View Full Version : Ditch The Label

23-08-2013, 08:30 PM
well this badge was uploaded not today (i think)
This is the account for it
This account has 3 rooms named

Ditch the Label Bullying Advice Desk
Meeting Garden

This account has 5 friends, (accounts are 2002 - 2006)
http://www.habbo.com/home/FRISC0 (Has DITCH badge)

Official site for this campaign is DitchtheLabel.org

23-08-2013, 09:28 PM
I'm sure one of the people behind that site used to play Habbo, quite funny how now their site is being advertised by Habbo :P

23-08-2013, 09:30 PM
maybe they work for it

23-08-2013, 09:53 PM
Yeah I believe I remember hearing something about the owner of that used to play Habbo or something.

24-08-2013, 07:04 AM
ugly badge (if it didn't have the background it would be fab) but looking forward to see if this is a campaign or something :)

24-08-2013, 12:10 PM
This account has 3 rooms named

Ditch the Label Bullying Advice Desk
Meeting Garden

Bracing myself for disappointment as it's clearly not gunna be the the actual Hallway.... :frust:

24-08-2013, 12:55 PM
that's a cute badge it's very black and white i love it

24-08-2013, 01:47 PM
Badge is a bit plain and boring, is it not?

24-08-2013, 01:57 PM
I think the charity itself is a wonderful cause :)

24-08-2013, 02:39 PM
Liam Hackitt did play Habbo, its where part of the idea actually came from if I remember.

24-08-2013, 05:58 PM
Ah yeah. I remember Ditch the Label.. i also remember Liam Hackett used to use the Habbo name DiegoLiam or something..

28-08-2013, 03:46 PM
help i just got banned from the room. the vip person said "listen we cant answer all of u there is only 2 of us"

and i said "dont tell us to listen U listen"

28-08-2013, 04:48 PM
omf DitchTheLabel is awful it started as a crybaby site for some kid who thinks being gay caused all the problems in his life. It advertises as a place for everyone to be accepted no matter who you are and yet I got banned from the forum for saying I was straight because the site "wasn't meant for me", totes accepting. Liam himself is a major arsebasket who uses the suffering of others to fuel his own e-fame

28-08-2013, 04:53 PM
The abuse in that room was epic and nothing was done, guess they've had enough and started kicking people from the room now lmao. The campaign idea is a good, but actually bringing it to Habbo, full of immature young kids who make jokes out of it isn't going to work. I saw people talking about them being bullies etc, most likely jokingly, but people kill themselves over being bullied, so I don't find it a laughing matter. Kids need to be more educated in school.

28-08-2013, 05:08 PM



28-08-2013, 05:12 PM

29-08-2013, 02:04 PM
omf DitchTheLabel is awful it started as a crybaby site for some kid who thinks being gay caused all the problems in his life. It advertises as a place for everyone to be accepted no matter who you are and yet I got banned from the forum for saying I was straight because the site "wasn't meant for me", totes accepting. Liam himself is a major arsebasket who uses the suffering of others to fuel his own e-fame

Yea, haha. I used to know him well.. He's a bit of a hippocrit tbh. He wouldn't talk to my friend and labled them ugly.. the site, like you said makes out its all about equality all around but its very strengthened towards being gay.. like when the forum was around it was all rainbow colours n ****.. And liam don't have **** to worry about.. He's a good looking model who lives in and around brigthon and is so far up hiw own arse. aha.

29-08-2013, 02:12 PM



why are all them not available now lol :S

29-08-2013, 02:24 PM
why are all them not available now lol :S
A thread I recently posted was also removed. Something to do with an influential Habbo player reporting Habbox to sulake about me telling the truth according to the PM I received from staff. Weird

29-08-2013, 04:23 PM
Was that also a thread about DTL? Gotta love propaganda machines even on the internet

29-08-2013, 04:51 PM
his site was v helpful.. :rolleyes:

Heterosexuality – attracted to members of the same sex
Homosexuality- attracted to members of the opposite sex

GOD I am such a hetero

29-08-2013, 06:06 PM
omf DitchTheLabel is awful it started as a crybaby site for some kid who thinks being gay caused all the problems in his life. It advertises as a place for everyone to be accepted no matter who you are and yet I got banned from the forum for saying I was straight because the site "wasn't meant for me", totes accepting. Liam himself is a major arsebasket who uses the suffering of others to fuel his own e-fame

Yea, haha. I used to know him well.. He's a bit of a hippocrit tbh. He wouldn't talk to my friend and labled them ugly.. the site, like you said makes out its all about equality all around but its very strengthened towards being gay.. like when the forum was around it was all rainbow colours n ****.. And liam don't have **** to worry about.. He's a good looking model who lives in and around brigthon and is so far up hiw own arse. aha.

his site was v helpful.. :rolleyes:

Heterosexuality – attracted to members of the same sex
Homosexuality- attracted to members of the opposite sex

GOD I am such a hetero

I don't understand the hostility towards this guy, he set up a website in his free time to try and help people and promote a cause he feels passionately about... and you guys are trying to undermine his efforts and nitpick. I wonder how many of you could achieve what he has... not many I bet, you're all too busy playing computer games and gossiping on forums.

29-08-2013, 06:15 PM
I don't understand the hostility towards this guy, he set up a website in his free time to try and help people and promote a cause he feels passionately about... and you guys are trying to undermine his efforts and nitpick. I wonder how many of you could achieve what he has... not many I bet, you're all too busy playing computer games and gossiping on forums.

i actually checked his site when the badge first came out and i liked the look of it but i was merely pointing out that bit. i understand that it came off kinda bad but it's a mistake lol. i don't know the guy but i think his idea is great but that info does need to be changed lmao

29-08-2013, 06:53 PM
I don't understand


29-08-2013, 09:23 PM
I still think instead of there being thousands of anti-bullying campaigns, they should all come together to form one which is actually truly able to make a different. They seem to focus more on competing with one another. Anywhoo, got the badge. :)

07-09-2013, 01:56 PM
tippynut is MOD-Moose's mum well the ex MOD-Moose.

08-09-2013, 11:35 AM
I don't know if you guys have seen it but there is also the gold badge now you have to like the ditch the label page then you sit at the front of the desk in the Ditch The Label public rooms like you would to get the original badge and you say a code mine was "label27"

08-09-2013, 01:55 PM
I love the fact that some cretin -repd me for my above post (and was too cowardly to leave their name). People on this forum really need to grow up.

Edited by Police (Forum Moderator) - Please stay on topic!

08-09-2013, 06:46 PM
Okay so let's all bully this guy who set up an anti-bullying site because he set it up badly.


09-09-2013, 10:27 AM
I don't know why some people are speaking so badly of Liam in this thread... I was best friends with him way back when we both played habbo and the Liam I knew definitely didn't act the way people are making him out to be :/

12-09-2013, 11:31 PM

Edited by Nick (Forum Super Moderator): Please don't post pointlessly.

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