View Full Version : Can you support my Wattpad story please :)

12-08-2013, 07:50 PM
Hey guys, I do not really play Habbo anymore because I just don't think the company itself went in the right direction and it's not really relevant to me anymore. But I thought I would come here because I used Habbox since 2004. Check out Bloodkanekiller and look at some of the threads I made when I was a kid :L hilarious.

Anyway, so I am looking to become a Journalist and move onto Script-writing which I am doing at University this year. But I am also in the mean-time writing stories and just basically improving the art because I would love to become an Author in the future. So I have been using Wattpad to basically start me out and properly take this serious.

Basically I created a story on Wattpad called ' The Fallen Soldier ' and it's about a Soldier who is killed in Afghanistan and comes back as a Ghost to help his family move on with his demise - and it's basically like 'Ghost' but does not really involve a bad guy in it or anything like that. It's simply about a look into a soldiers mind and how he reacts to his death and to watch his family struggle. Here is the link:


I am going through the editing process at the moment, but I do hope you enjoy it. And thank for you supporting me.

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