View Full Version : Best way to get a job?

15-08-2013, 08:24 PM
What is the best and effective method to get a job? What works for you the best?

15-08-2013, 08:35 PM
Having good grades 8D

15-08-2013, 08:40 PM
grades yh right!!!!!!!!!!!

giving a gd interview and telling them wat they want to hear (and like i said in the last thread about interviews LIE). (believable lies that u wont get caught out for) (stuff like how u r gr8 at leading a team, working in a group with fake examples)

hey i was leader of a project at school and we got an A grade for it :Innocent:

15-08-2013, 08:46 PM

16-08-2013, 01:12 PM
hand your CV in person to wherever you wanna be hired
call them if they don't call you, seem keen
don't lie in an interview but talk yourself up!!
idk, good luck!

16-08-2013, 01:45 PM
Try not to be too fussy about where you get a job. A job is a job and they are hard to find in the current climate, you'll be lucky to get any sort of an income.
Prepare well for an interview but at the same time try not to learn off any answers to questions because then you'll stress if you don't say exactly what you learned and it is very obvious to the interviewer if you are reciting someone. Remember key points and find a way to bring them in. In the interview, do most of the talking, sell yourself, sell your experience and achievements.

Lying in an interview is a bit dodgy and really you shouldn't do it but I kinda agree with Subo so if you're going to lie, do it well!

16-08-2013, 02:23 PM
Ok I know I'm kind of stealing Sammys thread a bit here but one question ;) :

I'm only 15 so I know most places won't be too quick to hire me, but many of my friends have jobs, do I just walk in to a place e.g. a small local cafe and ask if they're hiring? Or do I need to look online for openings/call them up etc.
I'm so confused by the whole job thing, but I want one so bad xD

But ye to answer sammys q, I don't think lying is the best of ways to get a job because if you say you're good at computers, you could be given a job which you MUST use computers in, making you look silly ;) (nottakingthatfromtheitcrowd)
But if you lie, goodluck and do it well :3

16-08-2013, 03:09 PM
How you come across in an interview is very much a part of getting you the job.

Of course your CV can play a major part in some job applications. Qualifications (University) are pretty mainstream for even an averagely paid job, they're becoming manadatory in a lot of companies. So if you don't have a degree, you don't get an interview (it works on kind of a points system). Experience plays a huge role too but if a company wants you bad enough they'll sometimes bend the rules to get you in.

Of course the above applies to more experienced jobs - not like working in McDonalds :) lol. Usually companies have essential and desirable sections. If they have those in the application make sure you mention when applying that you can do or had experience in EVERYTHING essential and putting that you can do/had experience in everything desirable too won't hurt.

16-08-2013, 04:35 PM
Ok I know I'm kind of stealing Sammys thread a bit here but one question ;) :

I'm only 15 so I know most places won't be too quick to hire me, but many of my friends have jobs, do I just walk in to a place e.g. a small local cafe and ask if they're hiring? Or do I need to look online for openings/call them up etc.
I'm so confused by the whole job thing, but I want one so bad xD

But ye to answer sammys q, I don't think lying is the best of ways to get a job because if you say you're good at computers, you could be given a job which you MUST use computers in, making you look silly ;) (nottakingthatfromtheitcrowd)
But if you lie, goodluck and do it well :3

The best thing to do is it print off a bunch of CV's and cover letters and go into these small local places and ask to speak to the manager and say something like "Hey there, my name is Cerys, I'm fifteen years old I'm available for work over the summer months/the weekends/whatever and I'd just like to leave you my CV in case any opportunities arise"

Yeah skills like that, don't lie about. Like that episode of Friends, if you can't speak French, don't say you can :P

16-08-2013, 05:17 PM
Be the best

17-08-2013, 12:12 PM
Have contacts for a start. Be proactive, don't rely on the internet (might work for "adult jobs", doesn't work for part time jobs).

17-08-2013, 12:17 PM
be attractive and network

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