View Full Version : worst injury you've got

18-08-2013, 12:24 PM
in terms of the pain or how scary it was

an iron nail went 3 inches inside my ankle i got 3 stitches and couldn't walk for days

18-08-2013, 12:25 PM
Not many injuries, been quite lucky. I've managed to burn myself on a 250'c oven before and I stood on a belt buckle which went into the side of my foot (:'() which was ******* painful, but nothing drastic.

18-08-2013, 12:29 PM
i tripped over the curb and cut my chin open on the first day of year 5 ahahhah that's about it really

18-08-2013, 12:29 PM
haven't had many awful injuries. most painful one was when i skidded and both my shins smashed into metal poles, still got the lumps on my legs (it was like 4 yrs ago) and i couldn't walk much, the bruises made people at school think i was being abused apparently. also in like year 5, i was on a trampoline and someone landed on my leg and it basically NEARLY snapped the bone, so it was a sprained ankle but i couldn't walk for ages but they didn't give me crutches or a cast or anything and yeah it was just painful and sucked bc it was in the summer holidays and back then i actually kinda had a life outside my bedroom

18-08-2013, 12:31 PM
i was quite young, but i can still remember it quite vividly. when i was 2/3 i got knocked down by a motorbike and the front thing that covers part of the wheel went into my head, i ended up getting up from the shock and walked across the road then collapsed :P i lost lots and lots of blood and ended up with a fractured skull!!

o i also fell down the stairs whilst in my aunties arm and she ended up landing on my leg and breaking it, i get arthritis in my leg now

18-08-2013, 12:43 PM
well I have no idea what's wrong with my two feet but...

Every day I get so much pain in one that I can't even walk. Yet strangely, it can be the left one then randomly switches to the right one in a matter of seconds... It like instantly heals but changes foot :(???

18-08-2013, 12:44 PM
nothing bloody fortunately but did fall off my trampoline backwards onto concrete and landed on my coccyx, fracturing it :( was still painful for a year afterwards

18-08-2013, 12:53 PM
Ermm I was about 5 and I fell out of bed and broke my collar bone.

Sent from inside ur head

18-08-2013, 12:55 PM
i was quite young, but i can still remember it quite vividly. when i was 2/3 i got knocked down by a motorbike and the front thing that covers part of the wheel went into my head, i ended up getting up from the shock and walked across the road then collapsed :P i lost lots and lots of blood and ended up with a fractured skull!!

o i also fell down the stairs whilst in my aunties arm and she ended up landing on my leg and breaking it, i get arthritis in my leg now

wow u are one tough cookie

nothing bloody fortunately but did fall off my trampoline backwards onto concrete and landed on my coccyx, fracturing it :( was still painful for a year afterwards

oh my ******* god

18-08-2013, 01:01 PM
the front thing that covers part of the wheel went into my head


idk I've never broken anything or torn a limb off but last year I completely mashed the ligaments in one leg playing football and then because I'm too competitive kept playing on it and ended up tearing the lot of them and couldn't walk for a few days and was limping on it for like 3 months once I was able to get up, that was fun

18-08-2013, 01:03 PM
Nothing ever really happened to me. I broke my finger in dodgeball once. Had a few injurys from my bike and when I was younger the door closed shut on my bare foot and the metal razor under it sliced it open.

18-08-2013, 01:24 PM
I have never been seriously injured tbh
Im quite a tough cookie xo

18-08-2013, 01:32 PM
most painful injury i had was from hockey. still ongoing now, ive done my psoas which is pretty much this area:


very painful when it starts. I've had MRI, ultrasound to diagnose it and a steroid injection to help it, but it's only helped it a bit, when I play hockey, sometimes its fine and other times I find it almost impossible to run. My only option left is an operation, put scar tissue rips easily, so I was advised against it and to try build the muscle back up around it.

The most gruesome one was getting hit with a golf club when I was younger lol, which didn't actually hurt at the time, just loads of blood and it was glued back together. I stupidly stood behind the my friend in his garden and he swung back and hit me... when to hospital etc.

got loads of scars on my elbows and knees from falling on the astro as hockey too, all pretty cool and I'm proud of them :P

18-08-2013, 01:38 PM
can't think of anything lol i've never broken a bone or injured myself seriously

18-08-2013, 01:44 PM
well I have no idea what's wrong with my two feet but...

Every day I get so much pain in one that I can't even walk. Yet strangely, it can be the left one then randomly switches to the right one in a matter of seconds... It like instantly heals but changes foot :(???
Does the pain run in a line (running from towards your toes to your ankle) down your feet? If so I think I could take a guess at what's wrong :P

OH ALSO was when I knelt on a pair of curtains (our house was being redecorated) and I didn't even know but a needle went into my knee. There was the tiniest cut because obviously needles are super thin. My mum just said I was putting it on so I just cried and cried but we went to my Godmother's house for the weekend and I kept hobbling about everywhere because I was in so much pain. My mum made me walk up and down my Godmother's hall twenty times without hobbling or otherwise she would just scream and I actually couldn't do it so she sent me to bed without an dinner :'( Then we got back from the weekend away and I was still in so much pain so she was like "UGH FINE WE'LL GO TO THE BLOODY HOSPITAL BUT, GOD, YOU'RE JUST WASTING MY TIME". So we got there and I had an X-ray and, of course, there was this 2 and a half inch needle showing up in my knee and it had been grinding away at my kneecap, which is why it was so painful.

So anyway I had to have an operation to get it out but the needle was dirty and so an infection had started up, meaning I had to stay in hospital for 10 days for observation. I still have the scar where they had to open up my knee today :) Plus I had to have some reconstruction surgery because the needle had scraped off a bit of the inside of my kneecap.

Also when my mum found out there was a needle in my knee she actually just cried and cried and cried and cried. She had to be taken into another room because she was having a panic attack.

18-08-2013, 01:47 PM
Does the pain run in a line (running from towards your toes to your ankle) down your feet? If so I think I could take a guess at what's wrong :P

It can go to the very bottom of my foot, like underneath. And it can have pain in my knee and a little down, but not in a line. Two different areas.
And as said, the pain can instantly go away and swap to the right/left one.

18-08-2013, 01:51 PM
I've been quite lucky the worst injury i've had is probably the deep cut I had on my knee.

18-08-2013, 01:55 PM

Not really done too much, I mean if I was anyone else I would've broken looooads of bones and probably been dead by now but ya know
Top 3 that spring to mind:

When I was younger, a week before going to new york, I fell over across the primary school playground and aaallll down the side of my face was grazed/sliced open, could hardly open my eye, my mum thought I'd have a scar forever ;(

Then when I was riding my bike through Cambridge with my cousin, we were stopped at a traffic light next to a big bus AND HE FREAKING RAMMED MY BIKE. not hard but like, I flipped over the handles and banged my head really hard slicing it open a lil bit
rude gdfjkgnjkbh

Then finally this is my most ongoing one, in yr 8 or something this lad threw a heavvyyy stool at me, landing right on my big toe. Swelled so much that I got crutches from the school nurse and couldn't put my shoe on fab. To this day, I can not bend my big toe still. It's painful as poop. Never bothered to get it xrayed though, I assume I've chipped some of the bone off which is stopping me bending it idk

18-08-2013, 01:56 PM
It can go to the very bottom of my foot, like underneath. And it can have pain in my knee and a little down, but not in a line. Two different areas.
And as said, the pain can instantly go away and swap to the right/left one.
Sounds like plantar fasciitis to me. I had this for a while and although the plantar fascia is in the bottom of your foot, it can affect the ligaments all the way up to your knee.

I think some of the causes are:

Doing a lot more walking than usual
Wearing cheap shoes that don't support your feet
Stretching your leg/foot in a way that you shouldn't

Have you ever thought about getting a foot cast? You can get really bulky ones that look like you've broken your leg but you can get some like this too (I had one almost exactly the same as this):
http://www.naturalremedies.org/images/plantar-faciitis-1.jpg if the picture breaks

Might be worth investing in a new pair of shoes as well!

18-08-2013, 02:18 PM
Sounds like plantar fasciitis to me. I had this for a while and although the plantar fascia is in the bottom of your foot, it can affect the ligaments all the way up to your knee.

I think some of the causes are:

Doing a lot more walking than usual
Wearing cheap shoes that don't support your feet
Stretching your leg/foot in a way that you shouldn't

Have you ever thought about getting a foot cast? You can get really bulky ones that look like you've broken your leg but you can get some like this too (I had one almost exactly the same as this):
http://www.naturalremedies.org/images/plantar-faciitis-1.jpg if the picture breaks

Might be worth investing in a new pair of shoes as well!

Oh thanks! I'll have a look into it :).

18-08-2013, 02:18 PM
omg yes cerys has reminded me of another thing. when i lived in the country there was only like 20 students and it was like not a loaded school or anything, but the whole school would play together at lunch time. this one time we were playing rounders with a tennis racket and a football (lol) and on my go i was running about and somehow the football ended up infront of me and i fell over and scratched all up my face. it looked so awful and disgusting like my whole face was cut :( but i got a lollipop out of it and got to sit on the teachers chair and swing about!!

18-08-2013, 02:24 PM
Cute or cut? :O LOL

omg yes cerys has reminded me of another thing. when i lived in the country there was only like 20 students and it was like not a loaded school or anything, but the whole school would play together at lunch time. this one time we were playing rounders with a tennis racket and a football (lol) and on my go i was running about and somehow the football ended up infront of me and i fell over and scratched all up my face. it looked so awful and disgusting like my whole face was cute :( but i got a lollipop out of it and got to sit on the teachers chair and swing about!!

18-08-2013, 02:25 PM
nothing too srs tbh
ive broken my arm before from getting one of them big hula hoops, cutting it in half then sellotaping it around a tree
n ye i sat on it and fell and broke my arm
cant think of anything else

18-08-2013, 02:30 PM
Cute or cut? :O LOLoops i meant cut! fixed it now

18-08-2013, 02:54 PM
A door ripped my toenail off, that was pretty painful. Other than that, only small cuts/burns!

18-08-2013, 03:21 PM
i broken collarbone but it wasn't just broken it was smashed! they had to break it twice more for it to fix properly and I had to learn how to use my left arm (dominant arm) again

to this day I still write like a ******ed 6 year old

18-08-2013, 05:17 PM
I was writing loads and then I accidentally pushed cancel on my phone, so I'll just post the worst one I can remember now.

When I was in year 1 (so 5/6) a firework went off outside and then I felt my tooth and it was loose, anyway, I got home that night and I'm not sure if it came out or not.

Anyway, still on that night, I was sat on the floor in the living room with my sister and I don't know why she did it, but she just started repeatedly kicking me in the face, I was covered in blood, I can't remember if I had to go to hospital, but she ended up knocking 2-4 of my teeth out and I was crying and everything. She'd have only been 3/4.

Another one, but it's not really an injury, but last year I had to have an operation for my teeth as I had crowns, but they fell out so I needed false ones, anyway the dentist needed to take the things that stuck the crowns in out. However, I didn't want to have the needle in the roof of my mouth so she referred me to the hospital. The day came and they didn't even have that numbing stuff to put on your hand so you can't feel the needle, and my consultation previously said I had good veins therefore it wouldn't be a problem.

They stuck the needle in and I screamed, they didn't find the vein, they tried again at another point, couldn't find a vein. After the 5th attempt they asked me if I wanted normal anaesthetic and I said no, as if I wanted normal I'd have just gone to my proper dentist. They said they'd try one more time and luckily that worked. The next day I had 6 bruises from all the needles and I could hardly move my arms.

18-08-2013, 09:44 PM
Urm worst was that I broke my fingers once playing bombardment in PE, wasn't even that bad but used it to get out of cross country yay (not that fingers do much in that but yeah). Most painful one though was a few months ago I was ice skating and I'm not that bad but I got competitive with my friend and they had a frame so had super balance but I didnt so sped quickly round the corner legs went straight out forward and i landed on my arse really harshly and ****** up my back a bit, was sore for agesss.

18-08-2013, 09:47 PM
Smashed my head open on a windowsill when I was 2, a few stitches... Other than that, nothing. Not broken anything yet...

18-08-2013, 10:13 PM
i was looking for some attention so i fell on my arm
worst mistake of me life x
but i got attention hehe

18-08-2013, 10:37 PM
I was writing loads and then I accidentally pushed cancel on my phone, so I'll just post the worst one I can remember now.

When I was in year 1 (so 5/6) a firework went off outside and then I felt my tooth and it was loose, anyway, I got home that night and I'm not sure if it came out or not.

Anyway, still on that night, I was sat on the floor in the living room with my sister and I don't know why she did it, but she just started repeatedly kicking me in the face, I was covered in blood, I can't remember if I had to go to hospital, but she ended up knocking 2-4 of my teeth out and I was crying and everything. She'd have only been 3/4.

Another one, but it's not really an injury, but last year I had to have an operation for my teeth as I had crowns, but they fell out so I needed false ones, anyway the dentist needed to take the things that stuck the crowns in out. However, I didn't want to have the needle in the roof of my mouth so she referred me to the hospital. The day came and they didn't even have that numbing stuff to put on your hand so you can't feel the needle, and my consultation previously said I had good veins therefore it wouldn't be a problem.

They stuck the needle in and I screamed, they didn't find the vein, they tried again at another point, couldn't find a vein. After the 5th attempt they asked me if I wanted normal anaesthetic and I said no, as if I wanted normal I'd have just gone to my proper dentist. They said they'd try one more time and luckily that worked. The next day I had 6 bruises from all the needles and I could hardly move my arms.your sister is a psycho ***** :P

18-08-2013, 10:40 PM
your sister is a psycho ***** :P

Yeah you don't want to know what else she has 'joked' about doing before lmao.

18-08-2013, 10:50 PM
ran into the back of my dad's truck on my scooter when I was like 7, flipped over into the back of it and had horrible bruises
fell off of the podium at a band competition, broke my arm but we got GE points for it so it's okay l0l
fell down some stairs and wrenched my knee really bad

18-08-2013, 11:17 PM
nothing. never even had an x ray

some of these r making me cringe so bad

18-08-2013, 11:21 PM
probably when i stubbed my toe last week

19-08-2013, 02:02 AM
tore ligament in my leg once at an athletics meet, it was so horrible :(

20-08-2013, 11:08 PM
not much im lucky tbh, broke my little finger in year 5, then fractured it in year 6,
once in nursery i ran past the bookshelf and there was a nail coming out from the side and it caught on my jumper, leaving a bloody mess on my arm and a small scar.
I also ran into the tip of an iron when i was 7, the scars ugly

20-08-2013, 11:12 PM
just breaking my arm

20-08-2013, 11:15 PM
I fell off my bike and hit my head; my vision kept fading to nothing but blackness, stopping every time I blinked. It lasted 15-30 minutes. My mum didn't take me to the hospital -- I still don't know why. I was fine in the end, though.

21-08-2013, 10:19 PM
When I was 7 I fell off a wall and I snapped my elbow in half, fractured my forearm and broke just above where my elbow had snapped. I had to have an operation mainly because where I had snapped my elbow it had trapped some main artery's/veins in my arm and if they had waited any longer for my surgery I could have lost 2 of my fingers. Doing the operation as soon as they did was dangerous because I had only recently eaten and there was a chance I could throw up. Anyway, ended up with a shed load of stitches and pins in my elbow, have some scars now! (I was awake when the took the pins out and they didn't even numb it, worse pain after the initial pain of breaking my elbow :L)
(X-Ray if you're interested haha)
My friends dad carried me home and my arm was swinging about and my mum said it looked like that part in Harry Potter when all the bones in his arm disappear :L

Another one was 2 weeks ago, I was playing bulldogs at NCS in the recreational time we had with my group and the other 4 groups who were there. Basically I went to tag someone and they turned and ran away and their heel hit my first finger on my right hand and it was extremely painful I thought it was broken so I ended up sitting in A&E for 5 hours, had an X-Ray and then the woman was like: You just have extremely bad tendon and muscle bruising so just put some ice on it and it will be fine!
It took them 5 HOURS TO TELL ME TO PUT ICE ON IT! I was so pissed omg but yeah I couldn't move it and it still hurts a **** tonne now and will do for a while to come :')

21-08-2013, 10:43 PM
Got my left index finger chopped off

22-08-2013, 06:55 AM
When I was 5 I was walking through the front door while my brother was walking the other way, and my finger got jammed in the door hinge somehow and the tip was crushed, had to go to hospital and have an operation.

When I was 12ish about 2 weeks before going back to school, my mum asked me to try on my uniform to check if she needed to buy some more. I did this but then decided to go jump on the trampoline before taking it off. While doing this I tried a trick, and failed by landing on my thumb and breaking it in two places, and dislocating it in one place. Didn't have an operation though, it was just in a cast and then a brace. I was in the emergency room at the hospital when they set the dislocated part back and all I remember was they gave me happy gas and I was just laughing for ages. ALSO everyone was giving me weird looks because I was in my school uniform in the middle of January when no one was back at school yet. It also didn't help that one of the teacher aides at my school volunteered at the hospital and we ran into her, so she definitely knew I wasn't supposed to be back at school as she worked there.

Also when I was about 9, my brother who was a toddler somehow climbed onto the kitchen bench and was holding a sharp knife, omg. So I was standing there trying to get it off him and he kinda pushed it into my chin and stabbed me. I just went to the normal doctor though but has stitches on it and there's a scar on my chin now. It was also embarrassing as like two days later I had a singing concert so I was standing up on stage with this massive bandage covering a quarter of my face.

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