebrities: Do I care?
Talent shows: UK
Culture: UK as Europe in general tends to have a better culture. The USA is a disgusting melange.
Landmarks: Not sure, never looked to see what the USA really has.

Oh yeah you're right, I forgot to add fifty cute little stars. :)

28-07-2013, 03:51 AM
Music: usa
Movies: usa
Actors: usa
Books: uk
History: usa
Authors: uk
World Power (compared to size): usa
Comedy: usa
Pre-teen TV: usa
Teenage TV: usa
Celebrities: usa
Talent shows: uk
Culture: usa
Landmarks: usa

28-07-2013, 06:58 AM
Music: UK (marina *.* )
Movies: UK
Actors: UK
Books: No idea I never read
History: UK
Authors: No idea I never read
World Power (compared to size): UK
Comedy: UK
Pre-teen TV: No clue
Teenage TV: No clue
Celebrities: UK
Talent shows: UK
Culture: UK
Landmarks: USA

28-07-2013, 08:19 AM
Music: errrr both
Movies: Both
Actors: Both idk
Books: UK
History: idk history buh errr yeah IDK
Authors: UK
World Power (compared to size): USA
Comedy: Both
Pre-teen TV: What?
Teenage TV: Both
Celebrities: Both
Talent shows: UK
Culture: IDK
Landmarks: IDK

28-07-2013, 09:04 AM
Music: UK
Movies: US
Actors: Both
Books: UK
History: US
Authors: UK
World Power (compared to size): US
Comedy: UK
Pre-teen TV: UK
Teenage TV: US
Celebrities: US
Talent shows: UK
Culture: UK
Landmarks: US idk maybe both

28-07-2013, 09:44 AM
Music: Can't decide
Movies: USA
Actors: USA
Books: No idea
History: UK (although american history is pretty interesting in parts too)
Authors: Dunno
World Power (compared to size): UK
Comedy: UK
Pre-teen TV: UK
Teenage TV: USA
Celebrities: USA
Talent shows: UK
Culture: UK
Landmarks: USA

28-07-2013, 09:48 AM
Music: The UK.
Movies: America
Actors: The UK, majority of successful american films have UK actors as the main!
Books: The UK!
History: The UK defiantly! Has a much more longer history then the USA and relatively the USA is pretty new.
Authors: The UK!
World Power (compared to size): America, did a whole piece of coursework on this at A-level for history.
Comedy: The UK!
Pre-teen TV: The UK!
Teenage TV: The UK!
Celebrities: The UK!
Talent shows: The UK!
Culture: The UK! America fails to have one national identity.
Landmarks: Both.

28-07-2013, 10:09 AM
Books: Harry Potter for UK, the rest I've read - USA.
Authors: USA

Harry Potter is the best selling book series ever ;)
and c'mon, J.K. Rowling! First (dollar) billionaire Author. ;)

30-07-2013, 06:42 PM
Music: usa
Movies: usa
Actors: usa
Books: usa
History: uk
Authors: usa
World Power (compared to size): uk
Comedy: uk
Pre-teen TV: uk
Teenage TV: usa
Celebrities: usa
Talent shows: usa
Culture: uk
Landmarks: uk

30-07-2013, 06:54 PM
Music: USA
Movies: USA
Actors: USA
History: USA
Authors: DON'T KNOW
World Power (compared to size): USA
Comedy: USA
Pre-teen TV: USA
Teenage TV: USA
Celebrities: USA
Talent shows: USA
Culture: USA
Landmarks: USA

...Yeah. I'm from the UK, Scotland. It's all USA other than the ones I wouldn't know about :P

30-07-2013, 06:57 PM
Music: UK
Movies: USA
Actors: UK
Books: ?? I don't know where the books I read come from :P
History: UK
Authors: UK
World Power (compared to size): UK
Comedy: UK
Pre-teen TV: UK
Teenage TV: USA
Celebrities: USA
Talent shows: UK/USA
Culture: UK
Landmarks: UK

30-07-2013, 08:47 PM
ppl need to stop being lazy and give reasons for their answers!11

30-07-2013, 10:29 PM
I tried to answer the list but gave up. American entertainment is completely different from British entertainment. I like both. If I had to chose, I'd lean towards the UK for television and the US for films. I'm pretty undecided on the rest.

The world power question has to be the UK.The US is massive and isn't that much more powerful than the UK.

30-07-2013, 11:19 PM
Blunt Answers.

Music: UK - Iron Maiden/Queen/Led Zepplin
Movies: UK - Hollywood is full of bad films and crappy remakes.
Actors: UK - Just prefer UK actors
Books: UK - Harry Potter, Lord of the rings, Peter Pan, Sherlock Holmes, Gulliver's Travels etc was all from UK
History: UK - Just more interesting imo
Authors: UK - See books
World Power (compared to size): UK we had almost quarter of the world at one point in our empire.
Comedy: UK - Prefer Brittish comedy and Billy Connolly/Ricky Gervais are my fave stand ups.
Pre-teen TV: Is this meant to be cartoons? if so then US.
Teenage TV: If TWD and Breaking Bad count as teenage then US.
Celebrities: Celebrity Status means nothing to me.
Talent shows: Not interested.
Culture: UK
Landmarks: UK - Have more history to back up our Landmarks.
Add my own one in
Games: Grand Theft Auto is made in Scotland, But Rockstar is owned by an American Company. So dunno if that counts as UK or US.

As you can see its mostly UK. Now, if it has had been UK vs The world then the results would have been different.

31-07-2013, 06:58 PM
Music: UK
Movies: US
Actors: US
Books: UK
History: UK
Authors: UK
World Power (compared to size): US
Comedy: UK
Pre-teen TV: UK
Teenage TV: US
Celebrities: UK
Talent shows: UK
Culture: UK
Landmarks: US

31-07-2013, 07:45 PM
Music: UK
Movies: US/UK
Actors: US
Books: US/UK
History: Not bothered
Authors: Not bothered
World Power (compared to size): US
Comedy: US/UK
Pre-teen TV: Not bothered
Teenage TV: Not bothered
Celebrities: Don't care
Talent shows: UK
Culture: UK
Landmarks: US

01-08-2013, 05:13 AM
Music: US
Movies: US
Actors: US
Books: UK
History: UK
Authors: UK
World Power (compared to size): US
Comedy: US
Pre-teen TV: US
Teenage TV: US
Celebrities: US
Talent shows: US
Culture: US
Landmarks: US

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