View Full Version : another majour retro closes..

14-08-2013, 07:45 PM
screenie: http://i.imgur.com/4LD8806.png

And here is our official good-bye.

Hey *RETRO*,

Yup, it's true. *RETRO* is officially closing it's doors in around 24 hours from now. We have recieved multiple letters from the company that operates Habbo Hotel, Sulake demanding we shut down our servers immediately.

I ignored the first letter in hopes it was just a scare tactic, however, they sent me a second one and assured me they have built a legal case against me and will follow through if I do not sign the documents and provide valid photo ID.
I have thoroughly enjoyed running *RETRO* for the past 3 years - you guys have been one hell of a source of entertainment and headaches, but overall, I've loved it and there is nothing else I would have rather been doing than providing fun for you all.

Thankyou for being a part of my hotel and making it as big as it was for the past years. I wouldn't have been able to do it without the great support you've all provided the entire time and thanks to you guys i've been able to learn many new things related to programming and i'll even be able to make a career out of it. I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without you.
I, nor Andrew will be opening another retro hotel. My name on Habbo.com is JontyTheGod and i'll be happy to have a chat to you if i'm ever on.
We will be keeping our forums open for you all to stay in contact with your friends, and we will also be pursuing new game servers such as Minecraft and others, which we hope you'll continue to join in on as a part of our community.
Our forums are located *RETROs STUPID FORUM* and we welcome you to come along.
Once again thanks for being a part of my community for so long, and I hope we stay in your memories for years to come :)

Thread moved by Samanfa (Forum Moderator): From Habbo News & Rumours as it is better suited here.

14-08-2013, 07:47 PM
Mhm goodbye i guess.

14-08-2013, 07:47 PM

14-08-2013, 07:49 PM

Yes but your not supposed to advertise retros.

14-08-2013, 07:50 PM
not advertising if it has been shut down

14-08-2013, 07:50 PM
They're shouting the name in the screenshot and there's a link to their forums with the hotel in the actual URL, so he's done less than you.

14-08-2013, 07:53 PM
They're shouting the name in the screenshot and there's a link to their forums with the hotel in the actual URL, so he's done less than you.

i already edited that, and they arnt saying the name there saying ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP which is spelt different! :P

14-08-2013, 07:54 PM
Pretty sure it doesn't matter regardless of how many letter As there are, as it ends up being pronounced the same but it is the mods decision I guess

14-08-2013, 08:10 PM
hayden is right tbh

14-08-2013, 08:15 PM
hayden is right tbh
you said name of one other day.........

14-08-2013, 08:24 PM
kl & major

14-08-2013, 08:25 PM
from the screenie it looks like blue team supports retros AHHHHHHHHHHH ban them all xxMATTGxx;

14-08-2013, 08:26 PM
Another one bites the dust

14-08-2013, 08:33 PM
good retros are for ******s

14-08-2013, 08:34 PM
they are just a waste of google indexing anyways

14-08-2013, 09:20 PM
Another one bites the dust. Good on you Sulake, now to hit a few more of these ''top retro sites''.

14-08-2013, 09:26 PM
you said name of one other day.........

yh ik i did... doesnt mean i cant say what hayden said what correct or not................................
and plus its shutting down so u cant really b promoting anything

14-08-2013, 09:38 PM
Sayonara I guess...

14-08-2013, 11:18 PM
i already edited that, and they arnt saying the name there saying ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP which is spelt different! :P
If someone says 'whaaaat' instead of 'what' you don't get confused and wonder what they've just said :P.

Anyway, it's closed now. Good to see more of them closing.

15-08-2013, 05:13 AM
kudos sulake

15-08-2013, 07:19 AM
since you have censored it to *RETRO* I totally know which one you're talking about good job

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