View Full Version : Habbo submit an idea

22-08-2013, 07:32 AM
I went on the "submit an idea" page to see if anyone else was talking about the room glitching problems and OH MY GOD. The amount of racist and abusive posts is just ridiculous i'm shocked habbo hasn't quickly deleted them they are just asking for more bad publicity.

22-08-2013, 09:33 AM
I'm sure threads like these doesn't really help on the publicity side of things,
does it? :P

22-08-2013, 12:11 PM
That's shocking, when Puffin was still here it was well moderated lmao. By the looks of it, you can either have a nice community feel or have some moderation key to other parts of Habbo that many don't care about, but not both.

22-08-2013, 04:41 PM
they used to moderate it. im banned from it for virtually nothing

22-08-2013, 06:06 PM
what.. the.. hell... most of them have 120+ comments some have over 1k i think allot of these are bots.

Seems like powertoo and others are answering the ideas.
but not for a few months.

22-08-2013, 06:27 PM
Some of what is written is horrific, but it makes me think who in the right mind would write this sort of stuff?! If they're not going to moderate it, they might aswell remove it and use the ideas that users have submitted already - ideas which people still want.

23-08-2013, 12:49 AM
some of the things are really stupid like
if you log in 5 days in a row u get 100c
and if you log in 7 days in a row u get 150
i dont think people get the concept that habbo makes money out of credits so they aint gonna give them out for free

23-08-2013, 06:08 AM
They need moderation in all sorts of places..

23-08-2013, 08:33 AM
wow. racist topic ? and Habbo hasn't removed them I don't think they care anymore. I wish puffin would come back she's the only one I liked

23-08-2013, 08:35 AM
I'm not really concerned with the stupid ideas, that's always bound to happen however I am disgusted that after 48 hours the racists and sexist posts haven't been deleted after both emailing them about it and flaging them as inappropriate. Habbo have obviously not learned their lesson from the last time. & @police fortunately I don't work for habbo so I don't have to worry about the possible negative impact this thread might have however I'm sure they're doing a much better job than me at opening themselves up to more critiscm. I was simply venting my frustration that even after warning habbo about these vile posts they still haven't managed to delete them something which I am sure would be very easy to do.

23-08-2013, 10:47 AM
What do you expect when Sulake let go of long-term staff who actually invested their personal time into trying to clean up the uservoice forum? Puffin rejected so many dumb ideas before she left, and wrote why it was rejected. Clearly anyone asking for 5000c per milliseconds for logging on Habbo have been using retro sites. Imo, that needs to be looked at and/or warning those posters for promoting retro site tactics.

But then again what do you expect when Habbo turns "kid friendly" .. you have to deal with the complete inane no logic ramblings of a 13 year old wanting free stuff 24/7 like they're owed it for doing absolutely nothing.

23-08-2013, 12:53 PM
There's an element of... well it's 13 year olds who have just discovered bad words so of course they're going to use them, but there should be better moderation on it. There's been some good ideas out of the submit ideas system, and it's a shame they seem to be going to waste.

If they're not MODERATING it what are the chances of it even being READ?

24-08-2013, 07:31 AM

Thanks for contacting Habbo.

We are aware of this issue and we hope to have it fixed very soon. Thank you for your patience.



They are hoping to have it fixed "very" soon. Jesus habbo all you have to do is delete a few posts, I checked this morning they're still there.

24-08-2013, 11:10 AM
We are aware of this issue
so they r admitting to ignoring the problem

they r so lazy and its such a simple solution

24-08-2013, 01:16 PM
so they r admitting to ignoring the problem

they r so lazy and its such a simple solution
I wonder how much turnover and profit sulake makes each year

edit: why did I quote subo

25-08-2013, 07:29 AM
The posts are still there, they had the cheek to send me an email asking how well they dealt with my complaint safe to say I gave them bad feedback..

25-08-2013, 12:25 PM
Well that's automatic so :P

The posts are still there, they had the cheek to send me an email asking how well they dealt with my complaint safe to say I gave them bad feedback..

26-08-2013, 09:51 AM
Well happily all my moaning must have helped as the posts have been deleted :D

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