View Full Version : what's the most mean thing anyone has ever said/done to you

01-09-2013, 05:32 PM
In grade 8, my english teacher was reading our essays and while she was reading mine she asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I told her I wanted to be a writer because it would be fun and I like writing and she just started laughing and said "I don't think it's going to happen"... what a ******* *****

and i have so many incidents of getting bullied, teased etc etc I don't even know which one to post

01-09-2013, 05:38 PM
The meanest thing anyone's ever said to me is telling me I should kill myself when they knew I was depressed at the time anyway, that's the lowest I ever remember feeling. They weren't even joking...

There's so many other instances of people being mean but I definitely think that's the worst one

01-09-2013, 05:38 PM
idk but first thing that came to my head was when in gymnastics, i got moved up a level before anyone else who started the same time as me and would win medals, put forward for competitions etc. so these girls were really jealous of me and one day they put my clothes in the showers and turned on the showers whilst i was doing a competition and i had to walk home in my leotard and tracksuit bottoms!! oh and without shoes or socks cause they were soaking too. my mum was raging, kids r horrible lol

as for said, one of my ex bfs told me i'd never amount to anything so i should just kill myself. n he used to call me a **** all the time around other people but call me frigid if i wouldn't do anything with him

01-09-2013, 05:38 PM
when i was 13 i was best friends with these 2 girls, for WHATEVER reason i don't know what but i ended up having a fight with one of them and the other one decided to take her side and not talk to me. they'd like ignore all my texts and calls and so i had no one else to hang out with except the boys, so when i'd be out with the boys they'd be out too on their own and they'd like shout over calling me ugly and a **** and stuff. then they'd call me up and ask me did i wanna go to the cinema or whatever and then start pissing themselves laughing down the phone, like not actually wanting me to go... and then eventually i made up with one of them and i was talking to her and told her i cried myself to sleep for like 5 nights in a row and the next day i got all these texts like 'you ******* freak you weirdo crying yourself to sleep HAHAHA'

after a few days we all made up dunno how, and to this day one of them is still my best friend!!!!!!!!!!!

girls are ******* mean

01-09-2013, 05:40 PM
that is a really sad story karter

tbh the lowest of the low has come from online but nothing major

01-09-2013, 05:46 PM
My mum told me I don't deserve (?) To be unhppy and can't possibly have any problem because there are people in the world worse off , thus my problems are stupid .

Oh and my stepdad was really violent and made me feel like an outcast to my family

Tbh all of the mean things are to do with family sigh

Yeah Soz not that detailed

01-09-2013, 06:34 PM
I'm not really ever bothered by anything but something someone said to me a year or two ago hurt pretty bad even when I think it may have been jokingly, but I think it was just me feeling sorry for myself. But yeah, not much really.

01-09-2013, 07:14 PM
meh about a month ago i got the worst comments and stuff i think when people knew how i was feeling, won't go into what they said but it wasn't pleasant lol

01-09-2013, 07:50 PM
Uhh I don't particularly want to mention the worst stuff that's ever happened to me but these were some pretty bad times:

These girls who I used to be best friends with once told a teacher at our school that I had feelings for him and they showed him fake text messages of "me" talking about him and I had to go to the Head and it was horrible.

Then, a few weeks later, I found an opened yoghurt in my bag like every single day and it got all over my books and I got in so much trouble with all my teachers. It turned out to be the same girls.

Even though the school knew about it they didn't o anything at all to stop it so I was the one that kept getting in trouble.

01-09-2013, 08:33 PM
rokgal; found a box of chocolates in the attic that went out of date 8yrs ago
and then offered me on
and i ate it
then she told me the expiry date

that was very mean of her

idk what else really like people are mean but i forget about everything :P

01-09-2013, 09:38 PM
one of the neighbors ran me over because he didnt like me, i was 7

ive had a lot of bullying and stuff like that so idk

01-09-2013, 09:54 PM
my parents only got me a computer last year but i said i wanted clothes and all that stuff and i actually found that out of order but it was alright afterwards becasue they took me out on boxing day and got me all the stuff i wanted.

um my boyfrend got be primark heels for my birthday which was a massive insult., i was atleast expecting louiboutons or gucci heels

01-09-2013, 10:05 PM
one of the neighbors ran me over because he didnt like me, i was 7

ive had a lot of bullying and stuff like that so idk

ive never in my life laughed so hard at a post
ive been laughing for like 2 minutes straight

have some rep

01-09-2013, 10:07 PM
thank u for the rep

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